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ME 449 Final Report: Torsional Fatigue Machine
Instructor: Professor Dan Massey
Sponsor: Dr. Abu-Mahfouz 
Michael Frazier- Mechanical Engineering
Raphael Abadilla- Mechanical Engineering
Dominic Farole- Mechanical Engineering


The Torsion Fatigue Machine Capstone project consisted of two-semesters of
planning, designing, and manufacturing to solve the problem delegated to the team. The
definition the problem of this project is to create a fully automated torsion testing
machine that will test fatigue through oscillation. There will be two angles of oscillation
achievable through the linkage mechanism. In order to create a plan and design for this
machine a multitude of research was done. This report discusses each step taken in the
design process starting at the solution criteria. In this section the main objectives,
customer needs, and target values were defined. The next step defined in this report
was to start the concept generation process. This section starts with the defining of all
potential complex problems as well as their relative solution. Next for concept
generation concepts were chosen to solve all complex problems previously stated. This
required the choosing many of the components of the machine including the motor and
the sensors to fulfill the required specifications. The last step in the Torsion Fatigue
Machine Capstone panning process for ME 448 was to create a preliminary design as
well as a structured plan for ME 449. Along with the design, each component of the
machine was labeled and defined in greater detail.

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We cannot express enough thanks to our advisor, Dr. Issam Abu-Mahfouz, and
our instructor, Dr. Abu-Ayyad for their continued support and encouragement. Without
their judgement and expertise, our team would not have been able to accomplish the
design of the Torsional Fatigue Machine. We are grateful that Bill Moody showed us the
existing torsion machines in the Penn State Harrisburg mechanical engineering lab. Our
team was able to reflect on the current torsional testing machine. We used the
constraints of the present machine in order to find ways to improve our design. Dr. Amit
Banerjee took time to give his opinion and expertise on which type of motor would be
most efficient for the torsional fatigue machine. Another person we would like to thank is
Daniel Massey. Dan Massey was more than willing to share his design and component
ideas in order to improve our design. Professor Massey also taught us how to design for
manufacture and how to efficiently work in a machine shop. During this project,
Professor Massey was an exceptional help while designing our machine and machining
the components.

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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 4
SOLUTION CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................................ 8
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
CUSTOMER HIERARCHY OF NEEDS .............................................................................................................................. 9
REQUIREMENTS (MUST HAVES, NICE TO HAVES, CONSTRAINTS) ...................................................................................... 9
DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 10
CONCEPT GENERATION, SCREENING, AND SELECTION ................................................................................. 12
CONCEPT GENERATION/ SCREENING ......................................................................................................................... 12
CONCEPT SELECTION/ REASONS ............................................................................................................................... 15

PRELIMINARY DESIGN .................................................................................................................................. 16

ISOMETRIC VIEW/ LIST OF COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................... 16
LEFT SIDE VIEW ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
TOP VIEW ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
FRONT VIEW ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

DESIGN DECOMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................. 19

MOTOR/ MOTOR CONTROLLER ............................................................................................................................... 19
LOAD CELL ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
FRAME/ SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................................. 20
MATERIAL HOLDING CHUCKS ................................................................................................................................... 20
EMERGENCY STOP SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................... 21
SAFETY HOOD ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
DATE INPUT ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
DATA OUTPUT ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

PROJECT WORK AND BREAKDOWN FOR ME 449 .......................................................................................... 22

RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX ......................................................................................................................................... 22
PROJECT SCHEDULE FOR ME 449 .................................................................................................................. 23
GANTT CHART....................................................................................................................................................... 23
PROJECT BUDGET FOR ME 449 ..................................................................................................................... 24
BILL OF MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 24
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 25
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................. 26
MOTOR CALCULATION ........................................................................................................................................... 26
TORQUE DATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
TORQUE CALCULATION ........................................................................................................................................... 28
REFLECTION OF CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 29

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Problem Statement:
The mission of this project is to design a fully automated torsional fatigue
machine which tests torsion fatigue using controlled angular oscillation, frequency, and
Problem Description:
The problem with the typical torsional testing machine that most use a crank
which in fact requires the operator to be present for the whole duration of the test to
apply the torque. With a fully automated torsional testing machine, the specimen can be
placed in the tester, set to run, then the operator can walk away from the machine and
return after the specimen has failed. This is done through the implementation of an
automated motor to apply the torque instead of using a hand crank. Developing a fully
automated torsional testing machine will save a company both time and money. To
being able to walk away from the machine while the test is being conducted allows the
engineer to be able to work on other tasks simultaneously. The use of an automated
torsion tester opens an opportunity for other forms of torsion testing. Limited by the
hand crank, testing fatigue through oscillation was not a practical test if conducted
manually. However, an automated motor enables the ability to create precise
movements and oscillating rotations to test fatigue on different materials.
Existing Solutions:
There are fully automated torsional testing machines on the market today,
however, these machines are significantly heavier than our desired machine. These
machines are also significantly larger in size. The gap for improvement lies in the size
and weight categories of the torsional testing machine. In terms of price, 3 main factors
contribute to the cost of torsional testing machine. These factors include torsional load,
material testing space, and automation. Automation varies between fully automated and
crank driven. Considering these three factors, torsional testing machines vary from
approximately $17,000 to $24,000. Specifically, the two benchmark models that were
compared when designing our torsional testing machine was the UnitedTest NJS-200S,
the current torsion machine in the lab as well as the UnitedTest ISO 7800, a more

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industrialized testing machine. These two machines had to be considered to achieve
what would be needed in the design of our torsion testing machine.
Why other Solutions fail:
The main purpose of analyzing existing solutions is to address exactly why they
fail. Doing this will open up opportunities to create a design that sufficiently solves all
problems that current solutions do not. For example, the largest fault in the current
testing machine in the lab, the NJS-200S is the utilization of the hand crank to manually
apply torque to the specimen. In our design this was the most crucial aspect to solve
through the researching and choosing of an automated motor. Also, the NJS-200S has
a max testing torque capacity of 200 Nm which is significantly lower than the capacity
required for the testing machine being designed which is 320 Nm. However, what this
specific testing machine does thrive in is its portability. It has a desktop design that will
be replicated with our design. The other existing solution analyzed is the ISO7800. This
torsion testing machine is able to test up to 320 Nm, but that comes with other flaws in
the system. Where this machine fails is its portability. It has a built-in desk design
weighing much heavier than the NJS-200s. This makes transporting the ISO 7800 much
more difficult. Where both the NJS-200 and ISO 7800 fail is with the data display.
Neither are able to automatically compile all recorded data to create graphs during and
after the test. This is another problem we are trying to solve through the torsion testing
machine being built.

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Max Test Power Power
Model Torque Space Dimensions Supply Weight source Mounting
United test NJS- 200 50Hz, Hand
200S N*m 260mm 950x300x400mm 220V 120 kg crank Bench
United test NJS- 20 50Hz, Hand
20S N*m 260mm 920x300x300mm 220V 90 kg crank Floor
United test NJS- 500 50Hz,
500 N*m 500mm 1650x450x1120mm 220V 600 kg Automated Floor
United test NJS- 1000 50Hz,
1000 N*m 500mm 1650x450x1120mm 220V 600 Kg Automated Floor
ADMET 9618 N*m 760mm 1220x304x1066mm Automated Floor
1000 50Hz,
Tinius Olsen N*m 457mm 1570x630x730 220V 500 kg Automated Bench
Zwick/Roell TL 500 50 Hz,
500 N*m 510mm 1475x650x1775mm 400V 188 kg Automated Floor
30 50 Hz, 240 Hand
VDAS SM1001 N*m 750mm 1100x400x300mm V 33 kg Crank Bench
225 50 Hz, 460
INSTRON MT2 N*m 720mm 1435x764x711 V 220 kg Automated Bench
Table 1: Existing torsional testing machines

Market Dynamics:

With today’s endless research and development of new materials and products,
the market for torsional testing is currently growing. This is because of the
direct relationship between torsional testing and the construction, automotive, and
aerospace industry. As long as technology and materials are being innovated and
improved, so will torsion testing. Along with the increase in demand comes an increase
in price, however, a minimal increase in price will not diminish this industry. In terms of
the willingness to pay, there is currently no other methods in testing torsion than with a
torsional testing machine. This being said, there is no set limit to what a company will
pay to test their material. Knowing that torsional testing machines are a crucial tool in
ensuring that materials are safe for use in application proves that there will always be a
need for a torsional tester, needless of the cost. Not only that but the torsion machine
market allows for clear and evident use for education executed here at Penn State. In
terms of new technology, new and improved versions of torsional testers are being

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produced each day. There are torsional testing machines that do not test torsion
and fatigue. This industry will keep growing and innovating.

S.W.O.T. Analysis

Strength: The strength of the torsion testing market is its constant growth. The torsion
testing industry has a direct relationship with the growth of construction, automotive,
aerospace, etc.
Weakness: The weakness of the torsional testing market is the competition. There are
many companies producing very similar products.
Opportunity: The opportunity of the torsional testing market is the degree of innovation.
The industry is already determining methods to test multiple material characteristics with
a single test.
Threat: The threat of the torsional testing market is the current knowledge of materials
science. With the current knowledge of materials, testing torsion may become

Solution Criteria
List of Objectives:

1. Automated power source – no hand crank needed

2. Free- running machine
• Operator can perform another task simultaneously
3. Multiple modes of testing
• Fatigue
• Torsion
4. Input data
• Angular oscillation (30 and 90 Degrees)
5. Data Display to computer monitor
6. Adequate test space -At least 390mm
7. Portable design – benchtop
8. Controlled speed – speed input by user
9. Use with high strength steels
10. Affordable
Table 2: list of objectives for the torsional testing machine

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Design Specifications

Must Haves Nice to Haves Constraints

Automated power source Benchtop design Maximum weight: 300 lbs
Mode 1: Torsion Fatigue 15 in test space Comply with OSHA
Test standards
Ability to test various Portable Comply with ASTM
lengths standards
Automatic data display Variable speed input Comply with ASME
Speed: 10-20 rpm Mode 2: Continuous Safety of user
Torsion Test
Safety Standards: 500 N*m torque capacity Budget-$5,000
Start/Stop Button & Safety

Table 3: Requirements of the torsional testing machine

Design Specifications:
Solution Criteria Engineering design specification
Automated power source The machine will not require manual
labor. A motor controller will send signals
to the motor in order to begin operation
Free-running machine The operator will be able to begin the
test, leave the machine, and come back
when the test is complete.
Data display Measured data will be transferred from
the tester to a digital display using a data
acquisition software.
Data output • Torque signal vs. Time
• Angle vs. Time
• Number of cycles to failure
Adequate test space Up to 15 inches test space will be
available. This means that specimens
under 15 inches will also be able to be
Portable design This product will have a benchtop design.
Also, the weight restriction of 300 kg
ensures that it can be transported by only
two people.

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Use with high strength steels In order to test high strength steels, this
product will be able to test torsion up to
320 nm
Portable • Weight – 300 lbs.
• Dimensions – 55 x 30 x 30 inches
Affordable • Cost < 5,000 USD
Table 4- Design specifications of target values

Reflection of Design Specifications:

The key design specification with this machine is the automated operation. This
machine will be powered by an automated motor with no need of the operator present.
This design specification ensures that the torsion fatigue tester is user friendly. This
machine will also provide a compact, portable, and low-cost design. This machine will
weight under 300 pounds and have dimensions to not exceed 55 x 30 x 30 inches.
Although this machine will encompass a benchtop design, it will have the ability to test
various material lengths. The linear rail system on this machine is designed for the
ability to test material specimens up to 15 inches. While the material is being tested, a
data acquisition device (DAQ) will transfer data to LabVIEW software. This data will be
displayed on a computer monitor and encompass the torque signal, angle, and the
number of cycles until failure. Finally, this machine will cost less than $5,000.

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Concept Generation

Screening Criteria/ Concept Generation:

1. Complex problem- Automated power source 

a. The motor choice is an AC Induction motor. An AC motor was
chosen because of the affordability and similarity of power to a DC
motor. This motor is equipped with 2 hp at 1800 rpm. The motor will
also be attached to a 40:1 reduction helical gearbox.
b. Low speed, high torque: The IronHorse AC induction motor will
be attached to a reduction gearbox in order to achieve a low speed
and high torque application.
c. Testing high strength steels - With 2 hp output from the motor
and a 40:1 reduction gearbox, the machine will be able to output 320
nm of torque at 45 rpm. This proves that the machine will be able to
test steels such as AISI 4140.
2. Complex problem- Testing at angular oscillation.
a. The team researched the ability to test multiple degrees of
oscillation. This machine will be able to test fatigue at angular
oscillations of 30 and 90 degrees. There will be a quick-change
mechanism in order to switch from these two degrees of testing.

3. Complex problem- Data Display  

a. Raphael educated himself on the LabVIEW software. The LabVIEW
software is the software in which the data will be displayed witt. A data
acquisition device will convert raw data from torque sensor to the
LabVIEW software.

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c. Data output:
i.Torque vs. Time  
ii.Angle vs. Time  
iii.Number of cycles until failure  
4. Complex problem- Adequate test space
a.This machine will incorporate a linear rail system in order to test
materials of various lengths. The torque sensor will be mounted on
an angle plate. The angle plate will be mounted on a linear rail and
be able to slide in order to increase or decrease the material testing
length. This linear rail system is composed of two liner rails and
four ball-bearing carts.
5. Complex Problem- Safety
a. Safety is our team’s top priority. The top safety concern of our
torsional testing machine it that it is fully automated.
b. Stop the testing- a problem with full automation is that if danger
occurs, there needs to be a way to stop the machine. An emergency is
placed on this machine.
c. Material breakage - With high torque applications, danger may
arise when the test specimen fails. This being said, a safety covering is
incorporated to protect the user when failure occurs.

6. Complex Problem- Portable design 

a. Weight- This torsional fatigue machine will weight under 300 lbs,
making it portable. This constraint was achieved by using matierals
with a high strength-to-weight ratio. The majority of this machine is
composed of Aluminum 6061.
b. Dimensions- This torsional fatigue machine has dimensions of 2ft
x 5ft x 1ft. This incorporates a benchtop design.

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Concept Selection:
Concept Selection Reason
Motor: 2 hp, 1800 rpm IronHorse AC • AC servo motors provide greater
Induction motor. power + torque than DC motors
• 2 horsepower will be able to
achieve 320 Nm at 45 rpm
IronHorse 40:1 reduction helical gearbox • 40:1 reduction will output 45 rpm
• Contains 320 Nm of output torque
TRS-5K Torque Sensor • Torque capacity can achieve 565
• output torque can be displayed in
• Stationary design
• Double flange- Sturdy design
• Simple setup
Programmable Potentiometer (ETA25PM) • Programmable up to 200 turns
• Life expectancy: > 100 million
• Uses Hall’s Effect: contactless
Data Display (LabVIEW) • LabVIEW chosen for ease of use
• Available at Penn State
• Programmable to the sensors
Free sliding mechanism • Allows for testing of various length
• Compensates for change in length
during testing

Ball Bearing Carriage/ Guide Rail • Designed for use on horizontal

• Increased efficiency due to contact
angle of bearings
• Accurate movement under heavy
• Hand break to lock carriage in
position (if needed)
4 Bar Linkage for Oscillation • Can be used in line with motor
• Angle of oscillation is set
• Inexpensive to manufacture
Safety Hood • Protects user from material
• Made of plex glass for light, clear
Emergency Stop Button • Available in case of emergency

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Table 5: Selections and reasons of components

Preliminary Design (REV A)

Figure 2: Preliminary design (REV A) isometric view

Number Component
1 Input “Remote”
2 Emergency stop button
3 Motor housing
4 Rotating chuck
5 Sliding rails
6 Stationary chuck
7 Safety hood frame
8 Material holding extrusion
9 Support system

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Preliminary design (REV B)

Number Component
1 AC induction motor
2 Helical Gearbox
3 Machinable shaft end
4 Oscillation assembly
5 Linear guide rail
6 Torque sensor
Figure 3: Preliminary design (REV B) isometric view

Table 6: Components of torsional Fatigue machine design 2

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Preliminary Design (REV C)

Figure 4: Preliminary design (REV C) isometric view

Figure 5: Preliminary design (REV C) isometric view

List of Components
2 hp, 1800 rpm AC Induction motor
40:1 reduction IronHorse helical gearbox
7 in. X 7 in. Al 6061 motor mount
Plastic enclosed push-button switch
1215 carbon steel machinable shaft end

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6-inch diameter Al 6061 disk (Oscillation assembly)
7-inch Al 6061 dog bone link (Oscillation assembly)
12-inch diameter Al 6061 disk (Oscillation assembly)
1 inch diameter steel shaft (Oscillation assembly)
6 in. X 10 in. Support structure (Oscillation assembly)
Linear guide rail + ball bearing carriages
TRS-5K torque sensor
8 in. X 8 in. low carbon steel angle iron
2 ft x 5ft Al 6061 base plate
Polycarbonate Lexan safety hood
Table 6: Torsional fatigue machine (REV C) list of components

Design Decomposition:

Motor/ Gearbox:
The motor chosen for this machine is an IronHorse AC Induction motor. This
motor outputs 2 hp at 1800 rpm. Following the motor, the power will be sent through a
IronHorse Helical gearbox. This gearbox offers a 40:1 reduction ratio. With 2 hp and
1800 rpm, and a 40:1 reduction ratio, the machine will output 320 Nm at 45 rpm.
Oscillation Mechanism:
The oscillation mechanism for this machine includes a 4-bar linkage. The crank
in this scenario is a 6-inch diameter disk acting as the gear. The coupler is incorporated
with a 7-inch dog bone link and the rocker is a 12-inch diameter disk acting as a
pinion. There are holes drilled into the crank and rocker in order for steel rods and
bearings. There are two angles of oscillation associated with this. The two angles of
oscillation are 30 and 90 degrees. There is a quick-change mechanism in order to
switch from 30 to 90-degree oscillation.

Load Cell:
The load cell consists of two different sensors. The first sensor is the reaction
torque sensor. This torque sensor I double flanged and designed to sense up to 565 Nm
of torque. This sensor will be fixed to the angle iron and used to measure the
torque force of the test specimen. The test specimen will insert into this torque sensor in
order to achieve an accurate reading. The other sensor being used is the angle
potentiometer. This potentiometer will be used to measure the angle of twist of the test
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specimen. The potentiometer will also output data through a date acquisition device to
LabVIEW software. With the load cell chosen, LabVIEW will show results such as
number of cycles until failure, maximum torque, angle of twist, etc.

Base/ Support:
The base of this torsional testing machine will be made from a high strength, low
weight metal. The metal chosen is Aluminum 6061. The base of the torsional testing
machine will be 2ft x 5ft and measure 0.5 inches thick. 3 square steel tubes will be used
to support the torsion fatigue machine. Furthermore, the torsion fatigue machine will be
set on top of a wheeled cart. This will make the machine portable. Before the frame was
constructed, stress tests were performed on SolidWorks to determine if the stress points
of the machine. Simulations were also performed to ensure that the supports did not fail.

Material Holding Chucks:

The test specimen will be held using a 12mm socket and a 12mm socket insert.
On the left side of the machine, a 12mm socket is attached to the oscillation assembly.
On the right side of the machine, the test specimen will be inserted into a 12mm socket
extruded cut.

Emergency Stop:
While designing the torsional testing machine, it was brought to our teams’
attention that there should be increased safety measures on the machine. Because the
machine is fully automated, there needs to be a method of stopping the test in case of a
mishap. To provide this means of stoppage, our team implemented an emergency stop
button as shown in the model. When this emergency stop button is pressed, power to the
motor will be cut off.

Safety Hood:
Another safety measure implemented in this design is the safety hood. This
torsional testing machine will test up to 320 Nm of torsion. With this amount of force, when
the material breaks, flying pieces of metal could be dangerous for the user. Because of

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this safety concern, our team implemented a safety hood to cover the testing space while
in operation. This safety hood will protect the operator from injury. This safety hood is
made out of Lexan plexiglass and covers the oscillation mechanism, test specimen, and
torque sensor.

Data Output:
The data output comes directly from the load cell. The load cell includes a
565 Nm torque sensor and an angle potentiometer; These two sensors will output an
analog voltage. The analog voltage will then be converted into their perspective units
through the data acquisition device. After this, the data will be displayed on a computer
screen using LabVIEW software. During the test, the current torque and angle of
twist will be able to be monitored and graphed. This data will be displayed until the
specimen fails. Once the specimen fails, the number of cycles until failure and
maximum torque will be displayed.

Legal Issues
A legal issue presents itself with a fully automated machine and the safety of the user. There
needs to be a plan in place to protect the user when the test specimen fails. With an output of 320
Nm and 45 rpms, a broken test specimen could project material at the user of the machine. This
presents a legal issue because of the broken material impacting the user. In order to protect the
user, a safety hood was designed for this machine. This safety hood is made out of polycarbonate
Lexan and covers the oscillation assembly, test specimen, and the torque sensor. This safety
hood will rotate on a hinge in order to open and close. Warning labels will be placed on the
machine in order to inform the user that the safety hood needs to be closed when the machine is
in operation.

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Project Work and Break Down for ME 449

Figure 6: Responsibility matrix for ME 449

This responsibility matrix helps our team gather and organize all ideas and principles to
successfully complete our torsion machine. Each team member has their own specific
field of study for this project as well as many collaborative roles. The team leader, Mike
Frazier, is focused on the organization and design of our project. He is responsible for
keeping our group on task, meeting deadlines, and organizing the structure of our
reports in order to show our progress throughout the project. Raph Abadilla and Dom
Farole have technical responsibilities for this project. These tasks include investigating
and studying the input and output sources that are crucial for this project to be a
functional operation. Both of these components have specific standards and thresholds

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they must meet in order to reach our desired engineering goals. The team is working
together to share ideas and plans for near and far prototypes and functioning models.

Project Schedule for ME 449

Figure 7: Gantt chart for ME 449

This schedule is subject to change based on project needs and requirements.

With our team’s adequate and sufficient amount of research and design control that has
gone into this machine, the team feels that we will not need anymore than one week of
revision to any flaws or malfunctions that the system may have. However, if the team
would happen to run into an unforeseen circumstance, our schedule allows for a built in
four weeks of reconfiguration of machine.

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Project Budget for ME 449

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Figure 8: Bill of materials

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“Carr,” McMaster. [Online]. Available:

bearing-carriages-and-guide-rails-9/. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

“ETA25PM 6x22 2405 F0.15B,” P3 America, Inc. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].


Manufacture. [Online]. Available:
sensor.aspx. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

“Home,” 1,000s of Brands, Millions of Products. [Online]. Available:
1n/i/G4291192/feature-product?utm_source=google. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

“How to Perform ASTM A938 Metal Wire Torsion Testing,” ADMET. [Online]. Available:
torsion-testing/. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

“PGCN23-10025,” AutomationDirect. [Online]. Available:
GCh2e8wklEAQYASABEgLWNvD_BwE. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

“SVM-210,” AutomationDirect. [Online]. Available:
ives_-a-_motors_components/svm-210. [Accessed: 11-Dec-2020].

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Power range of motor:
Properties Values
Maximum torque 320 N*m (2832 lb*in)
Speed 10-20 rpm
Table 7: Motor specifications
Equation 1: Horsepower rating
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 (𝑟𝑝𝑚) ∗ 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 (𝑙𝑏 ∗ 𝑖𝑛)
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟) =
10 𝑟𝑝𝑚 ∗ 4425.37 𝑙𝑏 ∗ 𝑖𝑛
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟) =
𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 0.70 ℎ𝑝
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 (𝑟𝑝𝑚) ∗ 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 (𝑙𝑏 ∗ 𝑖𝑛)
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟) =
20 𝑟𝑝𝑚 ∗ 4425.37 𝑙𝑏 ∗ 𝑖𝑛
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟) =
𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 1.40 ℎ𝑝

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 − 𝟎. 𝟕𝟎 𝒉𝒑 − 𝟏. 𝟒𝟎 𝒉𝒑

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The data on this page was acquired from our groups ME 365 Torsional Testing
Lab in the spring of 2020. This date was observed on the current torsional testing
machine in the mechanical engineering lab at Penn State Harrisburg.

Material Property Value

Diameter .0084 m
Radius 0.0042 m
Gage Length .315 m
Polar moment of inertia 0.4888 x10^-9 m^4
Table 8: Dimensions of test specimens

Aluminum 6061 Aluminum 2024

Table 9: Al 6061 torque values Table 10: Al 2024 torque


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Equation 2: Polar moment of inertia (J):
(𝜋)(𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 4 )
𝐽 = 0.4888 𝑛𝑚4

Equation 3: Maximum torque of high-quality carbon steel:

460 𝑀𝑝𝑎 =
𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 = 53.53 𝑁 ∗ 𝑚
Equation 5: Maximum shear stress of Aluminum 2024:
(48.68 𝑁𝑚)(.0042𝑚)
𝜏 = 418.28 𝑀𝑝𝑎

Equation 5: Maximum shear stress that can be tested at specified dimensions/

(500 𝑁𝑚)(.0042𝑚)
𝜏 = 4.296 𝐺𝑝𝑎

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Reflection of Calculations:
Equation 1 of this report calculates the power range required of the torsional
testing machine. This power is dependent on the maximum torque and rotational speed.
In order to calculate the minimum horsepower needed, the maximum torque and
minimum rotational speed were input into the power equation. This result showed that a
minimum power for this motor is 0.35 horsepower. Along with this, in order to calculate
the maximum power needed, the maximum torque and maximum rotational speed were
input into the power equation. The results showed that the motor needs to achieve a
power of 1.05 horsepower.
As noted on the previous pages of this report, the torque and angle data were
observed from the current torsional testing machine at Penn State Harrisburg. Based on
this data and the sample calculations, the maximum torque between Aluminum 2024
and Aluminum 6061 was 48.68 Nm. This being said, the proposed design of the
torsional testing machine will accommodate this torque. The new torsional testing
machine will also accommodate the maximum torque and high-quality carbon steel.
High-quality carbon steel contains a shear strength range of 320-460 Mpa. Knowing
this, the maximum shear strength formula was used in equation 4 to determine the
maximum torque output. The calculation portrayed a maximum torque of 53.53 Nm,
which our machine is capable of achieving. Equation 5 shows the maximum shear
strength that the proposed torsional machine will be able to test at the specified material
dimensions. This maximum shear strength calculated to be 4.296 Gpa. This level of
shear strength is similar to the shear strength of alloyed structural steel. Knowing that
the proposed design of the torsional testing machine is able to successfully test torsion
of structural steel assures the group that it will meet the expectations.

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