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Xirene S.

Prof Ed 2

Chapter 5 Module 2

Directions: Write your reflection as clear and as comprehensive as you can base from
the question given.

• How does a Filipino teacher compare with a teacher in the ASEAN and beyond?
Filipino teachers are known to be the best in the world. They teach
children with burning passion and dedication to help them achieve their goals in
life. They do not just value their students as their students perhaps, they value
them as their own child and give their hundred one percent support and motivate
them to a better version of themselves. They are flexible that they can cope up
with circumstances where their teaching skills and creativity are being tested.
Aside from this, Filipino teachers would go an extra mile just to teach and change
someone’s life through their teaching. By this being said, I believe that Filipino
teachers are incomparable with a teacher in ASEAN and other countries because
they have different skills, knowledge, teaching style and practices that helps a
child develop and attain their goals in life.

• If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country mentioned in

this module, where would you like to teach? Why?
If I will be given a chance to experience teaching in other countries, I
would like to teach in Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. We all know how
beautiful Japan is, for a small country like it, it has more to offer. It does not only
offer mesmerizing views but also it has culture and tradition that are widely
practiced. Japan is known worldwide for their tradition, their art, calligraphy,
sculptures and poetry. As an aspiring teacher, I would like to teach in Japan to
explore more about their tradition and lifestyle as well. I would also want to share
my knowledge and skills to other people and prove that Filipino teachers are
competitive and passionate about teaching.

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