Translation Design Guide

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Translation Design Guide

The generated coversheet document will have proper paper size and margins set automatically. Do not modify
these values. Paper size must be 8.5”x11”.

It is critical that our company letterhead and footer content, which is automatically inserted in the generated
coversheet, not be modified in any way.

There should never be a blank page anywhere in a document.

Replicate the basic layout of the original document, but do not try to reproduce the original document.

It is important that the formatting and alignment of the translation match up with the formatting and
alignment of the source document. For example, if text within the source document is bolded, the
accompanying translation should be bolded as well.

Alignment is also important because it helps to explain the flow of the translated document. Be sure to match
the alignment of text blocks in the translation to the original text in the source document.

Use simple tables and text formatting only. Do not embed images or use complex formatting that makes the
document tables and text formatting only. Do not embed images or use complex formatting that makes the
document difficult to edit.

Match spacing between elements as closely as possible. If the original document is on one page then the
translation should be as well if at all possible.

When generating a coversheet, you’ll be asked to input a description of the document, which will then be used
in the file name and in the coversheet itself. It is critical to name the document appropriately and in title case
letter of each word is uppercase).

Examples include:
• Birth Certificate
• Immunization Record
• Family Registration

Adding the person’s name to the coversheet name is optional, but preferred.
For Example: Birth Certificate-Person’s Name
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Translation Design Guide

You may see a coversheet branding that is unfamiliar. In that case, it’s a partner’s order, and all of their styles
must remain the same as well.

Naming Files
The portal creates the file name based on what you entered when generating the coversheet and the order
number such as: transcript_ 562034-014240.docx
Do not change the file name.

Portrait is the preferred orientation, but some documents will require a shift to landscape. Only shift pages to
landscape that truly require the additional space.
Even if the source file is in horizontal orientation, portrait is still preferred. Never change the orientation of the
first page of the coversheet.

Do not attempt to match font families to the original document. Use the pre-selected base font from the
generated coversheet document; Calibri 12pt. Font weight, color and sizing can be adjusted as appropriate to
replicate the original document.

Illegible Content
If a portion of a document is illegible, mark it as such. We will work with the client to obtain a more legible
copy and you should submit a note with the completion of the file. Illegible content should be marked as

Tables & Charts

Tables should be drawn using a basic Microsoft Word table. No additional styling or color scheme should be

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Translation Design Guide

An example table:

Name: Gender: Place of Birth:

This document was

JILL Female Al Waziria, Adhamiyah, Baghdad

registered by the
health authority.

Serial No. 1234

Name: Age:
Name: Age:
Signature of Hospital Representative:
[Signature: Illegible]

Charts should be identified with a mark, similar to symbols (see above).

For example: [Chart]

When contextual information about the chart is available, please add it to the mark.

For example: [Chart of Annual Revenue]

Names & Locations

Because exact translations of names and locations can be difficult, we make every attempt to have our clients
or a knowledgeable party provide the preferred translation.

If no additional information is provided, the name or location should be kept in the source language.

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Translation Design Guide
Seals/Stamps, Barcodes, and Signatures
Symbols, stamps, photos/headshots, and other graphics should be indicated with a brief mark.

For example: [Emblem]

If the accompanying text near the graphic indicates the purpose or authority, indicate that within the mark:

For example: [Seal of United States]

If a signature is legible it should be indicated with the mark:

[Signature: Persons Name]

If a signature is illegible it should be indicated with the mark:

[Signature: Illegible]

Dates and Currencies

Be sure to use the appropriate formatting for dates and currencies based on the destination language. The
vast majority of our translations are into English for use in the United States, so they must be in U.S.

• Date: MM/DD/YYYY
• Currency: $12,434.90

Special Characters
Documents will often contain special characters as content dividers such as ----- or *****. Do not replicate this
as Word will count each special character and throw off the word count for the page. Instead use a graphic
horizontal line, which is built into Word.

Photos & Headshots

When a photo or headshot is present, such as in a driver’s license or passport,
a text box should be created with a simple black border and a brief notation of
the content of the photo or headshot. Never paste the photo into the
translation. [Headshot of Driver]

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Translation Design Guide
Translations should generally not use any color. Some styling, such as emphasis or bolding of words is

Page Breaks
Each translation should strive to keep the same number of pages as the source document. Particular attention
should be paid to keeping text on the same page number as the source document.

A Microsoft Word document in .docx format is the only accepted deliverable format. PDF files, .doc (classic
Microsoft Word), and image formats are unacceptable. We require editable documents and PDF/images
cannot be edited.

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