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Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155

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Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane flames: A

comparison between oxy-fuel and conventional air combustion
Björn Stelzner ⇑, Christof Weis, Peter Habisreuther, Nikolaos Zarzalis, Dimosthenis Trimis
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Engler-Bunte-Institute, Combustion Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As an alternative to usual combustion processes with air as oxidant, oxy-fuel processes are attractive in
Received 30 May 2016 high temperature thermal or thermochemical processes, novel power plant concepts or in gasification
Received in revised form 4 November 2016 processes. Especially for production of basic chemicals or synthetic fuels, high-purity synthetic gas with-
Accepted 5 January 2017
out nitrogen dilution is required for further industrial processing.
Available online 13 January 2017
In case of oxy-fuel combustion, the absence of nitrogen leads to higher flame temperatures and larger
concentration of major species as well as intermediate species. In the present work, freely propagating
methane-oxygen-nitrogen flames were numerically calculated using a 1D model from lean to rich condi-
tions in order to investigate the appearance of super-adiabatic flame temperatures (SAFT). The calcula-
Super adiabatic tions were performed for equivalence ratios of 0.5 < U < 3.0 with an increment of 0.1. Additionally, the
Flame temperature nitrogen content of the oxidizer was varied from air to pure oxy-fuel conditions. Furthermore, the influ-
Partial oxidation ence of preheat temperature and pressure on SAFT were analyzed for oxy-fuel flames.
The SAFT phenomenon was identified based on temperature and species profiles. Additionally, a
detailed analysis of convection, diffusion and chemical source of both, temperature and species, were per-
formed in order to investigate the role of physical transport processes on SAFT.
The results showed that the maximum flame temperature exceeds the equilibrium temperature for
equivalence ratios U > 0.9. Two different regimes were identified, where SAFT phenomenon appears.
The first regime was found in slightly rich conditions (1.0 < U < 2.0), whereas the second regime occurred
in ultra-rich regime (U > 2.0). A first maximum of temperature difference is observed at an equivalence
ratio of U = 1.5. Here, an exaggeration of approximately 120–180 K, depending on the applied reaction
mechanism, was found for standard conditions. The first maximum at U = 1.5 correlates with the maxi-
mum concentration of the H-radical, which plays a key role in the first SAFT regime. A minimum temper-
ature difference of 50 K was identified at an equivalence ratio of U = 2.1. While increasing the
equivalence ratio further, the maximum flame temperature exceeded the equilibrium up to almost
400 K at U = 3.0 in the second SAFT regime.
An increased preheating temperature enhanced the occurrence of SAFT in the first regime and degraded
it in the second regime. Elevated pressure leads to the opposite effects with decreased SAFT in the first
and increased SAFT in the second regime.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction icals or synthetic fuels, high-purity synthetic gas without nitrogen

dilution is required for further industrial processing.
As an alternative to usual combustion processes with air as oxi- An interesting phenomenon in oxy-fuel combustion is the local
dant, oxy-fuel processes are attractive in high temperature thermal appearance of super-adiabatic flame temperatures (SAFT) which
or thermochemical processes, novel power plant concepts or in has been identified and investigated in a few studies.
gasification processes. Oxy-fuel processes provide significantly Meeks et al. [2] predicted in numerically calculated
higher flame temperatures and exhibit advantages as increased C2H2/O2/H2-flames, that the local flame temperatures exceed sig-
thermal efficiency, higher processing rates, reduced flue gas vol- nificantly the adiabatic equilibrium temperature, even in case of
umes and the potential for reduced pollutant emissions at high including massive radiative heat losses of the gas phase in the
oxygen concentrations [1]. Especially for production of basic chem- calculations. The occurrence of SAFT in this flame was demon-
strated experimentally via CARS spectroscopy by Bertagnolli and
⇑ Corresponding author. Lucht [3] and Bertagnolli et al. [4].
E-mail address: (B. Stelzner).
0016-2361/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155 149

Ruf et al. [5] recognized SAFT in rich premixed C2H2-O2 flames. The GRI 3.0 was used as a reference kinetic mechanism in the
Homogeneous calculation of the gas mixture showed an equilib- calculations [14], consisting of 53 species and 325 reactions. Addi-
rium H-concentration of 24%, whereas only 3% were experimen- tionally, the mechanism of Appel et al. [15] (99 species and 544
tally detected. They proposed that the reaction H2 + M M H + H reactions) with detailed C2-pathway chemistry was used for
+ M is not fast enough in order to establish equilibrium at their selected cases. Unless otherwise stated, all presented results were
boundary conditions. carried out with the GRI 3.0 mechanism.
Liu et al. [6] performed a systematic study of SAFT in premixed An initial grid of 24 points was used, which was adaptively
CH4/air-, different hydrocarbons/O2- and H2/O2-flames. They refined to approximately 250 grid points. Grid independency was
showed that the occurrence of SAFT phenomena comes along with ensured in preliminary investigations. Full multicomponent and
super-equilibrium concentrations of some hydrocarbon species thermal diffusion were considered. A total reactor length of
and H2O in the flames and results in a local temperature overshoot. 10 cm was chosen for all calculations. The feed consists of CH4-
It should be noted, that in premixed H2/O2-flames SAFT could not O2/N2 mixtures.
be detected. The comparison of air to oxy-fuel conditions were performed
Zamashchikov et al. [7] studied numerically super-adiabatic for standard thermodynamic inlet conditions (STC, 300 K, 1 atm).
flame temperatures of CH4- and C3H8-air in fuel-rich regime. The The oxygen content of the oxidizer was varied from 0.21 to 1.0
findings indicate that the degree of SAFT depends on the equiva- with in increment of 0.1. The flames were studied for a range of
lence ratio, while the phenomenon occurs in rich regime. They pro- equivalence ratios of 0.5 < / < 3.0 with an increment of 0.1.
posed, that the diffusion of H2 from the reaction zone to the Additionally, the oxy-fuel flames were calculated with three dif-
preheat zone and its preferential oxidation is responsible for SAFT. ferent inlet temperatures of 300 K, 500 K and 700 K, respectively,
Liu and Gülder [8] analyzed the reaction flux in premixed CH4/ and the pressure was varied from 0.1 MPa to 1 MPa for / = 1.0 to
air and CH4/O2-flames by artificially changing diffusion properties / = 3.0 with an increment of 0.5.
of H2 and H radicals in their calculations. In contrast to [7], they
concluded that the relative scarcity of H-radicals at the end of
major heat release reactions and not the preferential diffusion of 3. Results and discussions
H2 causes SAFT phenomenon. The H-radicals at high temperatures
enhance the radical chain branching reaction H + O2 , O + OH. The Since oxy-fuel combustion leads to significant higher flame
reduction of the H-radical in the reaction zone is correlated to a temperatures and species concentrations than in air combustion,
temperature overshoot. substantial dissociation and hence amount of radicals may
The effects of pressure and preheating on SAFT in rich premixed expected. Selected species of the H-O-system and the temperature
CH4/air flames were studied for equivalence ratios of / = 1.4 to / in equilibrium state for methane-oxygen are presented in Fig. 1 for
= 1.8 by Liu and Gülder [9]. Preheating leads to elevated combus- various equivalence ratios at standard inlet conditions.
tion temperatures, which finally suppress a H2O overshoot in the The maximum equilibrium temperature is found at slightly
flame and hence, the SAFT phenomena. In pressurized systems, rich conditions at equivalence ratios of / = 1.0 to / = 1.2. Here,
the degree of SAFT is enhanced. the temperature varies in a range of approximately 3050 K only
Kumagami et al. [10] calculated laminar premixed CH4/O2/H2O- a few Kelvins. Those high temperatures lead to notable dissocia-
flames for fuel rich conditions under elevated pressures up to tion products. An amount of 8% molecular oxygen is found at
3 MPa. They identified two different SAFT regimes: the first regime stoichiometry and drops at an equivalence ratio of / = 1.5 below
occurs for equivalence ratios of 1.0–2.0 and low water dilutions. 1%. The peak of the O-radical (5%) and OH radical (10%) are
The SAFT phenomenon gets less pronounced with increased pres- located on the lean side, whereas the H-radical finds its maxi-
sure in the first regime, whereas it occurs in the second regime mum of 6.5% in rich conditions at an equivalence ratio of /
under all pressure conditions. Furthermore, it was shown, that = 1.4. Here, still an extremely high equilibrium temperature of
the laminar burning velocity decreases with increased pressure 2973 K and subsequently large H-mole fraction are present and
for the first regime, whereas a slight increase with pressure was hence, a large diffusion flux of the H-radical may be expected
found under more fuel-rich conditions. due to high concentration and temperature gradients under
Takagi and Xu [11] showed numerically that SAFT is correlated those conditions.
by preferential species diffusion of H and H2 in case of non-
premixed combustion.
The literature review revealed that all studies focused on a
small range of equivalence ratios and either on air or oxy-fuel com-
bustion. The present study focuses on the SAFT phenomenon in
gasification and oxy-fuel processes. Therefore, CH4-O2/N2 flames
are systematically investigated with established kinetics sets.
Hereby, the oxygen-content of the oxidizer is varied from air to
pure oxy-fuel combustion. All conditions were investigated for a
wide range of equivalence ratios from / = 0.5 to / = 3.0 in order
to exhibit global coherence.
Since industrial processes are operated with preheat and ele-
vated pressure, their influence on SAFT is additionally analyzed
in pure oxy-fuel flames.

2. Numerical approach

In the present study, the numerical calculations were carried

out with the reactor for freely propagating premixed flames of
the software package CHEMKIN 4.1. The PREMIX code was origi- Fig. 1. Equilibrium temperatures and selected species at STC depending on
nally developed by Kee et al. [12,13]. equivalence ratio.
150 B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155

3.1. The appearance of SAFT

In the following, the super-adiabatic flame temperature (SAFT)

is defined as difference between local maximum temperature in
the flame and equilibrium temperature calculated with STANJAN
code. All three values are shown in Fig. 2 for pure CH4-O2-
compositions at STC and calculated with different reaction mecha-
nisms in a range of an equivalence ratio of / = 0.5 to / = 3.0.
SAFT is observed under fuel rich conditions for / > 1, slightly
depending on the applied reaction mechanism. The first peak of
the difference of maximum flame temperature and equilibrium
temperature is found with approximately 150 K at an equivalence
ratio of / = 1.5. Similar values were found in [8]. At equivalence
ratios of / > 1.5, no significant molecular oxygen exists at equilib-
rium, thus most of the oxygen will be consumed in the oxidation
process (compare Fig. 1). Additionally, the highest H-
concentration in equilibrium is found at this equivalence ratio.
The results are more affected by the chosen reaction mechanism
in the region of / = 1.0 to / = 1.5.
At an equivalence ratio of / = 2.1 the still evident over-
temperature decreases to a minimum of 50 K. An increase of the
temperature difference, up to 400 K at / = 3.0, follows in the
ultra-rich regime.
It should be noted that the degree in the first SAFT regime
Fig. 3. SAFT for different oxygen content depending on the equivalence ratio at STC.
depends on the applied reaction mechanism, whereas the mini-
mum / = 2.1 as well as the second SAFT regime shows no signifi-
cant influence by the used kinetic set. The second regime shows similar behavior and magnitude in all
flames. At low oxygen concentrations, the appearance of SAFT
starts at an equivalence ratio of U = 1.4 and shifts towards richer
3.2. Influence of oxygen-content conditions with increasing oxygen content. In the transition of
both SAFT regimes a local minimum is found.
In the following, the oxygen-content of the oxidizer was varied Liu and Gülder [8] showed for CH4-air-flames in a range of
stepwise from air conventional combustion (x = 0.21) to pure oxy- U = 1.4 to U = 1.75 that the occurrence of SAFT-phenomenon is
fuel (x = 1.0). Here, the maximum equilibrium temperature is regardless of the treatment of species diffusion modeling. In con-
changed from approximately 2200 K to 3050 K at stoichiometry trary, the degree of SAFT in CH4-O2 flames is strongly affected by
and hence, diffusion transport and kinetics are strongly modified. the chosen diffusion model in a range of U = 1.0 to U = 2.0.
The results of the SAFT are presented in Fig. 3 for standard inlet The presented results indicate that two SAFT regimes with dif-
conditions. ferent physical reasons exist. The first regime (sensitive to diffu-
The results reveal that the first and second SAFT-regime show sion modeling [8]) occurs only above a certain temperature level
different behavior while varying the oxygen content of the oxi- and its magnitude increases in high temperature flames, whereas
dizer: at concentrations of 0.21 to 0.4, no SAFT is recognized and the second regime (insensitive to diffusion modeling and hence
is first notable at xO2,Ox = 0.5 at U = 1.7. With increasing the oxygen not related to preferential diffusion of H or H2 [8]) is independent
content further, the degree of the first regime enhances, where the of oxygen content and/or flame temperature. In the following, the
peak of the SAFT shifts towards stoichiometry to U = 1.4 in a pure scope is to apply the findings of Liu and Gülder on the two different
oxy-fuel flame. SAFT regimes.

3.3. Identification of SAFT regimes

Liu et al. [6] stated that SAFT is strongly correlated by a local

H2O-overshoot in the flame and its degree is roughly proportional
to the degree of SAFT. In the following, two representative flames
for each regime were selected, namely pure oxy-fuel flames at
U = 1.5 and U = 3.0. The profiles of the main species are plotted
in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. Additionally, the equilibrium values
for temperature and the concentration of H2O, H2, CO and CO2
are indicated in the plots.
In both cases, the CH4 and O2 are rapidly consumed and the for-
mation of the products of the synthesis gas starts. Both flames
show an overshoot in the H2O-production and hence the tempera-
ture. The H2O is finally consumed further downstream in endother-
mic reactions (mainly due reversed #84: OH + H2 , H + H2O),
which lowers subsequently the flame temperature in the post
flame zone to equilibrium state.
Fig. 2. Maximum flame temperature, equilibrium temperature and their difference In the first SAFT-regime an overshoot in the H2- and CO-
depending on the equivalence ratio at STC. production is recognized. Additionally, it should be noted that in
B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155 151

Fig. 4. Main species of pure CH4-O2 at an equivalence ratio of U = 1.5 at STC.

Fig. 6. Comparison of main species concentration between equilibrium state and

the position of maximum temperature in CH4-air flames at STC.

Fig. 5. Main species of pure CH4-O2 at an equivalence ratio of U = 3.0 at STC.

the second regime the CH4 is not completely consumed and still
present in the post flame zone and equilibrium state still not
reached. Fig. 7. Comparison of main species concentration between equilibrium state and
A comparison of the main species between equilibrium state the position of maximum temperature in CH4-O2 flames at STC.
and local concentration at the position of maximum temperature
in the flame are presented in Figs. 6 and 7 for CH4-air- and CH4-
O2-flames. that both SAFT regimes are correlated to a local overshoot in the
In CH4-air flames, SAFT arises from U > 1.4. Under this condi- H2O-formation in the flames.
tion, overshoot in the local H2O-production can be observed. The An analysis of the data revealed (not shown here) that in all
trends of SAFT and the local H2O overshoot are in agreement with cases the oxygen is bound almost equally in H- and C-
the relevant literature: similar behavior was found by Liu and components (mainly H2O, CO and CO2) at the major heat release
Gülder [6,8] and Zamashchikov [7] (here in C3H8-air flames). zone of the flame, whereas the H2O-production is slightly preferred
The H2O-concentration stays almost constant at approximately in magnitude as well as in time scale with higher equivalence ratio.
x = 0.17, even when the equivalence ratio is increased (an analysis However, Figs. 8 and 9 show that the H-atoms are mostly not oxi-
of the H2O formation and decomposition is given for both SAFT dized but rather bound in H2 in equilibrium state while increasing
regimes in Section 3.5). At the same time, the equilibrium state the equivalence ratio. Subsequently, the water gas shift reaction
drops constantly, so that the relative difference enhances the local has to take place in the post flame zone and shifts the O-atom to
degree of SAFT. The minor decrease of the H2O may be attributed to C-components in the form of CO.
the presence of non-converted CH4 at high equivalence ratios. In
this range, the concentrations of H2 and CO are under their equilib- 3.4. Role of the H-radical
rium values, whereas the CO2 almost reaches this level.
In case of pure oxy-fuel combustion, a slight overshoot in the As stated by Zamashchikov et al. [7], the local element compo-
H2O-production is observed from 1.0 < U < 2.0. Additionally, the sition is significantly changed in the main reaction zone due to
CO overshoots and the CO2 has not reached equilibrium state. preferential diffusion. The local element ratio and the resulting
These phenomena are not detected in air flames. At an equivalence equivalence ratio are presented for CH4-O2-flames at / = 1.5 and
ratio of U > 2.0, the H2O formation transpose to an almost constant / = 3.0 in the following figures. Both cases show an increased
value of x = 0.32, whereas the CO- and the H2-production are also H-content upstream of the temperature peak in the flame. In com-
still below equilibrium state. Whatever the case, it can be noted bination with the decreased C-content, the H/C-ratio is increased
152 B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155

Fig. 10. Comparison of equilibrium temperature including local element balance

with flame temperatures for oxy-fuel flames.
Fig. 8. Local element ratio and equivalence ratio (normalized to inlet) for CH4-O2-
flame at / = 1.5 at STC.
H-concentration is present in slightly rich flames. For equivalence
ratios of / = 1.0 and / = 1.5, the H-radical reaches equilibrium in
the flame front without any overshoot. This behavior was found
to be characteristic for this regime. A small peak is recognized at
/ = 2.0, where the H-radical is consumed shortly after till it finally
reaches equilibrium state. In ultra-rich cases of equivalence ratios
of / = 2.5 and / = 3.0, the H-radical reaches super-equilibrium and
drops in the post flame zone to equilibrium. In the second regime
(as well in conditions where no SAFT occurs at all) a typical over-
shoot is recognized in the reaction zone.
The convection, source and diffusion term of the temperature
and the species equation for the H-radical are separately plotted
for each regime (CH4-O2 at / = 1.5 and / = 3.0) in Figs. 11 and 12,
respectively. It should be noted that the diffusion term of the H-
radical is plotted inverted in order to have better comparison with
its source term.
The terms of the temperature equation in the flame of / = 3.0
show a relative wide non-reactive preheat zone, where convection
and diffusion keep the balance. In the reaction zone, the tempera-
ture source is mainly distributed by diffusion. The post flame zone
Fig. 9. Local element ratio and equivalence ratio (normalized to inlet) for CH4-O2- shows the negative endothermic reactions. In contrast, the flame of
flame at / = 3.0 at STC. the first SAFT regime (at / = 1.5) exhibits no distinct preheat zone
and the temperature convection plays an important role in the
significantly. The mixtures become leaner and are followed by a main heat release domain.
shortage of O, which leads to a locally richer mixture than the With respect to the species equation of the H-radical, the spe-
fed. The magnitude of the change in the element composition is cies convection is negligible for the H-balance at / = 3.0; the source
similar in both flames. term is almost completely balanced by diffusion and distributes
As a characteristic of the process, the equilibrium temperature
Tequi, the local maximum temperature in the flame Tmax and the
maximum of the local equilibrium temperatures Tequi,local,max
(based on the change of local element balance due to preferential
diffusion) are plotted in Fig. 10 for oxy-fuel flames at varying
equivalence ratio. The scope is to verify that SAFT is not only a phe-
nomenon of a shift in the element balance.
The shift in the element balance leads to a higher possible equi-
librium temperature than the one based on the inlet fed in all cases
and increases with increasing equivalence ratio. In the first SAFT
regime at approximately / = 1.5 as well for flames / > 2.5, the
maximum flame temperature exceeds the possible equilibrium
temperature and SAFT occurrence is not only based on local shift
in the element balance. However, it should be mentioned that let-
ting the local state reach its equilibrium, which is represented by
Tequi,local, implies a closed system and, hence, the fluxes occurring
in the flames are neglected.
An analysis of the profiles of the H-radical in the flames (not Fig. 11. Convection, source and diffusion term of the temperature equation and
shown here) confirm the conclusion of Fig. 1 that the highest species equation of the H-radical for CH4-O2-flame at / = 1.5.
B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155 153

Fig. 12. Convection, source and diffusion term of the temperature equation and
species equation of the H-radical for CH4-O2-flame at / = 3.0. Fig. 14. Rate of production of the H-radical for an equivalence ratio of / = 3.0 at

the H-radical mainly to the preheat zone and slightly to the post
flame zone. Furthermore, the H-diffusion and H-consumption are Since substantial amount of oxygen is still present under low
strongly attached to the heat release (temperature source term) rich conditions (compare Fig. 1), high temperature oxidation reac-
in the beginning of the reaction zone which suggests that temper- tions (formaldehyde ? formyl ? carbon monoxide) produce and
ature limits the H-source. Since the H-radical is not transported by consume the H-radical in the first SAFT regime. In ultra-rich
convection, only the diffusion is active for balancing. flames, the production and consumption shifts to the C2-pathway
On the contrary, the flame at / = 1.5 shows a significant species in absence of oxygen. A balance of high temperature oxidation
convection upstream of the flame, but also a strong diffusion flux reactions and C2-pathway-reactions were found at an equivalence
upstream to the preheat zone before the temperature source. This ratio of approximately / = 2.0. The turn over point of the reaction
implies that the kinetics is not limited to the supply by diffusion. path way correlates with the minimum of SAFT phenomenon
Furthermore, there is still a formation of the H-radical in the (see Fig. 2).
post flame zone. Additionally, the diffusion flux is much higher Furthermore, the competition of H-production by reaction #84
than the consumption compared to the case at / = 3.0, which and H-consumption by reaction #38 and #53 is indicated by the
finally provides a sufficient H-pool in order to form H2O. peak position of #84 in Figs. 13 and 14. The first SAFT regime is
In order to evaluate the origin of the H-radical in the flames, its dominated by rapid H-consumption, where reactions with high
rate of production was examined. The rate of production of the H- activation energies like #38 take place earlier. The total reaction
radical is presented for the two selected cases for equivalence rate shows a distinct negative production rate in the preheat zone
ratios of / = 1.0 and / = 3.0 and are presented in Figs. 13 and 14, and has to be fed by diffusive H-transport. In the second regime at
respectively. higher equivalence ratios (and hence lower flame temperatures)
The analysis of the production rates of the H-radical revealed the degree of H-consumption is reduced in the preheat zone. The
that in all cases substantial amount of the H is formed by reaction preferential diffusion of the H-radical prompts an overshoot in
#84 (OH + H2 , H + H2O). The main consumption of the H-radical the H2O-production [7].
is required in all cases for both oxygen destruction reactions #38
(H + O2 , O + OH) and the fuel destruction reaction #53 (H + CH4 - 3.5. Analysis of H2O-formation
, CH3 + H2), respectively, where the consumption is shifted to
reaction #53 with increased equivalence ratio. An overshoot of the H2O-production is noticed in all cases,
where SAFT occurs. It becomes more pronounced, compared to
equilibrium state, with increased equivalence ratio. The local
super-equilibrium production of H2O is closely related to the
degree of SAFT [8]. Further downstream in the flames, the con-
sumption of H2O takes place by endothermic reactions, which low-
ers subsequently the flame temperature in the post flame zone.
The rate of production of H2O is shown in Fig. 15 for / = 1.5
(first SAFT regime) and Fig. 16 for / = 3.0 (second SAFT regime)
at STC.
The results show that the reactions #84 and #98 are notewor-
thy and responsible for the main water production, especially in
ultra-rich conditions. In the first SAFT regime (Fig. 15), the oxida-
tion pathway of CH4 (reactions #96, #97, #98) produces an addi-
tional amount of water. Furthermore, H2O-dissocition to OH is
observed in the main reaction zone. In the post flame zone, the
H2O-consumption occurs due to third body reaction #43 and
#84. Additionally, the HO2- and H2O2-radical are involved in the
H2O-degradation (#89 and #287). Equilibrium state is reached rel-
atively fast due to high temperatures.
Fig. 13. Rate of production of the H-radical for an equivalence ratio of / = 1.0 at In the second SAFT regime, H2O is mainly produced by both
STC. reactions # 84 and #96 due to the consumption of OH-radical
154 B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155

Fig. 15. Rate of production of H2O for an equivalence ratio of / = 1.5 at STC.
Fig. 17. Maximum flame temperature, equilibrium temperature and their differ-
ence depending on the equivalence ratio for different inlet temperatures at a
pressure of 0.1 MPa.

700 K. In the second SAFT regime, an increase of the inlet temper-

ature leads to a smaller temperature difference and reduces the
SAFT phenomenon.
In the first SAFT regime, the increased temperature level and
radical concentration lead to higher gradients and hence diffusion
effects. The enlarged H-pool in the preheat zone has been
observed. Additionally, the H2O concentration in equilibrium state
decreases slightly with preheating. The H2O overshoot in the flame
increases relative to the maximum concentration found in the
flame. On the contrary, the H2O concentration increases with pre-
heat in equilibrium for the second SAFT regime and leads to a rel-
ative lower H2O overshoot. The trends of the relative H2O
overshoot are in accordance to the SAFT behavior with preheat.

Fig. 16. Rate of production of H2O for an equivalence ratio of / = 3.0 at STC. 3.7. Influence of pressure on SAFT

With increasing the pressure, the main species composition

upstream the position of the maximum flame temperature. After- alters in equilibrium near stoichiometric conditions. Such high
wards downstream the location of the maximal temperature, the temperatures of approximately 3000 K lead to significant radical
H2O is mainly consumed and H2 is produced due to the reaction pool due to dissociation, which combines while increasing the sys-
#84 in reversed direction. Here, a concentration of almost 8% tem pressure. Subsequently, the concentration of H2O and CO2 and
methane is still present in the flame and is slowly consumed by hence the adiabatic equilibrium temperature increase. In rich mix-
reaction #53, which provides the required H-radical in order to tures, no significant change of the equilibrium gas composition and
feed the H2O-consumption in the post flame zone. The released temperature are observed while increasing the pressure.
OH-radical of reaction #84 is partly consumed in reaction #99 An analysis of the equilibrium temperatures revealed that an
(OH + CO2 , H + CO) for CO-production. increase of the temperature is most pronounced at stoichiometric
conditions. A pressure increase to 1 MPa elevates the temperature
3.6. Influence of preheating temperature on SAFT by approximately 300 K. In ultra-rich flames (/ = 2.5 and / = 3.0)
the effect becomes negligible. Furthermore, it should be noted, that
The influence of preheating temperature was investigated for the pressure elevation also leads to a substantial reduced H-radical
the pure oxy-fuel flames. Increased preheat alters the radical com- pool in equilibrium. The degree of SAFT, the difference of maxi-
positions of the H-O-system to higher concentrations due to stron- mum flame temperature and equilibrium temperature, is pre-
ger dissociation. The maximum H-concentration changes from sented in Fig. 18 for selected equivalence ratios in a pressure
6.5% to 7.5% in equilibrium state when the preheat temperature range of 0.1 MPa to 1 MPa.
is increased from 300 K to 700 K at an equivalence ratio of / In the first regime (1.0 < / < 2.0), the temperature difference
= 1.4. In contrast to the radicals, there is no clear effect on the main decreases with increased pressure. At / = 2.0 an almost constant
species; the H2O concentration for example is increased for equiv- temperature difference independent of pressure is observed. A bal-
alence ratios / < 2.3 and slightly decreased for / > 2.3, both with ance of the SAFT decrease of the first and the SAFT increase of the
increasing preheating temperature. second regime may be assumed. An increase of the temperature
The local maximum flame temperature, the equilibrium tem- difference is found under ultra-rich conditions (from approxi-
perature and their difference is shown in Fig. 17 for different inlet mately 380 K to 500 K at U = 3.0).
temperatures at atmospheric pressure. The tendency of temperature overshoot in the flames is also vis-
Fig. 10 shows that the first SAFT peak at an equivalence ratio of ible in the overshoot of the H2O-production. The analysis of the
/ = 1.5 increases with increased preheat. The minimum SAFT shifts H2O-formation revealed that similar to the temperature
slightly from / = 2.1 at 300 K to richer conditions of / = 2.3 at dependency on pressure, the H2O-concentration is increased near
B. Stelzner et al. / Fuel 201 (2017) 148–155 155

equilibrium, whereas in the second regime the time scales of the

fuel oxidation and endothermic synthesis gas production diverge.
In the first regime, the H-radical is rapidly consumed by both
reactions #53 (H + CH4 , CH3 + H2) and #84 (OH + H2 , H + H2O)
faster than produced by reaction #38 and hence, the maximum
level of H-concentration does not exceed equilibrium state. The
sufficient level of oxygen leads to relative high participation of
reactions in the high temperature fuel oxidation pathways.
In the second regime, the degree of rapid H-consumption is
reduced due to lower flame temperatures, so that an adequate H-
pool higher than at equilibrium state is established. Next to the
main reactions #38 (H + O2 , O + OH), #53 and #84, the H-pool
is strongly influence by pyrolysis reaction of the C2-pathway. The
H2O is mainly formed by reaction #53 and #84, where the H2O-
consumption in the post flame zone takes place only by reaction
#84 in reversed direction.
Preheat increases SAFT in the first regime and decreases in the
second regime, where the turnover point of both regimes is shifted
Fig. 18. Difference of maximum flame temperature and equilibrium temperature to higher equivalence ratios. The equilibrium temperature and
depending on the pressure for different equivalence ratios at an inlet temperature concentrations are affected by elevated pressure most in the near
of 300 K. stoichiometry equivalence ratios, while the pressure influence on
equilibrium temperature and concentrations is negligible in
ultra-rich flames. Pressure increase leads to a decrease of SAFT in
stoichiometry in equilibrium state and is unaffected in ultra-rich
an equivalence ratio of / = 1.0 to / = 2.0 and to an increase for /
mixtures with increased pressure. In the flame, the maximum
> 2.0.
H2O-concentration increases constantly with elevated pressure so
that the relative H2O-overshoot increases. Approaching stoichiom-
etry (/ = 1.0 and / = 1.5) the H2O-overshoot vanishes and there-
with the SAFT phenomenon. Since the first SAFT regime is
The present research work contributes to the Research Field
strongly influence by preferential diffusion of the H-radical, the
Energy of Helmholtz Association (HGF).
result is reasonable due to a reduced diffusion flux. In ultra-rich
regime (the second SAFT regime) with slower kinetics, the ten-
dency is contrary and SAFT is enhanced.
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