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Osmeña Colleges

College of Teacher Education

MC ARTS – Teaching Art in the Elementary Grades

Teacher Michelle Osa Rubio Learning Area Art Shape

Grade Level Grade 1 Quarter 2nd Quarter

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding on
different kinds of shape and form through
B. Performance Standards The learners creates a unique design of an
objects to express ideas using shapes and form
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives The learners distinguishes and identify the
different kind of shapes


Identify the different shapes used by given

drawing shown


Creates an art using geometric and organic


II. CONTENT Creating and Identifying art using geometric
and organic shapes

Values Integration: Appreciation of a shapes

apply artistic form

Familiarized the kind of shapes and form

according the number of sides.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages K-12 Grade Art Expression and Cultural
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 1-10
3. Textbook Pages 145-146 pp.
4. Additional Leaning Materials M3 EA-Shape and Form
Musika at Sining 3
Sunico, Raul M. et al 2000, pp. 143
5. Other Learning Resources/ SIM Printed Pictures, paper, drawing book, pencils,
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or A shape is an element of art. It is an enclosed
presenting the new lesson space. It is formed by lines, colors and
textures. Shapes have height and width but no
depth. That is why it’s called two dimensional.
Shapes can be geometric or organic.
Geometric shapes can be made using ruler,
compass or other special tools.

These shapes can be identified based on the

number of sides.

circle rectangle oval star

diamond cross triangle pentagon

square right triangle rhombus

Organic shapes are called free-form shapes.

They are not regular or even. These shapes can
be found in natural or even man-made objects.
These shapes can be identified but they hard to

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Do you encountered that kind of shape?
3. What are the difference of those
4. How do you draw these kinds of
5. Can you demonstrates the kinds of
shapes in your drawing book?
C. Presenting examples/ Instances of the
new lesson

1. Can you identify which are the organic

and geometric shapes?
2. Draw on your own organic and
geometric shapes based on what you
understand about shapes.
3. How can you identify the kind of shape
in the picture? Whether is it organic or
D. Discussing new concepts and 4. What are the materials needed to draw
practicing new skill #1 the geometric shapes? And for organic
Discuss the different kind of shapes show for
the better understanding of the pupils.
• What was the picture all about?
• What it look like?
• What are the shapes you found?
• What materials do you think was used to
form the figure?
• Do you want to learn how to do an artwork
using this natural figure?

Let pupils answer the following questions.

E. Discussing new concepts and Show the animal and human faces with
practicing new skills #2 different expression using shapes of all kinds.

Ask the following:

• What was the pictures all about?

• What it look like?
• What have you notice?
• What are the cartoons showed?
• Can you read the expressions of the
different faces show?
• Can you create your own cartoons to show
your expressions in different figures?
•Make your own cartoons and animals by
using different Shapes and read your
cartoons of what expressions show.
F. Developing mastery Pick-and-Tell
Let the pupils find their partner to cooperate
the activity. Give them the puzzles and let
them solve what is it.
G. Finding practical applications of Divide the class into five (3) groups.
concepts and skills in daily living Let them draw and create the different shapes
in any kind of objects and let them show how
creative, unique and beautiful it is with
different colors added.

Group 1- Cartooning Expressions of human

Group 2- Simple Origami or The art paper
Group 3- Mandalas (radially symmetrical

The following are the rubrics for each


Group 1

• Organization and Preparation 20%

• Graphics Relevance 25%
• Creativity and Uniqueness 30%
• Attractiveness 25%

Group 2

• Pattern 20%
• Preparedness 15%
• Creativeness 20%
• Quality 20%
• Materials 25%

Group 3

• Preparedness 20%
• Graphics Originality 30%
• Quality 30%
• Overall Impacts 20%

H. Making generalizations and abstract What natural objects, materials and tools can
about the lesson be used creating different shape design and
How can you demonstrates different kinds of
shapes in any objects?
How can you identify the difference of
geometric and organic shapes?
I. Evaluating Learning Identify the following whether Organic shape
or Geometric shape. Write your answer at the
blank provide.
J. Additional activities for application Answer the following:
or remediation A. Name the Objects and write G if it is
Geometric and O if it is natural or

B. Choose between Organic and

Geometric shapes and draw your own

V. REMARKS Draw an object that found in your house and

explain it in our class what expressions,
feelings and emotions show in your illustration
bring it for the next meeting.

Advance study for our next lesson.

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