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The Mass of the Paschal Vigil 776II

vita vestra est absc6ndita cum et vos apparebitis cum ipso in

Christo in Deo. Cum Christus gloria.
appanierit, vita vestra : tune
After the Epistle, all rise and the celebrant intones.

R Lle- lu- ia.

He sings it three times, each time at a higher pitch. The choir repeats
it after him each time3 in the same key.
The choir then sings :
ck • •• ••
• i . ...

c Onfite'mini
• 3
D6- mi-no,
qu6- ni- am

y j (i Mi Mi *

b6nus : qu6- ni-am in sa6cu-lum mi-se-ri-

cordi- a * e"- JUS. (Alleluia is not repeated)

• • • > ^

Audd- te *D6-minum, omnes gentes :

et collau-da- te &- um, 6-mnes

• •

P 6- pu-li. y . Qu6ni-am confirmi- ta

j % . J'^TL n.. . 1

est su- per nos mi-se- ric6r-di- a eV jus :

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