Nasal Instillation Procedure Guide Nursing

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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Nursing
Mandaue City


- procedure of administering medications by spray or drops into the nasal

1. To help relieve symptoms of nasal congestion.
2. To treat infection of the nasal cavity/ sinuses.
3. To loosen nasal secretions.
4. To relieve pain.

Materials: A lined tray with the following:

Lined kidney basin dry cotton balls
Drape cotton applicators
Tissue wipes waste receptacle
Nasal drops or sprays


1. Check and read the patient’s chart

for doctor’s order.
2. Explain the procedure to the patient.
3. Do medical hand washing.
4. Prepare the medication following the
five R’s of drug administration.
5. Bring the equipment to the bedside
6. Provide the patient with tissue wipes
and ask the patient to blow hisor her
nose. If unable to do so, use the
cotton applicators to clean the nose.
7. Inspect discharges for color and
8. Instruct the patient to breathe
through the mouth during the
9. Position the patient comfortably
according to the sinus/es to be
a) Proetz position – ethmoid and
sphenoid sinuses
b) Parkinson’s position – maxillary
and frontal sinuses
10. Hold up the tip of the nose and
place the dropper or the medication
nozzle just inside the nares about
one-third of an inch.
11. Instill the prescribed number of
drops in one naris. Avoid touching
the nares with the dropper/ nozzle.
12. Do the same to the other nostril if
13. Observe the patient’s reaction.
14. Have the patient remain in position
with head tilted back for five to ten
15. Provide the patient with a clean
tissue paper to wipe the excess
solution or to dry the area around
the nose.
16. Place the patient in a comfortable
17. Do after care.
18. Do documentation.


(Repeat steps 1-5)
6. Assist the patient in an upright
position with the head forward (do
not hyperextend).
7. Instruct the patient to inhale gently
through the nose as the spray is
being administered.
8. Agitate the medication container, if
9. Insert the nozzle of the medication
container just into the nostril.
10. Compress the container, spraying.
11. Have the patient hold one nostril
closed. If the spray is indicated for
only one nares, close the nostril that
will not receive the medication.

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