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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Nursing
Mandaue City


Eye instillation is the introduction of ophthalmic fluid or topical ointment into the
cavity of the eye for a specific length of time.

1. to dilate / constrict the pupil when examining the eye
2. to relieve pain, discomfort, itching, and inflammation of the conjunctiva
3. to act as antiseptic in cleansing the eye
4. to combat infection
5. to lubricate the eye

A lined tray with:
- cotton balls
- eye medication with a dropper
1. Check patient’s chart for doctor’s order.
2. Transcribe the doctor’s order.
3. Go to the patient’s room. Explain the
procedure and its’ purpose.
4. Take the patient’s vital signs.
5. Go back to the station and gather the
materials needed.
6. Compare ophthalmic medicine with
medication ticket.
7. Perform medical hand washing.
8. Bring the materials to the patient’s room.
Check the patient’s name thru his
identification bracelet or ask the patient’s
9. Position the patient supine or sit back on
a chair with neck slightly hyperextended.
10. Place a towel under the patient’s chin, on
the affected side.

To instill eyedrops:
1. Compare medicine with the medication
2. With the non-dominant hand, get 1 dry
cotton ball then gently retract upper and
lower eyelids to expose the conjunctival
sac. To hold lids open, apply pressure to
lower bony orbit and bony prominence
beneath the eyebrow.
3. Rest your non-dominant hand gently
over the bony prominence of the eye. Do
not put pressure directly on the eye.
4. With your dominant hand, hold filled
dropper with the ophthalmic medication
approximately 1 to 2 cm (1/2 to ¾ inch)
above conjunctival sac.
5. Ask patient to look up.
6. Drop prescribed number of medication
drops into the conjunctival sac.
7. Apply gentle pressure to the patient’s
nasolacrimal duct with the cotton ball for
30-60 seconds.
8. After instilling, instruct patient to blink.
9. Dry eyelids and facial area with the dry
cotton ball from your non-dominant hand.
10. Put the patient in a comfortable position.
11. Assess patient’s reaction and response.
Urge verbalization from patient regarding
the procedure.
12. Impart health teachings regarding the
side effects of the medication, eye care,
13. Do aftercare.
14. Do documentation, including the special
interventions you have done to the
patient during the procedure.

To instill eye ointment:

1. With the non-dominant finger, get 1 dry
cotton ball then gently retract upper and
lower eyelids to expose the conjunctival
sac. To hold the lids open, apply
pressure to lower bony orbit and bony
prominence beneath the eyebrow.
2. Ask patient to look up.
3. With your dominant hand, hold the
ointment tube above the lid margin, and
apply thin stream of ointment evenly on
the conjunctiva from inner to outer
canthus. Make sure not to touch the
opening of the tube with the patient’s
4. After instillation, instruct the patient to
close eyes and roll his/ her eyeballs.
5. If excess medication is on the eyelid,
gently wipe it from inner to outer canthus
with another dry cotton ball.
6. If the patient has an eye patch, apply a
clean one by placing it over the affected
eye so entire eye is covered. Secure with
a tape without applying pressure to the
7. Put patient in a comfortable position.
8. Assess the patient’s reaction and
response. Urge verbalization from patient
regarding the procedure.
9. Impart health teachings about the side
effects of the medication, eye care, etc.
10. Do aftercare.
11. Do documentation, including the special
interventions you have done to the
patient during the procedure.

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