Law of Evidence

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End Semester Examinations – May, 2021
Fourth Semester
All Questions are compulsory. Roll No. - _______
Maximum Time: 3.00 hrs. Maximum Marks: 60
Figures in the brackets indicate full marks
Group A: Write notes on the following not exceeding 300 words (5x6= 30 Marks)
1. Evidence is weighed not counted.
2. How are judgments of courts relevant?
3. Under what circumstances is oral evidence relating to documents, admissible?
4. What questions are lawful in cross-examination?
5. When does improper admission or rejection of evidence is a basis for a new trial or reversal
of any decision in any case?

Group B: Each answer should not be more than 400 words (2x10= 20 Marks)

6. Deepak tells his lawyer Sethmalani- “I have assaulted my wife Sarita and I wish you to
defend me in the criminal case filed by her.” Sethmalani’s clerk Ratanlal and another client
Jeevan happen to overhear this disclosure. a) Explain whether lawyer Sethmalani is liable to
disclose this to the police.
Deepak and Sarita reconcile their differences and begin living together. The criminal case is
withdrawn. After a few years, matrimonial dispute arose and Sarita filed a divorce case
through lawyer Sethmalani. b) Explain whether lawyer Sethmalani can disclose to Sarita,
any information given by Deepak to him when he was Deepak’s lawyer.
Sarita wants Ratanlal and Jeevan to give evidence against Deepak. c) Explain whether
Ratanlal can give evidence against Deepak. d) Explain whether Jeevan can give evidence
against Deepak.
Sarita tells lawyer Sethmalani, “I wish to obtain possession of Deepak’s property by the use
of a forged deed on which I request you to sue.” e) Explain whether lawyer Sethmalanican
disclose this communication.
7. Ramesh sues Somesh for money due on bond.
a) The execution of bond is not admitted by Somesh. Explain upon whom does burden of
proof lie.
b) The execution of bond is admitted but Somesh says it was obtained by fraud which
Ramesh denies. Explain upon whom does burden of proof lie.

Group C: Answer should not be more than 600 words (10 Marks)
8. “The circumstantial evidence in order to sustain conviction must be complete and incapable
of explanation of any other hypothesis than that of the guilt of the accused and
such evidence should not only be consistent with the guilt of the accused but should be
inconsistent with his innocence.” Analyze critically.

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