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Translated By ;
Veeresh .P. Arakeri
Social science digital group presents
By Veeresh P, Santhosh kumar C, Asadulla beig,
Functions of Banks/service/ advantages of 1) Reserve bank of India net profit
bank accounts 2) Indian railways net profit
1. Accepting deposits 3) Post and telecommunications profit
2. Lending money 4) Public sector industries revenue
3. Transferring money (Remittances) 5) Coins and mints revenue
4. Security to your money. 6) Various types of fees and penalties etc.
5. Discounting of bills.
6. Hiring safe deposit lockers. Organized workers:
7. Issuing letters of credit and guarantee. 1. Governed by legal rules and regulations
2. Have specialization, Training, talent, experience
Measures undertaken to check untouchability and educational qualification
i) Section 17 of the Constitution prohibits 3. Get fixed wages, allowances & pension facilities.
untouchability. 4. Get medical facilities, specific hour of work & job
ii) Untouchability Crime Act was implemented in security.
1955. 5. Govt employs, industrial employs, private company
iii) Citizen Rights Protection Act in 1976 employs.
iv) Right to equality
v) Reservation in all fields. Unorganized workers:
vi) The regulation of 1989 confers special 1. not governed by specific rules and regulations.
responsibilities to the State Govt. 2 do not have specialization & training.
vii) Equal opportunities to all citizens. 3 Do not get fixed wages, allowances & pension
Role of/ Importance of Panchayat Raj 4. Do not get medical facilities, and they are denied
institution in rural development job security.
1) They can provide basic facilities like roads, drains, 5. home maid, house construction workers, garage
drinking water, street light, school, hospitals etc. workers.
2) Encouraging education, technical and vocational
training, expansion of health and hygiene. Life Insurance
3) Productive activities of agriculture, cattle rearing, (i) Person's life (ii)Covers
poultry, fishery etc. certain amount
4) To avoid the migration of rural people to cities (iii) Risk is certain
5) To improve small scale and cottage industries (iv) Payment of premium
6) Continued employment opportunities for Scheduled (v) Law of indemnity does not apply
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward (vi) Long period
General Insurance
Importance of road transport. (i) Non-Life Insurance
1. To development of villages and agriculture. (ii) Protects
2. Movement of agricultural produce by farmers to (iii) The occurrence of event
the markets. (iv) Lump sum
3. Essential commodities transportation. (v) Law of indemnity Applies
4. Road transport feeders rail ways. (vi) Short period.
5. movement of goods and people.
6. To development of industries. Personal finance
(i) One family
Problems of Road Transport : (ii) Calculate income and then spend it.
1. Rainy season (iii) Individuals
2. Roads become unfit during the Environment (iv) Kept confidential
pollution . (v) for progress save money
3. Severe wear and tear due to rain, floods and
cyclones every year. Public finance
4. Construction and management. (i) Government
5. Scarcity of basic needs. (ii) calculates expenditure first then adjusts its
Sources of non-tax revenue. (iii) Government Page 1
Social science digital group presents
(iv) Public finance  Gunpowder encourages the sailors to go to
(vi) spend money of developments . unknown lands fearlessly.
This promoted to find out alternative routes to India.

Factors influencing location of industries. Factors inspired to alternative trade routes to

(i) Availability of Raw materials India
(ii) Energy resources • The new scientific instruments like the
(iii) Market compass, gun powder, naval equipment maps
(iv) Transport facility etc.
(v) Availability of labour • The stories that were being told about the wealth
(vi) Port facility of the Eastern nations.
(vii) Technology, Government policies • The eagerness of the missionaries for
(viii) Land availability at low cost. proselytization.

Factors influenced our foreign policy. Effects of battle of plassey

i) National interest Siraj-ud-Daula had defeated.
ii) Geographical aspects Mirzafar was nominated as the Nawab of Bengal.
iii] Political situation British got the zamindari right over the 24 paraganas.
iv) Economic system English became powerful.
v) Defence capability
vi) Public opinion Describe the system of Dual government
vii) International circumstances.  Robert Clive introduced in Bengal in 1765.
 Due to the Diwani rights the English were
Reasons for the failure of the revolt. collecting the land revenue.
 Lack of leadership.  Administration, importing of justice and other
 Lack of unity among Indi administrative functions were carried on by the
 Lack of strategy, navabs.
 Lack of expertise among soldiers, effective
soldiers, Reasons for the socio religious reformation.
 Lack of discipline and direction.  English education.
 Provincial kings did not support to the revolt.  Rationalism
 People lost confidence in the soldiers due to their  Ideas of Democracy, freedom equality and
arson and looting. nationalism.
 Indian soldiers were not provided modernized
weapons. All type of reforms in society.
 Opposed Untouchability, exploitation of women,
Principles of Panchasheela idol worship, cast, sati system, child marriage
1. Mutual respect for national integrity and and polytheism.
sovereignty.  Encouraged monotheism, inter caste marriage,
2. Non-aggression. women education, Widow marriage, gender
3. Non-interference in internal affairs. equality.
4. Mutual assistance and equality.
5. Peaceful coexistence. Reforms of alighar movement.
 promoting harmony of Eastern and Western
Fundamental factors of India’s foreign policy ideas in Muslims.
a) Panchasheela Principles.  Modern education to Muslim community.
b) Non-Alignment policy.  Supported female literacy.
c) Against Colonialism.  Condemned polygamy and ideas against widow
d) Against racial discrimination marriage.
e) Disarmament.
Reforms adopted by Stalin in Russia
“Scientific developments led to the sea
 He introduced Five year plans
voyages”. Justify the statement.  Russia sent manned satellite into space.
 The new scientific instruments like the compass,  He introduced community farming.
the gunpowder, naval equipment and maps
helped the sailors in their sea voyage.
‘Nazi ideology destroyed Germany.’ Justify.
i) Greatness of Aryan race Page 2
Social science digital group presents
ii) Only Germans are eligible to rule the world  In 1998 ‘National Literacy Mission’
iii) Jews are responsible for Germans' problems.  Article 21 of our constitution Right to Education
iv] Appointment of ministers called 'Goebbels'. has been guaranteed.
v) Organisation of outfit called 'Brown shirts'.  In 2009 ‘Right to Education’ a national level was
vi) Mass massacres (Holocaust) introduced.
vii) Concentration camps
viii) Hitler's ambition - cause for II World War.
Measures to check soil erosion.
Effects of china Revalution. i) Counter-ploughing
 Adopted community farming ii) Construction of bunds around the agriculture
 Free education, health and sports facilities. land
 Importance to science and technology, achieve iii) Prevention of deforestation
industrial development. iv) Control of livestock grazing
 Major communist country. v) Planned use of waters
vi) Construction of check dams.
How Communalism is harmful.
 Mutual distrust and threat. Causes for soil erosion
 Social groupism, economic antagonism and even  Deforestation
political rivalry.  Overgrazing
 Propagates hate philosophy among religious  Unscientific cultivation
groups.  Over-irrigation.
 Disrupt the very unity and integrity of our Effects of soil erosion.
nation.  accumulation of silt in the river beds.
 Causes flood.
Causes of population growth.  Rivers course changing direction,
* rapid increase in birth rate,  The storage capacity of the reservoirs gets
* death rate dicreases. reduced.
* Poverty  Causes less fertility.
* Illiteracy
* Blind beliefs Main causes of destruction of forests
* Unemployment • Expansion of agriculture,
• Animal grazing,
The effects of population explosion • Construction of roads and rail routes,
• Burdon on nation. • Irrigation projects,
• Unemployment • Forest fire and mining.
• Shortage of food.
• Lack of nutrition. Methods to forest conservation:-
• Pressure on civic and social amenities. 1. Cutting down dried-up and abrasion trees which
• Low per capita income. cause forest fires
• Slow rate of economic development. 2. Protecting against diseases.
• Political unrest. 3. Sowing seeds.
• Social problems. 4. Planting saplings
5. Creating awareness regarding the importance of
Measures to control the growth of population. trees.
 family planning,
 women welfare projects, Importance of Peninsular plateau
 prevention of infant mortality, • It has rich deposit of minerals
 field plans, publicity and advertisement, • Rivers have formed waterfalls.
 family planning camps and creating awareness • Production of hydro-electricity
among the rural population. • Agriculture
• Tourist.
Measures to spread literacy/ eradicate
illiteracy Objectives of five year plan are:
 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in 2001 to provide free 1) Increasing the production to the maximum extent.
education for children of 6 to 14 years. 2) Increasing the employment opportunities.
 It provides education to girls and physically 3) Reducing the economic disparities.
challenged. 4) Ensuring economic stability. Page 3
Social science digital group presents
5) Modernising the economy etc. Terms of the treaty of Srirangapatna.
• Tippu had to forfeit half of his kingdom to the
Difference between Western Ghats and British.
Eastern Ghats • Had to pay 330 Lakh rupees as compensation.
• Two of his sons were taken as hostages by the
Western Ghats English.
• Continues and very height
• Near to the sea and very deep mountains Importance of communication.
• No delta, it has many hydro power stations  Help to learn various incidents in country.
Eastern Ghats  Help to know policies of the government.
• Not continues and height  To know the developments in all sectors.
• Far from the sea and separated by river valley.  Help in development of trade and commerce.
• Large extent of delta
Uses GIS
Problems of migration. • GIS maps are more attractive and give accurate
* formation of slums information.
* leads to immoral and other activities • All information can be easily analysed and
* Pressure mounts on the basic amenities like models can be constructed.
water, electricity, road, edn etc. • GIS is used to give advance intimation regarding
* The density population increases in the place of weather phenomena.
migrated regions • Maps can be created in a very short time and
* It affects employment opportunity even maps can be modified.
• helps in maintenance of natural resources.
Measures to control migration.
• Establishing industrial areas outside the city limits. Uses of GPS
• providing facilities available in cities for villages • Useful in assessing the geographical position of
& small towns.(PURA) natural calamities.
• improving transportation facilities between • Helpful for trekkers to know the exact location
cities & surrounding rural areas. and routes.
• establishing satellite towns. • Soldiers, pilots, fishermen and sailors use GPS
• Transport authorities use this to manage the
Effects of terrorism. movement.
• Negative impacts on civilized society and
• creates fear complexities and glorifies the Who?
Terrorist ideology. 1. Subsidiary alliance was introduced by – Lord
• Such acts of organized violence are fully unlawful wellsly
and antisocial in nature. 2. The last governor general of India was- Lord
• causing heavy psychological impact.
Mount batten.
3. The first president of independent India was-
The role played by India in upholding human
Dr Rajendra Prasad.
4. Thje first prime minister of independent
• championed the cause of Universal Human
Rights. India was – Jawahar Lal Nehru.
• provided for fundamental rights in the 5. The first Home minister of India – Sardar
Constitution vallab bai patel.
• prohibit the all sort of exploitation. 6. The Iron man of India was - Sardar vallab bai
Causes for the 2nd Anglo Mysore war. 7. The socialism of karl mark was brought in
• The British captured Mahe. Russia by- Lenin.
• Mahe was a colony of the French and was under 8. Five year plans in Russia was Introduced by-
the control of Haider Ali. Stalin.
9. Founder of Nazi party/ Dictator of Germany -
Causes of the Third Anglo- Mysore War. Hitler.
• Tippu Sultan attacked the king of Travancore.
10. Founder of Fascist party/ Dictator of
• king of Travancore was friend of British.
Germany – Mussolini. Page 4
Social science digital group presents

11. First president of communist China was –  Collective behaviour organised and directed
Mao tse Tung. towards a specific goal is called movement.
12. Maker of Indian foreign policy Nehru.  Dowry means a Gift given to bride groom from
13. African Gandhi- Nelson Mandela. bride side during marriage.
14. The founder of UNO- Churchil, Stalin,  A organisation formed to achieve economic
Rosevelt DeGoule. and social aim is called self help group.
15. Secretary General of UNO- Antoio Guterres.  When the foetus is that of a girl. If it is killed in
16. “Truly the whole mankind is on” said by- the womb itself is known as “Female
Pampa. Foeticide”.
17. Chipko movement lead by – Sunder lal  The inhuman practice of killing the female
ahuguna and Sri chandi Prasad bhat. baby after its birth is called “Female
18. Narmada Andolan led by- Medha pakar and Infanticide”.
Baba amte.  Intensive Forming- Growing 2-3 crops on the
19. Kaiga agitation led by Shivram Karanth. same plot in a year.
20. Father of planning in India – Sir M  Subsistence forming – farmer grow crops for
Vishveshwaraiah. their own use.
21. “Planned economy for India” book written  Commercial forming- former grow crops for
by- Sir M Vishveshwaraiah. commercial purpose/ selling.
22. Father of Indian green revolution- M S  Mixed forming- practicing cattle rearing,
poultry, bee keeping, sericulture etc. along
with raising crops.
23. Central budget is presented by – Central
 Kharif- the crops grown during the south west
Finance minister.
Monsoon season are called Kharif crop.
24. The founder of Apollo group of hospitals- Dr
 Rabi- the crops grown during the winter
Pratap reddy.
season are called Rabi crops.
25. The proprietor of Jet Airways- Naresh goyal.
 Jade- During the period between Kharif and
26. The owner of Infosys- Narayan murthy. Rabi crops are cultivated.
27. The father of white revolution- Vargeess  Golden Revolution- The rapid progress of
Kurien. horticultural field.
28. Reliance company owner- Dheerubai  Population density- The total population of a
Ambani. area is divided by total area is called as
29. Wipro Technologies owner- Azim premji. population density.
30. Biocon Ltd- Kiran mazumdar sha.  Migration- Shifting of residential place from
31. The queen of Indian television sector (Balaji one place to another.
Films)- Ekta kapoor.  Per capita income- The total population of a
32. Doctrine of lapse- Lord Dalhousie. country is divided by the total income of year.
 Women empowerment- making women
Most expected 1 mark questions. powerful to take social, economic and political
 The folk history is based on the study of decisions
artifacts, lavanis, folk songs and traditions.  Green revolution – the drastic increase in food
 The ideological war between 2 blocs(American grain production during 1970.
& Russian) is called- cold war.  Cropping pattern- The proportion of an area
 The hatredness between only religion with under different crops at a given particular of
another is called – Communalism. time is called cropping pattern.
 The attachment towards a particular region is  Globalisation- connecting the link between the
called regionalism. indian economic system with world economic
 Social stratification is the classification of system is called globalisation.
people as upper class and lower class on basis  Entrepreneurship- it is a process of a action of
of income education, caste, gender, occupation an entrepreneur to establish his enterprise.
etc.  Budget- The statement of estimated income
 Inequality at work and wages is called labour and expenditure of a year prepared by the
discrimination. Government.
 Unemployment means inability to get work in  Basic industry- Iron is basic material for
spite of proper age ability and interest. machinery, railways, ship building, power
projects, irrigation projects and building Page 5
Social science digital group presents
construction. Hence iron is called basic a) subhash was the most prominent
industry. revolutionary.
 Silicon city- Bengaluru is the centre of b) He played an important role in establishing
information technology so it is called silicon the congress socialist party with Nehru in
city. 1934.
 Manchester- Mumbai of Maharashtra has c) He was elected as the president of the
largest cotton mills and hence it is called the congress at the Haripura Session.
Manchester of india. d) Though being a follower of Gandhiji he was
 Wonder metal- Bauxite(Aluminium) is called also a critic of Gandhiji principles.
as wonder metal. e) In 1938 Subhash Chandra Bose got elected
 Black Diamond- Coal is an important mineral as the president of congress in spite of the
product with multiple uses is called Black opposition from Gandhiji.
Diamond. f) He left congress and established forward
 Liquid Gold- Petrol s very precious during block party.
peace and war. Hence it is called Liquid gold. g) He escaped form house arrest and join hands
 Unemployment- inability to get work in spite with hitler of Germany and japan.
of proper age, ability & interest.
h) Subhash Chandra Bose Joined hands with Ras
 Organised workers- those who are working in
Bihari Bose who had organized Indian to
specific fields which are governed by legal
fight against British.
rules and regulation.
i) He gave the call ‘Delhi Chalo’ & urged the
 Unorganised workers- People who work in
Indians “Give me Blood, I Will give you
areas which are not governed by specific rules
and regulation are called unorganised workers. freedom”.
 Child labour- Those who are aged below 14 j) By 1944, the INA Army entered the Indian
years and work to earn money. Sub-Continent and occupied Kohima &
 Migrant- One who has shifted from his birth Imphal.
place and sealed down in another place. k) INA Captured 10,000 Sq miles of Manipur
 Entrepreneur- An innovator of new ideas and territory after a battle with British.
business processes.
 Article 17- eradication of untouchability. Jawaharlal Nehru
 Article 21 – Education as fundamental right. • He is first prime minister of India.
 Article 24- Prohibition of child labour. • Nehru was the architect of industrialization
 42nd amendment- Including secular and of Modern India.
socialistic words into the constitution. • Bring together all the 562 princely states and
merge them with Indian union along with
Role of Gandhiji in freedom Struggle Sardar Vallababhai Patel.
• 1920 to 1947 Gandhian age • Laid foundation for democracy by
• Non-violence and Satyagraha as the main recognizing all states on the basis of
instruments. language.
• Participation of Muslims, he encouraged • Mixed economy was his contribution to
khilafat movement. India.
• Gandhiji gave a call for a non-cooperation • He was the pioneer of five year plans.
movement against the British.(1920) • Non-alignment policy regarding foreign
• Civil disobedience Movement (salt policy is his contribution
movement) known as ‘Dandi March’ • Panchasheela principles to promote peace
• He participated in 2nd round table and harmony.
conference, ‘Poona pact’ with B.R. Ambedkar. • Multiple river vally project to develop
• He gave a call to the British Quit India agriculture and industries.
Movement on 1942. Call of ‘Do or Die’ • Give importance to industries.
• brought independence to India in 1947 and
called as father of nation. Dr B.R. Ambedkar
Subhash Chandra Bose in freedom * Ambedkar is referred as modern Manu.
struggle. * He believed that political independence was
meaningless without social independence. Page 6
Social science digital group presents

* He started ‘Mahad’ and ‘Kalaram’ temple • Extremists maintained that good

movements administration cannot be a substitute for
* He attended the three round table Independence.
conferences and gave valuable suggestions. • Bala gangadhar Tilak declared the “Swaraj is
* He fought for a separate electoral my bith right and I shall have it’
constituency for untouchables.(poona pact) • Extremist’s aim was to get complete
* He established an organization ‘Bahishkruta Independence.
Hitakarini Sabha’ and two separate partied • Through religious functions they started
named ‘Swatantra Karmika party’ and organizing people for a freedom movement.
‘Republican party of India’. • Tilak utilized his kesari in Marathi and
* He published various newapapers like’ ‘Marathi. news paper in English for freedom
bahiskruta bharata’, ‘ mukanayaka’ and struggle.
* He fought for reservation to untouchables. Tribal movements in the Indian freedom
* He advocated equality in the constitution struggle.
and gave legal protection against practice of • The tax and forest tax implemented by the
Untouchability. British East India Company on tribal’s
provoke the revolt
Why/ Give Reason. • In the tribal movement, Santalas and Mundas
 India does not have any written movement are prominent one.
documentary evidence. Because more than • In Karnataka, Hadagali Hunters revolution is
70% of Indians were illiterates. noteworthy.
 Emotions are more important in Oral history • The Santala community became destitute
than the documentary. when The British imposed permanent land
 In Karnataka there is Lokayuktha to curb lord system.
corruption. • Enraged Santalas held secret meetings and
 To improve the status of women Karnataka decided to loot the landlords and prominent
33% reservation has been implemented for citizens.
women in local government. • The rioters killed their enemies.
 We should buy UNICEF cards. Because this • The land lords and moneylenders ran away.
cards utilized for the welfare of the children. • The British used the army to stem the revolt.
 Dowry is a social evil because- Dowry
diminishes women’s self-respect, dignity and Farmers and labour organizations in freedom
stature. struggle.
 Ganga river plain regions are maximum * During the British rule, farmers in many places
number of sugar industries located. Because revolted against landlords, and European
It has large plantation of Sugarcane and good planters.
facilities of road, market and labour also * They refused to grow indigo in champaranya
available. district.
 Reason for the increasing gender ratio * They staged agitations against land tax.
variation is female foeticide and female * The farmer’s problems merged with the non
infanticide. cooperation movement, civil disobedience
and quit India movements.
The role of extremists freedom struggle * Many protests were organized under the
• Those who criticized the moderate thinking banner of kisan samba which was founded
propagated extremist ideas. on lefty’s principles
• Opposed the partition of Bengal throughout * In Maharashtra the farmers protested against
the country. low wages.
• They encouraged the people to use Indian * The labours movement started in Calcutta.
* People started getting organized to fight for
their rights in jute and textile industries and
the railways. Page 7
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