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Marketing Strategies for New Normal

The new normal means a shift in investment, resources and plans towards other approaches.
The marketing playbook has to be rewritten day-by-day. During this time, digital and social
channels have been used as notable replacements to help understand and engage with
customers. Now marketing teams have to quickly adapt to how their buyers are behaving and
RANI NURNAWATI C2C019008 adjust their strategy accordingly.
TUGAS 3 Marketing Strategies
Adapt To The New Normal- Important
Online Marketing Strategies To Strike
The Right Goal
It’s a difficult time for many businesses and traditional ways of working are being turned
upside down. Most businesses have already invested in digital marketing, because it’s
crucial to have a strong online marketing strategy now more than ever. Uncertain times call
for better business plans, so if you haven’t already switched to online marketing now is the
time to get your brand on board with digital.
Here are some important strategies for adapting your digital marketing approach in times of
the new normal;

Part 1

Use Social Media To

Alleviate Business Disruption
Internet usage has increased dramatically more than
ever during this phase of social distancing. People are
taking social media channels as a way to combat the
isolation of social distancing. Businesses must embrace
most of social media channels now more than ever as a
way to connect with audiences. Many industries like
Education, healthcare, e- commerce etc have gained
success by focusing more on social media; they reaped
great benefits by turning the social media marketing to
high volume / pitch. Add engaging content, services that
can grab your audience’s attention and trust us this will
outlast the epidemic and become the new normal in the
years to come.
Part 2 Improve Your Online Presence

It’s important that your website is operated with good search

engine optimization (SEO) principles, if they don’t want to
end up lost amongst the competition. There may be chances
that you organic traffic will fall for your focus keywords at this
time, but you can try to counteract this by producing content
around topics that people are currently searching for. In the
current scenario, your competitors may be too busy trying to
survive than think about the quality of their websites. Build
exceptional SEO that can give you an excellent opportunity to
be first off the mark during this phase and also help you
when things recover.

This applies even to those firms in industries that are most

affected by the pandemic. Because, even if your business has
to go into hiatus, good online presence will make it much
simpler for you to rebuild.
Part 3

Use PPC Advertising

This could be the perfect time to increase your pay-per-click (PPC)
advertising. People are using Internet more than ever, giving more
chances for your ads to appear before relevant pairs of eyes. This
can also give you a tremendous competitive advantage. This is an
excellent time for the brands wanting to stand out from their
competitors in specific sectors. For example, with so many people
isolated at home, sales of software useful for home offices will be
skyrocketing. All you need to do is identify a specific marketing goal
for each campaign and decide the relevant metric to measure.
Part 4 Talk To Your Customers in A New Way
Don’t forget about brand awareness: now is a great opportunity to reach out and start a dialogue with your target audience. W hat do your customers want to see
from your brand? How do they want to see it delivered?
Many businesses have already been contacting their clientele to let them know the ways in which they can help — this can look very different depending on what
industry you’re operating in:

First Second Third

As we’ve been told to stay indoors, many gyms and Delivery services are beginning to reduce Many B2C brands are simply changing their email
studios have been putting classes free online and commissions and relaxing contracts with restaurants. marketing to send positive news into inboxes (think
creative brands have been posting free tutorials — This move supports the hospitality industry whilst animal videos and uplifting footage of neighbours
this will be especially helpful to parents as the also helping food become more accessible to those singing from their balconies).
schools are now closed. On the other end of the who may be isolating.
spectrum, one gym has even offered all of its London
studio spaces to the NHS, creating space for 400
more hospital beds.
Part 5 Understand Changing Behaviours in Web Usage
Everyone is hunkering down at home, and no one really knows how long for. While consumers are spending more
and more time online – web usage increased by 19.7% between January and March – the way that we use the
internet is changing.

It’s also worth noting that all generations are turning to social media to stay
connected during quarantine: research by GlobalWebIndex found a 27% increase
in social media use among Gen Z, 30% among Millennials, 29% among Gen X and
15% among Boomers. Facebook reports a 70% increase in usage across its family
of apps since the crisis has started.

his, combined with less competition for ad space, has seen CPCs and CPMs drop
across our Facebook advertising portfolio. With cheaper ads and people still online
shopping (a McKinsey study showed that people spent 14% more than usual on
groceries and 1% more on household supplies, as well as 3% more on home
entertainment), ensuring that you can meet your consumers’ demands for the
goods or services that you advertise will be crucial.

The platforms are also adapting accordingly: due to concerns about fake news
surrounding the coronavirus, Facebook is now manually reviewing all new ads and
all ad copy changes.

This will be a very slow
period for many, but when
the crisis is over you want to
be front of mind for your
customers. People will
remember the brands who
put their customers first.
Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan ada 10 fenomena utama ketika
diberlakukan New normal di Indonesia :
1. There will be more government intervention—and therefore greater
scrutiny of business..Pemerintah lebih sering melakukan intervensi
dalam kebijakan bisnis, misalnya PSBB, Social Distancing, pemakaian
2. the world will see the rise of a contact-free economy…meningkatnya
layanan digital seperti campus online, e payment, IMB.
3. companies will need to reconsider how they can establish more
resilience… dalam era post covid, perusahaan berfokus utk ketahanan
usaha dari pada ekspansi
4. work with people who want to work flexibly…fleksibililtas menjadi
tuntutan dalam bekerja
5. Remote digital teamwork becomes the norm..kerja virtual menjadi
norma baru
6. Conferences go virtual… pertemuan menjadi lebih efisien dengan
7. Business and leaisure travel will become less essential… perjalanan
jauh bukan prioritas utama
8. Mandatory on-the-job medical screening could become the norm..cek

Analysis 9.
medis menjadi sesuatu yang lumrah dilakukan oleh perusahaan
Fashion-ready face masks could become a wardrobe staple..masker
menjadi bagian dari fashion.
Fenomena apa saja yang terjadi pada saat
10. People will still want real-life interactions…Virtual tetap sementara,
diberlakukan The New Normal era. pada akhirnya Kembali kepada kehidupan sosial

Semua akan Kembali lagi menjadi seperti biasa bahkan lebih baik jika :
1. Covid 19 hilang dengan sendirinya
2. Ditemukan vaksin covid 19
Hal ini merujuk kepada wabah SARS dan MERS di Singapura yang sempat
TUGAS 3 Marketing Strategies

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