QUALITY Management

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It has become crystal clear that high quality products

have a distinct advantage in the market
place, that market share can be gained or lost over the
quality issue. Therefore quality is a
competitive priority.
Quality is important due to the following reasons:
• Cost and market share
• Company’s reputation
• Product liability
• International implications
SHAMIM & COMPANY (PVT) LTD takes effective
measures for the quality control.
Production of the company is according to the standards
set by PCI. So the company is very
much concerned about quality. Quality of raw material
as well as of end product is checked.
Following are the main steps taken by the company for
quality control.
Testing of Raw Material
Raw material used in production, comprises of the
following items.
• Concentrate
• Sugar
• Treated Water
• Empty Bottles
• Carbon Dioxide
• Crown
From the above items, previously the franchiser from
USA provided concentrate. Now it has
plant at Haripur and SHAMIM & COMPANY (PVT)
LTD purchase the concentrate from there.
Because the franchiser provides concentrate, so there is
no question about its quality. All
other raw material purchased by the company itself.
Sugar Testing
The company from sugar mills purchases sugar. After
the arrival of sugar at the plant, it has
to pass through a strict quality check. It should be free
from moisture.
First of all supervisor checks the quality of sugar. After
this checking, a randomly selected
sample from sugar bag is sent to laboratory for testing.
After this testing, if the quality of
sugar is according to the standards, then this sugar is
stored for further processing. If the
sugar quality is not up to the mark, then it is sent back to
the sugar mill.
Water Treatment Testing
The company has four containers to meet the
requirement of water. The water is treated for
the use in final processing. At different stages, different
treatment tests are done.
These tests include:
• Upper top test
• Sand filter and carbon purifier test
• Water softness test
Company also keeps the record of these tests. If some
abnormality is observed by the shift in
charge, then he stops the supply of water from the
container. The supply of water is made
from other container. These containers are also washed
at regular basis.
Syrup Testing
Mixing of sugar and water into concentrate produces
syrup. This mixture is treated at 90oc
and then it is stored in the tanks. This is called simple
syrup. This syrup is also tested in the
lab. Then carbon dioxide and ammonia are mixed into
the syrup. Now this is final syrup this
is also tested in the lab. If this syrup is not according to
standards, then new syrup is
prepared for production.
Finished Product Testing
When bottles are filled, a chemist also takes the sample
and checks the quality. Here
preservation and ingredients ratios are also checked. If
any deviation from the standard is
found, the whole batch is drained before going in
These finished bottles are also passed through light room
to control the quality. Here if the
bottle is low filled or dirty, then it is sorted out. The
quality of glass, size of neck and size of
bottom should be according to the given standards.

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