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Patil College of Education Akurdi-44

MCQ Questions 203 School and Inclusive school.

Q.1 Education of children with special needs should be provided.

a) by methods developed for special children in special schools.

b) in special schools

c) by special teachers in special schools

d) along with other normal children

Q.2 Inclusive education

a) includes teachers from marginal groups

b) celebrates diversity in the class room

c) encourages strict admission procedure

d) includes indoctrination of facts

Q.3 An inclusive school means

a) is committed to improve the learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their

b) differentiate between students and sets less challenging achievement targets for
specially able children
c) committed particularly to improve the learning outcome of specially able student

d) decides learning needs of students according to their disability

Q.4 Inclusion in schools primarily focuses on

a) making subtle provisions for special category children

b) fulfilling the need of children with disabilities only

c) meeting the need of disabled child at the expense of entire class

d) including the educational needs of literate parents in schools

Q.5 A student of V grade with visual deficiency should be

a) helped with his or her routine work by parents and friends

b) treated normally in the class room and provided support through CDs

c) given special treatment in the classroom

d) excused to do a lower level work

Q.6 Students of disadvantaged group should be taught along with normal students. It implies

a) inclusive education

b) special education

c) integrated education

d) exclusion education

Q.7 To cater to the children from disadvantaged background a teacher should

a) try to find out more about them and involve them in classroom discussions

b) make them sit separately in the class

c) ignore them as they can not interact with other students

d) give them a lot of work ( written )

Q.8 A child who can see partially

a) should not be given education since it is not of any use to him

b) needs to be put in a separate institution

c) should be put in a regular school while making special provision

d) should be put in a regular school with no special provision

Q.9 Which of the following is the most effective way to convey students from disadvantage
sections that you expect them to participate and succeed ?

a) articulate your confidence in their ability to succeed

b) to compare them with other children as frequently as possible to make them realize
their goal
c) develop your own interest in the topics to be taught
d) emphasize the point that you have high expectations of them

Q.10 Which of the following is true about gifted learners ?

a) they always lead others and assume extra responsibility in the classroom

b) they make everyone else smarter and are essential for collaborate learning

c) they may achieve lower grades due to their heightened sensitivity

d) their importance is primarily due to their brain power

Q.11 Phonology awareness refers to the ability to

a) reflect and manipulate the sound structure

b) speak fluently and accurately

c) know understand and write

d) master the rules of grammer

Q.12 “ Education of all in schools for all “ could be a tag line for which of the following

a) cohesive education

b) inclusive education

c) cooperative education

d) exclusive education
Q.13 Fluency, education, originality and flexibility are the factors associated with

a) giftedness

b) talent

c) acceleration

d) convergent thinking

Q.14 Giftedness form teachers point of view is a combination of

a) high ability – high creativity – high commitment

b) high motivation – high commitment – high talent

c) high ability – high talent – high commitment

d) high talent – high creativity – high memory

Q.15 Navoday schools have been established to

a) increase number of schools in rural areas

b) provide good education in rural areas

c) complete sarva shiksha abhiyan

d) check wastage of education in rural areas

Q.16 The idea of four pillars of education was suggested by




d) UGC

Q.17 NCERT was established in the year

a) 1956 b) 1964 c) 1961 d) 1958

Q.18 Operations black boards was introduced to improve

a) secondary education

b) higher education

c) primary education

d) teacher education

Q.19 NCT was established by an act of parliament in

a) 1975 b) 1996 c) 1995 d) 1986

Q.20 Establishment of Diet’s was a result of one of the recommendations of

a) Indian education commission (1882)

b) University education commission (1948-49)

c) Secondary education commission (1962-63)

d) National policy on education (1986)

Q.21 According to NCF 2005 the role of a teacher is of a

a) Dictator

b) Facilitator

c) Authoritative

d) Permissive

Q.22 Article-45, under the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution,
provides for

a) Free and Compulsory primary education

b) Rights of minorities to establish educational institutions

c) Education for weaker sections of the country

d) Giving financial assistance to less advanced states

Q.23 First Indian Education Commission is known as

a) Woods dispatch

b) Mecaulay’s minute

c) Mudliar Commission

d) Hunter commission

Q.24 Which report is the first study of elementary education on a national level?

a) Hartong committee

b) Hunter commission

c) Vardha scheme

d) Sargent report

Q.25 How many national languages are there?

a) 44 b) 28 c) 48 d) 22

Q.26 Which article says that ``No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in
any factory or in any hazardous employment” ?

a) Article 24 b) Article 25 c) Article 26 d) Article 27

Q.27 Crime against means

a) Criminal violence

b) Domestic violence

c) Social violence

d) All of the above

Q.28 Advantage of giving homework to students

a) To keep them busy at home

b) Study at home

c) Maybe checked for their progress

d) May develop habit for self study

Q.29 Remedial teaching refers to teaching

a) to address gaps in learning

b) to test learners periodically

c) after the regular school hours

d) to help bright learners to excel

Q.30 Which team teaching model allows each teacher to teach the lesson, content to half of the
class ?

a) Alternative/Differentiated teaching

b) Station teaching

c) Teaming

d) Parallel teaching

Q.31 Orthopedically impaired children are likely to have

a) Dyslexia

b) Dysgraphia

c) Dysthymia

d) Dyscalculia

Q.32 Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting is a symptoms of

a) Dysgraphia

b) Dyspraxia

c) Dyscalculia

d) Dyslexia
Q.33 Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

a) Cerebral dysfunction

b) emotional disturbance

c) Behavioral disturbance

d) Cultural factors

Q.34 Inclusion in schools primarily focused on

a) making subtle provisions for special category children

b) Fulfilling the need of children with disabilities only

c) meeting the need of the disabled child at the expense of entire class

d) Including the educational needs of literate parents in schools

Q.35 Learning disability

a) is a subtle state

b) is a variable state

c) need for impaired functions

d) does not improve with appropriate

Q.36 Learning disability is motor skills is called

a) Dyspraxia

b) Dyscalculia

c) Dyslexia

d) Dysphasia

Q.37 A disorder related to language comprehension is

a) Apraxia

b) Dyslexia

c) Dyscalculia

d) Aphasia
Q.38 Difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words and frequent loss of visual memory is
associated with

a) Dyslexia

b) Dyscaleulia

c) Dysgraphia

d) Dyspraxia

Q.39 Which of the following is a specific learning disability ?

a) Autism

b) Dyslexia

c) Learning impairment

d) Mental retardation

Q.40 Dyslexia is associated with

a) Mathematical disorder

b) Reading disorder

c) Behavioral disorder

d) Mental disorder

Q.41 Which one of the following behaviours is an identifier of a child with learning disability ?

a) Abusive behavior

b) writing `b’ as `d’ `was’ as `saw’ `21’ as `12’

c) Low attention span and high physical activity

d) Frequent mood swings

Q.42 A child with normal intelligence shows difficulty in reading and comprehension language.

It indicates that child is showing of

a) Dysgraphia

b) Dyscalculia

c) Dysphrxia

d) Dyslexia

Q.43 A child cannot distinguish between saw and was nuclear and unclear he and she is

suffering from

a) Dysgraphia

b) Dysmorphia

c) Dyslexia

d) Word jumbling disorder

Q.44 Who authored the first literature on blended learning ?

a) Bonk Graham

b) John Stewart

c) Edward Martin

d) George Anthony

Q.45 Which of these is not controlled in blended learning ?

a) Pace b) Resources c) Time d) Place

Q.46 Why do schools utilize blended learning ?

a) it allows teachers to personalize student instruction

b) it easier for a teacher to manage his or her classroom

c) it involves less garding for a teacher

d) it is helpful for students and learning disabilities

Q.47 Which is not part of a traditional station model ?

a) Teacher led instruction

b) Flipped learning

c) Online learning

d) Collaborative activities

Q.48 Inclusion means

a) School for special needs children

b) Schooling for all irrespective of their age, sex, nationality, religious, social status,

disabled, non-disabled etc. in a regular school setting.

c) Integrating children with special needs in main stream school

d) Montassori school model

Q.49 ``An inclusive school is one which is accepting all children” is defined by

a) Thomas b) Balad c) Rouse and Florian d) Allen

Q.50 Inclusion benefits students by

a) Getting access to new learning strategies

b) Development of friendship between typical learning children and special need children

c) Inhancement of academic, cultural and social skills

d) All of the above

Q.51 Person with visual impairment needs

a) needs notes with braille script

b) Cochlear implant

c) computer

d) crutches
Q.52 Hearing impaired students learns by

a) reading

b) Observing body language and lip movements

c) Assitive technology like cochlear implant

d) All of the above

Q.53 ……………… leads the inclusion culture in a school

a) Teacher

b) Principal/Headmaster

c) Assitive technology like cochlear implant

d) Parents-Teacher association

Q.54 Parental involvement can be done in an inclusive school with help of

a) Seminars on inclusion

b) Meetings

c) Parents-Teachers association for increasing parental involvement

d) Guidelines for parents and guardians

Q.55 Support and active participation of every students can be obtained in an inclusive

classroom by proving

a) Child to child approach

b) Co-operative learning

c) None of the above

d) A and B
Q.56 Most important issue faced by school to successfully implement inclusion

a) Infrastructure

b) Lack of technology

c) Attitude among children

d) Specialized teacher to deal with special needs and typical developing children

Q.57 Educational field help provides

a) Reading and speech development

b) Conceptual development

c) Meriments

d) Not suitable for special needs children children

Q.58 ``An inclusive school is one which is accepting of all children” is defined by

a) Ballard

b) Thomas

c) Rouse and Florian

d) Crow and Crow

Q.59 successful inclusion requires the following except

a) sensitization

b) capacity building

c) segregation

d) involvement of parents
Q. 60 How teachers and students--------- gender in the classroom, it ----------the learning

a) interpret, does not affect

b) construct, impacts

c) adopt, perturbs

d) define, vitials

Q. 61 Which one of the following principles facilitates inclusive education

a) special children if includes in normal classroom further tag behind as performance of

the other students with frustrate them

b) children with IQ 80 and above can learn and benefit from normal education

c) the views of students should be given due importance

d) individual differences in students is a major problem for a general teacher.

Q 62 Education- of- all in school for all could be a tagline for which of the following

a) Cohesive education
b) Inclusive education
c) Co-operative education
d) Exclusive education

Q.63 inclusive education assumes that we should change the ----- to fit the--------

a) child / system

b) system/child

c) environment

d) child/environment
Q.64 the major frustration that children with hearing loss face in the classroom is

a) the inability to lead the prescribed textbook

b) the inability to participate in sports and games

c) the inability to communicate or state information with others

d) the inability to take examinations with other

Q.65 The children disabled children refers to

a) all children with sensory, physical impairments

b) all children with emotional difficulties and intellectual impairments

c) both A & B

d) either A or B

Q. 66 which one of the following is under the purview of the term disability under persons with
disability Act-1996?

a) Autism

b) T.B.cuted

c) mental retardation

d) speech disorders

Q.67 which of the following approaches suggests interaction of the child with the people around

him and with social institutions to deal with disruptive disorder?

a) psychodynamic

b) biological

c) behavioral

d) ecological
Q. 68 Which of the following is the most appropriate methods to monitor the progress of

children with disabilities

a) case study

b) anecdotal records

c) behavior rating scale

d) structural behavioral observation

Q.69 Renzulli is known for his-----------definition of giftedness

a) four- tiered

b) four level

c) three circle

d) three- sided

Q.70 Following are the examples of development disorder except

a) attention deficit hyperactive disorder

b) autism

c) cerebral palsy

d) post-traumatic stress

Q. 71 stuttering problems in students can be dealt by applying which of the following methods

a) dictated speech

b) prolonged speech

c) pragmatic speech

d) protracted speech
Q. 72 the right of persons with disabilities Act,2016

a) comes under the ministry of social justice and empowerment.

b) this act replaces the PWD Act 1995

c) it comes into force from 15th June 2017

d) this law will be a game changer for the estimated 70-100 million disabled citizens of


Q. 73 centrally sponsored scheme of integrated education for disabled children aims at providing
educational opportunities to children with disabilities in

a) regular schools

b) special school

c) open school

d) blind relief association school

Q. 74 which characteristic of a teacher is least important in inclusive education?

a) sensitivity towards children

b) patience and affection for students

c) knowledge regarding disabilities of students

d) socio economic status of teacher

Q. 75 successful inclusion requires the following except

a) capacity building

b) sensitization

c) segregation

d) involvement of parents
Q.76 Special education

a) cares to the need of all students

b) cares to the need of general teachers

c) help differently abled students to master skill

d) help differently abled students to relate with others in a better way

Q.77 What are the qualities of an inclusive education teacher ?

a) Critical reflection

b) Sensitivity

c) Thick skinned

d) All of the above

Q.78 What is the full form of IEP ?

a) Individual Explain Plan

b) India Education Plan

c) Individual Education Partner

d) Individual Education Plan

Q.79 IEP is mainly prepared for students with

a) Good qualities

b) Regular students

c) Extra abilities

d) Disabilities

Q.80 What do you understand by use of AT in inclusive education ?

a) Audio technology

b) Assistive technology

c) Alternative technology

d) Application technology
Q. 81 Training services for teachers to indicate inclusive education

a) pre-services training

b) in-service training

c) both of above

d) none of the above

Q. 82 What is the most important role of teacher for facilitating inclusive education?

a) talking to parents

b) co-operation with school staff

c) classroom involvement

d) managing all the students

Q. 83 There research has shown a connection with modalities and learning sstyles

a) university of Pennsylvania 2006

b) university of Pennsylvania 2009

c) university of California 2009

d) new York university 2006

Q. 84 How will you develop an inclusive culture in your school?

a) integration of theoretical and practical knowledge and skill.

b) collaborative skills and attitudes.

c) capacity of reflection and inquiry

d) all of the above.

Q. 85 What is the most important function in In-service teacher training for inclusion?

a) making a country with strong educational support

b) wasting time and money

c) such programs are not important

d) development of teaching – learning models and plants.

Q. 86 ‘’Treat all pupil as individuals and help all pupils to fill successful ‘’. This sentence should

a) role of a teacher

b) quality of an individual

c) quality of an teacher

d) just a sentence

Q. 87 ----------devices can decrease special need student feel isolated and come out and become

a) AT

b) VT

c) KT

d) ST

Q. 88 These programmable key boards have special overlays that customize the appearance and
function of standard keyboard.

a) assistive keyboard

b) alternative keyboard

c) attentive keyboard

d) abbreviation keyboard

Q. 89 This program keeps track of educational improvement of a student.

a) IPE b) EIP c) IEP d) SEP

Q. 90 -------Has built in speech synthesize

a) speech recognition program

b) portable word processor

c) talking calculator

d) word prediction program

Q. 91 Organizes thematic workshops for classroom teacher on teaching students with specific

a) pre service training

b) in service training

c) none

d) both

Q.92 VAK refers to ……………….

a) visual auditory kinesthetic

b) visual auditory kind

c) very active kind

d) visually associated knowledge

Q.93 OCR is a full form of

a) optic character realization

b) optical character recognition

c) optic character recognition

d) optical character realization

Q.94 Following are teacher training program pursued before becoming a teacher

a) pre service training

b) in service training

c) physical education program

d) special needs children training

Q.95 This training program is done when you are already a teacher teaching in school for
enhancement of skills

a) pre service training

b) in service training

c) physical education program

d) special needs children training

Q.96 Greater the handicapped of the students coming to the educational institutions greater
demand on the

a) family b) society c) teacher d) state

Q.97 What are required for good teaching ?

a) diagnosis

b) remedy

c) direction and feedback

d) all of the above

Q.98 A good teacher is one who

a) gives useful information

b) explains concepts and principles

c) gives printed note to students

d) inspires students to learn

Q.99 A good teacher must be

a) resourceful and autocratic

b) resourceful and participative

c) resourceful and authoritative

d) resourceful and dominant

Q.100 A person can enjoy teaching at profession when he

a) has control over students

b) commands respect from students

c) is more qualified than his colleagues

d) is very close to higher authorities

Short Questions :

Q.1 Explain the benefits of inclusive education.

Q.2 State the effect of sensory impairments on child development

Q.3 How will you assess students with ADHD?

Q.4 What are the characteristic of an integrated school?

Q.5 What is the importance of in service training program for inclusive teachers?

Q.6 Explain the need for inclusive education.

Q.7 Explain the steps of IEP.

Q.8 Write short note on disability.

Q.9 State the disadvantages of special schools.

Q.10 Write Characteristics of inclusive school.

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