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Goal Finished The Living Christ Plans/Notes

● Orientation
Preparation - Flows, work to do.
● Make a group.
First Day ● Read “The Living Christ” ● Each group have a leader.
Participants Handbook, page 67. ● Give them instruction and
● Study and Familiarize everything task on each members of
on that article. the group.
● Read and Familiarize page 20 and ● Give them task.
37 under “The Living Christ ● Remind them every day
Activity Preparation”. about the progression in
studying their topic.
● Remind each group to
participate and to
● Give them the Invitation

Topic Questions ● Seek the guidance of Holy

Ghost about their topic
● Read “What think ye of Christ?” (Prayer).
section. (Matthew 22:42) (page ● Make 1 or 2 Heavenly
68, Participants Handbook). Questions each group to
● Study and Ponder that section. asked based on their topic.
● Create possible questions. ● Each member of the group
● Review this section. should participate, share
their thoughts/idea, and
good communication.
Topic Questions
● Share their own
● Read “How does what you think experiences.
Fourth of Christ influence who you ● In the end of the
Day become?” section. (Page 70, discussion/activity, each
Participants Handbook) participant gains more
● Study and Ponder that section knowledge of the Living
● Create possible questions. Christ and firm testimony.
● Review this section. ● Invite the participants, Go
and Do the things they
learned in activity.
Topic Questions
● Read “Why is Jesus Christ the
only way to Salvation?” section,
(Page 73, Participants Handbook)
● Study and Ponder that section
● Create possible questions.
● Review this section.

Topic Questions

● Read “Why does it mean to take

His name upon me?” (see D&C
20:77) section, (Page 75,
Participants Handbook).
● Study and Ponder that section
● Create possible questions
● Review this section

Materials Needed:

- Oslo Paper
- Ribbon

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