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Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City

Budgeted Lesson
School Year: 2021-2022 Semester: First
Subject: Oral Communication in Context
Chapter 1 1.Defines
Nature and Elements of communication.
Communication 2. explains the nature
1.Definition and process of  Reporting
2.The Process of communication. 6 Hours  Dialogue with
Communication 3. Differentiates the classmate
3. Communication Models various models of
4. Five Elements of through virtual
Communication 4. Distinguishes the
Verbal and Non Verbal unique feature(s) of one
Communication communication process
5. Effective from the other.
Communication Skills 5. Explains why there is
6. Intercultural a breakdown of
Communication communication.
6. Uses various
strategies in order to
avoid communication
7. Demonstrates
sensitivity to the socio-
cultural dimension of
situation with focus on
a. culture
b. gender
c. age
d. social status
e. religion

Chapter 2: Functions of 1.Discusses the functions

Communication of communication.  Reporting
. Regulation/ Control 2.Identifies the speaker(s)
 Writes a 250
. Social Interaction purpose (s). 4 Hours
3.Watches and listens to words essay of
. Motivation
. Information sample oral his /her objective
. Emotional Expression communication activities. observation and
4.Ascertians the verbal evaluation of
and nonverbal cues that various speakers
each speaker uses to
watched and
achieve his/her purpose.
5.Comprehends various listened to.
kinds of oral texts.
6.Identifies strategies used
by each speaker to convey
his/her ideas effectively.
7.Evaluates the
effectiveness of an oral
communication activity.
Chapter 3: Communicative 1.Identifies the various
Competence Strategies in types of speech context.
Various Speech Situations 2. Exhibits appropriate
A. Types of Speech Context verbal and nonverbal  Reporting
1.Intrapersonal behavior in a given  Five (5) Item
2. Interpersonal speech context.
a.1 Dyad Quiz (Per Topic)
3. Distinguishes types 4 Hours
a2. Small Group of speech style.
a3. Public
4. Identifies social
B. Types of Speech Style
situations in which each
2.Casual speech style is
3.Consultative appropriate to use.
4.Formal 5. Observes the
5.Frozen appropriate language
C. Types of Speech Act forms in using a
1. Locution (Utterance) particular speech style.
2. Illocution (Intention) 6. Responds
3. Perlocution ( Response) appropriately and
effectively to a speech

C. Types of Communicative 7.Engages in a

Strategy communicative
1. Nomination situation using
2. Restriction acceptable, polite and 3 Hours
3. Turn-Taking  Reporting
meaningful  Demonstrates
4. Topic Control
5. Topic- Shifting
effective use of
6. Repair strategies.
8.Explains that a shift in communicative
7. Termination
speech context, speech strategy in a
style, speech act and variety of speech
communicative strategy situations.
affects the following
. Language form
. Duration of interaction
. Relationship of
. Role and
responsibilities of the
. Message
Chapter 4: Types of Speeches 1. Distinguishes
A. According to purpose types of
a.Expository/Informative speeches  Reporting
Speech 2. Uses principles 3 Hours
b. Persuasive Speech  Five (5) Item
of effective
c. Entertainment Speech Quiz (Per Topic)
speech delivery
B. According to Delivery  One (1) Minute-
a. Reading from a manuscript
in different
situations. Stop Quiz
b. Memorized speech
c. Impromptu Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech

3. Uses principles of
B. Principles of Speech effective speech writing
Writing focusing on
 Reporting
A. Choosing the Topic a. Audience Profile
B. Analyzing the Audience  Individual
b. Logical Organization 3 Hours
C. Sourcing the Information c. Duration Speech Delivery
D. Outlining and Organizing d. Word Choice
the Speech Contents e. Grammatical
D. Principles of Speech Delivery
4. Uses principles of
effective speech
delivery focusing on
a. Articulation
b. Modulation
c. Stage Presence
d. Facial Expressions,
Gestures and
e. Rapport with the
Title: Symposium Virtual Meeting

A group of SHS students conducts a symposium on how to become aware on the harmful effects of
Cyberbullying as a response to the memo issued by DEP Ed. The SHS students play a role of advocates of
anti- Cyberbullying. The three-minute speech must be organized, engaging and effective.

Note: The theme is dependent upon agreement and approval of all the grade eleven (11) oral
communication class under the undersigned teacher.

Reference: Enhanced English Engagements (Oral Communication)

Diana R. Agbayani, Ph.D.
Yolanda M. Meru, LL.B

Prepared by: SUEZA L. TAPERLA

Oral Communication Teacher/G-11 Coordinator

Checked by: DR. AIDA C. ABAD


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