Summary of IEEE Review Paper 2017

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Comps TY

Name: Jash Shah

Roll Number: 1811082
Batch: B1

Paper Title:

Driver drowsiness detection using Behavioral measures and machine learning

techniques: A review of state-of-art techniques. (This is a review paper from the
IEEE journal, from the 2017 PRASA-RobMech International Conference.)


The paper first addresses the core problem i.e., the increase in road accidents
due to the driver’s drowsiness.

This problem can be worked out by following various measures to detect

driver’s drowsiness which can be grouped into three categories i.e.,
Physiological Measures (which include accessing driver’s conditions through
the addition of electronic devices onto the skin), Vehicle-based Measures
(Steering wheel movements, braking patterns, and lane departure
measurements) and Behavioural Measures (consists of computer vision
techniques which detect slight changes in driver’s facial expressions).

Therefore, this paper assesses the behavioural measures that are based on
Machine Learning techniques (such as Support Vector Machines (SVM),
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) or Hidden Markov Models (HMM)) for
the classification stage of drowsiness detection, as they are non-invasive,
reliable and focus just on the person driving.
The series of steps that are followed by most researchers are as follows:

1. Video Capturing

2. Face Detection:
Viola and Jones Algorithm is used to detect faces from the images.

3. Feature Extraction:
Extract facial features (such as Eye Closure Analysis, Eye Blink Rate,
Yawning Analyses and Facial Expression Analysis). Features can be
extracted using landmark localization, Histogram of oriented Gradients,
and Local Binary Patterns.

4. Feature Analysis

5. Classification:
Decision-making on the level of drowsiness in a driver.

A meta-analysis was performed using 25 papers collected for this literature

study. Performance estimation revealed that CNNs yielded more accurate
results when compared to SVMs and HMMs. It is difficult to compare HMM’s
and SVMs due to insufficient data. All the three approaches are difficult to
compare as there is a limited number of standardized datasets that currently
exist. Hence it was concluded that standard benchmarking measures are
required for drowsiness detection.

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