Nursing Care Management 114 Geriatrics: Procedural Checklist in Transferring Procedure

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Nursing Care Management 114

Procedural Checklist in

Name: Date: ______Year/Sec: ___ Rating:

General Objectives: To transfer patient from a bed to a chair, wheelchair, commode, or
stretcher with maximum comfort and safety for the patient and nurse.
Specific Objectives:
1. Have a variety of different transfer techniques safely for the patient and the nurse.

2. Plan an effective transfer technique for the individual patient.

3. Use appropriately selected lift devices to assist in the transfer of patients.

4. Determine appropriate patient outcomes related to transfer and recognize the potential for
adverse outcomes.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the transfer technique used.

6. Document the transfer technique used and the patient’s response.

Item Weight Descriptors Verbal Interpretation

4 Excellent Performed the procedure with great ease and confidence,
observing work ethics (prudent, accepts criticisms and
suggestions), able to rationalize scientifically and shows
diligence in documenting observations at all times .
3 Very Performed the procedure with less confidence, observing work
ethics (prudent, accepts criticisms and suggestions), able to
rationalize scientifically and shows minimal diligence in
documenting observations.
2 Satisfactory Performed the procedure but requires close supervision and
shows potential for improvement.
1 Needs Failed to perform the procedure, unable to function well and
Improvement needs repeated specific/ detailed guidance or direction.

I. Skills 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Remarks

1. Identified the patient and explained the

procedure. Ready the equipment. Provided
patient privacy. Hand Hygiene.

2. Adjust bed to a comfortable level. Assess

patient in terms of ability to follow
instruction, to bear weight, to
position/reposition feet on the floor and etc.

3. Prepare the client

4. Give explicit instructions to the client:

 Patient move forward and sit on the edge

of the bed with feet placed flat on floor

 Lean forward slightly from hips, place the

foot of the stronger leg beneath the edge of
the bed and put the other foot forward

 Place the client’s hand on the bed surface

so that the client can push on standing.

5. Position self correctly.

 Stand directly in front of the client and to

the side requiring the most support.

 Hold the gait/transfer belt with the nearest

hand; the other hand supports the back of
the client’s shoulder.

 Lean your trunk forward from hips. Flex

your hips, knees and ankles.
 Assume broad stance, placing one foot
forward and one back. Brace the client’s
feet with your feet to prevent the client from
sliding forward or laterally.(Mirroring)

6. Assist the client to stand, and then move

together toward the wheelchair/ sitting area

 Verbal instructions

 Support the client in upright position for few


 Together, pivot on your foot farthest from

the chair , or take a few steps toward the
wheelchair, chair/ commode

7. Assist the client to sit.

8. Ensure client’s safety. Make the patient in

comfortable position.

9. Reassess patient status.

10. Hand hygiene and document.

Comments: (Strengths & Weaknesses)

Conforme: Evaluated by:

___________________ ____________________________________
Student’s Signature CI’s Signature over Printed Name
Date: Date:

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