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15ECE303 Linear Integrated Circuits


L. Balaji (ECE18077)

Surya Sameera Thanuj (ECE18110)

N. Jyothi Srinivas (ECE18510)

Question 1:
Consider the circuit shown in figure for differential amplifier with one op-amp,
R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ, RF = R3 = 10 kΩ.
(a) Derive the expression for gain vo/vxy and input resistance of the amplifier RiFx and
RiFy. Find the gain and input resistance of the amplifier for given values of
(b) Calculate the output voltage vo if vx = 2.7 V pp and vy = 3 V pp sine waves at
100 Hz

Given circuit
Substituting R1=R2=1kΩ RF=R3=10kΩ
Question 2:
Design a Miller integrator whose input resistance is 20 kΩ and unity-gain frequency is 10 kHz. What
components are needed? For long-term stability, a feedback resistor is introduced across the
capacitor, limits the dc gain to 40 dB. What is its value? What is the associated lower 3-dB frequency?
Sketch and label the output that results with a 0.1-ms, 1-V positive-input pulse (initially at 0 V) with
BCVthe feedback resistor connected.

Simulation(using LTSPICE):

Miller Integrator Circuit diagram

Input(Vin): Pulse with amplitude 1
Output (Vout):

Output of Miller integrator with feedback resistor(RF)

Practical value:
Derivation of input resistances and voltage gain of amplifier in the given circuit and
plotting of input and output plots of Miller Integrator with feedback resistor has been

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