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Butterfly of the Day 2009 17

Nov 2009

Common Palmfly
The Common Palmfly, (Elymnias hypermnestra), is a species of satyrid butterfly found in south Asia. This
butterfly species is dimorphic, males and females do not look alike. Males exhibit black colored upperside
forewings with small blue patches and reddish brown color on upperside hindwings, while the females mimic
butterfly species of the genus Danaus.

Wingspan: 60-80 mm.

Race undularis (Sub-himalayas and

Southeast Asia)

Male: Upper side is blackish brown with purple gloss. Fore wing with a sub-
apical blue or bluish green band and a marginal series of 3 blue spots. Hind
wing with a broad chestnut border. Underside is brown or grey or yellowish
brown. Outer margin with a narrow, well defined black border .Upper side
reddish brown with apex and borders dark brown, having white spots. Hind
wing with outer dark border bearing 3 or 4 white spots.

Female: Upper side tawny, veins

black. Fore wing: the dorsal
margin broadly black, the wing
crossed by a conspicuous, broad,
oblique white bar, and three sub-
terminal white spots. Hind wing: dorsal margin dusky; terminal
broadly, costal margin more
narrowly black; a sub-terminal
series of four white spots.
Underside is tawny, with markings
similar to those in the male; the
pale whitish markings more
extensive; the dorsal margin
broadly without striae.

It is common in jungles and palm plantations. Avoids bright sunlight and rarely comes out into the open.
Active through out the year in South India and from spring to autumn in North India .With weak flight, settles
for a long time on leaves or trunks of palm trees at some height from the ground . It shows strong sexual
dimorphism. Seen very rarely and on the wing , mimics the plain Tiger and the Common Tiger.
Life Cycle



Bright apple green. Head square pink with a pair of yellow horns.
Body with ashy yellow dorsal and sub-dorsal lines and blue and
red spots on segments 8 and 9. Last segment with a pair of tails,
yellow at the base with pink spots.

Feeds on Bamboo, Coconut , Areca nut , Date and other palms .


Suspended by the tail only, but in a rigidly horizontal position, regular with
the exception of two small pointed processes from the head and an acute
thoracic projection above them; colour bright green, beautifully ornamented
with four irregular rows of large yellow spots bordered with red.

Reference: Wikipedia
Life cycle pics-

Some Pictures taken at Sophia College Campus:

Mating (female larger, above)

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