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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the programs? You may look into the planning,
implementation and evaluation activities. You may also look at the principles, vision,
technology, methods and linkages used.
The strengths of the programs are the following: First they have good communication
skills which made them to properly organize activities and conduct in among the communities.
Second, they have proper coordination among the officers and the barangay members by
conducting meetings and evaluation. Third, they have given a direct solution to the problem by
providing action immediately through educations. Fourth, I believe seeing this project they have
a great financial capacity and sponsors to fund them and buy the necessary technologies
needed. Fifth, they have good planning on where it made it easier for them to implement their
program and to conduct the said trainings. Sixth, the training will surely be beneficial to the
students since the skills in computer is widely needed in today’s generation. Seventh, their
vision and principles are clear and it would help them to improve their project further. Lastly,
having monthly assessment will be more sufficient to help the team evaluate if their project is
working well or the improvements needed to be done further.
Their weaknesses are the following: First, they may lack people in charge to maintain
the program on-going since it would take days for their students to learn the different technical
skills. Second, although they may have a good planning and implementation, they still cannot
control the minds of the students in terms of their willingness to cooperate in the said project.
Third, they might have no enough financial budget to sustain the project since it would be a
slow process of learning considering that the students don’t have any background towards the
said area. Fourth, it might be hard to find professional who will commit in their project since
they might not be highly paid. Lastly, the project is most likely to provide computer literacy
education to the people in the community and it needs further planning since they will need to
consider how to conduct the lessons knowing that there are a lot of areas needed to cover.
They should seek professional advice to those who are experts in the education field.
So looking at their principles they have set it clearly that they want to reduce the digital
divide by pursuing the project mainly focusing to the farmers in the said locale. Their vision is to
provide computer literacy program among those students who don’t have the means and
access to computers. So their methods are both school-based and community-based training on
where they provide basic computer literacy and advance computer literacy.
What threats and opportunities did the students encounter?
Knowing the complexity of the program the threats they might encounter are the
following: First, they might encounter problems with the course they will be teaching since
there is the need of proper planning with experts in how they should teach the students the
different computer software. Second, they have entered into a memorandum agreement with
their partners which means that they should make sure that the project must and will be
successful. Third, they don’t have contingency plans if things won’t happen just the way it is
supposed to be. Lastly, they should consider setting up rules and contracts with their students
to have a maximum result over the said project.
There are a lot of opportunities opened by the said project and these are the following:
First, they have given opportunities to the people in the community and made computer
literacy education assessable and easier for them. With these they would surely have a great
future ahead of them since they have learned the necessary skills needed. Second, due to a
great work opportunity someday this might be the solution to alleviate the poverty in the said
barangay. Third, this project will set an examples to other communities or organizations to
coordinate and do the same to have a better life. Fourth, to the organizers of these project they
will surely be a great leader who put their words into actions in the future.

What are your recommendations for improvement?

My recommendations are to take note of the threats and weaknesses and find way to
minimize them.
 They should have good professional assistance in teaching the lessons.
 They should have no enough financial budget to sustain the project.
 They need further planning since they will need to consider how to conduct the lessons
knowing that there are a lot of areas needed to cover.
 They should have contingency plans if things won’t happen just the way it is supposed
to be.
 They should consider setting up rules and contracts with their students to have a
maximum result over the said project.
Some projects are sometimes not successful because they have neglected even the small
details that should be followed up and review.

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