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Question 2

Bill and Jim ran a 50-m race three times. The speed of the runners did not vary. In
the first race, Jim was at the 45-m mark when Bill crossed the finish line.

a) In the second-race, Jim started 5 m ahead of Bill, who lined up at the starting line.
Who won?

b) In the third race, Jim started at the starting line and Bill started 5 m behind. Who

a) Step 1 : Understanding the problem
The answer we need to find is who won the second race.

Step 2 : Devising a plan and carry out the plan

The condition is Jim started the race 5 m ahead of Bill, and both of them did not
change the speed. They start at the same time.

Step 3 : Looking back

Both of them will be at finish point at the same time, because according to the first
race, Bill is 5m ahead to Jim. So, when Jim started the race 5m ahead of Bill, they
should arrive finish line at the same time.

The answer is they tie at the second race.

b) Step 1 : Understanding the problem

The answer we need to find is who won the third race.

Step 2 : Devising a plan and carry out the plan

The condition is Jim stared at the starting line and Bill started 5m behind. Both of
them did not change the speed. They start at the same time.

Step 3 : Looking back

The speed of Bill is faster than the speed of JIm and the third race, Jim will run
50m while Bill will run 55m. Since we know that when both of them ran 50m in the
first race, Bill won the race. So in the third race, when Jim ran 45m, Bill will reach the
same position of Jim.
Since Bill will faster than Jim, Bill will arrive the finish line earlier than Jim.

The answer is Bill won the third race.

Question 3
There are 23 players in a badminton tournament. Each player play every other player
exactly once. How many games will be played?

Step 1 : Understanding the problem
The answer we need to find is how many games will be played.

Step 2 : Devising a plan and carry out the plan

Player A and player B will played 1 game.
Player A, player B and player C will played 3 games, which is A with B, A with
C and B with C.
Player A, player B, player C and player D will played 6 games, which is A with
B, A with C, A with D, B with C, B with D and C with D.
The sequences will keep continue until the 23rd player join the games, and the
sequences is

2 players = 1 game
3 players = 3 games (1+2)
4 players = 6 games (1+2+3)

23 players = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22
= 253 games

Or use formula n/2 (2a+(n-1)d), where n = 22, a= 1 and d = 1

= 22/2 (2(1)+(22-1)(1))
=253 games

Step 3 : Looking back

The sequences is right since the easiest way, which is count one by one is
the same answer by using formula.

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