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KATHMANDU UNEVERSTTY Sehool of Engsneerin Qepariment of Hechaniea! agameeting Aesignment No!- 66 Submitted bY * Submitted to: Name; Sarvesh Pandey Name: Sailesh Chitratar Sir. Grroup : ME ~ Hydrepouet Bone, KO U.gNi 02420318 Ahuntnel, Kevre geestgoold wey Oote of Submission; to1/06/o1 gure, ol od) 1) Wales at Wee (82 999-t rai eMzy- fly (m-s) is owing cheadihe In Qo m at cn Bin We made of siantess * eel ot a eden, hozontal er vate of OEE Jeleamine a) the pressure dup b) the | Head lose and c) the PUMPING power - | \ aus -- > 5 om}; — Solukion , is 30 m—> Ane avenegt velocity (Vog) Calculated a, Yo, 9909, , 0003 452s mls, No% oe * “J Ke noXK, RX(0°08) a aber, the reynnee numba is) le > Souq + 9994 1 x55 X0'05 = Qoi26e6O 118g X10 urtbulent <4 Thus, Giner, Re > 4r200 * Tr dow yelakve voughne es of dane pipe ts > the ~ o- o000o (fro sable) O:002 wm sow aclor Can be Determined An % avoid any error, tas determing + using equation SolveA | he veHon Mordy chon: - Colebyook equation . ~2.0 log (33 + 25h Re VE 4 25! 20126t-GoV'£ deste sdere xy Freon Leger be 4 + O-O1SGu. Then, Are prime dap , Wesd fess 2 eevieed pou sep is + 0) Pressun und . AP a nee fk cl T D z 4 = loovsx-20 fe 2 ImM-ur «fe b) head loss - we * APL . Bee Wpump = VAP = 0-008 wg x tov-ua= efe [1 ew) (ePo-s3 Is) = 0403 KU. Mnus, useful Power input gq 0902 EM is needed ap oretome tht frctionat loss in “44 pipe. 2) Air enters a 10 em tong section of G recangulah— duet crves section 1G um x dour made of exi- ial Steet ot tol g a6%¢ of an aVoG veloci of + wis. Disrego din He entroane elke, deta maint AW fon Pouth ~ Neded to orercome Ae Pressure loccen in +his Section Eg Adve duct. Tone Wen Nr fou a wl[s Ag (atm and 35°C, B= ius bal? % “ Srorn Property table # Me 1.945 X107> uhotk. ‘Table A-9 dD: 1668 x10 : hyd roulte diameter Dy = MAG e ab 2 Ux OS x20 2.1HGm Dg tath) a (ong +020) | ig Calculated by , in ts Gk is The Th Volume Klow rate Po 3, Yr Vie ? v(axb) 2% x COsK 020) > 0-21 u/s Now, he reynold 's numba is; Re = SVD LNs XAROVHY = BvD bh, LIS XAKOVHY = Z2,ugG0 . u 1-893 x 1078 la Cine, Qe 7U,o0d + The gow je devbulent . Ue roughresc is caitulated oB, Q “9 ~ = oousxio? = 2.¢25 x10" f/On + IHIY Gackon fooler can bt determnd from ty Colebro Oe to avoid errars. oh vq Chany equation golver, Uwe calculate Snckon acer do he {002084 The Pressure dap fem por. ie caleulabed oh, Ave AP of ££ eve YS Rr Bo ono One ar Sines O-elFy XL > youds Pa, Woump 2 VAP? o-2tx 4215 = 9.05 W 9) A cerla\n pot of Cost tron pipin of warn distt— gyptem involv parallel seehon, Both Payarler Hoe hae a diameta 4, 30cm, ond to ow is kely turbulent » One of branches (fife AD 2 ctw ohn branch (Pipe "Q) & hudion ie 1500 ™m lo whil gguom tong Of +e {ow rode Hrough 0 A 4s pw mifs » Fehvunine Aw {ow rake Pharugh 010 8. Bicreqad sainor Loses 2 assume AW Wwatth sernp erode ira do bt 16°C: Soluk#on , Ad tno, the density and dynamre Viscosity of, water Gre > gx gag.t eal -3 wt 1138 Mo wglms. From ‘Tobe @2, Ane soughness Ff cask im + 0.26 erm = 000026 pine A is) Mre velocity (avg) in yw. Me ov. mls ‘A » M+ ov. 565 Ac ayy 5 (0-90) y Since the pipe are pavailet, ead loss oa both pine must be Same- We 7s ky So, for bate pIpesl we COW wit | Ska - KES ( 0, 2992 3°) Sy ody (same mark atd) . Q is UH 4) The fiow rate wae” +h a 10-cm_ oliameter 7 Pipe % to be ‘cleterrnined bi! measun 421 weler velo. ok — Severo$ quakimsalong &% Cobs¢ scthion - Fer < SA of Meakurements ae in tty +ahle, dahtrmine +t feo rate , uote v, w\s ° Ga ‘ GN 2 G2 3 wd S 2.0 Solution | i \ ‘Yiogrameds cally p yee of Be We now, Fea val {toe yoke is Caleulakd O¢ 2 V+ ( vdAc he 5 VR Choue? ist) R (Guts!) (0-012-0?) + ( 45) (9-01°-0-0”} a Get AW) ( 9. o92-o-02") + (YH? .0nf-0-082) + ( a (oot oor s (att ) y 1\( 6.28 x 0.0001) (5:65 «0 0008) + (ut x 00005) + (99 x0-0004+) + 0.0009) 7 Kea 96x03 ~ 0-02ue m/s. 5) Oi ustk a clensi gan vafur? ond Fi . Sug ri g.so0th ay, is Gein Siaehanged cre dramakea— , 4o m No} Vorzontad pint drum a dey an oper to Ab lene leds » As eight & Aue aud level ahove tw center Avs. ope is KM, Tereqarding Aa Pinot (08924 + dedament AW. wor rose eA oil Aung Abo prot. F Gu (nm Py Solution, \ Wwe now. AP 2 BO Pe / eB agro Podon » oe ag > 9D VIKG = 33-364 KPA = Pigoge ahen, Preguie dave is), BP > 33.364 b-Po = Pi Potm g3-agu Pal Me vel fox vate acne a howzentel — Pipe is, 4 bern? (29WUL Aiso, AW aynome viscosily 1S Caleulgted ah ws: $V hoe CO fg les Then, Vc nen! WoW 33-354 xX x (0-00 4 \2g x 0-824.x YO = 1-599 x10" m3] ¢- @ise, . -6 vrw 2M 2 1999 X19? | = F162 10 M/S Oc KD’/y 3.14 % (0002) (4 Res SP 2 950K 9162 X10 0°TR en 0525. wiv ig tas Than 2300- Thos , Aw \araman © above analysts ts 24-08K10" “ ow (Ss vented fare fs do bt Kanes with fuel ol with 6) “ (ms density 4 920 (w3 2 viscosity 4 0-0ud 4 on UNIUL nd veservoit vding a 15m long, ecm diam exa plashe not with 9! Slightly round eat banone “two 90 degree ementia unde + Sw Ub Pree cen ee camel ne areal voir and SA Atop of Ai banka wher aw Lows chechorgeh 1S 5M Ms Copaciry fw danleer. ic Wm & tw llng rk is 30. MIM, Mating kw tinake en e194 Correh on der oo Ae “Vo ischavax ko be 1295 and oun ovctall’ pump ye vere 4 ga cunt, delusinine Awe requind 0 ‘inpyt do ave pump, Hor, Grven, Sz 9Qo by lu = 00u8 Musee D> o-ou mw b> ah Zeon Naan > 8 wi Ak = 30 min 108 Upump 2 02-/ ee ne Sree s us| 4 rscuoiy will be dtaren oh referena level roa) eer Po 4 _# AW +2 A hpume = Mae ae 4, $y 2 - 1 ud ok beth pint is afen do Ave olmasph- 5 Py + Paden £ the {ud velocty ok pore I Ag Zew (70). (hen, wed ; Vv ’ houme = ae a 4+ Zythr & hi * AL, mojor + hy minor =( u lige me 5 tt Le) v the er rade, 4 pn B, i Vit Meee Gok 0-01 W/o, At 30°60 fered Me met Veleciy £ dw Nolds | Numba aX 2 Ye Maud MOO 4 #96 Le 7 Ae ap@. Zuu ®O-OU > SVB ~ 920K7-96 XK 0-04 Re > EB Qeondae Kool '. (so Oo0ug USSSOTE'"S:'«'S=2 Since he reynald’a number ie grea Awan Mhe eg avo. So, lhe (low Is coer ow, » Cine Ale pipe is lowe. Ute tarupforace ig Q. W le small pipe ( remember ) rex Now, Using Haaland — equation (wore preeise ) Wie \e a . ht Lisi R Wn Ved leq i 4 (8) ‘\ VG a : be log [4 a o} te = G+95439 ¢ { = 0-034. The Sum of loce eetevea Ie, Skee Kp enteany + ZFL bend > oml 2K 03 Oger Now, alee ve AW dorel waodtons, We {8 ) iy? Ahoy, X 2 25 £ ogg) BA we =(ooms x 15 ert + BRAG Mm Kowmp 5 oy Yar 4 tot hy ( frm 24” @) > pom x 296 4 B 492-96 1X98) ag ISM . V =O! 20 K9-81K 99-9 Ww 2 Necfh pump > OI GONG ATEIYI gurap ump okd PT Ea y

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