Environment Scrap Book or Blog Assignment

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IB Environmental Systems and Societies – Mrs.


Environment Scrap Book or Blog Assignment

This long term project is designed to help you do well in your final exam and help you become more
environmentally aware. This course is all about using current issues and thinking about how we make
decisions on environmental issues. In this project you will have a chance to give your opinions which should
be justified.

1. Select articles on environmental issues from newspapers, magazines, or the internet or watch
documentaries: Topics could include (but are not restricted to): air or water pollution issues;
chemical spills; endangered species issues; land use issues (e.g. where to place landfills, nuclear
power plants or other waste depositories); river diversion or cleanliness issues; fossil fuel issues
(e.g. efficiency mileages or alternative energy fuels or air pollution); population issues (e.g. family
planning, human health as it is affected by the environment); environmental legislation. Ask the
teacher if you’re unsure whether or not a particular environmental issue is appropriate.
2. Cut out / print / copy the first column or two of the article and part of the headline or a
screenshot of the documentaries publicity; you don’t need the entire article. Include it into your
scrapbook. Reference the material in an appropriate manner (MLA).
3. Review the article or documentary and report your opinion on the story with a potential solution if
possible. (1 paragraph for summary and 1 paragraph for your opinion, possible solutions (if
applicable), and the link to the ESS syllabus). Try to relate this to your environmental view point.
4. You will submit your scrapbook/blog on a regular basis and it should be kept up to date. You should
have a MINIMUM of 1 ENTRY PER WEEK. More is fine but less will not be acceptable. This is an
ongoing assignment so I will not be telling you every week to complete your entry. It is up to YOU
to ensure that you are keeping your blog/scrapbook up to date. They will be collected around
quarter periods.
5. Before the the blogs/scrapbooks are turned in (at quarter periods), include a final evaluation
page (maximum one page typed, double-spaced!!) where you respond to:
(a) Which of the environmental articles that you included was most interesting to you and
(b) Which of the environmental issues that you included seems most hopeful and why? OR
seems most desperate and why?
(c) Choose one of your news articles and describe it to one or both of your parents or
guardians. Write down their solution to the environmental issue, regardless of what it is.
Do you agree or disagree with their solution? Maximum one page typed, double-spaced.

Adapted from Environmental News Articles Project - Dan Hyke by C. Schneider May 2005
IB Environmental Systems and Societies – Mrs. Page


A-B grade C-D grade

(7-6 grade) (5-4 grade)
Topic choice

 Even distribution of local, national &  Lopsided choice of topics

international environmental topics  Articles are all very brief &/or superficial
 Articles show depth of reporting for  Dates span less than 8 weeks
most environmental issues
 neatly presented (preferably with a  neatly presented

visual aide)  bibliography is clear

 bibliography is clear  articles from only one or two sources
 articles from a variety of sources

 Summaries are concise  Summaries & solutions are superficial &

 Opinions on topic address your shallow
personal environmental viewpoint  Little self-reflection
 Student addresses possible solutions  Weak or inaccurate link to ESS syllabus
 

Which issue was most interesting to Evaluation incomplete or missing

 Which issue seemed most hopeful or

Adapted from Environmental News Articles Project - Dan Hyke by C. Schneider May 2005

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