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Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface

Received: December 22, 2009 First revision: March 3, 2010 Accepted: May 7, 2010

( DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1403.2010.00295.x

Mechanism of Acupuncture on
Neuromodulation in the Gut—A Review ner_295 8..12

Toku Takahashi, MD, PhD

Introduction: Acupuncture has been used for treating various gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. However, the mechanism of acu-
puncture remains unclear.
Methods: The aim of this article is to review the published literature on the mechanism of acupuncture on neuromodulation in
the gut.
Results: Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin and underlying muscle and the subsequent
stimulation of the needles manually or electrically. Thus, acupuncture stimulates the somatic afferent nerves of the skin and
muscles. The somatic sensory information from the body is carried to the cortex area of the brain. Somatic sensory fibers also
project to the various nuclei at the brain stem and hypothalamus. Via somato-autonomic reflex, acupuncture modulates various
biomechanical responses, such as prokinetic, antiemetic, and anti-nociceptive effects.
Conclusion: According to traditional Chinese medicine, “Acupuncture is believed to restore the balance of Yin and Yang.” This can
be translated into the Western medicine terminology that “Acupuncture modulates the imbalance between the parasympathetic
and sympathetic activity.” Acupuncture may be effective in patients with functional GI disorders because of its effects on GI motility
and visceral pain.

Keywords: Muscle contraction, neurostimulation, nociceptive pain, opioid, peripheral nerve stimulation, transcutaneous electri-
cal nerve stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation
Conflict of Interest: The author declared no conflicts of interest.

INTRODUCTION A person’s health is influenced by the flow of Qi in the body, in

combination with the universal forces of Yin and Yang. If the flow of
Acupuncture has been in practice in China for more than 3000 years. Qi is insufficient, unbalanced, or interrupted, Yin and Yang become
Acupuncture has been used for treating various gastrointestinal (GI) unbalanced and illness may occur (15). However, these ancient
diseases (1,2), including gastroparesis (3,4), functional dyspepsia traditions/concepts of Qi and meridians have no counterpart in
(5,6), irritable bowel syndrome (7–9), constipation (10,11), diarrhea modern studies of chemistry, biology, and physics. To date scientists
(12,13), and visceral hypersensitivity (14). have been unable to find evidence that supports their existence.
Acupuncture was first introduced to the American public in 1972. Acupuncture is believed to restore the balance of Yin and Yang.
However, acupuncture has not been well accepted by the physi- Acupuncture loci, also know as acupoints, are the skin needling
cians in the Western countries. This may be due, in part, to the points used for acupuncture treatment. In humans, more than 300
mysterious and unexplainable mechanisms of acupuncture. In this acupoints are located along the meridians. Acupoints are thought
review, the possible mechanisms of acupuncture treatment are dis- to be the specific points reflecting visceral conditions and organs
cussed from the view point of Western medicine, rather than (16). Despite the fact that the specific acupoints are used for treating
through the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine. specific symptoms and/or diseases, it is not fully understood how
their specificity applies and how the needling at acupoints works.
Ahn et al. conducted a systematic review of studies directly evalu-
ENERGY FLOW (QI) OR SOMATO-AUTONOMIC ating the electrical characteristics of acupuncture structures and
Energy Flow and Meridians—Concept of Traditional
Chinese Medicine
Address correspondence to: Toku Takahashi, MD, PhD, Research Service 151,
According to traditional Chinese medicine concepts, the energy
Zablocki VA Medical Center, 5000 West National Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53295,
force, known as Qi (pronounced Chee), runs through the body. This USA. Email:
Qi energy enters the body through specific acupuncture points and
flows to deeper organ structures, bringing life-giving nourishment Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin and Zablocki VA Medical
of a subtle energetic nature. Meridians are classified on the basis of Center, Milwaukee, WI, USA
the direction in which Qi flows on the surface of the body. There are For more information on author guidelines, an explanation of our peer review
about 20 meridians, which include the 12 regular and 8 extraordi- process, and conflict of interest informed consent policies, please go to http://

nary meridians. © 2010 International Neuromodulation Society Neuromodulation 2011; 14: 8–12


appropriate controls. There was no clear evidence to demonstrate immunity, homeostasis, and GI disorders. ST-36 is located near the
the existence of acupuncture points or meridians. Present evidence knee joint approximately 10 mm lateral to the anterior tubercle of
does not conclusively support that acupuncture points or meridians the tibia in humans. Acupoint of ST-25 is used for treating chronic
are electrically distinguishable (17). colitis and diarrhea (35,36). ST-25 is located 50 mm lateral to the
umbilicus on the abdomen in humans.
It is well known that acupuncture has regional specific effects.
Somato-Autonomic Reflex Acupuncture at the hind limbs stimulates gastric motility (37–39),
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of thin needles into while acupuncture at the abdomen inhibits gastric motility
the skin and underlying muscle layer. In traditional acupuncture (37,39,40) in rats. The excitatory gastric responses to the hind limb
procedure, these acupuncture needles are twisted right and left at are abolished by bilateral vagotomy in rats (37–39). In contrast, the
0.5–1 second intervals. Most recently, acupuncture needles are inhibitory gastric responses to abdomen are abolished by sympa-
stimulated by electricity under various frequencies of 1–100 Hz thetic nerve dissection in rats (37,40). Acupuncture on the hind
(Electroacupuncture, EA). Thus, the procedure may stimulate the limbs increases vagus discharges, while acupuncture on the
somatic afferent nerves of the skin and muscles. abdomen increases sympathetic discharges in rats (37,39).
It has been demonstrated that somatic afferents from the skin Sympathetic and parasympathetic activity can be evaluated by
and muscle are involved in the control of various autonomic func- heart rate variability (HRV) analysis in conscious animals noninva-
tions. In 1913, Lehman reported that electrical stimulation of the sively. The power in the high frequency (HF) band of HRV represents
central part of the sciatic nerve inhibits intestinal motility and that parasympathetic activities in rats (41,42) and humans (43). In con-
the splanchnic nerve is responsible for mediating the inhibitory trast, the power in the low frequency (LF) band of HRV represents
response in dogs (18). Electrical stimulations of the hind limb stimu- sympathetic activities in rats (41,42) and a combination of sympa-
late gastric motility via somatic afferents in cats (19). thetic and parasympathetic activities in humans (43), respectively.
More details of neural mechanisms of cutaneo-GI motility reflexes Electroacupuncture at ST-36 decreases, while EA at ST-25
have been studied in rats during the period from 1975–1980. increases the ratio of LF/HF in rats (44). These studies suggest that
Sensory stimulation of the abdominal skin by pinching inhibits inhibitory gastric responses to the abdomen are mediated via sym-
gastric motility by increasing gastric sympathetic efferent nerve pathetic nerves, while the excitatory gastric responses to the hind
activity in rats (20,21). In contrast, pinching the hind paw enhances limb are mediated via the vagus nerves.
gastric motility by exciting gastric vagal efferent nerve activity (22). However, the mechanism of regional differences of acupuncture
In healthy humans, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation points has not been fully studied. It has been suggested that
applied to the hand and abdomen reduces antral motility (23). acupuncture-evoked afferent input converge in several nuclei in the
These studies provide good evidence indicating the importance of brain stem, such as the RVLM (45,46), the NTS (26–28,47), the DMV
cutaneous input in autonomic control of GI functions. (38,47), and Barrington’s nucleus (48).
The nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is the primary brain stem relay Electroacupuncture at ST-36 increases the number of c-Fos
for visceral information from cardiovascular, respiratory, and GI immunopositive cells at the DMV and the medio-caudal and caudal
systems. In addition, recent studies indicate that the NTS also part of the NTS, while EA at ST-25 increases the number of c-Fos
receives somatic afferent inputs (24,25). Electrophysiological study immunopositive cells at the RVLM and medio-caudal part of the NTS
demonstrated that the NTS receives input from low- and high- in rats. This suggests that somatic afferents activated by EA at ST-36
threshold cutaneous mechanoreceptors. NTS neurons are activated is conveyed to the medio-caudal and caudal NTS and stimulates the
by the rhythmic and sustained muscle stretch of the hind limb (26). DMV neurons. In contrast, somatic afferents activated by EA at ST-25
Neurons of the NTS and the spinal cord were labeled by injection of is conveyed to the medio-caudal NTS and stimulates the RVLM
neuroanatomical tracers to the acupoints of hind limb (ST-36) in rats neurons (49). Thus, EA at ST-25 inhibits gastric motility via the
(27). Acupuncture at the facial acupoints increases the number of somatosensory–NTS–RVLM–sympathetic efferent pathway. In con-
c-Fos immunopositive cells in the NTS in rats (28). Therefore, it is trast, EA at ST-36 stimulates gastric motility via the somatosensory–
highly likely that somatic stimulation induced by acupuncture is NTS–DMV–parasympathetic efferent pathway.
conveyed to the NTS. In addition to the NTS, DMV, and RVLM, acupuncture may activate
The NTS is adjacent to the dorsal motor nucleus of vagi (DMV) and some other nuclei in the brain. EA at PC-6 activates neurons in the
both compose the dorsal vagal complex. The dorsal vagal complex arcuate (ARC) nucleus and periaqueductal gray (PAG) and inhibits
integrates vago-vagal reflex, which plays a major role in regulation the activity of RVLM, suggesting the existence of ARC-PAG-RVLM
of GI function (29,30). The NTS neurons also project to the rostral neuronal pathway in mediating EA inhibition on visceral excitatory
ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of the brain stem (31–33). The RVLM cardiovascular reflexes (50).
neurons provide drive to the sympathetic preganglionic neurons in Even though the study focuses on the cardiovascular system (50),
the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord (34). Thus, once NTS similar mechanisms might be utilized to produce the effects of EA
neurons are stimulated by acupuncture autonomic nerve function is on GI motor function. It has been shown that the PAG is responsible
altered via the activation of the DMV and/or RVLM. for mu receptor agonist- and neurotensin-induced inhibition of
intestinal transit (51).
The verification of neural pathway may contribute to the mecha-
nisms of the regional difference of acupuncture in regulating GI
MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE ON motor function. Migrating motor complex is well characterized by
GI FUNCTION the appearance of GI contractions in the interdigestive state. In a
Effects of Acupuncture on GI Motility in Normal Conditions canine study, combined EA at ST-36 and PC-6 (wrists) enhances the
Among the more than 300 acupoints, several special points have interdigestive gastric migrating motor complex (52). EA at ST-36 and
been used for treating GI symptoms. Acupoint of ST-36 is one of the PC-6 accelerates gastric emptying and increases the regularity of

most effective points, with a wide range of effects for analgesia, gastric slow waves in the stomach (53). © 2010 International Neuromodulation Society Neuromodulation 2011; 14: 8–12


The stimulatory effect of EA on gastric motility is associated with motion stimuli (68) and anticancer drugs (69,70). Intravenous injec-
increased vagal activity in dogs (53). There has been no direct evi- tion of vasopressin results in vomiting and retching in humans
dence reported that EA stimulates vagal activity in humans. Acu- (68,71) and dogs (72,73). Acupuncture at ST-36 and PC-6 attenuates
puncture at ST-36 increases the plasma pancreatic polypeptide symptom scores of emesis induced by vasopressin infusion in dogs
levels in humans (54). As pancreatic polypeptide release is depen- (73). Retrograde propulsive movement is highly associated with the
dent on vagal activity, this supports the notion that acupuncture at frequency of retching and vomiting. EA at PC-6 reduces the fre-
ST-36 may stimulate the vagal activity in humans. EA at ST-36 accel- quency of retrograde propulsive movement induced by vasopressin
erates colonic transit and stimulates distal colonic motility in rats in dogs (74).
(48,55). The stimulatory effect of EA on distal colonic motility is Opioids have dual effects: an antiemetic effect as well as an
mediated via the activation of Barrington’s nucleus of the pons and emetic effect. It has been shown that central opioid plays a major
parasympathetic-pelvic nerves (48). role in mediating antiemetic effect (75). The emetic effect is medi-
ated via the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), whereas the anti-
emetic effect is mediated via the vomiting center (75–77).
Effects of Acupuncture on GI Motility in Stressful Conditions The CTZ is contained in the area postrema on the caudal margin
It is well known that various stressors delay gastric emptying via of the forth ventricles. As area postrema has no blood brain barrier,
hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Released CRF naloxone methiodide (a peripheral opioid antagonist) can antago-
inhibits parasympathetic activity and/or stimulates sympathetic nize the emetic effect of opioid mediated via the CTZ. In contrast,
activity, resulting in delayed gastric emptying (56,57). Animal the vomiting center is deeply located beneath the solitary tract of
studies demonstrated that acupuncture improves various stress- the caudal brain stem. Both the emetic and antiemetic effects of
induced physiological responses (58–60). opioid can be blocked by naloxone, because naloxone can cross the
Delayed gastric emptying induced by restraint stress or central blood brain barrier (77).
administration of CRF is restored by EA at ST-36 in rats. The stimu- Naloxone hydrochloride, but not naloxone methiodide, abolishes
latory effect of EA on stress-induced delay of gastric emptying is the antiemetic effect of EA at PC-6 in dogs (74). This suggests that
antagonized by pretreatment with intracisternal (ic) injection of a the antiemetic effect of EA at PC-6 is mediated via the central opioid
glutamate receptor antagonist. This suggests that EA at ST-36 stimu- pathway.
lates glutaminergic transmission at the brainstem resulting in
improvement of stress-induced delay of gastric emptying in rats
(61). Effects of Acupuncture on Visceral Pain
Heart rate and LF component are increased in response to It has been well demonstrated that the analgesic effect of acupunc-
restraint stress, suggesting increased activity of sympathetic tone ture is mediated by an endogenous opioid pathway (5,78). The
during stress loading. EA at ST-36 attenuates the elevated LF com- painful sensation induced by rectal distension is attenuated by EA at
ponent and increases the HF component in response to stress ST-36 in dogs. The anti-nociceptive effect of EA at ST-36 is abolished
loading (42). This suggests that EA at ST-36 stimulates parasympa- by pretreatment with naloxone, but not naloxone methiodide. This
thetic activity and inhibits sympathetic activity under the restraint suggests that EA at ST-36 reduces visceral pain via a central opioid
stress. pathway (79).
According to traditional Chinese medicine, “Acupuncture is Opioid-induced anti-nociception is mediated by a pathway from
believed to restore the balance of Yin and Yang.” This can be trans- the PAG to the various brain nuclei. Recent research has docu-
lated into the Western medicine terminology that “Acupuncture mented that opioids are likely to exert direct effects on PAG projec-
modulates the imbalance between parasympathetic and sympa- tion neurons through both delta- and mu-opioid receptors (80). EA
thetic activity.” can induce the expression of opioid peptides and opioid receptors
in the CNS (81,82).
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, acupuncture
Effects of Acupuncture on Emesis modulation in CNS structures can be studied noninvasively in
Acupoint of PC-6 has been used for nausea and vomiting. PC-6 is humans, allowing for comparison with animal studies. The PAG and
located in the groove caudal to the flexor carpi radialis and cranial to cortical areas responds to manual acupuncture at LI-4 (hand), while
the superficial digital flexor muscles. A committee of the National sham acupuncture results in reduced levels of the PAG and cortical
Institute of Health published a report on the indications of acupunc- activity (83). EA at ST-36 modulates activity in the substantia nigra,
ture in November 1997. The summary of the consensus statement nucleus raphe magnus, locus ceruleus, nucleus cuneiformis, and the
indicates that there is clear evidence that acupuncture treatment is PAG. Activation in the ventrolateral PAG is greater for EA at ST-36,
effective on postoperative and chemotherapy-induced nausea and compared with sham EA (84).
vomiting (62). In 1987, Dundee et al. reported that acupuncture at
PC-6 decreases cisplatin-associated nausea and vomiting (63). A
clinical study also demonstrated that EA at PC-6 significantly inhib- CONCLUSION
its the postoperative nausea and vomiting after the surgery (64,65).
Electroacupuncture at PC-6 reduces gastric tachyarrhymia in The mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of acupuncture can
vection-induced motion sickness in healthy volunteers (66). Com- be explained by Western medicine terminology. Acupuncture
bined acupuncture at ST-36 and PC-6 increases the percentage of stimulation of somato sensory neurons activates various nuclei at
regular slow waves, resulting in the normalization of arrhythmia in the CNS, including the NTS, DMV, RVLM, and PAG, etc. Activation of
healthy humans (67). the NTS, DMV, and RVLM modulates the imbalance between sym-
However, the mechanisms of antiemetic effect of acupuncture pathetic and parasympathetic activity. Opioid released from the
need to be elucidated. Level of plasma arginine vasopressin is PAG is involved in mediating antiemetic and anti-nociceptive effects

rapidly elevated in response to diverse emetic stimuli such as of acupuncture. © 2010 International Neuromodulation Society Neuromodulation 2011; 14: 8–12


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Director, Clinical Research, Pain Management Department
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
CCLCM of Case Western University
Cleveland, OH, USA

Comments not included in the Early View version of this paper.

12 © 2010 International Neuromodulation Society Neuromodulation 2011; 14: 8–12

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