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Atmospheric Pressure and Winds

Question 1.
Define the following terms :
(a) Pressure Gradient
(b) Winds
(c) Coriolis force.
(d) Altitude
(e) Monsoons.
(a) Pressure Gradient — It is the rate of change of atmospheric pressure between two
points on the earth’s surface.
(b) Winds — Horizontal movements of the air from high pressure to low pressure areas
are called winds.
(c) Coriolis force — This force is created by the rotation of the earth as the winds in
different belts deflect towards right in Northern hemisphere and to the left in Southern
(d) Altitude — The pressure also decrease with increasing altitude at the rate of 100
millibars in every 1000 metres of height gained.
(e) Monsoons — are the periodic seasonal winds blowing in the regions of South East
Asia and Northern Australia. The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word
‘Mausim’ meaning ‘Season’, on account of deeply affecting the seasons of the particular
Question 2.
Name the four main pressure belts of the earth.
• Equatorial low pressure belt
• Sub-tropical high pressure belt
• Circum-polar low pressure belt
• Polar high pressure areas.
Question 3.
What is Circum-polar Low Pressure Belt ?
Answer: It is the belt of low pressure belt between 60°N – 70°N and 60° S – 70° S.
Question 4.
How does Coriolis Force vary latitudinally ?
Answer: In the northern hemisphere the winds deflect towards right and in Southern
hemisphere deflect towards left due to the effect of the rotation of the earth, e.g. the
trade winds take the Southwest direction in place of southern direction in northern
tropical belt and in southern tropical belt these winds take northwest direction in place
of northern direction.
Question 5.
Name the three chief types of wind.
Answer: Three chief types of winds are Trade winds, Westerlies, and Polar winds.
Question 6.
What are periodic winds ?
Answer: Periodic winds blow at regular intervals or in regular cycles. They are winds
that result from localised differences in pressure and temperature. For example, land
and sea breezes and the seasonal winds.
Question 7.
What are local winds ? Name any two local winds.
Answer: The local winds blow in certain places and these are warm and cold according
to the area from which they blow, e.g. Foehn winds blow descending on the slopes of the
Alps and makes the temperature ideal for grapes due to its warm effect. In the same way
Chinook winds blowing and coming down from the Rockies mountains in North America
helps to increase the temperature and are beneficial to keep grasslands ice free and
warms the ranches, so good for animal rearing.
Question 8.
Name two types of variable winds ? Why are they so called ?
Answer: Variable winds change their direction and force from place to place due to
changing the pressure system. These blow for a short time or for a few days. These are
cyclones and anticyclones. These are the circular winds with low pressure and high
pressure in the centre respectively.
Question 9.
Why are cyclones frequent in summer in the tropical region ?
Answer: In summer in the tropical region due to die shifting of Doldrums, the low
pressure region is strongly originate between 8° and 20° N and S. They mainly originate
in China sea and surrounding area. In Bangla Desh, these are known as ‘KalBaisakhi’
rneaning ‘Time of Death’ and cause heavy calamities and destruction. These are known
as ‘hurricanes’ in North America, ‘Typhoons’ in China,‘willywillies’ in Australia.
Question 10.
Mention any two differences between Tropical Cyclones and Temperature Cyclones.
Tropical Cyclones :
1. Tropical cyclones are produced mainly over the sea.
2. They generally originate in the tropical region between 8° and 20°N and S.
Temperature Cyclones :
1. Temperate cyclones are produced both on land and on sea.
2. They originate in the mid latitudinal region between 35° latitude and 65° latitude.
Question 11.
How are cyclones named differently in different parts of the world ?
Answer: The name of the cyclones is different in different parts of the world on the basis
of the local languages e.g. hurricanes in America, typhoons in China and Japan,
meaning the destructive horrible cyclonic winds.
Question 12.
What are two chief characteristics of anticyclones ?
Answer: Two chief characteristics are that these provide clear weather and the winds
blowing from the centre towards outside in clockwise direction.
Question 13.
Why are the summer monsoons known as South-West Monsoons in the Indian
Answer: Due to the low pressure created in the Northern Indian subcontinent and high
pressure centre located in the Indian ocean, the Monsoons start to blow from the ocean
to the Indian landmass taking a direction from southwest to northeast in summer
Question 14.
Name the two types of instruments used for measuring pressure. State one point of
difference between them.
Answer: Two types of barometers are used for measuring pressure, e.g. Fortin’s
Barometer and Aneroid Barometer. The main difference is that Fortin’s Barometer is
filled with mercury, while Aneroid Barometer is without any liquid. Fortin’s Barometer
consists of a long narrow tube filled with mercury, while Aneroid is in the round shape
like a watch.
Question 15.
Briefly state the variations in the vertical distribution of pressure.
Answer: Many factors like slope of land, presence of winds and the temperature affect
the pressure of air vertically. The rate of decrease is 100 millibars per 1000 metres of
height gained. There is a thin air cover at high altitudes, so the percentage and amount
of oxygen is also less.
Question 16.
Why are the months of January and July used to describe the world distribution of
pressure ?
Answer: Due to the lowest and highest temperatures recorded in January and July
respectively the pressure areas are also affected, so it is preferred to display the
distribution of pressure distinctly in January and July.
II. Give reasons for each of the following
Question 1.
The Westerlies in the Southern Hemisphere blow with greater force than those in the
Northern Hemisphere.
Answer: In the Southern Hemisphere there is open ocean for free movement along the
belt of Westerlies. These blow with roaring sound and great speed along 40°S. and are
known as ‘Roaring Forties’.
Question 2.
There is a seasonal shifting in pressure belts.
Answer: Due to the earth’s changing aspect with respect to the sun, the pressure belts
shift northwards by 5° in summer and southwards in winter resulting in particular
seasonal changes, e,g. The cold waves blow in India in winter due to the sub¬tropical
belt shifting along 30°N touching the Himalayas. On the other hand in summer the trade
winds become powerful in India and push the monsoon winds from east to west in
Northern Plain of India.
Question 3.
As we go higher, the atmospheric pressure decreases.
Answer: As the air become thinner with increasing height, so, the air pressure also
decreased. The rate of decrease is 100 millibars per 1000 metres of height gained. So
mountain hikers take oxygen cylinder with them to compensate the air inhaled.
Question 4.
The winds are directed to the right of their flow in the Northern Hemisphere.
Answer: Due to the rotation of the earth from west to east, the winds are deflected to the
right e.g. the trade winds blowing from north, to south take north easterly direction.
PQ. Mediterranean lands receive most of the rainfall in winter season.
Answer: Mediterranean lands come along the belt of Westerlies along 30°S in place of
40°N in winter. So, the Mediterranean countries along 30°N get ample rainfall. Similarly
in the Southern Hemisphere the Westerlies blow along 30°S, in winter, so, the southern
Mediterranean countries get winter rainfall.
Question 5.
Temperature and pressure are inversely related to one another.
Answer: When the temperature increases and the air start to rise upwards. creating a
low pressure area, but when the temperature decreases, the air start to sink downwards
creating a high pressure area on land surface. So, the temperature and pressure are
inversely related to one another.
Question 6.
Humid air is lighter than dry air.
Answer: In tropical region the air is greatly humid due to excess of evaporation creating
a low pressure conditions, while the cold regions with less humidity are high pressure
areas. So, the humid air is lighter than dry air.
Question 7.
Doldrums is a low pressure belt.
Answer: Doldrums is a low pressure belt along the equator from 5°N to 5°S. In this belt
due to high amount of evaporation, the atmosphere is very calm and quiet due to no
circulation of winds and continuous rising air mass creating a hollow like condition in
this belt. Inspite of air pushed towards the equator, it is immediately deflected to right
and left, creating a vacuum like condition resulting in a belt of calm named as
III. Distinguish between the following
PQ. Isobars and Isotherms
Answer: Isobars :
1. These are the lines joining the places of same air pressure.
2. The closeness of these lines indicate the intensity of pressure.
Isotherms :
1. These are the lines joining the place of same air temperature.
2. The closeness of these lines indicate the intensity of temperature.
Question 1.
Cyclones and Anticyclones.
Answer: Cyclones :
1. These are the circular winds with low pressure in the centre.
2. The winds blow anticlockwise from outside to the centre in Northern Hemisphere.
3. These bring rainfall, clouds thunder lightening.
Anticyclones :
1. These are circular winds with high pressure in the centre.
2. The winds blow clockwise from the centre towards all sides in Northern
3. These bring clear weather and cold winds.
PQ. Vertical and Horizontal Temperature variation.
Answer: Vertical Variation :
1. The Temperature decreases as the height increases
2. The rate is 1°C for every 166 metres of height.
Horizontal Variation :
1. The temperature decreases as the latitude increases.
2. Highest temperatures are found along Equatorial and tropical regions, while least
temperature is recorded in polar areas.
Question 2.
Permanent and Periodic Winds.
Answer: Permanent winds :
1. These blow throughout the year.
2. These are named Trade winds, Westerlies and Polar winds.
Periodic winds :
1. These blow in particular area and seasons.
2. These are named monsoon winds, Chinook, Foehn, Mistrel winds etc.
Question 3.
Summer and Winter Monsoons.
Answer: Summer Monsoon :
1. These blow in summer season from July to September.
2. These bring heavy rainfall with thunder lightening
Winter Monsoon :
1. These blow in winter mainly in December and January.
2. These bring dry cold weather and cold waves.
IV. Long Answer Questions.
Question 1.
What is meant by the term ‘Atmospheric Pressure’ ? Explain briefly the factors that
affect Atmospheric Pressure.
Answer: Atmospheric Pressure refers to the force per unit area exerted against a surface
by the weight of the air above that surface. Pressure is expressed in millibars (mb) and
measured with a mercury barometer. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is
1013.25 mb or 760 mm (the) height of the column of mercury in a barometer at sea
level). Atmospheric Pressure decreases with height.
Factors affecting Atmospheric Pressure are as below :
• Altitude : The atmospheric pressure decreases with height or altitude. The
decrease in pressure is about 1 cm of mercury for every 110 m of ascent. The
atmospheric pressure is highest at sea level. This is because at higher altitudes the
air is thinner or less dense than the air at the sea level. The maximum air density
is at the earth’s surface ; air density decreases with height because the pull of the
earth’s gravity is less.
• Temperature : Atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in temperature. This
is because when the temperature rises, air expands. The molecules of air move far
apart (become less dense) and hence exert less pressure. On the contrary, with
decrease in temperature the air gets compressed and the space between molecules
decreases (becomes more dense) and exerts more pressure on the region.
• Water Vapour : Water vapour concentration affects atmospheric pressure because
the molecular weight of water (18 g/mol) is less than the average molecular weight
of air (about 29 g/mol). When water evaporates and enters the atmosphere as a
gas, the water vapour molecules take the place of other gas molecules in the air.
So, a volume of wet (or humid) air weighs less than an equal volume of dry air.
Therefore, humid air is less dense and exerts less pressure than dry air.
• Rotation of the Earth : Due to the rotation of the earth, bulk of the air at the Poles
is thrown away towards the Equator. Since the Equatorial region receives great
amount of heat throughout the year, the air becomes warm and light and therefore,
it rises and creates low pressure. At the Poles, the cold heavy air sinks down and
creates high pressure. In fact, temperature and rotation of the earth together
contribute to the formation of world pressure belts.
Question 2.
Explain the swinging of the pressure belts.
In summer the pressure belts are pushed northwards and in winter southwards.
This shifting takes place upto 5° distance. In summer, it results in remarkable change in
weather and climate, e.g. summer monsoon with thunderstorms, lightening and rainfall
etc. while, in winter, the Mediterranean climatic regions get rainfall due to Westerlies
coming from sea towards land.
Question 3.
Briefly explain the three chief types of winds.
Answer: The three chief types of winds are Trade winds, Westerlies and polar winds.
Trade winds : blow along the tropical belt from sub-tropical High to equatorial low
pressure belts. The name trade is given due to the past time, when trade ships were
sailed according to the direction of these winds.
Westerlies : are the winds blowing from western direction. These are south-westerly in
northern and north-westerly in the southern hemispheres.
The Polar : winds are icy cool winds blowing from poles towards Circum polar low
pressure belts, which are also known as Blizzards.
Question 4.
Describe some of the important types of local winds.
Answer: Chinook in North America blowing eastwards from the Rockies slopes make the
climate of Central Plains ideal for animal rearing and agriculture.
Foehn : winds descending down from the Alps makes the agriculture successful in PO
basin and
Mistral : from the Alps along France towards the Mediterranean sea brings the
temperature suddenly down instead of bright sunshine.
Question 5.
Explain the weather conditions associated with tropical and temperate cyclones.
Answer: Tropical cyclones : These are associated with turbulent weather conditions and
cause heavy damage to property and human life, e.g. Tornado in North America,
Hurricanes in Carribean region, typhons in China and Japan. These blow from south to
Temperate cyclones : These are active along mid-latitude region from west to east
direction and cover a long region. These are pushed with Westerlies and also called the
western Disturbances. These affect from Mediterranean to Pacific ocean covering South
European countries, Middle East, Iran, Iraq etc., Pakistan, India, China from west to
east. These are associated with rainfall, snowfall, hailstones etc, followed by a clear
weather due to coming back anticyclones.
Question 1.
Define the following terms :
(a) Precipitation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Condensation
(d) Humidity
(e) Latent heat.
(a) Precipitation — It is process by which condensation in different forms falling on the
ground e.g. rainfall, snowfall, drizzle, sleet and hail etc.
(b) Evaporation — It is the process of converting water into water droplets and vapour.
(c) Condensation — It is the process of converting the water- droplets into water.
(d) Humidity — It is the amount of moisture present in the atmospheric air.
(e) Latent heat — It is the unseen heat absorbed by the atmospheric air to form vapour
after reaching boiling point of 100°C of water.
Question 2.
What determines the amount of water vapour in the air?
Answer: The amount of water vapour or humidity is dependent on the temperature
conditions, because the capacity of air to hold moisture changes according to the
temperature, e.g., in higher temperature the water vapour amount may increase and in
low temperature it may decrease.
Question 3.
How is relative humidity determined ?
Answer: Relative humidity is the percentage of water vapour with respect to the amount
of air at a particular temperature.

Question 4.
Name four chief forms of condensation.
Answer: Four chief forms of condensation are clouds, fog, mist and dew droplets.
Question 5.
Mention the different forms of precipitation.
Answer: Different forms of precipitation are rainfall, drizzling, hailstones, snowfall and
sleet etc.
Question 6.
What do you understand by ‘condensation nuclei’ ?
Answer: Condensation nuclei — Condensation nuclei is the base around which moisture
is gathered and converts into a drop of water, e.g. the dust particles present in the
atmosphere make the base of condensation form.
Question 7.
State the three types of rainfall.
• Relief Rainfall – It occurs from the cooling of warm moist air which ascends above
the mountain barrier lying in the direction of the prevailing winds.
• Cyclonic or Frontal Rainfall – It occurs when warm and cold air masses confront
each other, the warmer air generally climbs above the colder air.
• Convectional Rainfall – Ascending currents of hot and humid air causes
condensation of the clouds, resulting in heavy rainfall.
Question 8.
What is cyclonic rainfall ?
Answer: Cyclonic rainfall is provided by the cyclones created in tropical and temperate
regions along the air mass fronts, where warm and cold air meet together and the warm
air is encircled by the cold air resulting in circular wind systems. The tropical cyclones
provide heavy rainfall for a few days, but temperate cyclones provide light rainfall or
drizzling for a long period.
Question 9.
How does latitude affect evaporation ?
Answer: Evaporation is highest in the tropical belt due to continuous vertical rays of the
sun, while in temperate belt less evaporation and in polar belt least evaporation takes
place due to less insolation.
Question 10.
Why is evaporation maximum in tropical deserts surrounded by seas ?
Answer: In tropical deserts, surrounded by seas, evaporation is maximum because of
high temperatures and clear skies.
Question 11.
State the factors favouring evaporation.
Answer: The conditions favourable for evaporation are high temperature and large
amount of water of ocean, rainfall water etc.
Question 12.
What is the instrument used for measuring humidity?
Answer: Hygrometer or Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer is used to measure humidity.
Question 13.
State the process of clouds formation. Name the types of clouds.
Answer: When the water vapour converts into the water droplets floating in the air, the
clouds are formed. Main types of clouds are Cirrus, Cumulus, Altus and Stratus.
Question 14.
Name the regions which receive rainfall only in summer.
Answer: The continental interiors in the sub-tropical regions get rainfall only in
summer, e.g. Mangolia, Tibet etc.
Question 15.
Name two regions of heavy rainfall.
Answer: Equatorial region and monsoon tropical region get highest rainfall. Highest
rainfall is recorded in Cherrapunji and Mawsynram (1080 cm) in the world.
Question 16.
Describe the three chief ways in which condensation occurs.
Answer: Three chief ways to assist condensation are :
1. High amount of moisture present in atmosphere.
2. The elements providing the nuclei for it should be present in atmosphere, e.g., dust
particles, salt and smoke etc.
3. The air should be saturated i.e. the relative humidity must be 100% to create dew
point or the temperature should be below dew point.
II. Give reasons for each of the following
Question 1.
In Equatorial regions the sky often remains overcast with clouds.
Answer: Due to excessive heat the evaporation takes place in fast speed, and in every
afternoon rainfall occurs after heavy cloud formation by convection process. So the sky
mostly remains overcast with clouds.
Question 2.
Human comfort depends on humidity.
Answer: Human efficiency is best at 40% relative humidity. More or less humidity
creates uneasiness of humidity and dryness.
Question 3.
Condensation is the reverse process of evaporation.
Answer: Condensation takes place upto the dew-point comes, but after it precipitation
starts due to water-droplets converted into water drops. So, condensation and
precipitation are different processes occurring in different conditions and temperature
Question 4.
Coasts receive more rainfall than the interior of the continents.
Answer: Moisture-laiden winds provide more rainfall to the coastal parts due to being
situated by the coast and receiving the rain bearing winds, but the interior get negligible
rainfall due to being the almost dry winds without moisture.
Question 5.
The windward sides of mountains receive more rainfall than the leeward sides.
Answer: The windward sides of mountainous slopes get ample rainfall by striking with
the rain bearing winds first, while the leeward sides cannot get sufficient rainfall due to
being on other side where the winds become almost dry due to imparting rainfall in
windward due to loss of major part of moisture and water drops.
III. Match the following


IV. Long Answer Questions.

Question 1.
Distinguish between Absolute Humidity and Relative Humidity.
Answer: Absolute Humidity :
1. It is the measure of the actual amount of water vapour in the air, regardless of
2. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air(g/m3).
3. The higher the amount of water vapour, the higher is the absolute humidity.
4. In weather calculations, absolute humidity is generally not taken into account.
Relative Humidity:
1. It measures water vapour in air but relative to the maximum vapour that the air
can hold at that temperature.
2. It is expressed as the ratio (percentage value) between the absolute humidity of a
given mass of air and the maximum amount of water vapour that it can hold at the
same temperature.
3. Warm air possesses more water vapour than cold air, so with the same amount of
absolute humidity, air will have a different relative humidity depending on
4. It is the essential characteristic of weather forecasts, which indicates the likelihood
of precipitation, dew or fog.
Question 2.
With reference to condensation, define the following :
(a) Process of condensation.
(b) Atmospheric conditions that favour condensation.
(c) Forms of Condensation.
(a) Condensation is the reverse process of evaporation. In condensation, water vapour in
the atmosphere get converted into water droplets or ice. Condensation takes place when
water vapour is added to saturated air or when the temperature falls below the
temperature at which air become saturated.
(b) The atmospheric conditions that favour condensation are :
1. There should be a high amount of water vapour present in atmosphere.
2. Minuscule particles of dust, salt and even smoke act as condensation nuclei.
3. The temperature of air must be below dew point temperature so as to encourage
(c) Forms of condensation : Following are the forms of the
• condensation : Dew, frost, fog, mist, white frost and clouds. The clouds are formed
when the temperature falls down below dew points, while dew, fog and clouds are
formed when the temperature remains higher than the freezing point.
• Clouds : Clouds are formed when minute droplets of water vapour condense on a
nuclei and remain suspended in air.
• Dew : When water vapour condenses on the surface, it forms tiny droplets of water
called dew. Dew commonly occurs during winter on account of cooling of air below
dew point.
• Frost : In very low temperature, when condensation occurs at zero metre or ground
level, water vapour freezes into minute crystals of rice on objects near the ground
such as blades of grass, leaves and tiny rock particles. Frost is harmful to plants.
• Fog and Mist : Fog and Mist are two related terms. Droplets of water suspended in
the atmosphere close to the surface of the earth are termed as fog. On long winter
nights, the ground cools more rapidly than the air above. Such cooling reduces
temperature at the surface to below dew point. Water vapour at lower levels get
condensed around minute solid particles to form fog.
PQ. Describe the process of evaporation together with factors that favour it.
Answer: For evaporation excessive heat and presence of water bodies is essential. Nearly
600 calories of heat is required to change water into water vapour. Evaporation is
maximum in tropical belt and mainly in hot desert region surrounded by water bodies.
In the equatorial belt, due to overcast with clouds, evaporation is comparatively less due
to obstacles of cloud in heating process.
Question 3.
Name the three types »of rainfall. With the help of a diagram describe each type of
1. Convectional rainfall : It occurs in the Equatorial regions. The high temperature
leads to the rapid heating of air. Such heated air rises in convectional currents,
leading to development of clouds at about 10 km height. Ascending currents of hot
and humid air causes condensation of the clouds, resulting in heavy rainfall.

2. Relief Rainfall : Relief rainfall is also known as Orographic Rainfall. It occurs from
the cooling of warm moist air which ascends above the mountain barrier lying in
the direction of the prevailing winds. The presence of mountains causes humid jair
to rise. The sudden ascent causes cooling of air, leading to condensation and

3. Cyclonic Rainfall : This type of rainfall is due to cyclones and depressions. When
warm and cold air masses confront each other, the warmer air generally climbs
above the colder. The rising air is cooled while undergoing a frontal lift. This causes

Question 4.
Define precipitation. Write short notes on three forms of precipitation.
Answer: The process by which products of condensation, viz water droplets, ice crystals,
sleet, etc., fall to ground is known as precipitation. Rainfall, snowfall, drizzle, sleet and
hail are the chief forms of precipitation. Precipitation takes place only when they
particles of water join together to form large sized particles which become too heavy to
remain in suspension in the cloud.
1. Rain : It is the most common form of precipitation. Raindrops of smaller size and
less intensity are known as drizzle.
2. Dew : When water vapour condenses on the surface, it forms tiny droplets of water
called dew. Dew commonly occurs during winter on account of cooling of air below
dew point.
3. Frost : In very low temperature, when condensation occurs at zero metre or ground
level, water vapour freezes into minute crystals of ice on objects near the ground
such as blades of grass, leaves and tiny rock particles. Frost is harmful to plants.
Question 1.
What is environmental pollution ?
Answer: Environmental pollution refers to any unfavourable alteration of our
surroundings, wholly or largely as a by product of man’s actions. These changes may
affect man and other organisms.
Question 2.
Give the definition of a pollutant.
Answer: A pollutant is a product released into the biosphere disturbing the normal
functioning of ecosystem due to its adverse effect on plants, animals and man.
Question 3.
Give the difference between natural and man-made pollutants.
Answer: Natural pollution takes place by increasing the quantity of Carbon dioxide and
Nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere but man made pollution is done by using pesticides,
chemical fertilizers.
Question 4.
What is air pollution ? Give a source of air pollution.
Answer: Air pollution is the excessive concentration of foreign matter in the air which
adversely affects the well-being of human beings, animals, plants and their environment.
Air pollution is caused by addition of chemicals, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide,
hydrogen sulphide by various factories, industrial plants.
Question 5.
Define water pollution.
Answer: Water pollution is caused by contamination of water by alteration in physical,
chemical, biological characteristics of water making it unsuitable for designated use in
its natural state.
Question 6.
What is soil pollution ?
Answer: Soil pollution is defined as the change in physical, chemical and biological
conditions of the soil through man’s intervention resulting in degradation in quality and
productivity of soil.
Question 7.
Why should we avoid soil pollution.
Answer: Soil is the basic need of agriculture. If the soil is polluted, the crops will be
harmful for health and quality.
Question 8.
What is radioactive pollution ?
Answer: Radioactive pollution is done by cosmic radiation from space, terrestrial
radiation from radio-isotopes from earth’s crust, nuclear fuels in atomic plants, atomic
bombs etc.
Question 9.
What is noise pollution ? What harm does noise pollution do to human beings ?
Answer: Noise pollution is done by extreme noise done by industrial sector, transport,
loud speakers etc., which adversely affect human health causing severe headache,
migraine, mental disbalance, nervous breakdown, heart diseases.
Question 10.
Give the difference between biodegradable and non- biodegradable pollutants.
Answer: Biodegradable pollutants are degraded by microbial actions e.g. sewage,
garbage etc, but non-biodegradable pollutants are not degraded e.g. glass, plastics etc.
Question 11.
Distinguish between each of the following :
(i) Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Pollutants
Answer: Biodegradable Pollutants :
1. These may be degraded ‘‘after sometime by biological or microbial actions.
2. These are sewage, domestic garbage of kitchen etc.
Non-biodegradable Pollutants :
1. These are not degraded by any biological or microbial actions.
2. These include plastics, pesticides and radioactive materials.
(ii) Quantitative Pollutants and Qualitative Pollutants.
Answer: Quantitative Pollutants :
1. The excess of CO2, Nitrogen oxide etc. pollute the atmosphere.
2. These create unhealthy atmosphere due to the scarcity of oxygen.
Qualitative Pollutants :
1. Use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers pollute the composition of atmosphere.
2. These result in various diseases, e.g. skin cancer asthma etc.
(iii) Natural Pollution and Anthropogenic Pollution.
Answer: Natural Pollution :
(a) Cosmic radiation from space and terrestrial radiation pollute the atmosphere.
(b) It disturbs the natural atmosphere and harms human and animal life.
Anthropogenic Pollution :
(a) Man-made pollution is done by radioactive plants, atomic bombs, nuclear fuel etc.
(b) It creates various diseases cancer, heart problems, migraine etc, it also disturbs
animal life.
II. Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
With reference to pollution, explain the following
(a) Air pollution
(b) Water pollution
(a) Air pollution is the excessive concentration of foreign matter in the air which
adversely affects the well-being of human beings, animals, plants and their environment.
Air pollution is caused by addition of chemicals, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide,
hydrogen sulphide by various factories, industrial plants.
(b) Water pollution is caused by contamination of water by alteration in physical,
chemical, biological characteristics of water making it unsuitable for designated use in
its natural state.
Question 2.
Explain clearly what is radioactive pollution. Why is radioactive pollution more harmful
than other types of pollutions ?
Answer: Radioactive pollution is caused by cosmic radiation from space, use of
radioactive materials which are used in radioactive weapons, nuclear fuel and electric
Radioactive pollutants remain unperished for a long period, so these are more harmful
to spoil natural environment. In t modem age, it has become very difficult to survive in
natural state due to production of various radioactive materials for various purposes.
Question 3.
How is noise a source of pollution ? Why do we need to look at the problem of noise
pollution seriously ?
Answer: Noise is a source of pollution because noise pollution is done by extreme noise
of industrial sector, transport, loud speakers etc., which adversely affect human health
causing severe headache, migraine, mental disbalance, nervous breakdown, heart
Noise is a health hazard. Exposure to prolonged noise has many physical, physiological
and psychological effects on human beings in the following ways:
1. repeated exposure to noise reduces the sleeping hours
2. productivity or efficiency of a human being
3. it affects the peace of mind and invades the privacy of a human being.
Question 4.
How are the pollutants categorised on the basis of their existence in nature. Give two
examples of each category?
Answer: Pollutants are categorises in mainly i.e. degradable and non- degradable
pollutants, out of them non-degradable pollutants create problem of pollution, e.g. glass,
plastics, pesticides etc.
On the basis of existence in nature, pollutants are divided into two categories:
• Quantitative pollutants : These substances exist in nature but they act as
pollutants when their concentration or quantity increases up to a critical level in
the atmosphere, e.g., Carbon- dioxide, Nitrogen oxide, etc.
• Qualitative pollutants : These pollutants do not exist in environment They are
introduced into the environment through man’s activities, e.g., pesticides (DDT),
chemical fertilizers, herbicides etc.
Question 5.
Explain with examples the difference between the primary and secondary pollutants.
Answer: Primary pollutants are directly mixed with atmosphere e.g. smoke, ash, fumes,
dust, CO2 Sulphur dioxide Methane, Benzene etc. Secondary pollutants are created by
automobiles e.g. Nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons etc, which are more toxic than their
original elements.
Sources of Pollution
Question 1.
Name any three air pollutants and the sources of each of them.
Answer: Pollutant :
1. Carbon Monoxide (CO) :
2. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) :
3. Sulphur Oxides (SOx) :
Sources :
1. Gasoline fuel, motor vehicles fuel, burning of wood and coal, solid waste disposal,
Industrial processes.
2. Primary sources are motor vehicles and power generation stations, combustion of
organic matters, furnace stacks, incinerators.
3. Mainly due to burning of coal, smelting operations, refineries, chemical plants,
open burning of garbage and municipal incinerators.
Question 2.
What are natural sources of air pollution ?
Answer: Natural sources are volcanic eruptions, sand, dust, forest fires etc.
Question 3.
Name one industry which pollutes the atmosphere with gaseous as well as with
particulate matter.
Answer: Automobile industry.
Question 4.
What is known as smog ? What harm is done by smog especially in winter ?
Answer: Smog means smoke + fog. In winter season smog is responsible for many
accidents due to the obstacle in visibility.
Question 5.
Name three gases emitted during burning of garbage.
Answer: These are Carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen oxides.
Question 6.
Mention any two sources of water pollution.
Answer: Two sources of water pollution are :
• household detergents and sewage,
• oil spills
Question 7.
Name two heavy metals from industries that pollute water.
Answer: Heavy metals are Lead and Mercury.
Question 8.
Mention any four sources of soil pollution.
Answer: These are industrial wastes, domestic waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Question 9.
Why are radioactive pollutants very dangerous ?
Answer: The emission of radioactive minerals Uranium 235 Plutonium 239, make the
whole surroundings radioactive after fission and carried away by wind to long distances.
These are dangerous to health, as these remain as it is for a long time.
Question 10.
What kind of solid and liquid pollutants does the offshore drilling produce ?
Answer: Drilling produces dust, stones etc and crude oil spills pollute largely the
oceanic water and disturb marine life.
Question 11.
What are primary pollutants ?
Answer: The pollutants that are directly emitted from the sources and are found in the
atmosphere in the form in which they are emitted are known as primary pollutants, e.g.,
ash, radioactive compounds, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen etc.
Question 12.
With an example, state what are secondary pollutants?
Answer: The pollutants that are formed in the atmosphere by chemical interactions
between primary pollutants and atmospheric constituents are known as secondary
pollutants. Examples of secondary pollutants are Sulphur trioxide, Ozone, Peroxyacetyl
Nitrate (PAN), Ketones etc.
Question 13.
What is the connection between urbanisation and air pollution ?
Answer: The major connection between urbanisation and air pollution are automobiles,
industries, burning of garbage and brick kilns. These sources release pollutants such as
oxides of carbon, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, and hydrocarbons, ozone,
chlorofluoromethanes, etc.
Question 14.
How much are the automobiles responsible for air pollution ?
Answer: Automobiles are mainly responsible for 80% air pollution, emitting Carbon
monoxide, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen monoxide etc.
Question 15.
How are brick kilns a source of gases and particulate matter that cause air pollution ?
Answer: Brick kilns produce huge amount of Carbon oxides, smoke and dust etc.
II. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
With reference to noise pollution, answer the following:
1. How does traffic contribute to noise pollution ?
2. Why are the construction sites considered as worse than factories in their
contribution to noise pollution ?
3. How do the airplanes cause noise pollution ?
1. The increasing number of vehicles on the roads are a big source of noise pollution.
Increasing traffic jams in congested areas lead to repeated hooting of horns by
impatient drivers causing noise pollution.
2. Noise from construction sites is generally far worse than noise originating from
factories. This is because whatever construction takes place noise emissions levels
are higher as well as the equipment is inherently noisy.
3. Noise pollution caused by airplanes has been increasing steadily during recent
years, especially in the areas close to international airports. This problem has
mainly arisen because of the widespread use of heavy long-range jet aircraft. Noise
made by jet planes is more disturbing than that of the old propeller driven aircraft
because it is of far higher pitch. Jet noise is caused by the violent mixing of the jet
of gases from the engine with the surrounding air. It is at maximum level during
take-off when the engine delivers maximum thrust, and falls away rapidly as the
aircraft climbs. During landing, the main source of high-frequency noise is the
sound made by the air compressor and turbine blades. Aircraft pass close to the
ground for quite a distance during the landing operation and this noise often
constitutes a more sustained environmental nuisance than the intense noise of
shorter duration produced during take-off.
Question 2.
Air pollution is the contamination of air by pollutants. In this context answer the
following :
(i) How does the use of automobiles cause air pollution ?
Answer: Automobiles produce large amount of CO, hydrocarbons, oxides and suspended
particulate matter and cause air pollution.
(ii) Write short notes on industrial air pollution.
Answer: Industrial pollution cannot be avoided, as without it development is not
possible. So it is an unavoidable problem faced by urban industrial areas, because
harmful gases, garbage etc. is emitted by industrial activities, e.g. Industries release CO,
oxides of Sulphur and Nitrogen, smoke, dust etc. to the air.
(iii) What special kind of air pollution do the brick kilns produce?
Answer: Dust and smoke are the main elements produced by the brick kilns to pollute
the air.
Question 3.
With reference to the sources of water pollutants answer the following questions:
(i) Why is it harmful to dispose of household detergents in water bodies ?
Answer: Detergents contain some phosphates which are helpful to 1 produce algae and
aquatic weeds which pollute the water.
(ii) In what way does the industrial waste pollute water?
Answer: Many harmful wastes are produced by the industries which ; pollute water, e.g.
Kanpur leather works continuously are polluting water of Ganga river creating a big
problem. Industrial wastes mixed with water make it poisonous and unhygenic and may
result in various diseases.
(iii) How do the radioactive wastes get into the water bodies?
Answer: Wastes produced by nuclear power stations nuclear weapons / testing,
research laboratories, and hospitals, are the main radioactive wastes which pollute the
water bodies.
(iv) How is the thermal pollution of water caused ? What are its effects ?
Answer: The thermal power plants located near the rivers use water for cooling
purposes. They release the recycled hot water into the rivers leading to thermal
pollution. The hot water makes the temperature of aquatic environment rise which
endangers the aquatic ecosystem.
Question 4.
Write short notes on soil pollution by
(a) Pesticides
(b) Biomedical waste.
Answer: (a) Pesticide waste mixed with the soil make it harmful for natural composition
of soil and natural plants which cannot be taken in food material due to toxic material
and the soil is contaminated for a long time.
(b) Biomedical waste Hospital wastes contain organic materials, chemicals, metal,
needles, plastics contaminate the soil and make it unfit for growth of plants etc. Third
world countries are facing this problem deeply.
Question 5.
What are the sources of radioactive pollution ? Describe each of them.
Answer: These are natural sources from cosmic rays, man-made sources by use of X-
rays, nuclear weapons, Atomic reactors and fuel, radioactive isotopes in research
laboratories are the main reasons to pollute rivers, streams and lakes etc. through
Question 6.
What are the man-made sources of air pollution ?
Answer: Man-made sources are human activities, e.g., industries, factories, urban
settlement, aircraft, nuclear experiments, automobiles, agricultural and power plants
etc. are the sources of air pollution.
Effects of Pollution
Question 1.
How does noise pollution affect animals ?
Answer: Noise from industries, railways, crackers, explosions and commotion in the
cities and aircraft, affect animals, birds, mice, fishes and domestic animals. Birds avoid
migrating to places where noise level is above 100 dB. The noise emissions caused by
supersonic aircraft and railways may cause miscarriage in mammals and fishes as well.
Some of the birds have been found to have stopped laying eggs due to noise pollution
Question 2.
What major harm is done to the human beings by air pollution ?
Answer: It causes irritation in eyes, nose, throat, asthma etc, headache, slurring of
speech, lung cancer, damage to nerves, brain fiver and kidneys.
Question 3.
How are the animals affected by air pollution ?
Answer: Polluted grass is eaten by the animals cause arsenic poisoning. Lead poisoning
results in bronchitis and lack of appetite in pet animals.
Question 4.
What is the effect of oil spills on marine life ?
Answer: Sea water polluted with oil leakage causes oil spills which contaminate sea
water and lead to the death of marine organisms.
Question 5.
What causes waterborne diseases ? Name two waterborn diseases.
Answer: Phosphates and Nitrates from fertilizers, industrial effluents e.g. Arsenic,
Mercury, Cadmium, Lead etc. Gastrointestinal problems, typhoid etc.
Question 6.
In what way does soil pollution affect human beings?
Answer: Human beings are affected through food chains e.g. Nitrogenous fertilizers
produce toxic concentration of nitrate and nitrite in the leaves through soil, pollution of
soil by underground water polluted by industrial wastes. Eutrophication causes
pollution of water and soil making it infertile and unsuitable for plant growth.
Question 7.
Give the impact of radiations on the human body.
Answer: Damage is caused to the offsprings and organs of the body. Several diseases are
caused e.g., breast cancer, thyroid cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer and defective eye
Question 8.
Why are nuclear radiations more dangerous than other forms of pollution ?
Answer: Nuclear radiations survive for a long period upto hundred years resulting in
widespread effects to pollute the natural environment.
Question 9.
What caused the Bhopal gas tragedy ?
Answer: This was the worst industrial accident on December 3 1984, when about 40
tons of methyl isocyanate (MIC) leaked into the atmosphere from Union Carbides
pesticide factory in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
Question 10.
What caused the Chernobyl disaster ?
Answer: This was a radioactive accident in 1986 in Chernobyl in Ukraine on April 26.
When a reactor of nuclear power complex at Chernobyl exploded. A massive steam
explosion, the core of the reactor combined with water to produce hydrogen exploded
blowing toxic radioactive gases into the air.
Question 11.
What were the after-effects of the Bhopal gas tragedy?
Answer: The tragic after effects were blinding people, choking their breathing and
suffocating them, damaged the eyes, lungs and nervous system, upset the urine system
and loss of unborn babies, different plant species were also damaged.
II. Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
Noise pollution is detrimental to human health and environment. Discuss.
Answer: Noise pollution has ill effects not only on the human beings but also on the
environment. Human Health
1. Effect on hearing or Deafness : Continuous exposure to noise levels above 100 dB
has an adverse effect on hearing ability within a fairly short time. Many workers
who are exposed to the noise of jet aircraft or very noisy workshops for even
moderate periods soon develop detectable hearing defects.
2. Effect on Communication : External sounds can interfere with conversation and
use of the telephone, as well as the enjoyment of radio and television programmes.
3. Repeated interference with sleep : Different people have different depths of sleep
and they can adjust to natural sounds. However, noisy conditions near residential
areas at night causes difficulties in sleeping.
4. Mental or Physiological Effects : Many people complain that noise makes them
mentally ill. Experiments have been performed to attempt to confirm or disprove
these claims. Doctors and scientists have now medically confirmed that *noise
disturbs the biological organisms and their respective functions.
5. Effects on Physical health and Psychological problems : Noise has little physical
effect on the biological performance provided that the noise level is below about 90
dB. Damage to the inner ear may result if continuous noise levels exceed about 100
dB and can lead to physical illness. Psychiatrists and psychologists have in recent
researches made observations that noise has certain relation with physical health
causing tension resulting in problems such as speech interference, annoyance,
fatigue, sleep interference and emotional distress.
Effects on Environment : The noise booms cause cracks in national and
archaeological monuments Very high levels of noise are the cause of cracks in hills.
High intensity explosions can break glass panes and vibrations in the buildings.
Question 2.
How does air pollution affect human beings and environment
Answer: Air pollution affects human health in various harmful diseases e.g. irritation in
eyes, headache, vomiting, respiratory disease, cancer, damage to liver and
kidneys. SO2 causes harm to plants by yellowing the leaves, NO2 causes suppressed
growth of plants. Animals eating the polluted grass are affected with arsenic poisoning.
Soot, dust and fumes discolour the fabrics arid buildings. The Taj Mahal has suffered
damage caused by SO2 in the air by getting discoloured and
corroded. SO2 and H2SO4 causes corrosion of metals like steel, copper and zinc.
Question 3.
Explain how the accumulation of nutrients and chemicals in the water prove fatal for the
marine organisms.
Answer: Eutrophication causes in growth of phytoplankton and algae which reduce the
penetration of oxygen, light and heat into the water bodies, so, the marine organisms
suffer greatly and mostly die.
Question 4.
Explain with the help of a diagram how the accumulation of toxic substances increases
as we move up the food chain.
Answer: Nitrogenous fertilizers produce toxic concentration of nitrate and nitrite in the
leaves, which are eaten by animals and as ; vegetables by men, which is very harmful for
health. Eutrophication is dangerous to marine life and the secondary consumers eating
fish etc. are also adversely affected through complicated diseases. Harmful pathogens
are transferred to human through vegetables and fruits.
Question 5.
Explain the effects of soil pollution on human beings and environment.
Answer: Soil pollution causes contamination of plants which may affect the human
health and the scarcity of oxygen disturbs the natural composition of air and air
pollution promotes unwanted diseases.
Question 6.
Explain with examples the effects of radiations on the environment and on humans.
Answer: Radiations emitting from radioactive materials and the disposal of radioactive
wastes cause pollution and damage the environment. The high level products of nuclear
wastes remain in the environment for several hundred years. Radioactive threats to the
environment are the accidents connected with the activities of nuclear reactors, nuclear-
powered vessels and satellites, etc. On human being it causes genetic variations, and
somatic variation i.e. damage to body organs, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, lung cancer,
brain cancer and defective eyesight.
Question 7.
What was the immediate and long term effects of the leakage of MIC gas from the Union
Carbide’s pesticide factory in Bhopal ?
Answer: This accident killed 3500 people and 40,000 people were affected in an area of
100 sq. km. Gas leakage did the people blind, loss of body control, loss of unborn
babies, damage to brain, kidney, lungs, intestinal diseases, damaging the reproductive
ability and plant species.
Question 8.
What harm did radioactive pollution do in the Chernobyl disaster ?
Answer: After the disaster, four square kilometres of pine forest near the reactor turned
reddish-brown and died. Horses also died 6 km. away by thyroid damage whole of
western USSR and other European countries are contaminated by gamma emitters
deposited on the soil. Meat and dairy products were contaminated with Caesium-137.
About 7,00,000 people became exposed to Chernobyl radiation, expecting bad health
Question 9.
What Is the impact of toxic compounds on human beings ?
Toxic Compounds :
• Mercury, Methyl mercury
• Heavy metals, Cadmium
• Arsenic
• Fluoride
Impact on Human beings :
• ‘Minamata’ disease in Japan.
• ‘ltai-itai’ disease in Japan.
• Cancer, ulcers, kidney failure.
• ‘Fluorosis’ discolouring of teeth.
Preventive Measures
Question 1.
State two negative effects of vehicular emissions.
Answer: Vehicular emissions have two negative effects on the environment : One is
global climate change and the other is air pollution and its negative health
Question 2.
Name any two gases emitted by vehicular emissions.
Answer: Carbon monoxide (CO) and a large share of the hydrocarbonx (HC), nitrogen
oxides (NOx).
Question 3.
What is meant by carpooling ?
Answer: Carpooling refers to the sharing of car journeys by persons travelling on the
same route.
Question 4.
Name any three modes of public transport used in India.
Answer: Buses, trams, passenger trains and metro rails.
Question 5.
What is a ‘No Smoking Zone’ ?
Answer: Smoking does not just harm the smoker but also the people nearby, who
breathe in the smoke exhaled by the smokers and are called ‘passive smokers’. Recent
research has shown that concentration of second-hand tobacoo smoke (the smoke
exhaled by smoekers) in many outdoor areas is often as high or higher than in some
indoor areas and the risks posed by such outdoor exposure are well beyond generally
ecceptd norms when large numbers of people are involuntarily exposed. Therefore, the
passive smokers or those who unavoidably breathe in second-hand tabacoo at public
places have such as lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis and sudden infant death syndrome
in children.
To save such passive smokers and discourage smokers from the ill effect of the smoking
in public places ‘No Smoking Zone’ has been created.
Question 6.
What are Fossil Fuels ?
Answer: Fossil fuels refer to buried, combustible deposits of organic materials, formed
from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal and natural
gas by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth’s crust over hundreds of millions of
Question 7.
State why should we use fossil fuels judiciously.
Answer: Fossil fuels are non-renewable source of energy. As a result of growing demand
fossil fuels are being depleted at a rate of 100,000 times faster than they are being
formed. At the present rate of usage, the coal reserves are likely to last for about 200
years. Similarly, at the present rate of usage, the world’s crude oil reserves would be
exhausted in just 50 years. These resources are non-renewable and take millions of
years to form. It is essential, therefore, to reduce dependence on such energy resources
and explore and exploit the enormous potential of alternative sources of energy like solar
energy, tidal energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and biomass based energy. They
are not only renewable sources of energy but are environmentally clean and safe to use.
Question 8.
State any three measures to save energy.
1. Use extra blankets and sweaters instead of using room heaters. Likewise, in
summer, dress in light, cotton clothes to save on air conditioning costs and energy.
2. Make sure that the houses are well insulated and, if heated or cooled, windows or
doors are not left open. Raise shades on winter days, lower them in the summer.
Seal all leaks. Block windows and doors with weather-strip tape and install blinds
to reduce outside heat transfer.
3. Use a low-flow shower head, to reduce water consumption and energy usage to heat
the water.
Question 9.
What is Organic Farming ?
Answer: According to Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) “Organic agriculture is a
unique production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem
health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity, and this is
accomplished by using on-farm agronomic, biological and mechanical methods in
exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs”.
II. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
With reference to vehicular pollution in cities, state the significance of the following as a
preventive measure.
1. Carpool
2. Public Transportation
1. Carpool :
(a) It reduces air pollution by reducing the number of vehicles on the road and
thereby, cutting down the vehicular emissions.
(b) It helps to save money in buying fuel and maintenance cost of cars.
(c) It helps to save petrol and diesel and thereby, save foreign exchange that goes
into buying these fuels.
(d) It reduces traffic congestion on the roads and thereby prevents traffic jams,
reduces fuel consumption and commuting time and the cost of road repairs.
(e) It helps to use commuting time in useful pursuits.
2. Public Transportation :
(a) It reduces damage to the environment by reducing emissions. For example, one
bus emits far fewer fumes than 20 cars.
(b) It requires 1/5 th energy per passenger per km compared to road based
transport system. It therefore, reduces fuel consumption and thus helps to save
foreign exchange used in buying petrol and diesel.
(c) It causes less noise, no air pollution and is eco-friendly transport system.
(d) It helps to save money spent on maintenance of personal vehicles. It avoids the
need to find parking space for private vehicles. Thus, reduces congenstion on
Question 2.
With reference to smoking, answer the following :
1. How does smoking harm passive smokers ?
2. Name any two legal provision meant to deter smoking.
3. State any three advantages of having a ‘No Smoking Zone’.
1. Smoking does not just harm the smoker but also the people nearby, who breathe in
the smoke exhaled by the smokers and are called passive smokers. Recent research
has shown that concentration of second hand tobacco smoke in many outdoor
areas is often as high or higher than in some indoor areas such outdoor exposure
are well beyond generally are involuntarily exposed. Therefore, the passive smokers
or those who unavoidably breathe in second-hand tobacco at public places have
such as lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis and sudden infant death syndrome in
2. (a) As a preventive measure, a mandatory specific statutory health warning on
cigarette packs was introduced in 1975. Realising the seriousness of the problem.
(b) Smoking in public places was prohibited nationwide from October 2 under the
Prohibition of smoking in Public Places Rules 2008. The smoking ban pertains to
public places, which include auditoriums, cinemas, hospitals, public transport
(aircraft, buses, trains, metros, taxis) and their related facilities (airports, bus
stands, railway stations), restaurants, hotels, bars, pubs, amusement centers,
offices, libraries, courts, post offices, markets, shopping malls, canteens,
educational institutions and parks.
3. Advantages of No Smoking Zone are the following :
(a) It reduces the possibility of second-hand tobacco smoke being inhaled by non-
(b) It reduces air pollution. Areas which have prohibited smoking have been found
to have better indoor air quality as opposed to areas where smoking is allowed.
(c) It reduces healthcare costs by reducing the chances of diseases caused by
(d) It reduces the chances of influencing others, especially the youth, to take on the
habit of smoking.
Question 3.
With reference to Organic Farming state the following :
1. Four principles of Organic Farming.
2. Main characteristics of Organic Farming.
3. Importance of Organic Farming.
1. The four Principles of Organic Farming are :
(a) Organic should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plants, animals and
humans as one and indivisible.
(b) Organic farming should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work
with them, emulate them and help sustain them.
(c) Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with
regard to the common environment and life opportunities.
(d) Organic farming should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner
to protect the health and well being of current and future generations and the
2. The main characteristics of organic farming are the following :
(a) Protecting the long term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels,
and creating optimized conditions for biological activity within the soil.
(b) Providing crop nutrients indirectly using relatively insoluble nutrient sources
which are made available to the plant by the action of soil micro-organisms.
(c) Maintaining nitrogen self-sufficiency through the use of legumes and biological
nitrogen fixation, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including crop
residues and livestock manures.
(d) Preventing weeds, disease and pests by relying primarily on crop rotations,
natural predators, diversity, organic manuring, resistant varieties and limited
(preferably minimal) thermal, biological and chemical intervention.
(e) Providing attentive care and management of livestock, paying full regard to their
evolutionary adaptations, behavioural needs and animal welfare issues, with
respect to nutrition, housing, health, breeding and rearing.
(f) Careful attention to the impact of the farming system on the wider environment
and the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats.
3. Importance of Organic Farming are the following :
(a) Organic faming promotes the use of crop rotations and cover crops, and
encourages balanced host/predator relationships.
(b) Organic residues and nutrients produced on the farm are recycled back to the
soil. Cover crops and composted manure are used to maintain soil organic matter
and fertility.
(c) Preventative insect and disease control methods are practiced, including crop
rotation, improved genetics and resistant varieties. Integrated pest and weed
management, and soil conservation systems are valuable tools on an organic farm.
Practice Questions
Question 1.
What purpose does an electrostatic precipitator serve?
Answer: It is a device which removes unwanted chemicals from smoke after combustion
takes place. The negative charged dust particles are drawn towards positively charged
particles collector surface and by knocking the plates particles fall into a hopper tray for
Question 2.
In the context of reducing air pollutions, give the advantages of changing the process ;
maintaining and modifying existing equipment.
Answer: Change of modify the process of production in order to lower the atmospheric
pollutants for example:
1. The coal is washed before crushing it to reduce the fly ash emissions.
2. The process of absorption can be used to remove gaseous air pollutants. In this
process, gaseous air pollutants are removed by dissolution into a liquid solvent like
water or caustic or acid solution. Absorption is used to remove sulphur dioxide,
chlorine, ammonia, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.
3. The process of absorption can be used to remove pollutants from waste water. In
this process the target pollutants are made to attach to the surface of activated
carbon. This is done by producing carbon through combustion of coal, coconut
shells, wood and other organic materials. This carbon is then reacted with steam or
carbon dioxide to produce activated carbon. Adsorption helps to remove pollutants
as well as bad tastes and odours from drinking water.
Question 3.
What is a scrubber ? With the help of a diagram show its working?
Answer: It is a device that employs spray of water to catch pollutants

during emissions. In this process, water is introduced into a spray tower by means of a
spray nozzle which allow downward flow of water. As the polluted gas flows upwards, the
particulates present in the gas collide with the water droplets being sprayed from the
spray nozzles. Under the influence of gravitational force, the liquid droplets containing
the particulates settle at the bottom.
Question 4.
Describe with the help of a diagram, working of the settling chamber.

This device consists of huge rectangular chamber with several . horizontal trays. The gas
stream polluted with particulates is allowed to enter from one end. The horizontal
velocity of the gas stream is kept low in order to give sufficient time for the particles to
settle by gravity. The particulates having high density settle at the bottom of the
chamber from where they are removed.
Question 5.
What care should be taken in order to reduce water pollution from non-point sources ?
Answer: Non-point sources of pollution are the outside sources which affect a large area,
e.g. run-off from agricultural fields and deforested areas. Run-off of manure should be
diverted to the dry fields, there should be separate drainage for sewage to divert it with
rainwater. Natural manure should be used and pest management system should be
established for pest control to reduce the use of pesticides.
Question 6.
Briefly state the procedure of treating waste water by primary and secondary treatment.
What happens in the tertiary treatment of waste water ?
Answer: In primary treatment the run-off should be drained through screens, grit
chambers and sedimentation tanks to remove toxic chemicals from the water.
In secondary treatment the waste water the primary treatment is brought into contact
with sludge heavily laden with micro-organisms. Afterwards the air is passed to give
oxygen to the micro-organisms which convert the organic matter into low – energy
compounds. The sludge material settles down in the tank and the clean water can be
used after treating with chlorine gas.
After primary and secondary treatments, pollutants such as phosphorus and nitrogen
are removed, so that the water may be harmless to human health. It is called ‘Advanced
Waste Treatment’.
Question 7.
Why is open dumping of solid waste not advisable ? What is done while segregating solid
Answer: Open solid waste may pollute directly the air, besides this by washing with
rainwater run-off it may pollute a large area and cause soil and water pollution. On the
other hand the closed compost system of solid waste may provide good manure.
Moisture control is done and micro-organisms help to stabilize the organic matter. First
the fungi starts to work and at last actinomycetes break down the waste and convert it
to humus known as compost making a good fertilizer.
Question 8.
“Better safe than sorry” is the guiding principle for control of Nuclear pollution. In this
context answer the following :
• Explain-the three principles of radiation protection.
Answer: These are :
1. keeping a distance from source of radiation
2. avoiding length of time of exposure
3. shielding the particular object and human body from the direct radiation.
• What should one do to protect oneself from radiation contamination ?
Answer: Radioactive particles should not be inhaled by using air filters, using exhaust
system is another method, wearing protective clothing prohibiting smoking are essential.
Leakage of radioactive elements from nuclear reactors and plants should be checked
• How should the radioactive waste be stored and disposed of?
Answer: Ans. Radioactive waste should be stored deep into the ground, where gradual
decay may take place. High activity solid wastes could be packed in shielded containers,
while low level liquid and gaseous wastes may be diluted before disposal for best
possible safety.
Natural Regions of the World
Question 1.
Define the term ‘natural region’.
Answer: A natural region refers to a part of Earth’s surface having a particular
uniformity in physical and climatic elements.
Question 2.
Name any four natural regions of the world.
Answer: Equatorial Region, Tropical Grasslands (Savanah), Tropical Monsoon type and
Tropical Deserts.
Question 3.
Briefly state the importance of climate.
Answer: Climate imparts an important effect on human life, as the life style,
occupations, trade facilities all are deeply related to the climatic behaviour of a
particular natural region. Climate has a remarkable impact on human efficiency too.
Question 4.
State the location of the Equatorial Region.
Answer: It is found in Amazon basic, Congo basin and Indonesia etc.
Question 5.
What is the latitudinal extent of the Monsoon climate?
Answer: Latitudinal extent is from 8°N – 23 1/2° N and 8°S – 23 1/2° S.
Question 6.
Name the two dominant type of vegetation of the Equatorial region.
Answer: Rubber and ebony.
Question 7.
State the location of the Tropical Desert Climate type.
Answer: These are located in the western margins of the continents between 15° to 30°
North and South Latitudes, where the trade winds blow from land towards sea keeping
these areas almost rain less.
Question 8.
What are xerophytic plants ?
Answer: These plants are leafless to check transpiration and store water in their stems.
Question 9.
What local conditions produce variation in the Mediterranean Type of climate ?
Answer: It is known for summer drought and winter rain. On account of being located in
the zone of Westerlies, the rainfall decreases from coastal parts towards the interior
parts. This region is also affected by cold polar winds known as ‘Mistral’ in Rhone valley
of France and ‘Bora’ in Greece. Some hot and dry winds also affect North Africa called as
‘Sirrco’ and ‘Khamsin’ in Egypt. These winds increase the temperature and cause
damage to crops.
Question 10.
State the rainfall pattern in the Mediterranean climate.
Answer: Rainfall occurs mostly in winter season. Annual average is from 35 cm to 75
cm. Which is more in the pole ward sides of the region moderate rainfall makes the
weather pleasant with sufficient sunny days attract tourists in great numbers to the
Question 11.
What type of vegetation is found in the Mediterranean region ?
Answer: It is deciduous type with great efficiency to withstand long summer drought.
Mostly citrus fruits are grown. This region is the most remarkable producer of citrus
fruits. Dominant trees are oak, laurel, cork, oleander, beech, ash, olive etc.
Question 12.
Name six Temperate Grasslands of the world.
Answer: These names are Prairies (N.America), Pampas (S. America), Velds (S. Africa),
Downs (Australia), Steppes (Russia) and Pustaz (Europe).
Question 13.
Why there are no trees in the Steppe type climate region?
Answer: The rainfall is very less nearly 20 cm. It is not sufficient for the growth of the
trees and there are extensive soft grasslands.
Question 14.
What is the temperature range in winter of the Cool Continental Climate Type ?
Answer: Temperature almost remains below freezing point and the temperature range
may be more than 50°C, i.e. It may be 1 – 2° C and – 50° C in severe winters.
Question 15.
Name the areas of the Cool Temperate Ocean type climate
Answer: Great Britain, N. Spain, France, Belgium, N. Germany, Denmark, Western
Canada (British Columbia), Washington, Oregon (U.S.A.), Chile (S.America), Falkland
islands, Tasmania, New Zealand etc.
Question 16.
Give the annual rainfall of the above tropical region.
Answer: Rainfall varies from 50 cm to 120 cm.
II. Give reasons for each of the following
Question 1.
There is a uniformly high temperature in the Equatorial region.
Answer: Due to regular vertical rays of the sun the temperature always remains high.
This region always comes directly on the front of the sun.
Question 2.
Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the dry season.
Answer: Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the dry season to preserve the moisture
which could be lost by transpiration through the leaves. After the slight winter rainfall
the trees again sprout with new leaves.
Question 3.
In the Tropical Desert climate region, Trade Winds are dry.
Answer: In the Tropical Hot Desert region, the Trade Winds blow from land towards the
sea, so these cannot gain moisture and are dry and there is no rainfall and a prolonged
dry and hot season.
Question 4.
In the Mediterranean region of Europe, winds blow deep inside the land.
Answer: This region falls in the belt of Westerlies, which blow with a great force from
S.W. to N.E. and enter deep into the land region. Due to coming in contact with the Cold
Polar Frost these are accompanied by temperate cyclones with great speed covering long
distance from west to east from the Mediterranean sea upto China crossing the whole
mid-Asia continent.
Question 5.
Tropical grasslands have great potential for the cultivation of crops like cotton and
Answer: Due to ideal temperature of 25° C to 30° C and quite hot summer season and
ample rainfall average about 100 cm, present suitable condition for plantation crops like
cotton and coffee.
Question 6.
The Taiga region is sparsely populated.
Answer: The Taiga region is covered with extensive belt of evergreen coniferous trees
with lumbering and fur industry as main occupations. So, these forests are kept safe
and no deforestation is done for any agricultural occupation and human settlements, so
is less populated.
Question 7.
There are no trees in the Tundra Region.
Answer: The Tundra region is covered with perpetual snow and the temperature away
below freezing point does not allow the : growth of trees. Only moss and small flowery
plants and lichen etc grow in short summer season only with 10°C temperature at the
most. Inspite of the six months’ sunlight, the snow cover reflects the insolation.
Question 8.
Patagonia is a desert in the rain shadow of the Andes.
Answer: Patagonia is a cold desert in South America due to being in the rain shadow
area of the Andes and does not get rainfall and is a cold and dry desert with its major
part in Argentina.
III. Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
Describe the general characteristics of natural regions. “Name four major natural regions
in the world.
Answer: Every natural region has a combination of particular climate and physical
elements different from other. On this basis the classification of the natural regions is
done for the facility to adopt it by human beings adjusting the natural impact with
human occupations.
Four natural regions :
Equatorial Region, Tropical Grasslands (Savanah), Tropical Monsoon type and Tropical
Question 2.
State the factors of responsible for climatic classification of natural regions
Answer: The amount of insolation decreases as the latitude increases. So there is
difference in different seasons in differing latitudes, e.g., the equatorial region remains
hot and wet throughout the year, the tropical monsoon land experiences particular
summer, rainy, autumn winter and spring seasons. The tropical deserts are almost dry
and hot. The temperate grasslands are noted for short summer and long winters.
The Mediterranean region is noted for warm summer and rainy winter. Taiga region has
a long cold winter and very short summer. Tundra region is known for perpetual snow
due to freezing temperature all the year. Due to the tilted axis of the earth. North and
South Polar region experience six months day and six months night respectively with
continuous lowest temperature below – 58°C.
Question 3.
Give a brief account of Rainforests together with their location and types of trees.
Answer: Tropical rain forest are found in equatorial region due to excessive rainfall and
temperature. These are known as ‘Selvas’ in Amazon basin. Other regions are Zaire
basin, Indonesia, Malaysia and S. Philippines. Main types of trees are ebony, mahogany,
cinchona, rosewood, rubber etc.
Question 4.
Discuss the vegetation of the Tropical Monsoon type climate.
Answer: Due to particular rainy season followed by autumn and winter, this type of
climate has deciduous vegetation. The coastal parts have tropical evergreen Rain Forests
slightly different from equatorial vegetation, these are rosewood, ebony, sisam, baniboo
etc. with much height upto 60 meters. Deciduous tree are found in khair, Tendu etc.
Question 5.
Bring out the chief characteristics of the Mediterranean type climate.
Answer: This climate is remarkable for rainy winters and long dry summers with
moderate rainfall upto 75 cm, pleasant climate, sunny days. This climate is suitable for
photography and film industry e.g. Hollywood in Los Angles (California) of U.S.A.
Question 6.
Differentiate between Mediterranean type climate and China type climate.
Mediterranean climate :
(a) It is found in the western margins of Continents
(b) It is known as subtropical winter Rain zone with a long drought season.
(c) Average rainfall is 35 cm to 75 cm
(d) It is good for citrus fruits.
China type climate :
(a) It is found in the eastern margins of the continents.
(b) It has got ample rainfall with a short drought season.
(c) Average rainfall is 110 cm.
(d) It is suitable for various crops.
Question 7.
Bring out the differences between the tropical and temperate deserts in terms of climate
and vegetation.
Tropical Deserts :
(a) These are located between 15° to 30°North and South latitudes.
(b) Climate is hot and dry.
(c) Trees are palm trees, cactus, xerophytic plants.
(d) Temperature may range from 30°C to 45°C annual rainfall less than 25 cm, winter
temperature below 20°C. It is known as the highest range of temperature.
Temperate Deserts :
(a) These are found between 40° to 55° North and South latitudes.
(b) Climate is cold and dry.
(c) Thorny bushes, long rooted grass, small trees etc.
(d) Temperature is between 3°C and 12°C, annual rainfall is 20cm to 60 cm. In Calgary
region of Canada temperature is -10°C, Range of temperature is moderate.
Question 8.
Prepare the rainfall graph of the data given below and answer the questions that
follow :

(a) What is the average annual temperature ?

(b) Calculate the annual range of temperature.
(c) In which climate type is this station ?
(a) Average annual temperature is 27.2°C. (26.9 + 27.6 + 28.7 + 29.1 + 28.4 + 26.5 +
25.9 + 26.0 + 26.4 + 26.8 + 27.1 + 26.9) ÷ 12 = 326.3 ÷ 12 = 27.2
(b) Range of temperature is 3.2° C. 29.1 – 25.9 = 3.2
(c) The climatic type is equatorial climate.
Practice Questions (Solved)
Question 1.
What do you understand by a ‘natural resource’ ?
Answer: The things that we and other living organisms (plants and animals) required for
living and provided as natural gifts are called natural resources.
Question 2.
How many kinds of natural resources are available ? Name them.
Answer: There are two types of natural resources i.e. Renewable resources and Non-
renewable resources. These are air, water, plants, sunlight which are renewable, some
are soil, minerals which are Non-renewable in case of reckless exploitation.
Question 3.
What are the various uses of wood ?
Answer: The wood is one of the most important resource, as it provides timber for
houses, construction, fuel for household and industrial purposes, transport lines,
agricultural implements, furniture, sports goods, stationery and various consumer
Question 4.
Why are coal and petroleum called fossil fuels ?
Answer: The coal is formed by compression of carboniferous age forests between
impervious sedimentary rock-folds and the petroleum is the stored ‘body oil of dinosaurs
of Jurassic period in between the impervious rocks within the poses of shale rocks. So
these are called the fossil fuels on account of being buried within the rocks like the
fossils for a long period under the pressure of tectonic forces.
Question 5.
What are the benefits of non-conventional sources of energy?
Answer: Non-conventional sources of energy are solar, geothermal, tidal energies. These
are perennial sources i.e. non-exhaustible or renewable resources which can be obtained
for ever and are also pollution-free. Although the establishment and apparatus of these
sources is quite costly, but their returns are life – long.
Question 6.
What is the difference between sea water and fresh water?
Answer: Sea water is saline in which the percentage of salinity is 3.5% i.e. 35 (35 per
thousand) but the fresh water is not saline and can be used for drinking, household and
industrial purposes.
Question 7.
What is the total percentage of fresh water on the earth?
Answer: Out of 100% Water bodies on the earth 97% is occupied by the oceans, and
only 3% is comprised by fresh water, again out of this 2% is occupied by snow lands and
only 1 % is taken by fresh water bodies e.g. ponds, lakes, rivers etc.
Question 8.
What is hydro logical cycle ?
Answer: The water of ocean is evaporated in large amount into the atmosphere and then
condensed into the clouds, fog, mist etc. After the dew point arises, precipitation takes
place and fill up the fresh water bodies of the land surface. Again the water flow goes
into the ocean and in this way a complete hydro logical cycle works on the earth. This is
beneficial for the life on the earth, as fresh water is provided for agriculture and other
Question 9.
What gases does air contain ?
Answer: Air mainly contains oxygen and nitrogen. Carbon dioxide and argon are also
found in air.
Question 10.
Name the gases that are found in air along with their percentage.
Answer: Oxygen 21 %, Nitrogen 78%, Argon 0.9%, others 0.1 %

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