Cloie Merylle C. Casinabe Bped 3B E103 Lesson 1: Workshop

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Cloie Merylle C.

Casinabe Bped 3B
E103 Lesson 1

Activity 1. Vocabulary Preview Show your knowledge of the following words by giving a definition,
using the word in a sentence or sketching the word.

Innovative Creative
Innovative it is a new and original. If you An ability to consider something in a new way
exploring, experimenting new thing, you are for example your want a different style that
innovative person, novus from Latin which only you can think of it that is creativity.
means new.
Leader Innovation
The person who can lead the group can see An innovation process by which a domain, a
how things can be improved and rallies to product, or a service is renewed and brought
move toward that better vision. up to date by applying new processes,
introducing techniques, or establishing
successful ideas.

Activity 2. Joining Sentences

Combine the sentences on the left with the correct ones on the right. Use the appropriate relative
pronoun (who, which).

Innovative is an idea. a. It applies new and creative mindset and
patterns to how one leads and manages his/her
Innovative refers to a person. b. He or She can be agile and quick in the
absence of information or predictability.
Innovative leadership refers to an approach. c. It requires helping others to think in new
ways to face challenges.
Innovative refers to a thinker. d. She or He introduces original and creative
Nurturing a culture of innovation refers to a e. It features new, advanced and/or original
process. methods

1. Innovative is an idea that it features new, advanced and/or original methods.

2. Innovative refers to a person who introduces original creative ideas.
3. Innovative leadership refers to an approach it requires helping others to think in new
ways to face challenges.
4. Innovative refers to a thinker who can be agile and quick in the absence of information
or predictability.
5. Nurturing a culture of innovation refers to a process which requires helping others to
think in new ways to face challenges.
Activity 3. Reading a Text Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.

Excerpt of Innovative Leadership

David Gliddon

s, services and solutions. The key role in the practice of innovative leadership is the innovation leader, but successful innovation leader

onsistently be looking for new ways they can approach their roles. They should also constantly be looking for new ways they can addre

new ways to face challenges. They should look for ways to inspire members to come up with new ideas, products, and services to stay

Activity 4. Asking Questions Based on the article you have read, what three questions would you like
to ask the author about innovative leadership?

Q1. Why does innovation matter?

 Innovative is a key source of current and long0term
competitive advantage through different forms of innovation.
Q2. How do you succeed in innovation?
The key role in the practice of innovative leadership is the
innovation leader, but successful innovation leaders rely on
their members to be innovative too. They should look for
ways to inspire members to come up with new ideas,
products, and services to stay ahead of the competition,
especially when resources are limited.

Q3. Where do innovation programs go wrong?

 Culture might become that barrier, for others it might be
the decision making process.
Activity 5. Reading Theoretical Articles Read articles discussing the two theories of innovative
leadership: path-goal theory and leader-member (LMX) theory. Then make a matrix summarizing the
key points emphasized in these theoretical articles.

IL Theories Theorists Key Points

1.Path-Goal Theory Leader effectiveness or the Refers to situation where the
path goal model. Is leaderships leader lets followers know what
theory developed by Robert is expected of them and tells
house, it states that a leader’s them how to perform their
behaviour is contingent to the tasks.
satisfaction, motivation and
performance of his her
subordinates. The revised
version also argues that the
leader engages in behaviours
that complement subordinate’s
abilities and compensate for
2.Leader-Member Theory Leader member exchange This theory is a relationship-
theory of leadership based approach to leadership
development explains growth that focuses on the two-way
of vertical dyadic workplace (dyadic).
influence and team
performance in terms of
selection and self-selection of
informal apprenticeships in
leadership. It suggests that
leaders select the best and
make offers and members of
the team accept or not.

Activity 6. Comparing and Contrasting Show the similarities and differences between innovative
leadership and leadership for innovation using the Venn diagram.
Innovative Leadership
always requires facing opposition, have a
public role in their Leadership for
and innovation are both action satement.
community, and innovation always requires exploring the
throught the act of leading they invite criticism from others. unknown.

Main Task.
Write a three-paragraph comparison-contrast essay using one of the suggested patterns
dent noted about his boss. Have a strong customer focus, and create acclimate of reciprocal trust. Leaders believed that the best and
to make well- calculated bets that often pay off. And also has domain expertise, openness, low anxiety, emotional stability, confidence
hey invite criticism from others. And Leadership for innovation always requires exploring the unknown.


Activity 6. Inno-Journ

Date: March 2, 2021

Module: Lesson 1

What I Learned Today: What’s Most Challenging Today:

In today’s lesson I’ve learned about the The most challenging part of this module is
meaning of innovation andreading
what arethetheir
Theoretical Articles
different Read articlesindiscussing
characteristics making itthe two
into theories of innovative leadership: path-goal theory and

Draw an image to capture an

important idea.
Rate your understanding and explain.

1 out 5 for me my understanding rate

is 5 because, through reading of those articles concepts it helps me define understand the
Module 2
Characteristics of Innovative Leaders
Activity 1. Anticipation Guide

Read the following statements and circle T if a statement is true or F if the statement is false.

Let’s Learn About

How to Become an Innovative Leader
Before Statements After
F 1. Innovative leaders can T F
T describe their vision for
the future.
2. Innovative leaders are
T F customer focused.
T F 3. Innovative leaders work T
4. Innovative leaders have
T F to please the higher
F 5. Innovative leaders are T F
T receptive to ideas
generated from the bottom
6. Innovative leaders
T F express ideas with

T F 7. Innovative leaders work F

within he set goals. T
T F 8. Innovative leaders value F
speed in work. T
9. Innovative leaders are
F indirect when they
F 10. Innovative leaders T F
T delegate tasks to members.


Activity 2. Now listen to the teacher’s lecture about ways of becoming an innovative leader. Then
write down the trait that corresponds to each of the statements in your guide.

Trait Descriptive Statements

Future focused 1. Innovative leaders can describe their vision for
the future.
Knowing 2. Innovative leaders are customer-focused.
3. Innovative leaders work independently.
4. Innovative leaders have to please the higher
5. Innovative leaders are receptive to ideas
generated from the bottom level.
6. Innovative leaders express ideas with
7. Innovative leaders work within the set goals.
8. Innovative leaders value speed in work.
9. Innovative leaders are indirect when they
10. Innovative leaders delegate tasks to

Activity 3.

Reading Graphics Examine and define the characteristics of an innovative leader.

5. Empathetic: This leader has genuine curiosity about the lives of those who work for them.
6. Problem Finder: Someone who can look at the mistakes and failures of their past to help make
a better decision in the future.
7. Risk-taker: Leaders are willing and obligated to take risk.
8. Networked: A person who has a convincing power and provides the social and connection to pull
people together.
9. Observant: Defined as ability of a person who observes every aspect in the work culture like
a person will always try to learn.
10. Creator: Being a mindful are more important than a leaders mind-set of seeing yourself as
a creator of creators.
11. Resilient: Have ability to sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with
disruptive changes and adapt and they bounce back from setback.
12. Reflective: Learning to manage and lead human organization.

Activity 4.
Reading a Model Text Read this description of a successful businessman and answer the following
Comprehension Check:
a. Who is Henry Sy? Describe him in one sentence.
Henry Sy, the richest man in the Philippines a very hard working that made him more
successful because of his good qualities that also resulted him as a business magnate.
b. What values does he demonstrate?
One of his values is that even in an early age he has a power to be successful and had a
chance to help his family to survived for their daily needs through ups and downs.
c. What makes a successful man? Why?
For me a successful man has good qualities in different aspects, willing to sacrifice, patience,
and of course good determination for the brighter future.
Activity 5.
Stating Qualities Write the words which describe the qualities of an innovative leader in your field
you wish to describe. Then write sentences stating the person’s outstanding qualities.
a. innovative One good quality is that he is innovative.
innovativeness One good quality is his innovativeness.
b. Domain expert One good quality is that he is domain expert.
Domain expertise One good quality is that he is domain
c. Collaborative One good quality is that he is collaborative.
Collaboratively One good quality is that he is collaboratively.

Activity 6. Citing Examples

Write two examples for each of the three good qualities. Use any of the phrases below.
a. He is creative. For instance, he makes products out of scraps.
b. He is strong-willed. For example, he persists even in times of crisis.
c. He is socially conscious. Many times, he provided scholarships to poor but deserving
students. A.
1. One good quality is his/her Risk tolerance
2. For example, he/she has the uncanny knack to consider all possible eventualities to make well-
calculated bets that often pay off.

B. 1. Another good quality is Openness

2. One time, when team members come up with a new idea, innovation leaders are receptive and
are completely open to exploring the idea.

1. Still another good quality is Action oriented
2. For instance, leaders feel energized by the action, and enjoy the exhilaration of leading
change that leads to improvement and innovation.

Activity 7.
Innovative Leadership Pizza Leadership pizza is an assessment tool through which you reflect on your
traits or attributes as a leader. Here is an example.
Socially Responsible

9 9
People Focused Risk-Taker
10 10

9 9
Activity 8.
Creating a Coat of Arms Draw your own coat of arms symbolizing your four (4) most important
leadership characteristics
Activity 9. Inno –Journ

Module :

ay: What’s Most Challenging Today:

e different characteristic
a leader andchallenging
the most that we should
is theconsider
toan effective one.
understand deeply on how/what should a

and explain. Draw an image to capture an

lesson is 5 because on whatimportant
activity we had it help me a lot why/ how this innovative leader work and what are the different
Did you enjoy discovering your leadership skills and
attributes? Yes! YOU CAN BE A LEADER! Remember that you
can further grow on those areas which you find yourself
weak. Don’t give up on your journey to becoming a great
leader that you can be. In the next module, you will create a
plan to continually improve your leadership competencies
following the growth mindset principles.

Rubric for Descriptive Essay

Evaluator’s Name: _ Date:
Score Criteria
Relevance: The writer is able to provide relevant
information about the subject , which allows the reader
4pts to clearly understand the characteristics or attributes.

Organization (Order & Unity): The essay begins with

an engaging introduction and is followed by body
paragraphs that contain topic sentences that are
developed with vivid details. The reader is able to move
from one point to the next, finding helpful transition
3pts words that indicate the thesis is being consistently
developed throughout the body of the essay. The writer
presents the characteristics in a logical manner.
Development: The writer is able to effectively develop
the characteristics with examples, facts, or details.

Coherence: The sentences or ideas have a smooth

flow; the reader is able to move from one idea to the
next without feeling confused or irritated because of
3pts unclear sentences or distracting breaks because of
sentence errors.
Diction/Tone/Style: Word choice is appropriate for
description. The writer makes use of specific and
3pts sensory details that make the essay vivid. The words
leave a dominant impression about the subject.

Punctuation/ Mechanics: There are no problems with

grammar, spelling, capitalization, indication,
3pts punctuation, etc.

Formatting and Appearance of Essay: The essay has

a creative title, the student’s full name, the course’s
3pts name and section. Also, the appearance of the essay
reflects a professional approach and an admirable
consideration for neatness and propriety.

Efforts: Overall, the writer has made a commendable

attempt to complete the writing assignment, and the
3pts overall presentation of the essay reflects a professional
attitude and endeavor.

Total score: The total score includes the sum of

the eight categories above.

Module 3

Innovative Leadership and

Growth Mindset
Activity 1. Growth Mindset Quiz
Before you take your journey towards a growth mindset, you
need to assess your present mindset. This will help you
identify those areas which you can further improve to achieve a
growth mindset. Place a check in the column that identifies the
extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement.
What’s My Mindset?

Indicators Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. Your intelligence is something very 
basic about you that you cannot change
very much.
2. No matter how much intelligence you 
have, you can always change it quite a
3.You can always substantially change 
how intelligent you are.
4.You are a certain kind of person, and 
there is not much that can be done to
really change that.
5.You can always change basic things 
about the kind of person you are.
6.Musical talent can be learned by 
7.Only few people will be truly good at 
sports-you have to be born with it.
8.Math is much easier to learn of you 
are male or maybe come from a culture
who values math.
9.The harder you work at something, the 
better you will be at it.
10.No matter what kind of person you 
are, you can always change
11.Trying new things is stressful for me 
and I avoid it.
12.Some people are good and kind, and 
some are not-it’s not often that people
13.I appreciate when coaches, teachers 
and leaders give me feedback about my
14.I often get angry when I get feedback 
about my performance.
15.All human beings without a brain 
injury or birth defects are capable of the
same amount of learning.
16.You can learn new things, but you 
can’t really change how intelligent you
17.You can do things differently, but the 
important parts of who you are can’t
really be changed.
18.Human beings are basically good, but 
sometimes make terrible mistakes.
19.An important reason why I do my 
school work is that I like to learn new
20.Truly smart people do not need to try 

Now circle the number in the box that matches each answer and get your total score.

Indicators Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1.Fixed 0 1 2 3
2.Growth 3 2 1 0
3.Growth 3 2 1 0
4.Fixed 0 1 2 3
5.Growth 3 2 1 0
6.Growth 3 2 1 0
7.Fixed 0 1 2 3
8.Fixed 0 1 2 3
9.Growth 3 2 1 0
10.Growth 3 2 1 0
11.Fixed 0 1 2 3
12.Fixed 0 1 2 3
13.Growth 3 2 1 0
14.Fixed 0 1 2 3
15.Growth 3 2 1 0
16.Fixed 0 1 2 3
17.Fixed 0 1 2 3
18.Growth 3 2 1 0
19.Growth 3 2 1 0
20.Fixed 0 1 2 3

Strong Growth Mindset 45-60 pts.

Growth Mindset with some Fixed Ideas 34-44 pts.
Fixed Mindset with some Growth Ideas 21-33 pts.
Strong Fixed Mindset 0-20 pts.

Activity 2. Film Viewing
Watch the TED Talk from the YouTube video The Power of Yet by Carol Dweck. As you
watch, think about these questions:
What is a growth mindset?
How does a growth mindset differ from a fixed mindset?
Fixed Mind Set Growth
run from error engage deeply
don’t want challenge they process the error, correct and learn from it.
don’t take criticisms positive out-looking
don’t want to be over passed by
to be challenged
pessimistic take criticisms constructively

Activity 4. Evaluating Statements

Categorize the following quotes as either fixed mindset or growth mindset.

• I can’t do this.
• I’m a failure as a leader.
• How can I learn more?
• What can I learn from this mistake?
• I am getting smarter all the time.
• I’m the smartest in my team.
• I learn the most when something is difficult.
• This must be too hard for me.
• I performed poorly on this task.
• I should try to improve on this task.
• If it doesn’t work the fist time, I should try a different strategy.
• If it doesn’t work the first time, I can’t do it.

Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset

I can’t do this. How can I learn more?

What can I learn from this mistake?

I’m a failure as a leader.
I’m the smartest in my team. I am getting smarter all the time.

I learn the most when something is

This must be too hard for me difficult.
I performed poorly on this task. I should try to improve on this task

If it doesn’t work the first time, I should try

If it doesn’t work the first time, I can’t do it a different strategy

Activity 5. Reframing Mindset

Reframe the following fixed mindset statements into growth mindset statements.

Instead of saying… Try saying…

I don’t know what to do. This is easy, let’s find ways to do this.
I am good enough. I know I can be better than this.
Excellent job! Excellent job, keep it going!
I don’t have what it takes. I have what it takes to do this.
This is easy because I have the talent. This is easy because I believe in my God’s
given talent.

Great job! You are a remarkable writer! Great job! You are a remarkable writer!
Keep it up and always stay grounded.

This is too hard. This is a child’s play.

I am stupid at this and I don’t I know I didn’t use the wise strategy, I can do
this with the right one.
Want anyone to know. We must tell everyone of what is really
I really enjoyed presentation. the I learned and enjoy from thee presentation.

I’m not good at Math. I know I can do math, I just don’t get it yet.

Activity 6. Case Analysis

Analyze the following situations and recommend a growth mindset action.

1. Poor Feedback
Your attention is called by your teacher who thinks that you are not
performing well.

Fixed Mindset: Just ignore the feedback and resign to the fact that you are not
competent enough to pass the course.

Growth Mindset: Take the feedback in a constructive way, and make it as an

inspiration to aspire for greatness and greater performance.

2. Handling a Task
You are assigned to do a research project by your teacher. You are
assigned as a study leader to ensure that your group finish the research
on time.

Fixed Mindset: Refuse to be the research leader. Tell your teacher that you
are better off as a member.

Growth Mindset: Grab the opportunity to show your potential leadership skills.
Plan and delegate tasks to members and make house rules to finish on time.

3. Facing A Failure
You have wanted to land your dream job. You applied to various companies
but no one accepted you. Rejection hits you to the core.

Fixed Mindset: Resign to the fact that you’re unemployed. Wallow in self-pity
and give up on your dream job.

Growth Mindset: Think of the consequences if you resign and quit on your
dreams you’ll end up counting post along the pavements. It’s okay to rest
but never give up.

4. Dealing with People

You are assigned to lead a group discussion with foreign students. They come
from diverse cultures in terms of nationality, religion and gender.

Fixed Mindset: Discuss issues from the same perspective and impose
on what you think is right.

Growth Mindset: Diversify your ideas and ask the group member’s perspective with

Basis of Rating your Case Analysis

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

The analysis presented in

the reframed growth
mindset presents a sound
and well thought


The reframed growth

mindset recommends a
better idea compared to
the original.


The reframed growth

mindset resolves the
problem which the
original mindset presents.

Beyond Activity 7. 21-Day Plan Towards Growth Mindset Everyday for 21 days straight,
perform a small act of innovative leadership. Each act must be something new and creative every
day. You can begin this journey by writing a sample plan which reflects your daily goal just like
the one below.
Activity 8. Inno- Juorn

Module :

ay: What’s Most Challenging Today:

e different characteristic
a leader andchallenging
the most that we should
is theconsider
toan effective one.
understand deeply on how/what should a

and Draw an image to capture an

important idea.
lesson is 5 because on what activity we had it help me a lot why/ how this innovative leader work and what are the different

With a growth mindset, I hope that you continue to make yourself better. By
regularly doing something affirmative and innovative, you’ll discover new
possibilities everyday. In the next module, I hope that you will learn from the
experiences of leaders in the way they respond to crisis.
Module 4

Leadership in
Action: Assessing


Welcome to Module 4! Congratulations for reaching this point in

our course. I strongly believe that as of this moment you are
already more than familiar with the theories of leadership and the
characteristics of innovative leaders. In this module we are going to
look into known leaders of the past and of the present and
evaluate their performance in terms of their effectiveness in
implemting policies that truly benifted the people and how they
respond in times of crisis especially the one we are experiencing
today. It is hoped that this module will help you assess/evaluate
leaders in the most objective lens and not be affected by external
biases and prejudices.

In this module, you are expected to:
review initiatives conducted by government and
nongovernment leaders during crisis.

Name three leaders whom you look up to. The leaders you choose do not
have to be involved in politics. You may choose those leaders who are also
involved in other humanitarian efforts. In the second column explain why
you look up to them as ideal leaders or role models.


Late Miriam Defensor Santiago She is so powerful that she was even
named one of The 100 Most Powerful
Women in the World in 1997. I love her
conviction as a government official and
as a leader. She does not fear anybody, I
also adore her wit and wisdom.

I look up to her for her courageous act

of speaking to the world of what is
Maria Ressa
really happening. She fights for freedom
of the press, which is very important in
todays’ undertakings where many are
deprived of their rights to know and
access information and journalists being

She is phenomenal for me, as to being

Late Gina Lopez
an environmental advocate. She
dismantled anomalies regarding and
causing the environment which I believe
that there is nothing more important
than our environment, for what we can
do without it.
Module 4 Lesson 1

Innovative Leaders from the

Past to the Present

Throughout our history we have read about leaders who by their own right
build their names on positive achievements and to some degree on
negative actions. For every era there had been leaders who to our own
respective opinions have been effective. Whether it is being able to move
the people’s hearts or implement programs for the betterment of the
country, there are leaders who have left a significant contribution to their
respective fields. In this lesson we are going to look back in history and
study leaders who exhibited exemplary innovativeness. Remember that
innovative leadership knows no age, race, skin color, and any form of
status. Innovative leadership is for everyone.


Activity 1
Complete the Cloud Organizer below by supplying 9 adjectives which for
you best describe an innovative leader.
Trust worthy Intelligent


Risk-taker Optimistic

Confident i

Why did you choose the adjectives that you placed in the cloud organizer?
I chose those adjectives to describe my ideal innovative leader because that is what I think vital and
essential to have on being a leader in today’s generation. Those will be the framework of being an
effective and innovative leader wherever they go around the community. A leader should be multi-
faceted in order for him to cope up easily in tough situations, thus showing resilient.

Activity 2. ICON Analysis Below is pictures of leaders from the past. Rate their leadership using
stars. Give 5 stars to the leader who has shown significant innovativeness and you may give lesser
stars. Indicate in your explanation their most significant achievement(s) in justifying the star rating
you gave.

5 I give him 5
starts because, he
was an Indian
lawyer, anti-
nationalist and
political ethicist,
who employed
resistance to lead
the successful
campaign for
from British rule,
and in turn
movement for
civil rights and
freedom across
the world.

Has led nationwide

campaigns to
eradicate poverty,
expand women’s
right, built religious
and ethnic harmony
and eliminate
injustices of the
Mahatma Gandhi caste system.
5 He also
established the
truth and
providing a safe
place to
investigate past
human rights
abuses, avoiding
civil war and
bloodshed. He also
measures to
combat poverty
and expand

Nelson Mandela

5 Was a African
Baptist minister
and activist who
became the ost
spokesperson and
leader in the
American civil
rights movement
from 1955 until his

Martin Luther King Jr.

5 Leadership
renowned for her
tireless efforts to
help the poorest
of the poor, the
fact that mother
Teresa had
established a
thriving order in
the catholic
church at a time
when most orders
were shrinking
seemed to be
proof positive of

Mother Teresa
5 Youngest person
ever awarded the
Nobel peace
prizes, cites role
of technology in
her global
campaign to
education for

She helped girls

fighting for
poverty, wars, child
marriage, and
discrimination to

- Five stars for her

Malala Yousafzai
bravery and strong
personality that
became the bridge
5 Her leadership is
marked by her steely
reserve, from standing
up to Donald trump to
allowing more than a
million Syrian refugees
into Germany.

Angela Merkel

5 Having greta
Thunberg as an
speaks to youth,
energy and
innovation, a
long awaited
time for more
participation, and
an end to the age
of oil. We can
and will make a
cleaner world
because we are
just the people to
make impossible
things possible at
Greta Thunberg
What do these leaders have in common in terms of their
vision and mission?
 Their common is how they handle their vision and
mission by focusing on the positive effect for the
people they wanted to grow and extended their help
for them.

What are the important insights that you gained after

researching about the initiatives of these leaders?
 For me just work harder for you to achieve the best in
your innovation for the betterment.

Rubric/Criteria for Rating the Icon Analysis Activity

Criteria 10pts. 9pts. 8pts. 7pts. 6pts.


The explanation
provided is
appropriate for the
rating given.


The student
highlighted the most
achievement of the

The student has done
independent research
on the personalities
given in the activity.
Module 4 Lesson 2

Assessing Leadership
Initiatives in Times of Crisis


You have already been exposed to the theories that

influence what innovative leadership means. In the previous
lesson, you were given a very simple way of rating
innovative leaders from the past to the present. At this
point, you will now be assessing/evaluating initiatives made
by government and non-government institutions in
response to a crisis. To put this into a timelier context, we
will focus on the initiatives made by different institutions
and individuals in the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Complete the SWOT Analysis below by providing the five (5
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to our
government’s response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Our government
When it comes to epidemic preparedness and response, our country has demonstrated success on three fronts: detection, can’tand
containment, contro

-The opportunities of the Government are loc
-Delayed procurement of the Pfizer this promo
-Agencies and organizations to succeed

Which among the attributes that you indicated in the SWOT

analysis are considered internal factors? Why?
 Strengths and weaknesses why? Because these
internal factors would always presents even in normal
or daily lives especially those leaders they must have
this eternal factors in order for their betterment and
effective leaders.
Which among the attributes that you indicated in the SWOT
analysis are considered external factors? Why?
 Opportunities and threats’ why? Because these
external factors are not in controlled of any leaders or
implementers’ but yet they can prevent it to avoid
too much troubled.

Activity 2. Fish Bone Analysis

Instruction(s): Complete the Fish Bone Analysis Below by

providing the factors which will contribute to successful
organizational initiatives especially in times of crisis.
Confident Honesty Adaptable

Successful organizational initiatives

Processing Questions:

Stay positive Control the chaos Motivated

Why did you choose the six factors you indicated in the Fish
Bone analysis as the most essential in contributing to the
success of organizational analysis?
 For me these six factors help every individual especially those leaders so
that it came out to a successful organizational initiatives and it has a
very big impacts for their innovation programs.

Why do you think that some organizational initiatives fail?

What are the factors that contribute to failures?
 Organizational initiative fails it is normal to fail because of some problems
it might encounter by the group of organization. But yet still failure is not
permanent it passes through out your lives so maybe next time make the
best out of it.

Below are pictures of Philippine leaders who have made
program initiatives in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Your task is to assess the COVID-19 initiatives of these
leaders using the Crisis Management Chart. You will need to
research on their respective programs in order to assess
their programs as objectively as you can. Use the chart on
the next page and write your assessment and evaluation
based on the criteria given.
Mayor Vico Sotto

- UNAIDS o Proactive - Mayor Vico Sotto

o Compassiona has the genuine
Provide technical support in the te definition of what
implementation of the strategy to ensure o Science and who a leader
that efforts at the local level are driven should be.
strengthened to respond to COVID-19 o Critical Proactive and
and HIV, including scale up of testing thinker thinks about the
and zero discrimination programmes o Dedicated general welfare
for healthcare providers. Sanitation o Educated of. Its people. He
tents, mobile kitchens for frontliners, o Respectful is a hands-on
anti-hoarding ordinance, disinfecting o Genuine mayor who takes
drones, test kits, Prepared the Rescue o Witty responsibility
Emergency Disaster (RED) Training o Generous laities rather than
Center o Spontaneous making excuses.
With a mayor like
him, a person
under his
administration will
feel secured
because of his
active and wide
ideas aiming to
protect, extend
and help the
people in their
Mayor Francisco “Isko” Moreno

o Cash incentive o Proactive He is a good

o Hands-on – planner and
program o Witty implementer.
o compassionate He is a very
o Free
proactive man
covid19 mass who have
worked to the
testing CODE covid 19
which was
o CODE done before
Covid19 covid has
affected the
Vice-President Leni Robredo

- raised funding - Proactive VP Leni is a good

for personal - Spontaneous communicator
protective -Transparent and that she
speaks only what
equipment for
is relevant that
front liners and makes her
healthcare transparent in
professionals nature and that
is something a
good leader
should have.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte



- Proactive - Authorita tive He is a good

- Strict - Not good leader however,
- 4 pillar socioeconomic
strategy against covid19 communi cation he lacks
Social Amelioration skills communication
Program Bayanihan, to skills which
heal as one act
causes his speech
- Administrative order to become
no. 26, no. 28 for the scratch and
front liners. nothing.
- Hatid tulong program However, he is a
president who is
transparent on
working to help
the people. This
cannot be
compared by the
because this year
was different
because of the
pandemic. As a
whole, I can see
Duterte as a
good leader with
pure intention
for service,
however, I doubt
their ways of
addressing the
covid19 crisis.

Rubric/Criteria for Main Task

10pts. 9pts. 8pts. 7pts. 6pts.

Quality of Work

The student’s work is

well written. It is based
on readings and is an
original output.

The student based the
content of his answers on
external sources other
than his own.

The student has
presented 5 Covid-19
Initiatives of the person
the leader indicated
Activity 3. Inno-Journ

Module :

What I Learned Today: What’s Most Challenging Today:

The most challenging task today

ed above, one thing I can remember is an innovative leader should always seek those people that needed your help in order to hav
is finding and knowing the
different leader that has a big
contribution of helping people
through their innovations.

motivation to the

Draw an image to capture an important idea.Rate your understanding and explain.

For me I rated my understanding

as a 5 overall there are many
things that I‘ve learned so far.
Now that you have a vicarious encounter with great
innovative leaders, I look forward to seeing you pay forward
to your own community the initiatives that you learned from
this module. No matter how small and simple the act, what’s
important is your sense of duty to help during this time of
crisis. This is what you will finally perform in the last module:
to design a project that would address the current issues in
our society.
Module 5

Innovative Leadership and

Social Responsibility


Welcome to Module 5 ! Here you will learn about the

importance of doing your social responsibilties as
expected in an innovative leader . Indeed, the Covid-
19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s daily routine
but it should not stop you from taking part in social
responsibility activities. It’s time now for you to
apply your learnings in the previous lessons. Enjoy
the steps leading to your social responsibilty project


In this module, you are expected to:

• Identify social issues that need to be addressed in

your community;

• Discuss the steps to pitching and launching a social

responsibility project;
• Present the proposed social responsibility project


Activity 1. Reading a Text
Read the following article and answer the questions that

Coca-Cola Philippines recognized as one of the top Socially Responsible

Companies in Asia
ByBusinessMirror October 16, 2019

Coca-Cola Philippines was honored by the Asia Corporate Excellence and Sustainability
Awards (ACES) as one of the Top Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Advocates in
Asia because of their unwavering commitment to sustainable business operations in the

The Top CSR Advocates award is presented to companies that place genuine attention
to the needs and wellbeing of all its stakeholders as concretized by initiatives that focus
on community engagement, environmental protection, and social empowerment.
In today’s mindful and socially-aware world, the success of a company is not solely
measured by sales and profits but also by its purpose. Now, more than ever, companies
are taking on the responsibility to give back and create a positive impact in society, as
its consumers, employees, and stakeholders look to them for real action against some
of the world’s pressing issues.

Among the companies striving to make a difference is Coca-Cola, one of the world’s
leading beverage giants. In the Philippines, Coca-Cola continuously ingrains
sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in its development, focusing on
the long-term and ensuring that they grow the right way as a business through various
programs and initiatives that uplift communities and safeguard the environment.

The Coca-Cola system in the Philippines takes on a multi-faceted approach to its

sustainability framework, focusing on various pillars including Waste, Water, Women
empowerment, and more.
The Company’s most recent efforts have been towards their World Without Waste vision
—a commitment to collect and recycle the equivalent of 100% of its product packaging
by 2030. To drive its advocacy in the Philippines, Coca-Cola has mapped out a plan to
boost the waste management system in the country. In this circular economy model, its
packaging goes full-circle, transformed into recycled PET bottles or other useful
products. Collection systems and recycling efforts implemented with the aid of public
and private partners across multiple communities in the country, and an investment in
an advanced first PET bottle recycling facility are some of the main initiatives to take its
World Without Waste vision further.
Still on the path of environmental protection, the Company also practices responsible
water stewardship, understanding the value of water for their business and for life. At
present, the company has gone beyond its initial goal of 100% water replenishment to
124%. Its operations have cut down water consumption by 27% from 2014 to 2018, saving an equiva

Beyond its operations, Coca-Cola also instituted the Agos program to provide
communities with access to water and protects watersheds. Through the Agos Ram
Pump, a technology that elevates water to far-flung communities, around 215,000
members of 210 Agos sites in 49 provinces now
have access to this valuable resource. In Marawi, Agos was able to bring a
mobile potable water plant that served more than 500,000 gallons of safe drinking
water to families and students.
Community and people-centered in all that they do, Coca-Cola also created a program
for the street-smart women who drive 90% of the Company’s local business – the
sari-sari store owners. Through the Sari-Sari Store Training and Access to Resources
(STAR) program, these women are provided skills training, peer mentoring, and
access to resources to grow their businesses. Present in 16 regions and 68
provinces, the STAR program has impacted the lives of over 150,000 women.
In an Impact Report done by the Company in 2017, it was discovered that 97% of the
STARpreneurs found the training useful and 98% of th em applied their learnings to
their business. After the program, 65% of the trainees felt confident of their future
financial stability.
Throughout each step of the way, from the way they create beverages that refresh
and cater to the needs of its customer s, to the way they provide economic growth for
those who help deliver and sell their products to more Filipinos, to the way they take
care and grow the communities they serve, Coca -Cola strives to do good, go beyond
what is expected them, and take all Filipinos who also strive for more further with
them in their journey.
Activity 2. Asking Questions
What are the three initiatives done by the Coca-Cola
Company to create a positive impact to the society?

1. Agos Ram Pump establishment - This is an initiative that elevates

water resources to far flung areas. This was able to bring a mobile potable
water plant that served more than 500,000 gallons of safe drinking water
to families and students.

2. Sari-sari- Training and access to resources (STAR) program- This is

a program for the street- smart- women- the sari-sari store owners. These
programs have provided those skills training, peer mentoring, and access
to resources to grow their businesses.

3. World without waste vision- a commitment to collect and recycle

the equivalent of 100% of its product packaging by 2030.
Activity 3. Mind mapping
Fill in the circles with social issues in your community
that needs to be addressed.

Socially and environmentally conscious investments

Rising cases of teenage pregnancy

Participating in

Waste Segregation Volunteering in the community

Weak implementation of the no use of single used plastic

Waste Disposal
Activity 4. Designing
Based on the previous activity (mind mapping), identify one
social issue that you want to address and fill out the form
Project Title Innovation teen pregnancy prevention

Project Initiator Innovation teen pregnancy prevention and sexual risk reduction
program for youth

Project Purpose What are the reasons for undertaking this project? Cite the issues
and the need to address them.

 Rising cases of teenage pregnancy

 Children are abandon
 Broken family

Project Objectives What are the goals to be achieved in this project?

 To prevent and help those people that doing this

kind of situation especially those person without
their parent consent.

Persons Involved Who are the persons or groups expected to join you in this
 Youth
 Parents

Funds The expected cost and how do you plan to get the required
 5,000 are enough I think to get an expert
speaker for this innovation program.
Specific Activities The step-by-step activities to achieve the goals of your project.

 Asking permeation to the barangay of the send

rising cases of teenage pregnancy
 Finding sponsors to get the amount for paying
the cost of the speaker.
 Inviting youth and parents to participate in this
Anticipated Risks The problems you might encounter in the implementation of your
 I think there is no problem that might be happed

Activity 5. Inno-Journ

Module : _

What I Learned Today: What’s Most Challenging Today:

about the importance of doing social responsibilities

For me inas expected
making inprogram
innovative an innovative
is the mostleader.
challenging today.

Draw an image to capture an Important idea.Rate your understanding and explain.

For me I rated my understanding as a 5 overall there are many things that I ‘ve learn
RUBRIC FOR Excellent Very good 8 pts Average 6pts Needs Poor 2pts
PROJECT PITCH 10pts improvement 4pts

Project description Description is Description is The description is Description is not It is unclear

(Project Purpose & clear, concise, clear and adequate though the clear. what is being
Project objectives) and easy to generally easy to need for greater proposed.
understand. understand. clarity is apparent.
Description may not
explain the project
Feasibility of design Specific activities There is a logical Specific activities Specific activities Specific
(Specific Activity) are well-stated, and thoughtful plan appear manageable, are unclear, do activities are
manageable, for manageable but there is some not follow from unmanageable,
and execution of the uncertainty. project objectives, or are
comprehensive. project. and/or do not inappropriate
seem entirely for the
manageable. proposed
Innovativeness of Project is clearly Project is clearly Project is interesting The solution is not The project
the project defined and defined and but not different from a proposed no
responsive to responsive to the fundamentally solution already solution.
the need of the need of the distinctive from available.
community. community. existing approaches.
Solution is Solution is an
distinctive from improvement upon
existing existing
approaches. approaches.
Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved are Persons involved No persons or
are clearly are clearly not clearly identified. are not clearly groups are
identified and identified but may Their involvement identified. Their identified for
appropriate to not be appropriate may not be suitable involvement is not the execution
the project. to the project. to the project suitable to the of the project.
proposed. project proposed.
budget Budget is Budget is Budget is Budget is not Budget is
comprehensive, comprehensive, comprehensive and clearly explained unreasonable
clearly clearly explained, reasonable but not and it is not in all areas.
explained, and and reasonable. clearly explained. appropriate for
appropriate for Vast majority of Most costs are the project. Some
the project cost are justified, justified, relevant cost is not
proposed. All relevant and and essential to the justified, relevant
cost are essential to the project. or essential.
justified, project.
relevant and
timeframe The timeframe The timeframe is The timeframe of The timeframe is The timeframe
of the project is reasonable with the project is unjustifiable. The is unjustifiable.
reasonable. It high likelihood of somewhat likelihood of No chance of
has a very being completed. reasonable with success is being
reasonable moderate likelihood questionable. completed.
expectation of of being completed


Great! You’ve finally finished the course! You have

learned about the importance of doing your social
responsibilities and you were able to design a project to
address a certain issue in your community. You can now
make an impact to your community. Continue to
cultivate the leader in you and live up to the vision of
our University.

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