Notice of Eviction 23.06.2021

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By Registered A.D.

Date: June 23, 2021

No.: R/ 168 /2021

Mr. Khatija Sagir Ahmed,

Room No. 4, first floor,
Hazarat Terrace Annexe,
Sankli Street,
Byculla (West)
Mumbai- 400 008


1. We are concerned for our client Mr. Zulfiquar Ahmed Shafique

Ahmed Farooqui.

2. Our client is the owner/landlord of the building Hazarat Terrace

along with the two structures standing thereon and situated at 6, 8 and
8A, Sankli Street, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008 (hereinafter referred to as
‘the property’).

3. You are a tenant/occupant in respect of Room No. 4 on the 1st floor

(“the said premises”) of the said Hazarat Terrace annexe building at or
for the monthly rent/compensation of the sum of Rs. 708/- (Rupees
Seven Hundred and Eight only).

4. You have illegally constructed a bathroom of size 1.74 X 1.11

square meters and thus divided one Bed room into two Bed Rooms
without our client’s prior written consent. Further, You have also
enclosed the open passage outside Kitchen, Hall area inside the said
premises. Such illegal act of constructing the bathroom and enclosing

the passage has endangered the stability and strength of the said

5. Our client states that your illegal of act constructing the bathroom
and enclosing the open passage has endangered the life and said
property is at risk.

6. You have not paid the monthly rent due and payable by you to our
client since January 2020 and are in arrears thereof for a period of more
than 17 months. You are neither ready nor willing to pay the rent due
payable by you to our client.

7. Our client for diverse reasons reasonably and bonafide requires the
said premises for his personal use and requires the vacant use,
occupation and possession thereof from you.

8. Without prejudice to the foregoing, you are in grave breach of the

terms and conditions of the tenancy/occupation of the said premises and
have become liable to be evicted there from.

9. In the circumstances aforesaid, we are instructed to issue you this

notice, which we hereby do, of the termination of your tenancy of the
said premises being Room No. 4 on the 1 st floor of the building Hazarat
Terrace Annexe standing thereon and situated at 6, 8 and 8A, Sankli
Street, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008 with effect from 24.07.2021.

10. We are further instructed to call upon and demand from you,
which we hereby do, (i) to deliver to our client on 25.07.2021 or
immediately thereafter the vacant and peaceful possession of the said
premises, Room No. 4 on the 1st floor of the building Hazarat Terrace
Annexe standing thereon and situated at 6, 8 and 8A, Sankli Street,
Byculla (W), Mumbai – 400 008 (ii) to make payment of the entire arrears
of rent/compensation due and payable by you to our client until the date
you deliver vacant and peaceful possession of the said premises/Room to
our client.

11. In the event of your failure to comply with our client’s requisitions
as aforesaid, our client is advised to adopt appropriate eviction
proceedings against you, at your entire risks as to the costs and
consequences thereof, which please note.

Yours faithfully,

Kachwala Misar & Co. Client

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