Ten Strategies Report

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This report was authored by Martin & McCoy and Culp &
Kelly, LLP, on behalf of American Rivers, Environmental
Defense Fund, National Audubon Society, The Nature
Conservancy, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation P ­ artnership,
Trout Unlimited, and the Western Resource Advocates.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the extremely helpful
information and input from these organizations in developing
and preparing this report. All opinions and errors are the
responsibility of the authors.

Artwork: 100 Storms Creative / 

Tommy Greyeyes
Design: Monograph / Matt Avery Access the full report at: www.tenstrategies.net

Executive Summary  4
1.0 Purpose and Context  6
2.0 Resilience Questions  8
3.0 Climate and Economic Risk  10
3.1 Climate Change in the Colorado River Basin  12
3.2 Climate Driven Impacts on Colorado River Basin
Water Supply  15
3.3 Climate Change Mitigation  17
3.4 Economic & Social Risks and Resilience  18
4.0 Overview of Investment Strategies  19
4.1 Forest Management & Restoration  22
4.2 Natural Distributed Storage  24
4.3 Regenerative Agriculture  26
4.4 Upgrading Agricultural Infrastructure &
Operations  28
4.5 Cropping Alternatives & New Market
Pathways  30
4.6 Urban Conservation & Re-Use  32
4.7 Industrial Conservation & Re-Use  34
4.8 Coal Plant Retirement Water  36
4.9 Reducing Dust on Snow  38
4.10 Covering Reservoirs & Canals  40
5.0 Summary of Financing Opportunities  42
6.0 Concluding Insights and Next Steps  44
Citations  47
Notes  50
Across the world, water users and
managers, scientists, local commu-
nities, entrepreneurial innovators,
and non-governmental organizations
are looking for ways to increase
the long-term resilience and health
of river basins that supply critical
water needs for humans, agriculture, This report seeks to bring to light
industry and the environment. These the potential for investigating,
efforts are driven by many factors, testing, and scaling-up ten invest-
including the need to reverse historic Traditionally, well-tested and ment strategies aimed at preparing
degradation, improve watershed widely implemented water conser- the Basin for long-term rising
health and reduce hydrologic vulner- vation efforts have largely been temperatures, high variability in
ability to climate change. carried out in the periphery of precipitation patterns, and increased
Colorado River management efforts, drying, all of which are projected to
Positioned along the spine of the like the development of the 2007 occur even if efforts to limit climate
Rocky Mountains, across the Colo- Interim Guidelines, the Drought change are taken seriously over the
rado Plateau, and within the Sonoran Contingency Plans and various next few decades. The strategies
and Mojave Deserts, the Colorado state water planning efforts that range from well-demonstrated, to
River Basin is uniquely vulnerable focus on traditional demand/supply emerging, to theoretical but largely
to a wide range of hydrological, analyses and water management untested concepts. By presenting
ecological, social, and economic solutions. While these efforts are an integrated exploration of these
impacts from climate change. These essential, they are developed and ­strategies, this report aims to move
impacts directly affect the reliability implemented with a focus on the the conversation from a focus on
and durability of water supplies that management, movement, and use of water management to a focus on
support cities, agriculture operations, water and therefore do not typically climate resilience to increase the
tribal communities, forests, rivers, or sufficiently include or consider Basin’s capacity to adapt to climate
groundwater tables, and numerous broader economic, environmental, change while also protecting water
other human and natural systems. and social risks from changing supplies, increasing economic agil-
climate dynamics. By focusing ity, and mitigating carbon emissions
solely on managing water supply where possible.
and demands within the context
of drought and climate change,
there may be missed opportunities
to explore multi-­faceted strategies
that could adapt to, respond to, and
mitigate the steady, compounding,
and extreme risks of climate change
to economies, communities, land-
scapes, and water resources.


As on-the-ground pilot projects and 1. Congress, the federal adminis- 3. Over the next few years, the
implementation experience continue tration and several Basin states ­operational guidelines for the Colo-
to inform how the strategies can are focused on bolstering climate rado River will be renegotiated, and
provide cost-effective and meaning- mitigation and climate resilience, the effects of climate change will
ful results, developing cross-sector and water and watershed resilience be central to that negotiation. While
partnerships and basin-wide funding can and should be at the cutting the guideline negotiations are not
for such investments will be nec- edge of those efforts (Office of the necessarily the forum for structuring
essary to implement the strategies President 2021); investments in the types of strategies
at a scale commensurate to the discussed in this report, the guide-
challenge. While it is too early to say 2. The Basin States, Tribal govern- lines process brings a clear focus to
definitively how such a co­ordinated ments, and most major water the challenges facing the Basin and
funding approach might be sourced providers and users in the Basin may serve to motivate a more coordi-
and governed, this analysis highlights acknowledge the risks associated nated approach to resilience; and
just some of the existing federal and with climate change and are begin-
state programs that could be applied ning to look for ways to address 4. Most importantly, there is no
in a coordinated fashion with a clear those risks; time to waste. The effects of climate
water-related climate resilience goal change, as experienced in a year
for the Colorado River Basin. Phil- like 2020, are here now. Many of the
anthropic and private funding could resilience strategies will take time
be used to match or leverage these to be scaled-up and produce results
federal and state dollars. Develop- across the Basin’s watersheds.
ment of such a coordinated approach
to water-­related climate resilience
funding is particularly timely for
several reasons:

Climate change poses severe risks
to the economic and environmental
health of the Colorado River Basin.
Federal and state agencies and
water users are increasingly recog-
nizing these risks and examining
steps to deal with projected variabil- Each investment strategy is
ity and increased scarcity in water described and assessed within
supply through more flexible water the context of four resilience
management strategies.1 Current ­questions:
measures—including demand
management, system conservation, This report seeks to bring to 1. Could the investment help the
intentionally created surplus (ICS), light the potential for investigat- Basin adapt to on-going climate
and reservoir operation—will be vital ing, testing, and scaling-up ten shifts?
in the short-term to prevent short- integrated investment strategies
ages and increase drought response aimed at preparing the Basin for 2. To what extent would the
capacity. long-term rising temperatures, high ­investment reduce pressure on
variability in precipitation patterns existing water supplies?
Although these flexible mecha- and increased drying, all of which
nisms will help to manage systemic are projected to occur even if 3. Would the investment help
water risks in the near term, they efforts to limit climate change are ­mitigate climate change?
ultimately represent just a first step. taken seriously over the next few
Whatever the Basin’s short-term decades. To support this inquiry, ten 4. Could the investment
challenges, the past decade has proactive investment strategies for strengthen economic resilience
provided a window to the more medium- and long-term responses in ­communities?
significant on-going and future to the acute and progressive risks
challenges likely to result from the of climate change in the Colorado
combined impacts of continued River Basin are examined:
growth in demands, the natural
variation of precipitation and runoff, • Forest Management &
and the increasingly noticeable ­Restoration
effects of climate change and other • Natural Distributed Storage
landscape-level factors. • Regenerative Agriculture
• Upgrading Agricultural
­Infra­structure & Operations
• Cropping Alternatives & New
Market Pathways
• Urban Conservation & Re-Use
• Industrial Conservation & Re-Use
• Coal Plant Retirement Water
• Reducing Dust on Snow
• Covering Reservoirs & Canals

1.0 ­ trategy. Section 5 summarizes vari-
ous financing options, and Section 6
offers conclusions and strategic
next steps. The Technical Appendix
contains more detail on each of the
strategies, including a summary of
the approach and current knowl-
edge; how it might be applied in
the Colorado River Basin; costs and
The next section, Section 2, barriers to implementation; and
provides definitions and context opportunities for further research,
for the four resilience questions. demonstration, and financing.
Section 3 explores the current state
of the four resilience questions by
providing background on climate
shifts both progressive and acute,
hydrologic risks across the Colo­rado
River Basin with a focus on water
supply, the need and opportunity
for climate mitigation activities,
and economic and social risks.
Section 4 provides an overview of
the research process and a short
summary of each investment

There is a direct connection
between a warming atmosphere
and water supply challenges with
implications for the ecology and
human systems of the Colorado
River Basin. Climate change is the
main driver of hydrologic change
in the Colorado River Basin, with
intensifying impacts on hydrologic, 2. To what extent would the invest-
social, and economic systems. ment reduce pressure on existing
The future of the Colorado River water supplies?
Basin depends on actions taken
to adapt to climate change This resilience question takes a
impacts, to balance water supplies more traditional focus on augment-
and demands, and to mitigate 1. Could the investment help the ing supply, improving watershed
greenhouse gas emissions where Basin adapt to on-going climate yield, or reducing demand as
possible. shifts? pathways to increasing the buffer
between current conditions and
To make the case for an integrated As defined by the International a future crisis. The Bureau of
climate adaptation and water Panel on Climate Change, adap- Reclamation’s 2012 Colorado River
management approach, this report tation is a process of adjusting to Basin Water Supply and Demand
explains some of the climate change current and future conditions in an Study (Bureau of Reclamation 2012)
dynamics and impacts in the Basin. effort to minimize harm and create presented a detailed analysis of
In response to those impacts, ten beneficial opportunities (Field, options and strategies to reduce
integrated strategies are proposed Barros, and Intergovernmental Panel consumptive use and resolve supply
that can strengthen the Basin’s on Climate Change 2014). Adap- and demand imbalances. The ten
capacity to respond to changing tation is an inherently iterative risk strategies explored here build from
conditions from multiple angles. management process that includes the foundational work in the Basin
Each of the ten strategies are identifying vulnerabilities, planning Study and the subsequent 2015
qualitatively described within the for projects and actions, pursuing Moving Forward report (Bureau of
context of four resilience questions implementation, monitoring Reclamation 2015b) by positioning
that provide a conceptual evaluation results, and revising further actions water supply benefits in the context
perspective to compare and high- (Lempert et al. 2018). The strategies of climate change and economic
light each strategy. proposed in this report have the resiliency actions.
potential to build adaptive capacity
in municipal sectors, agricultural
operations, and federal, state, and
tribal rangelands and forests.


3. Would the investment help

­mitigate climate change?

Mitigation refers to measures that

have the potential to reduce the
extent and pace of future climate
change by limiting and preventing
greenhouse gas emissions and
enhancing activities that remove
gases from the atmosphere (Field,
Barros, and Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change 2014;
Martinich et al. 2018). While global-­
scale reductions in greenhouse
gas emissions are necessary to
address the magnitude, speed, and
scale of climate change dynamics,
watershed-­scale actions explored 4. Could the investments
in this report can reduce regional strengthen economic resilience
contributors to carbon emissions in ­communities?
and foster local practices that
remove carbon dioxide from the Uncertainties around the extent
atmosphere while also generating of climate change impacts on the
economic, social, and ecological biophysical environment can also
benefits (Martinich et al. 2018). lead to uncertainties and disruptions
in social and economic systems. This
report brings an intentional focus
to discussing the ways in which the
strategies may foster and increase
economic resilience by bolstering
the sustainability or profitability of
existing economic sectors or creating
new jobs and business linked to
restoration and/or infrastructure


Key Terms*
Acute Climate Extremes
The occurrence of a weather changing climate dynamics illumi-
or climate event either above nate a need to proactively adapt
or below the range of histori- current legal, economic, and social
cally observed thresholds. systems to respond to heightened
Progressive Climate Change levels of risk and bolster the Basin’s
An on-going shift in the overall resilience.
mean state of the climate
that persists for an extended The foundational water management In this report, the term risk is used
period of time. framework, policies, infra­structure, primarily to refer to the potential
and socio-economic systems in the climate-change impacts that result
Adaptation Colorado River Basin were built from two drivers of climate change:
A process of adjustment to on climate patterns and expected (1) extreme events that dramatically
current and expected climate annual weather cycles that are both eclipse previous records and historic
conditions with the aim of progressively and abruptly changing. expectations and (2) progressive
moderating harm at the mini- Over the past two decades, the deviations from historic trends.
mum, and optimally creating Colorado River Basin has experi-
beneficial opportunities. enced an ongoing decline in stream
Mitigation flows, record-­setting heat, some
Actions that limit or prevent of the driest years ever recorded,
greenhouse gas emissions and and previously unimaginable cata-
enhance activities that remove strophic fires. The scale and pace of
gases from the atmosphere. climate-related changes affect the
availability and reliability of water
Resilience supplies, agricultural operations and
The capacity for a system supply chains, rural and urban water
(human and natural) to antic- demands, energy use, and watershed
ipate, absorb, accommodate, health. At an even deeper level,
or recover from the impacts
of a hazardous event in a
timely, efficient, and equitable

* Adapted from Field et al 2014

Figure 1. As global and Colorado River Basin temperatures rise, extremely hot weather
pushes the boundaries of what is possible while progressive increases in temperature shift
the mean away from historic trends and expectations (Adapted from Field, Barros, and
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014).

Progressive Climate Change Shifts the Mean Away from Historic and Expected Conditions

less more

Probability of Occurrence
cold hot
weather weather

even less more

extreme cold extreme hot
weather weather

Extreme Events Extend the Bounds of Possible Conditions

Distinguishing between progressive

change and acute extreme events
helps align adaptation responses to
the type of risk (Figure 1). For exam-
ple, an extreme temperature event
can create dangerous, if not deadly,
impacts on vulnerable populations,
crop viability, and forest fire potential Both progressive shifts in climate
at levels previously not experienced. conditions and extreme events
Simultaneously, progressive shifts increase hydrologic, social, and
towards overall hotter temperatures economic risk to municipalities,
place pressure on water and energy agriculture, industry, and watershed
systems to keep up with rising health throughout the Basin and
irrigation needs, municipal supply require innovative strategies to pro­­
demands, and energy consumption. actively respond and adapt (Bennet
2021). The ten investment strategies
explored in this report provide
ways to respond and adapt including
supporting adaptation measures,
reducing pressure on water supplies,
increasing the capacity to mitigate
climate change, and bolstering
economic resilience.

The range of annual temperature
variation is one of the largest drivers
that determines regions that are
most suitable for livability and agri-
culture, including in the Colorado
River Basin. Rising temperatures
contribute to more intense droughts, Precipitation
reduced soil moisture, increasingly Winter and summer precipitation
heavy downpours, and reduced patterns are shifting significantly
snowpack throughout the Colorado across the Basin. Snowpack, a key
River Basin (Lall et al. 2018). component of the Colorado River
Under a business-as-usual climate Basin’s water budget, has been
change scenario, the global band declining across 90% of snow moni-
of habitable temperatures will toring sites in the western United
shift more quickly and significantly Recent studies on temperature have States, in tandem with increasing
than it has over the past 8,000 found that beginning in the early evapotranspiration rates from snow
years, forcing both adaptation and 1970s, both the Upper and Lower sublimation (Mote et al. 2018;
migration (Xu et al. 2020). There Basins have experienced strong Knowles et al. 2015). Currently,
are many unknowns about how positive increases in temperatures, snowmelt-derived runoff contributes
agriculture and populations will with a maximum shift above the roughly two-thirds of the inflow
shift in the Basin, given projections long-term mean of about 1.1 degree into the major storage reservoirs in
that portions of the Lower Colo- Celsius (Tillman, Gangpadhyay, and the Basin, and the contribution of
rado River Basin could experience Pruitt 2020). Modelling results point snowmelt to total runoff is likely to
extreme temperatures above to continued increases in tempera- decrease by one third for the west-
95-degree Fahrenheit for half of tures above the historical median, ern United States (Li et al. 2017).
the year (Liu, Stanturf, and Goodrick with steady warming in decadal
2010; Lustgarten 2020; Frisvold average temperatures through
2016; Thiel 2013). If population the end of the century (Tillman,
continues to grow in the hottest ­Gangpadhyay, and Pruitt 2020).
parts of the Basin, water supply effi-
ciency, accessibility, and availability
will become even more important.

Recent research finds that
precipitation in the Upper Basin
is projected to increase through
the end of the century, potentially
rising to 6% above the 1951-2015
historical period by mid-century
and by 9% at the end of the century
(Tillman, Gangpadhyay, and Pruitt
2020). Conversely, the Lower Basin
is expected to see precipitations
Summer precipitation is a key at or less than the historical period
contributor to streamflows and (1951-2015) (Tillman, Gangpadhyay,
aquifer recharge in the Lower Basin. and Pruitt 2020). Figure 2 illustrates
Typically, the North American Mon­­ expected trends in both temperature
soon provides approximately 70% and precipitation for the Upper and
of the total annual rainfall for the Lower Basins through the end of the
Lower Basin and northern Mexico century (Tillman, Gangpadhyay, and
states (Sheppard et al. 2002). The Pruitt 2020).
monsoon is critical for soil moisture,
groundwater recharge, ecosystem Aridification
functions, rangeland grazing, and Climate change-induced changes
agriculture in Arizona and New in temperature combined with
Mexico. Climate researchers project precipitation shifts, is placing the
changes in monsoon patterns, with current drought on the trajectory
significant declines in early season of a mega-drought (Williams et al.
precipitation (June-July) and occa- 2020) and shifting the baseline to
sionally, though variable, increased a permanently more water-scarce
precipitation later in the monsoon environment (“aridification”) (Colo-
season (September-October) rado River Research Group 2018).
(Truettner et al. 2019; Cook and The risk of long-term and persistent Observed and ongoing changes
Seager 2013). “hot drought” conditions throughout in climate have influenced fire
the Colorado River Basin is signif- potential across the globe and
icant where rising temperatures in the Colorado River Basin (Liu,
are projected to reduce streamflow L. Goodrick, and A. Stanturf 2013;
from 20% at mid-century to 35% Liu, Stanturf, and Goodrick 2010)
by the end of the century (Udall and and have resulted in significant
­Overpeck 2017; McCabe et al. 2017). and extreme recent fire events.
The compounding influence of
increased temperatures, lower soil
moisture, reduced precipitation, and
dense forest fuel loads is sparking
“very large fires,” defined as the top
5 or 10% of the largest fires in a
region’s history (Barbero et al. 2015).
Very large fires have increased
across the western United States in
the past decade and set new upper
bounds on the speed, magnitude,
and longevity of fires, shifting what
previously seemed impossible

3.1 Figure 2. Precipitation and Temperature trends through 2100 in the Upper
and Lower Basins (adapted from Tillman, Gangpadhyay, and Pruitt 2020).

Upper Colorado River Basin Lower Colorado River Basin

into the realm of the frighteningly
­possible. Extreme fires, such as
those seen in 2020, re-define the 400
scale and possibility of very large
fires in the region and increasingly

Precipitation, in millimeters
threaten and affect homes and 380
communities, inflict severe ecolog-
ical damages, lead to direct and
indirect impacts on human health, 360

and have rippling economic reper-

Median of average paramter values during all ten-year periods




Temperature, in degrees Celsius



1951 to 2015 2020 to 2099 1951 to 2015 2020 to 2099

Time Period


90th percentile
Mean 75th percentile
50th percentile (median)
25th percentile
10th percentile

Progressive climate-induced stream-
flow changes are increasingly well
documented in the Basin. Overall
conditions in the Basin have been
drier and warmer in the 21st century
relative to the 20th century, reflected
in diminished streamflows, reduced
snowpack, decreased summer
precipitation, declines in aquifer
recharge, and higher temperatures As climate-induced streamflow
(Williams et al. 2020). Between changes are unfolding, the past
2000 and 2014, the first 14-years of three water years, from 2018-2020,
an on-going drought, annual total have also been a case study in inter-
Colorado River flows averaged 19% secting extreme and acute climate
below the 1906-1999 average, while events in the Colorado River Basin.
Upper Basin streamflow declined In water year 2018, precipitation and
by 16.5% from 1916-2014 (Xiao, streamflows throughout the Basin
Udall, and Lettenmaier 2018; Udall In some years, shifts in summer ended at record- or near-record low
and Overpeck 2017; Kuhn and Fleck rains may result in an overall levels, accompanied by record- or
2019). Over 50% of the decreasing reduction in precipitation in the near-record high average tempera-
runoff trend from 1906-2014 can Lower Basin, adding pressure to tures and evaporative demand. In
be linked to basin-wide warming groundwater supplies as surface September of 2018, stream flow
which has contributed to decreased water supplies diminish. During gages throughout the Upper Basin
snowpack, higher evapotranspiration drought conditions from 2004-2013, recorded their lowest September
rates, and lower soil moisture (Xiao, groundwater depletion exceeded the monthly flows on record (Western
Udall, and Lettenmaier 2018). rate of depletion in Lake Mead and Water Assessment 2020). The year
Lake Powell, indicating that ground- registered as one of the top five
water is a significant contributor to driest and hottest years on record
Basin water use (Castle et al. 2014). for Arizona, Colorado, and Utah
Recent modelling suggests that (Western Water Assessment 2020;
over the next 80 years, groundwater National Weather Service 2020).
infiltration and aquifer recharge will
be consistently less than the previ-
ous 65 years (1951-2015), which
would significantly impact Lower
Basin water supplies (Tillman,
­Gangpadhyay, and Pruitt 2020).

Water year 2020 began with higher
than average reservoir storage in
the Upper Basin, while Lake Mead
elevation levels sat comfortably
above shortage tiers. Strong storms
brought significant snowfall to
the Colorado River headwaters
and upper portions of the Rocky
Mountains. However, by July 2020,
conditions shifted rapidly and the
summer of 2020 broke records for
soaring temperatures with little to
no precipitation. In Colorado, the
heat broke high temperature records
across the state, with 75 days in
The start of water year 2019 Denver and 98 days in Pueblo
moved quickly from the hot and dry eclipsing 90 degrees. Arizona
conditions of the previous water recorded the highest number of
year to above-normal precipitation days ever where temperatures
and snowpack levels in the Upper exceeded 110 degrees. The relent-
Basin and substantial rain and snow less high temperatures were a result
in the Lower Basin that improved of a high-pressure dome over the The six-month period from April
drought conditions. Spring and Lower Basin and the persistent and to December 2020 was one of
summer run-off bolstered reservoirs excessive heat wave qualified as an the driest periods on record in the
and led to storage levels between extreme climate event (Machemer Basin. Within that six-month period,
110-125% above average in some 2020; Livingston and Freedman the four months from August to
Upper Basin states by fall (Western 2020). December registered as among the
Water Assessment 2020). However, driest of those months on record,
despite abundant winter precipita- bested only by August 2002 and
tion, a drier than average summer September 2018. Conditions in early
season diminished regional soil 2021 resembled 2002, 2012, 2013
moisture values to below average and the beginning of 2018, which
levels (Harpold and Molotch 2015). are four out of the five driest years
Low soil moistures are further on record.2
exacerbated by diminished summer
monsoon and precipitation events
that deliver fewer storms to infiltrate
and hydrate soils. Extremely dry
soils with low moisture content in
the Upper Basin further diminish
runoff, weaken vegetation, and
heighten wildfire risk.

In order to avoid the most severe
risks of climate change, rapid reduc-
tions of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases to “net zero” will
be required at the global, national,
and regional scales. Limiting global
warming to the 2°C threshold set
in the Paris Climate Agreement will
require investment in a broad range
of reductions in many sectors across in California in 2020—more than
the globe, with a focus on developing double the record set in 2018. In
and implementing solutions that addition, five of the largest six
benefit local economics, commu- fires in California’s modern history
nities, and ecological systems in annual emissions for the U.S. occurred in 2020. Greenhouse
(Martinich et al. 2018). While achiev- (Fargione et al. 2018). Several of the gases generated by the U.S. econ-
ing this goal is daunting, and federal investments outlined in this report omy in 2020 decreased by 9.2%,
action is currently lagging in the U.S., could contribute to mitigation poten- bringing total emissions to about
proactive investment in solutions at tial in the Colorado River Basin to the same level as 1983 (Mufson
the state or regional levels can be a varying degrees, especially if imple- 2020). Those national gains–which
testbed for the robustness of land- mented at scale. came at a steep cost to the U.S.
based mitigation activities. economy (Mufson 2020)—were
Progressive climate shifts are also negated by roughly 30% due to the
A comprehensive portfolio of solu- likely to impact the permanence of carbon dioxide and other pollutants
tions needs to include zero-­carbon carbon stored in biomass around released into the air from the
energy production, energy efficiency the globe (Fargione et al. 2018). record-setting extreme fires along
solutions, nature-based climate solu- Climate change feedback loops the west coast and in the Rocky
tions, low-carbon food production, increase the likelihood of large Mountains (Mufson 2020).
and low-carbon water storage and landscape-scale disturbances, such
distribution. When implemented at as fires, which have measurable
scale across the entire U.S., nature- and degrading effects on global
based climate solutions such as emissions. The summer of 2020
forest management and restoration, showcased the dangerous conse-
agricultural and grassland manage- quences of compromised forest
ment, and wetland management health and extreme fire. The three
could contribute to a 21% reduction largest fires in Colorado history
occurred in 2020. The East Trouble­
some, Cameron Peak, and Pine Gulch
fires together burned over 600,000
acres. Over 4 million acres burned

Economic risks from climate
change include, but are not limited
to, increased water costs, lower
labor productivity, reduced crop
productivity, impacts to public
health, and increases in insurance
premiums. Extreme climate events
and progressive climate impacts
already cost billions of dollars in
the United States annually and the those who live in geographically
total costs of these events are rising isolated and/or impoverished
(Davenport and Smialek 2020; paradox highlights the trade-offs communities, are likely to experi-
Lustgarten 2020; Oreskes and Stern in population responses to climate ence “greater exposure and lower
2019). “Climate change is water change. Populations may be faced resilience to climate-related health
change”3 and the bulk of these costs with trading one risk (sea level rise) effects” (Gamble et al. 2016). The
are associated with water-related for another (extreme heat). National Congress of American Indi-
impacts such as floods, droughts, ans (NCAI) established a Climate
hurricanes, and wildfires that can all Relatedly, the impacts and risks Action Task Force to “document,
be linked to changes in the hydro- associated with climate change inform, and support the climate
logic cycle.4 disproportionately affect vulner- action efforts of tribal nations and
able people and communities (or organizations” and advocate for
Despite the fact that the Basin is populations of concern), including policies and funding to support
largely landlocked, sea level rise also people and communities with low climate actions (National Congress
poses an economic risk to the Basin, income, communities of color, of American Indians 2019). In the
because as coastlines are eroded immigrant groups, Indigenous Navajo Nation,“[r]ising temperatures
and flooded people move inland, peoples, older adults, persons with and declining rainfall have made
including to communities in the preexisting medical conditions, groundwater the principal drinking
Basin. Migrating populations will and others (Gamble et al. 2016; water source for many residents,”
seek places that can offer afford- IPCC 2014). People living in at-risk which leaves those residents and
able housing and employment. areas including impoverished communities even more exposed
A recent modelling study projects urban areas, isolated rural areas, and vulnerable to climate risks and
that the Phoenix metropolitan area floodplains, or coastlines, “are more related social, economic, and health
will be among the top regions in vulnerable not only to extreme consequences,6 challenges also
the U.S. for population migration weather and persistent climate faced by other tribal communities.
from coastal cities (Hauer 2017). change but also to social and The Navajo Nation’s Climate Adap-
Maricopa County, which encom- economic stressors” (Gamble et al. tation Plan identifies water security,
passes Phoenix metropolitan-area 2016). Indigenous people, especially overgrazing, and land use manage-
cities, is already one of the fastest ment and planning as three of the
growing counties in the Nation,5 six priority areas related to climate
even with the escalating tempera- vulnerabilities and adaptation strat-
tures and increasing aridity. This egies (Tom, Begay, and Yazzie 2018).

While well-tested and widely imple-
mented water conservation efforts
are essential, they are developed and
implemented with a focus on the
management, movement, and use of
water and therefore do not typically
Throughout the world, water users or sufficiently include or consider There is potential for investigating,
and managers, scientists, local broader economic, environmental, testing, and scaling-up investment
communities, entrepreneurial and social risks from changing strategies aimed at preparing the
innovators, and non-governmental climate dynamics. By focusing Basin for long-term rising tempera-
organizations are looking for solely on managing water supply tures, high variability in precipitation
ways to increase the long-term and demands within the context of patterns and increased drying, all of
resilience and health of the basins drought and climate change, there which are projected to occur even
that supply critical water needs for may be missed opportunities to if efforts to limit climate change
humans, agriculture, industry and explore multi-faceted strategies are taken seriously over the next
the environment (Field, Barros, and that could adapt to, respond to, and few decades. The ten strategies
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate mitigate the steady, compounding, explored in this report range from
Change 2014; Reidmiller et al. 2018). and extreme risks of climate change well-­demonstrated, to emerging,
These efforts are driven by many to economies, communities, land- to theoretical but largely untested
factors, including the need to reverse scapes, and water resources. concepts (Figure 3).
historic degradation, improve water-
shed health and reduce hydrologic
vulnerability to climate change. Simi- Figure 3. Range of Application and Implementation Experience for Each Strategy in the
Colorado River Basin
lar efforts are beginning to develop
in the Colorado River Basin (Snider Upgrading
Urban Agricultural Forest Natural Covering
2020), but they have largely been
Conservation Infrastructure Management Distributed Reservoirs
carried out in the periphery of efforts & Re-Use & Operations & Restoration Storage & Canals
like the development of the 2007
Interim Guidelines, the Drought EXPERIENCED EMERGING T H E O R E T I CA L

Contingency Plans and various state

Industrial Cropping Regenerative Coal Plant Reducing
water planning efforts that focus on
Conservation Alternatives & Agriculture Retirement Dust on
traditional demand/supply analyses & Re-Use New Market Water Snow
and water management solutions. Pathways

Overall, the research revealed that
benefits and implementation costs
are predominately site-specific,
making it challenging, if not impos-
sible at this time, to precisely and
accurately quantify the economic, It is challenging to precisely and
environmental, and social benefits accurately quantify benefits that
The research began with an and total costs at a basin-scale. could result from scaling up these
extensive literature review on each Recognizing this limitation, the strategies in applicable regions of
strategy. Information was gathered final research step made an effort the Basin since benefits are site
from the Bureau of Reclamation’s to qualitatively conceptualize the specific and effectiveness data is
2012 Colorado River Basin Water expected benefits of each strategy to limited or non-existent (with the
Supply and Demand Study, (Bureau a) adapt to climate shifts, b) reduce possible exception of urban and
of Reclamation 2012) the 2015 pressure on water supplies, c) miti- industrial conservation efforts).
Moving Forward Report (Bureau of gate climate change, and d) increase Similarly, it is not possible to accu-
Reclamation 2015a), the 2018 Tribal economic resilience (Figure 4). rately estimate total costs necessary
Water Study (Ten Tribes Partner­ to scale such strategies in appli-
ship 2018), peer-reviewed studies, Sections 4.1 through 4.10 present a cable areas of the Basin (though it
agency reports, and white papers. high level overview of each strategy. could potentially run into the billions
Following the initial compilation of A companion Technical Appendix over a decade or more). The analysis
literature, on-the ground experience provides a detailed discussion and also identified plenty of barriers to
from various conservation programs, a comprehensive reference list scaling up these strategies.
applied academic research, and for each strategy. The Technical
implementation data from water ­Appendix was developed from a
management agencies in the Basin thorough literature review and
was compiled and integrated into on-the-ground knowledge of a broad
summaries for each strategy. Taken range of contributors, and serves
together, the investment strategies as the knowledge base for the main
represent a diverse set of actions report as well as each summary.
that could be implemented at multi-
ple geographies and timescales,
industries, agriculture, NGOs, and
management agencies to build resil-
ience to moderate and acute levels
of hydrologic risk and progressive
and extreme climate impacts.

Figure 4. Qualitative Benefits of Each Strategy Adapt To Reduce Pressure Mitigate Strengthen
On-Going on Existing Climate Economic
Investment Strategies Climate Shifts Water Supplies Change Resilience

Forest Management & Restoration

Natural Distributed Storage
Regenerative Agriculture
Upgrading Agricultural Infrastructure & Operations
Cropping Alternatives & New Market Pathways
Urban Conservation & Re-Use
Industrial Conservation & Re-Use
Coal Plant Retirement Water
Reducing Dust on Snow
Covering Reservoirs & Canals

Industrial Conservation & Re-use:
Technical complications for some
strategies; potentially high costs;
and lack of incentives for change.

Coal Plant Retirement Water:

Complex economic and social
Brief Summary of Barriers to issues associated with plant
­Scaling Up Investment Strategies closures and long decision time-
Forest Management & Restoration: lines; legal and regulatory hurdles
Cultural, statutory, jurisdictional in repurposing coal plant water;
and cost barriers to changing forest competing uses for coal plant water.
management practices; lack of
funding for preventative actions and Reducing Dust on Snow: More
restoration; still developing science research on where and what inter-
on best approaches for improving Upgrading Agricultural ventions would be most effective;
watershed yield; potential for litiga- ­Infrastructure & Operations: source of financing unclear; need
tion from opponents. Incentives to change practices or to work with willing institutional
upgrade systems sometimes lack- landowners to get to scale; potential
Natural Distributed Storage: ing; more comprehensive watershed opposition to practice changes.
­Additional demonstrations needed approaches need additional fund-
to fully document potential benefits ing; need to focus on improvements Covering Reservoirs & Canals:
for and impacts to ranching profit- to most productive lands to sustain Largely untested except on smaller
ability; water rights and permitting value proposition of investments. scale; physical methods have
complications; getting watershed high capital costs; chemical meth-
level consensus on projects and Cropping Alternatives & New ods have high maintenance costs;
pursuing research and monitoring Market Pathways: Incentives to potential for adverse environmental
on the hydrologic benefits. switch from traditional crops may and recreational effects; legal and
be lacking; need for marketing and permitting issues.
Regenerative Agriculture: More processing facilities and critical
research on applicable practices mass of producers to justify those Despite the barriers, these ten strat-
needed; multi-year gap between investments; up front capital costs, egies offer a means of ­responding
investment and financial benefit; risk mitigation, and technical and adapting to progressive and
increased labor and equipment assistance needs; and uncertainties extreme climate events, and reduc-
costs; agricultural finance structures regarding trade-offs, including ing hydrologic, social, and economic
favor conventional practices; no implications for avian and wildlife risk for municipalities, agriculture,
market premium for products from species. industry, and watershed health.
regenerative operations. Efforts taken to reduce the barriers
Urban Conservation & Re-use: can help pave the way to climate
Conservation can reduce water resilience in the Colorado River
utility revenues if programs not Basin.
properly structured; opposition to
some forms of re-use; incentives
to change may be lacking in over-
built systems.


Resilience Benefits:
Well managed forests provide
numerous benefits, including
preventing soil erosion; supporting
water infiltration; regulating snow
melt and water supply; improving
water quality; lowering water Investment Summary:
treatment costs; capturing carbon; Forest manage­ment, as defined by
and benefiting wildlife habitat the IPCC’s Climate Change and Land
and fisheries. Implementing best Report, means “the stewardship and
practices in forest management and use of forests and forest lands in a
forest restoration can help maintain way, and at a rate, that maintains
these benefits and potentially miti- their biodiversity, productivity, There are several reasons why the
gate against watershed degradation, regeneration capacity, vitality, and forests are deteriorating in health.
severe wildfire, and other climate their potential to fulfill now and in the The U.S. has maintained a culture and
change impacts. Forest manage- future, relevant ecological, economic history of fire suppression for the past
ment and restoration can also help and social functions at local, national hundred years which has prevented
in adapting to climate shifts as and global levels and that does not fires from clearing small trees and
conditions in the Basin change, such cause damage to other ecosystems” bushes. Logging that removes mainly
as regulating snow melt runoff and (IPCC 2014). Forest restoration, on large, older trees, and leaves surface
increasing economic resilience the other hand, means engaging in fuel increases the fire hazard and fire
through job creation and reduced practices that regain ecological integ- severity. Insects and disease along
emergency costs, among other rity from degraded systems. Forest with recreational activities have also
benefits. management and restoration are significantly affected the state of the
both essential practices to maintain forest. Moreover, a lack of funding
system functionality and biodiversity has hindered the U.S. Forest Service
in places where landscape degrada- from implementing planned forest
tion is historic, current, or predicted management projects.
based on climate warming scenarios
projected to transform ecological
systems. In addition to the eco­­system
benefits, such activities can also
create jobs and provide public fund-
ing savings because of the reduced
expenses on emergency wildfire

A number of entities are working
on forest restoration projects in
the Basin, including Denver Water,
the Salt River Project, the Indig-
enous Peoples Burning Network,
Blue Forest, and the Mountain
Studies Institute, among others.
It has however been difficult to To advance forest management
implement forest management and and restoration efforts, support
restoration practices at the needed for the development of science to
ecological scale because of the improve understanding of where and
high cost of management ($1,000- how forest management activities
$4,000+ an acre), jurisdictional can increase snowpack, increase
challenges in implementation, a snowmelt duration, water retention,
culture of fire suppression, and watershed resilience, improve flows/
concerns around litigation, among hydrographs, reduce the risk of
other challenges. high-­­severity wildfires, and provide
net carbon storage will be necessary,
along with financing and stakeholder
support to implement projects and
bring the actions to scale.


Resilience Benefits:
This strategy has the potential to
build adaptive capacity in eco­­
systems and ranching operations to
cope with ongoing climate shifts.
Investments in natural distributed
storage could also have important
resilience benefits in mitigating
climate change by reducing and Much of the naturally distributed
sequestering greenhouse gas storage historically present in west-
emissions and increasing economic ern watersheds was lost due to the
resilience by providing cost-effective ditching and draining of wetlands
mechanisms to restore degraded for agricultural conversion, intensive
working lands and potentially Natural distributed storage projects grazing of cattle and sheep, chan-
improve land value and profitabil- primarily use natural materials nelization and stabilization of rivers,
ity of operations. that are appropriate to the specific and the extirpation of beaver and the
site and landscaping setting, and removal of their dams during the 19th
Investment Summary: As used largely rely on natural riverine, and 20th centuries. The net conse-
in this report, natural distributed wetland, hydrologic, or ecological quence of these combined forces
storage refers to a project or a series processes. They can result in aquifer was the widespread occurrence of
of projects across a watershed that recharge, transient floodplain water channel incision and degradation,
store water in shallow, unconfined retention, or reconnection of historic which both drained naturally distrib-
floodplain aquifers that interact floodplains to stream channels. uted floodplain and meadow storage
directly with streams, support native Projects are generally designed to and continued to prevent its filling
vegetation, and influence the timing produce two or more environmental by typical annual flooding.
and quality of streamflow. Natural benefits, including (1) stream flow
distributed storage projects have a timing changes that are beneficial
range of identifiable characteristics. to watershed health, (2) fish and
wildlife habitat or migration
corridor restoration, (3) floodplain
reconnection and inundation, or
(4) riparian or wetland restoration
and ­improvement.


There is still a significant amount

of information needed to under-
stand the consequences of these
The restoration of wet meadows projects, and ensure that they are
and implementation of various sited, implemented, and monitored
analogs to beaver-related restoration to achieve the desired watershed
tactics have shown promise as a benefits. However, demonstration
means by which to re-establish projects so far have indicated that
naturally distributed storage at the there is enormous potential in this
watershed scale at which it was lost. strategy. Natural distributed storage
Investments in these activities are restoration methods are considered
often aimed at improving watershed to be relatively low-cost, but most of
resilience through recharging ground- the existing cost information relates
water reserves, supporting floodplain to smaller, reach-scale projects.
functions, regulating stream hydro- Larger-scale projects would involve
graphs, providing habitat, minimizing greater resources, time, and co­­­
erosion, and resisting and supporting ordination, but could facilitate better
recovery from extreme events (i.e., prioritization across basins and
droughts, floods, and fires). watersheds and could link up with
related projects to deal with “core”
issues such as roads or grazing
practices upstream that are causing
sedimentation issues downstream.


Investment Summary:
Regenerative agriculture is a broad
term that focuses on restoring and
improving soil health biodiversity
Resilience Benefits: through farming and grazing
Regenerative agriculture offers an practices that rebuild organic matter Research into and application of
opportunity to enhance resilience and bio­­diversity with the aim of regenerative agriculture techniques
in the Colo­­­rado River Basin. It can increasing soil moisture, water has expanded significantly in the
contribute to climate change miti- retention, and carbon sequestration. last decade, driven by several factors
gation by reducing greenhouse gas Regenerative agricultural practices, including: the prospect of increased
emissions and sequestering carbon. broadly defined, include, but are not yields; the need to restore degraded
It can boost adapation by expanding limited to, no-till agriculture, use of soils; a desire to reduce fertilizer
the capacity of soils to store water cover crops, diverse crop rotations, and pesticide inputs; reinstituting
which helps keep local temperatures rotating crops with livestock graz- Indigenous farming cultures; water
cooler and helps reduce dust and ing, and intensive grazing rotation. scarcity; and the potential for
the impact of extreme flood and carbon markets to offer payments
drought. Enhanced water-holding for increased storage of carbon
capacity in soils can also reduce in soils. Several studies project
the need for irrigation, thereby that widespread application of
limiting pressure on existing water regenerative agriculture techniques
supplies. ­Re­­generative agriculture could draw down enough carbon to
can help ensure economic resil- significantly counter global emis-
ience in communities by reducing sions, in addition to the co-benefits
downstream damages from acute of healthier soils, improved crop
weather events, assuring cleaner and rangeland yields, increased
groundwater and groundwater water retention, and improved bio­
recharge, and diversifying the forms diversity. Other research, however,
of productive income available to clarifies that not all regenerative
agricultural communities. agricultural practices will sequester
and permanently store carbon and
questions whether the magnitude
of regenerative agriculture’s poten-
tial contribution to climate change
mitigation is over-estimated.

In the Colorado River Basin, there soils programs and the issue is
are three areas where regenerative a priority for many of the NRCS
practices could potentially provide state-level offices in the Basin.
hydrological resilience, economic There are also partnerships among
resilience, and climate change agricultural producers, universities,
mitigation benefits: (1) range­­land and others examining the use of
restoration and stewardship, regenerative practices, such as the
particularly on lands in federal, state Colorado Collaborative for Healthy
or tribal ownership; (2) improved Soils. Opportunities to further this
soil health in irrigated grass and strategy include coordinated federal,
hay pasture operations; and (3) state and/or tribal funding and
increased use of cover crops in support of regenerative agriculture
farming operations. These practices demonstrations; market and/or tax
are already being implemented in incentives that favor regenerative
some areas of the Basin, though on practices; and addressing the
a sporadic basis, and much more substantial financing barriers to
research is needed to quantify conversion from conventional
benefits. State agricultural depart- to regenerative practices.
ments in Colorado, New Mexico
and Utah have established healthy



Resilience Benefits: Improving

agricultural infrastructure and
operations may reduce pressure on
existing water supplies by making
operations more efficient, reducing
the potential for over-­diversion
from streams and rivers and Infrastructure upgrades may include
potentially reducing consumptive simple, low-cost actions such
use. The improvements may help as installing check structures or
the Basin’s agriculture adapt to measurement structures, to more
and become more resilient to the Investment Summary: Much of advanced options like replacing
effects of climate change such as the Basin’s irrigation infrastructure, seasonal instream push up dams
reduced stream flows and higher particularly in the Upper Basin is with modern automated headgates
temperatures. Throughout the old, cumbersome, in dire need of and diversion structures with fish
Basin, improving yield and profit repair, and labor intensive to operate passage; adding more precise water
margins through upgrades targeted and maintain. These challenges measurement systems; lining or
at the most productive lands may reduce irrigation efficiency, cause piping collapsing ditches; improving
allow more marginal lands to be damage to streams, and hamper on-farm irrigation systems; and
returned to native grasses or cover farm and ranch productivity. While replacing old turbines and pumps.
crops (which might, in the future, be many Lower Basin operations are Operational investments might
able to generate recognized carbon larger, with newer, more automated include consolidating many small
offsets) or used to produce solar infrastructure and laser-leveled ditch companies into larger and
or wind energy, helping to mitigate fields, there may be opportunities more efficient operations; imple-
climate change and further reduce to achieve greater productivity with menting precision agricultural
pressure on water supplies. Ensur- less water in these operations as techniques to closely monitor soil
ing that agricultural infrastructure well. Tribal agriculture is also in moisture and soil health; increasing
and operations are up to the chal- need of investment, as Basin Tribes precision in scheduling water
lenges of higher temperatures and seek to improve existing operations diversions and deliveries (including
reduced flows can help bolster and and put their Colorado River rights deficit irrigation, where viable),
sustain the economic resilience of to beneficial use. and creating local, intra-district or
rural communities where irrigated regional programs that allow for
agriculture has been and is a signifi- temporary, compensated reductions
cant part of the economy. in water use.


The costs of upgrading agricultural

infrastructure and operations to
enhance their productivity and
resilience and improve river health
vary widely with the location, type
of improvement and economies
of scale. Given the state of current
infrastructure and the extent
of irri­­­gated acreage in the Basin,
however, the total cost over the
long-term could be quite high,
though there are targeted and less
costly measures that could lead to
measurable improvements. There are several on-going efforts watershed-level infrastructure
to upgrade agricultural infra­structure improvement plans that can obtain
in the Basin and there are more grant or loan financing and that
opportunities that have been identi- produce benefits at scale: to produc-
fied through on-the-groundwork by ers, watersheds and local economies.
agricultural producers and conserva- Several such planning efforts have
tion organizations working together. been in the works or are being
A key approach to this strategy contemplated and support for these
will be to develop comprehensive, collaborative efforts will be critical.


Resilience Benefits: Irrigated agriculture is the largest

Investments in alternative crops category of water use in the Basin.
and creation of new pathways From 1985 to 2010, more than 85%
for farmers to access high-value of water diverted from the River
markets could help reduce pressure was used for irrigated crops. Grass,
on existing water supplies and pasture, and alfalfa for cattle are
generate resiliency benefits includ- Investment Summary: the Basin’s major crops, followed
ing: adapting to on-going climate Identifying and implementing by wheat, vegetables and fruit,
shifts by providing options for changes to the types of crops and cotton. Studies suggest that a
agricultural producers ­experiencing produced around the Basin depends significant amount of water could
impacts to crop productivity and on a variety of local considerations, be conserved by changing the types
strengthening regional food systems including suitability of crop alterna- of crops produced without taking
and security; mitigat­ing climate tives to the region, soil, and climate; land out of production. However,
change by exploring how cropping practicality and cost of operational estimating generalized water
strategies, operations, processing, and labor changes to produce the savings is difficult because water
and transportation might reduce and new crop; availability of market savings potential varies based on
sequester greenhouse gas emissions; pathways locally and regionally for region, climate, the initial crop, the
and increasing economic resilience the new crop; and other factors. replacement crop, and other factors.
by testing and demonstrating the Alternative crops could result in Moreover, crop switching can
economic viability of new crops and reduced water consumption either involve significant costs at the farm
market pathways. through (1) shifting from water level (field preparation, new equip-
intensive crops to more water ment, additional labor, seed and
efficient crops or (2) shifting to other input costs). Scaling up will
crops that have comparable water require investments in processing,
efficiency attributes, but which transportation, marketing capacity,
have a higher economic value that and legal costs to develop new
can justify conservation practices market pathways.
to reduce consumptive demand
on other acreage. These practices
relate to and are often undertaken
in combination with other agricul-
tural and/or water conservation
practices (see Up­­­grading Agricul-
ture Infra­structure & Operations and
Regenerative ­Agriculture strategies).


While there are some examples

of cropping changes specifically
targeted at lower water use crops in
the Basin, there has been little incen-
tive for producers to invest the time
and resources to switch from rela-
tively stable crops such as alfalfa to
lower water use alternatives. Incen-
tives may begin to appear as drier
conditions become more frequent,
requiring agricultural operations to
adjust water use expectations and
leading to more opportunities for
research, case studies, and improved
knowledge. Water supply benefits
could be significant and investing
in cropping alternatives and new
market pathways could provide
benefits to local streams and habi-
tats as well as local and regional
food systems and food security.

Given the potential resilience and

economic benefits, it would be
useful to encourage existing and
new explorations of crop alternatives
and creation of new markets. There
are several initiatives and university
research efforts to build upon, as well
as policy recommendations to resolve
financing and other barriers.


Investment Summary:
Urban water efficiency and conser-
vation programs are highly effective
at saving water. They can and are
being used to offset population
growth and forestall or prevent the While urban water use comprises
Resilience Benefits: need for additional supplies. The only about 15% of the total Colorado
Investments in urban conservation programs can also help businesses River water use, it is the fastest
and re-use may contribute to the reduce overhead and provide jobs. growing water demand sector in
resilience of the Basin by mitigating There are a variety of different types the Colorado River Basin. Despite
pressure on existing water supplies of water efficiency and conservation upward trends in water deliveries
as populations and water demands measures. These include indoor and and demands, per capita water
continue to grow; adapting to outdoor measures (e.g. low-water deliveries dropped an average of
climate shifts by efficiently using use toilets and showers, and smart at least one percent per year from
available resources; mitigating irrigation), water utility measures 1990 to 2008, generating roughly
climate change by reducing energy (e.g. programs to detect leaks and two million acre-feet in water
use and emissions implicated in audits), and reuse (e.g. direct and savings during that same time
water transportation; and increasing indirect potable reuse). period. Several large metropolitan
economic resilience in communities areas reliant in part on Colorado
by creating jobs, limiting rising River water are implementing water
water fees and rates, and limiting efficiency, conservation, and reuse
the associated impacts of water programs that have been highly
shortages on health, financial loss, effective at reducing per capita
and displacement. water use and stretching supplies
through water recycling even while
the customer base and number
of service connections increase.
Implementing conservation
programs and rate increases can
be a cost-­effective way to reduce
demand, avoid new infrastructure,
and support a growing population,
as demonstrated in several case
study cities.

The cost of urban water conserva-
tion measures will vary depending
upon the type of measure imple-
mented. Some of the measures Urban conservation and re-use
may cost more than they save over activities are well-demonstrated and
time, thus municipalities have to are taking hold throughout the Basin
weigh the water savings with the and adjacent areas that use Colo-
implementation costs. Municipal- rado River water. With urban areas
ities will also have to weigh the expected to continue to grow, urban
other potential implications such conservation and re-use efforts will
as reduced revenue from reduced be critical to support additional
demand, hardening of demand, water demands and reduce stress on
and any changes required in state reservoirs and eco­­systems. To imple-
law to enact certain measures like ment these measures, municipalities
reuse. There are also various factors will require adequate financing
to consider with urban water reuse and rate structures to support the
strategies, such as impacts to rivers implementation of indoor and outdoor
or riparian habitat or downstream efficiency measures and re-use
water users that rely on discharges, infrastructure and engage in public
and water quality considerations. education campaigns.


Resilience Benefits:
By changing practices and modi-
fying or updating equipment to
reduce water use and increase
energy efficiencies, industries
can generate significant water
and energy savings, and lead the Areas where industrial conservation
way in promoting socially and practices could potentially provide
environmentally responsible water hydrologic and other climate adapta-
management efforts in the Basin. Investment Summary: tion benefits and where companies
Industrial conservation and re-use Industrial water use in the Basin have been engaging in water and
can help mitigate climate change includes power plant cooling, mining, energy efficiencies, include data
by changing energy demands such snow making, food and beverage centers, cooling systems, and reuse
that emissions can be reduced, manufacturing, semiconductor and practices. Data centers have signifi-
limiting pressure on water supplies electronics manufacturing, data cant environmental footprints, using
by implementing water efficient centers, chemicals and pharmaceu- large amounts of electricity and water
practices and/or offsetting water ticals, and oil and gas extraction. for cooling. However, some data
use, adapting to climate shifts Commercial, Industrial, and Insti- centers are coming up with solutions
through planning and implement- tutional (CII) users can account for to reduce their water consumption,
ing sustainable water and energy up to 30-40% of the total M&I use including engaging in reuse, and
practices, and increasing economic in areas with large institutional and attempting to be net water positive.
resilience by supporting water industrial users. Awareness around Apart from data centers, other
smart economic development. drought and climate change has industries use wet-cooling systems to
grown in recent years and many cool buildings and dispose of waste
industrial sectors are beginning to heat. These include hospitals, office
recognize the link between water risk complexes, and university campuses.
and business risk. Various initiatives Used in many institutional and
such as the CEO Water Mandate
and Ceres Connect the Drops are
encouraging companies to assess
and understand the physical, regu-
latory, and reputational risks that
can arise from water issues. In addi-
tion, many corporations have made
overall commitments to enhance the
sustainability of their operations and
promote environ­mental stewardship.

shareholders. A suite of actions
that could be taken to incentivize
companies to implement water
conservation and re-use practices
include engaging with companies
early in the building design plan-
ning process and implementing
commercial facilities, cooling towers pilot projects to help justify the
are a significant aspect of facilities’ return on the investment. To assist
water use (constituting 20-50% of with cost justifications, potential
total use). Newer, zero-water dry opportunities at the federal or state
cooling systems exist which can be level include providing incentives
used to replace the older systems in through tax credits or deductions for
a variety of industries. The switch businesses to engage in sustainable
can cut water use, reduce demands practices like water conservation
on municipal water supplies, and or reuse.
conserve energy.

There are several barriers to

implementing industrial water and
energy efficiency projects, including
costs, technical complications, and
difficulty in meeting returns on
investments. To implement upgrades
or redesign systems, businesses
must justify the costs to executives
and, in certain circumstances, to


Resilience Benefits:
Coal plant retirement can help
increase the resiliency of the Basin
by mitigating climate change
through the reduction of greenhouse
gases. Finding appropriate mecha-
nisms to dedicate coal plant water water from retiring coal plants could
to system or environmental benefit potentially provide a host of benefits
could help the Basin adapt to climate for the surrounding communities and
change while repurposing the Colorado River system. According
water supplies to other uses where to an initial inventory of coal-fired
appropriate could reduce pressure power plants in the western United
on existing supplies. Mitigation Investment Summary: States, there are 22 coal plants in
transition funds could be required For over 50 years, coal-fired power the Basin (including those support-
to avoid adverse local impacts in plants have provided electricity ing major cities on the Front Range
communities dependent on coal or to communities and industries in of Colorado) that either recently
coal-fired power plants. various regions of the Colorado closed or are expected to reduce or
River Basin. While historically these close operations by 2042.
plants provided relatively cheap
and reliable power, they increasingly
cannot compete financially with
cleaner energy sources, such as
solar and wind. Moreover, state
policies to reduce emissions, such
as the Colorado Pollution Reduction
Roadmap, and similar policies in
some other Basin states, are also
driving coal plant closures. With
coal plant retirement, there is grow-
ing interest in how and whether the
plants’ water rights may become
available for purchase or realloca-
tion to other purposes, including
system benefits, environmental
uses, and instream flows. Securing

There are a number of challenges
to implementing this investment
strategy. Securing financing for In order to incentivize the transfer
purchases or leases could be difficult. of water from closing coal plants
Costs will vary greatly depending on to system benefit or environmental
the location of the plant, competing purposes, it may be worth pursuing
There are a variety of creative trans- buyers, the amount of water involved efforts to clarify outstanding legal
actions that could secure water in the transaction, and whether the and policy issues and simplify and
rights for augmenting flows for fish water is available for purchase or streamline legal processes that
and recreation. For example, in west- lease. Additionally, the legal, proce- impact the desirability of transferring
ern Colorado, Craig Station rights dural, and approval processes for water rights from power plant use
could provide instream flows for the transferring water rights to instream to system benefit or environmental
Yampa River downstream of Craig flows or system use vary by state purposes. It may also be worth
and benefit both fish species and and can be challenging to complete. pursuing some specific opportunities
seasonal flows. The water may also These challenges may impede acting with closed or retired coal plants
be used for bolstering system resil- quickly on investments in water rights by engaging with the plant owners
ience by, for example, increasing from closing coal plants, which in to discuss potential water right
reservoir storage. Other uses for coal turn creates a risk that the water may transfers, and with the state and
plant water rights might include be purchased by others before these communities surrounding the plant
lease backs or water sharing with issues could be resolved. to design potential water trans­
agricultural and municipal actions, exchanges and/or economic
­communities. mitigation strategies.

Resilience Benefits: Given the (1) reducing the intensity of land-
regional connections between land use activities that produce dust;
disturbance and management and (2) implementing restoration or
the hydrologic implications of dust reclamation strategies that promote
on snow, actions that reduce dust ecosystem resilience to wind erosion;
generation could build adaptive Investment Summary: Dust (3) accounting for landscape vari-
capacity to ongoing climate shifts. deposition on mountain snow cover ability in planning dust-producing
If implemented at scale, reduction in the Upper Colorado River Basin land uses and targeting restoration/
in dust emissions could help protect accelerates melting, shifts the timing reclamation actions to maximize
runoff and streamflow dynamics of snowmelt and runoff, impacts dust abatement; and (4) encourage
that support basin water supplies. peak runoff, and reduces total yield. research and monitoring.
Key sources of dust in the Basin
appear to be from livestock grazing,
off highway vehicle use, energy
development, fire, and drier soils due
to drought and increased tempera-
tures. Federal lands appear to be a
prominent source of dust.

Dust loading has increased since

agricultural development and land
disturbances intensified in the
mid-1880s. Spring winds carry dust
from the Colorado Plateau, Sonoran
Desert, Mojave Desert, and the Great
Basin Desert, aided by the natural
erosional landscapes. A compre-
hensive dust-management strategy
could include a combination of:

Restoring the degraded and drought
prone arid lands primarily in Nevada,
Utah, and Arizona that generate
dust will be key in reducing dust
on snow. A top mitigation strategy
could be restoring BLM-managed
grazing lands and improving energy
Potentially appropriate interventions development practices. Additionally, this report, including Regenerative
for the Basin include stabilizing as the Forest Service owns a decent Agriculture (for example, steward-
desert soils, restoring abandoned portion of the land in the hot spots, ship rangeland contracts may be
croplands, and planting native and fires are key causes of dust, an option for work on federal, state,
grasses and vegetation on degraded forest management is also a top and tribal lands if there were institu-
rangelands. A primary goal of improv- mitigation strategy. As such, dust tional support), Forest Management,
ing desert lands would be minimizing on snow mitigation strategies tie and Natural Distributed Storage.
wind erosion over large areas, which in with several other strategies in In the context of dust on snow,
would have cascading benefits to however, large scale projects, or at a
local agriculture, air quality, and minimum more coordination among
quality of life. individual projects, will be needed.


Resilience Benefits: This concept

focuses on physical solutions to
reduce evaporation such as covering
reservoirs and conveyance systems
with, for example, shade balls or
solar panels. Reducing evaporation major ­reservoirs and canals could
from reservoirs and canals through- result in the following potential
out the Basin could improve overall savings: 200,000 AF/y from
system efficiency and result in more controlling evaporation with reservoir
water supply availability, reducing covers and 200,000-850,000 AF/y
pressure on existing water supplies. from controlling evaporation on
It may also help the Basin adapt to reservoirs and major canals with
on-going climate shifts and increase Investment Summary: A significant chemical covers. For example:
economic resiliency by improving amount of water in the Colorado
or installing infrastructure now to River Basin is lost each year · Physical methods may yield
reduce system loss and protecting through evaporation from storage 70-95% savings. Initial capital
drinking water quality (thereby also and conveyance infrastructure. costs are high, though maintenance
reducing costs) and generating re­­­ Estimating evaporation rates from costs are lower in the longer term.
newable energy over water surfaces reservoirs and canals is challeng- · Chemical methods could produce
where appropriate. ing and depends on a variety of 20-40% savings. Capital costs are
factors. However, researchers at the not high, but maintenance costs
University of Colorado at Boulder are significant, and the influence
estimate that annual evaporation of surface area conditions (e.g.
losses in the Colorado River Basin wave action and temperature)
as a whole are about ten percent of significantly impacts the degree
the total natural flow in the Basin. of effectiveness.
Methods used to control evaporation · Biological covers can significantly
from reservoirs and other water decrease evaporation, but with a
surfaces include physical methods trade-off in transpiration needs of
(floating covers, shadecloths, solar the cover vegetation.
photovoltaics, etc.), chemical meth-
ods (mono-­layers), and biological
methods (floating plants, wind
breakers, etc.). It is estimated that
reducing evaporation from the

Pursuing smaller scale projects in
the Lower Basin, where tempera-
tures are higher and project scale
While the most significant potential is more feasible, might provide
savings from reducing evaporation water savings and other co-benefits.
would be associated with the Smaller-scale municipal, community
Basin’s largest reservoirs, covering water system, and irrigation canal
those reservoirs would also involve system projects are common in
the steepest costs and the largest the Colorado River Basin and are
barriers, including environmental eligible for several federal grant
impacts to birds, fish habitat, and programs. In this regard, this
water quality, as well as impacts on concept relates to and may have
recreation, among other feasibility some overlap with agricultural and
challenges. municipal infrastructure efficiency
(see Upgrading Agricultural Infra-
structure & Operations and Urban
Conservation & Re-use strategies).

Developing a comprehensive, basin-
wide, diversified financing approach
is an essential and immediate next
step in deploying a basin-wide
climate resilience effort. While
the contours and design of such a forest restoration projects. Federal
financing approach is beyond the programs can provide substantial
scope of this report, there are a vari- funding over longer-terms and could
ety of federal, state, philanthropic, provide important foundational
and private funding programs and There are several robust and signif- funding within an integrated climate
mechanisms that currently provide icant federal programs that can be resilience effort for the Colorado
support for the kinds of projects utilized for many of the strategies River Basin, if they were operated
that would be integral to a climate discussed in this report. U.S. in a coordinated fashion for that
resilience strategy. This section Department of Agriculture (USDA) purpose.
broadly summarizes those programs Farm Bill conservation programs
and mechanisms, identified in each (i.e., Environmental Quality Incen- There are also multi-agency
summary and described in greater tives Programs, Grassland Reserve collaborative efforts that provide
detail in the Technical Appendix, Program, Soil Health and Income support for source water protection,
primarily focusing on existing fund- Protection Program, Regional water quality, watershed and river
ing opportunities related to water Conservation Partnership Program, restoration. The Colorado River
and conservation. and Conservation Innovation Grants, Basin Salinity Control Program, a
among others) support restoration federal program administered and
and improvement projects for farms, coordinated by the multi-state,
grasslands, and forests. U.S. Bureau multi-agency Colorado River Basin
of Reclamation programs such as Salinity Forum, provides funding
WaterSmart and the Cooperative for salinity control projects across
Watershed Management Program the Basin and there may be oppor-
provide funding to municipalities, tunities to update the approach of
utilities, Tribal governments, irriga- that program to both reduce salinity
tion districts, and watershed groups and address resilience. The National
for conservation and efficiency Water Quality Initiative is a joint
programs. The U.S. Forest Service effort between the Environmental
and the USDA Farm Bill initiatives
provide funding through the Shared
Stewardship Strategy and Good
Neighbor Authority (respectively) for
partnerships with states, counties,
and tribes to support watershed and

Philanthropic funds are also a
source of innovative and effective
financing for research and novel
implementation projects. Philan-
thropic foundations can provide
support for matching funds needed
for federal and state granting “Green bonds” could provide a
programs and national and local way to fund projects with climate
non-profits to develop and imple- resilience or other specific envi-
Protection Agency (EPA), USDA, ment restoration and conservation ronmental benefits. Green bonds
and state water quality agencies to projects, often in partnership with allow debt issuances by cities,
reduce nonpoint pollution in priority private landowners, irrigation corporations, or other entities for
watersheds. EPA also administers districts, municipal water supply projects that meet certain defined
Clean Water Act Section 319 funds, providers, academic institutions, sustainability, climate, or other crite-
which support states and tribes and other watershed-focused orga- ria and are structured as traditional,
in developing and implementing nizations. tax-exempt or taxable municipal
conservation and monitoring systems bonds. There are no uniform
that address erosion, run-off, and Public-private partnerships have metrics for which types of “green”
river degradation. The National Fish emerged as a potential opportunity activities can qualify, but renewable
and Wildlife Foundation, in partner- for leveraging financing for water energy, energy efficiency, and water
ship with states and philanthropic conservation, watershed restoration, infrastructure have traditionally
foundations, provides support for and carbon resilience and seques- been the use of proceeds. While
landscape level projects focused on tration projects that reduce risks to traditionally green bond issuances
river and riparian restoration efforts. business operations and markets. receive no credit premium from
Groups like Blue Forest Conserva- traditional bond issuances, some
State-based programs provide tion,8 the Salt & Verde Alliance, & investors believe that investing in
funding to landowners, non-profits Yampa River Water Fund9 leverage sustainable water management can
and community organizations for multiple funding sources to protect improve the risk profile of a munic-
localized activities focused on forest forests and watersheds for drinking ipality. In these instances, it may be
and watershed health restoration, water and river flows. possible for municipalities to layer
water quality improvement projects, in investor capital, state revolving
river and riparian restoration, and funds, and concessionary capital in
water conservation and efficiency order to make innovative projects
efforts. Some of these programs more affordable, or which otherwise
and ­granting agencies include: the would be ineligible for traditional
Wyoming Department of Environ- funding. Expanding this concept
mental Quality, Colorado State to a Joint Powers Authority Green
Forest Service, Colorado Department Bond would allow two or more
of Natural Resources, Utah Water- public authorities (such as local
shed Restoration Initiative, Arizona municipal or county governments)
Water Protection Fund, Arizona to work together to create a regional
Department of Environmental financing solution to a regional
Quality, New Mexico Environment water resource challenge. Over the
Department, Nevada Division of past several years, green bonds have
Environmental Protection, Nevada grown from a niche market to a
Division of Forestry, California nearly $100 billion per year market.
Watershed Restoration Grants, and
California Climate Investments.7

Future water management in the
Colorado River Basin will be signifi-
cantly influenced by climate change
and the resulting challenges will be
most effectively addressed in the
longer run through strategies that
increase adaptive capacity while While there are multiple paths
also managing water scarcity, ensur- forward, three near-­term next steps
ing healthy rivers, strengthening This analysis examined several seem particularly ­relevant:
economic resilience in the face of strategies to build resilience and
uncertainty and change, and where adaptation in the Basin to impacts 1. Identify and implement demon-
possible, contributing to climate from both progressive and extreme stration projects and shovel-ready
change mitigation. This is a depar- climate change. The strategies range investments that generate place-
ture from many water management from the well-demonstrated (urban based and regional benefits and
conversations that focus on supply and industrial conservation and build knowledge on the applicability,
solutions, which are important some of the more standard agricul- scalability and co-benefits of each
and necessary, but are themselves tural infrastructure and operational investment.
insufficient to make strides towards improvements) to the emerging
addressing the root driver of hydro­ (regenerative agriculture, forest 2. Design a financing strategy
logic impacts, which is climate management, natural distributed for a diversified and coordinated
change. storage, coal plant water retirement, project portfolio to support the
crop switching) to the relatively implementation and monitoring of
unapplied/untested (covering reser- on-the-ground projects within each
voirs, reducing dust on snow). of the strategies.

3. Develop an action-oriented
research scope for project imple-
mentation that builds knowledge
about the outcomes of the ten
strategies, including water supply
gains, adaptive benefits, and climate
mitigation potential.

could be used to match or leverage
these federal and state dollars.
Development of such a coordinated
approach to water-related climate
resilience funding is particularly
timely for several reasons:

1. Congress, the federal adminis-

tration and several Basin states are
focused on bolstering climate miti-
As on-the-ground pilot projects and gation and climate resilience, and
implementation experience continue water and watershed resilience can
to inform how the strategies can and should be at the cutting edge of
provide cost-effective and meaning- those efforts (Office of the President
ful results, developing cross-sector 2021);
partnerships and basin-wide funding
for such investments will be neces- 2. The Basin States, Tribes, and most 3. Over the next few years, the
sary to implement the strategies major water providers and users in operational guidelines for the River
at a scale commensurate to the the Basin acknowledge the risks will be renegotiated, and the effects
challenge. While it is too early to say associated with climate change and of climate change will be central to
precisely how such a coordinated are beginning to look for ways to that negotiation. While the guideline
funding approach might be sourced address that risk; negotiations are not necessarily the
and governed, this analysis highlights forum for structuring investments
just some of the existing federal and in the types of strategies discussed
state programs that could be applied in this report, the guidelines
in a coordinated fashion with a clear process brings a clear focus to the
water-related climate resilience challenges facing the Basin and may
goal for the Colorado River Basin. serve to motivate a more coordi-
Philanthropic and private funding nated approach to resilience; and

4. Most importantly, there is no time

to waste. The effects of climate
change, as manifested in a year like
2020, are here now. Many of the
resilience strategies will take time
to be scaled-up and produce results
across the Basin’s watersheds.

Opportunities to Pursue Industrial Conservation & Re-Use:
Resilience Strategies for the Engage with water intensive indus-
­Colorado River Basin tries early in building planning and
Forest Management & Restoration: design to promote more efficient
Support the advancement of science systems. Implement demonstrations
to improve understanding of where with willing partners. Explore
and how forest management can tax incentives or other financial
increase snowpack retention, mechanisms to promote industrial
benefit watershed resilience and conservation and reuse.
provide other benefits. Continue
exploration of and support for forest Coal Plant Retirement Water:
management efforts that test new Explore legal and policy aspects
financing mechanisms and/or seek Upgrading Agricultural of dedicated retired coal plant
to resolve jurisdictional issues and ­Infrastructure & Operations: water rights to system resilience,
operate at scale. Expand support for development environmental benefit or other
of comprehensive, collaborative uses. Engage with plant owners,
Natural Distributed Storage: watershed plans that focus on communities and other water users
Explore large-scale demonstra- multi-benefit agricultural infrastruc- to explore possible uses and trans-
tions of natural distributed storage ture and operational improvements. actions for water rights associated
approaches in key watersheds, Inventory and prioritize upgrades with closed or retiring coal plants.
including strong monitoring proto- in key watersheds. Explore more
cols. Engage with policymakers to innovative financing options for Reducing Dust on Snow: Develop a
clarify funding opportunities for multi-benefit upgrades. public lands management strategy
natural distributed storage projects. that helps reduce dust generation in
Cropping Alternatives & New key areas that are linked to dust on
Regenerative Agriculture: Develop Market Pathways: Provide snow. Link private lands manage-
a coordinated strategy with federal, incentives, technical support, ment and regenerative practices
state, and tribal government and catalytic financing for willing with priority areas for reducing dust
agencies to promote regenerative producers to explore new crops and on snow.
agriculture demonstrations and to help develop marketing pathways.
research. Expand support that Continue and build upon current Covering Reservoirs & Canals:
connects interested producers to cropping alternative endeavors, Develop smaller scale evaporation
technical and financial resources for university research, and other efforts pilots, particularly in the Lower
scaling up regenerative practices. to develop lower water use crops. Basin. Explore opportunities for
Help conventional finance sources underground vs. surface storage.
find flexibility to support regenera- Urban Conservation & Re-Use:
tive practices by willing producers. Continue to emphasize need for
urban conservation and support
municipal efforts to do so via
financing, rate structures and
other measures.

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1. Several of these strategies are 6. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted
discussed and evaluated in the U.S. the stark disparity in health and economic
Bureau of Recla­­­­­­mation’s recent report consequences for minority and Indigenous
looking at the effectiveness of the 2007 communities. Navajo Nation has been
Interim Operating Guidelines for Lakes significantly affected by the pandemic,
Powell and Mead (https://​www​.usbr​.gov​ exacerbated by issues related to access to
/ColoradoRiverBasin/). clean and reliable water supplies. (Harris
2. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Upper
Colorado River Basin Operations, available 7. A recent federal legislative proposal from
at: https://​www​.usbr​.gov​/uc​/water​/crsp​/cs​ U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, developed
/gcd​.html in concert with various Colorado-based
interests, proposes allocating $ 60 billion
3. (American Rivers Podcast and Quote to a grant program and coordinated federal
from Brad Udall, October 8, 2019. Available funding to support such climate resilience
at: https://​www​.americanrivers​.org​/2019​/10​ strategies in the western U.S., including
/climate​-change​-is​-water​-change) many of the strategies described in this
report. See, https://​www​.bennet​.senate​.gov​
4. For data on climate extremes by region or /public​/index​.cfm​/2020​/12​/bennet​-unveils​
zip code see https://​www​.climate​.gov​/maps​ -bill​-to​-dramatically​-scale​-up​-forest​-and​
-data​/dataset​/us​-climate​-extremes​-index​ -watershed​-restoration​-across​-the​-west.
8. See: www​.blueforestconservation​.com
5. U.S. Census Bureau - https://​www​.census​
.gov​/quickfacts​/maricopacountyarizona 9. See: https://​www​.yampariverfund​.org

July 2021

Citation: Martin & McCoy and Culp & Kelly LLP. (2021). Ten Strategies for Climate Resilience
in the Colorado River Basin. Available at www.tenstrategies.net.


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