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Cooperative Organization and Practical Applications (COOP 20073)

Colarte, Erianne Khrisha Prof. Bienvenido Nito

BSC 2-2


(June 29, 2021)

Undeployed students really had a great problem during this online class. Most of
the co-operatives are not open for the online on-the-job training that is why we, students
are always attending co-operative related webinars that could help us lessen the hours
required for us to train. So far, those webinars are not really enough to fulfill the 300 OJT
hours. In finding ways to help us students, Dr. Hilda San Gabriel, Prof. Bienvenido Nito,
Prof. Leticia Gorospe together Mr. Alex Macabulos of PESO QC planned to let the
students help in urban gardening.
Dr. Dang suggested that the students can help and be deployed in PESO QC but
Mr. Macabulos explained that they are not really accepting OJT since there is no budget
allotted for it due to the pandemic. The chairperson said that the students can help on the
marketing of the urban gardening. Making videos and promotional activities can be done
by the students. It was a good idea but there are still a lot of students, and the PESO QC
cannot accommodate it all. The next suggestion was to let the students have their own
plant to grow. It was suggested by Prof. Gorospe. I think it would be beneficial and would
be a win-win situation between the student and the environment. The number of our OJT
hours would be lessen and at the same time, we are helping the PESO QC in their urban
gardening project. Prof. Nito added that it would be great to make a co-operative that
consists of us students promoting urban gardening. This could also help future on-the-job
trainees because they would not be looking for co-operatives to be deployed because the
co-operative will surely accept them. The chairperson, Prof. Gorospe and Mr. Macabulos
agreed with it. For me, it was a good idea to create a co-operative out of all the undeployed
students but I think it would take long to register the co-operative. I am worried because
the semester is about to end, and this plan could not be executed easily because there
are still things needed to be considered. I am not opposing the idea because it is really
good. But I think that it would be great if the preparation is longer.
In finding ways to help the students, ideas flowed. I think urban gardening isn’t
bad. It would be great to help grow plants that is beneficial to us humans. I hope that their
ideas would be executed and as a student, we are willing to help. It would be nice to have
this project and I hope it would work well.

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