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brand research

why employer branding matters.

#1 76% 19%
overpaying on #1 obstacle is not employees alignment what their
salaries by 10% knowing the recommend their employer says about
organization.7 employer itself and their

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 2

34 markets surveyed covering more • over 190,000 respondents
• 6,493 companies surveyed
than 80% of the global economy.
argentina sample
austria • aged 18 to 64
• representative on gender
canada • overrepresentation of age 25 - 44
czech republic • comprised of students, employed
germany and unemployed workforce
hong kong SAR
italy • 7,606 respondents
kazakhstan • online interviews
luxembourg • January 2021
new zealand length of interview
poland • 16 minutes
the netherlands
markets surveyed
usa click here for detailed research methodology

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 3


& panel details.

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 4
employer brand research set up.

30 companies smart sampling drivers

per respondent Each respondent is shown 30 companies. Each company is each company is evaluated on:
evaluated only by respondents who are aware of that particular
‘do you know this company?’:
brand. 01 financially healthy
determines awareness.
In order to make sure that the less well known brands are assessed 02 COVID-19 safe work
by a sufficient number of respondents, we make use of a smart environment
for each company sampling method.
known 03 very good reputation
This method ensures that the lesser known companies are shown to
more respondents in order to realize a sufficient robust sample. 04 job security
‘would you like to work for
this company?’: That way the Randstad Employer Brand Research assures
dependable insights for both well known and lesser known 05 career progression
determines attractiveness.
employer brands.
06 gives back to society
each company 07 possibility to work
known remotely/from home

rating on a set of drivers: 08 pleasant work atmosphere

determines reason for
attractiveness. 09 work-life balance

10 attractive salary & benefits

For this research, Randstad partners with Kantar, one of the world's largest insight, information and consultancy networks.

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 5

sample composition in hungary
socio-demographics, employment status, region.
gender employment status region


1. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Heves, Nógrád

2. Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

education 3. Budapest, Pest

4. Fejér, Komárom-Esztergom, Veszprém
5. Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Vas, Zala
6. Baranya, Somogy, Tolna
7. Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Csongrád

total sample: 7,606

fieldwork: january 2021

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 6

sample composition in hungary
sector, function.
sector function

base: currently employed (n=5,847)

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 7


employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 8
what potential employees want
the 5 most important drivers when choosing an employer.
top 5 most important drivers 2020

*when comparing 2021 with previous years, please note that this question has been altered in that respondents are now free to choose as
many drivers as they considered important from a list of 16 drivers whilst in previous years they were forced to pick exactly 5 out of these 16.

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 9

perception of employer offer in hungary
parallel dimensions.

evaluation of general perception of profile of

current employer employers in hungary ideal employer
01 job security 01 financially healthy 01 attractive salary & benefits

02 financially healthy 02 very good reputation 02 pleasant work atmosphere

03 COVID-19 safe work environment 03 COVID-19 safe work environment 03 job security

04 pleasant work atmosphere 04 job security 04 financially healthy

05 work-life balance 05 career progression 05 work-life balance

06 very good reputation 06 attractive salary & benefits 06 career progression

07 gives back to society 07 gives back to society 07 possibility to work remotely/from home

08 attractive salary & benefits 08 pleasant work atmosphere 08 COVID-19 safe work environment

09 career progression 09 work-life balance 09 gives back to society

10 possibility to work remotely/from home 10 possibility to work remotely/from home 10 very good reputation

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 10


in focus.
employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 11
most important attributes
switchers & intenders
switchers switchers overall
2021 2021 2021

12% 17% 53%

changed employer in the past 6 of those affected by of employees feel more loyal to
months. COVID changed employer their employer, thanks to their
in the past 6 months. support during the pandemic.

intenders intenders
2021 2021

28% 43%
of employees intend to switch of those affected by COVID-19 plan
employers in the first half of 2021. to change in the next 6 months.

* past 6 months = last half of 2020. REBR2021 covers a period of 6 months (as opposed
employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 12
to 12 months in the past) in order to better capture the impact of COVID-19.
employer brand research 2021, report hungary
how do employees in hungary
find new job opportunities.
channels used to find new job opportunities

2021 2020

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 13


in focus.
| 14
are Hungarian employees willing to return?

78% Americas
82% APAC
76% Eastern Europe
77% Northwestern Europe
78% Southern Europe
78% Worldwide
80% Hungary

80% of Hungarians would return to

the workplace at least partly
as soon as this is possible.

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 15

keeping remote work
slight differences in preferences.

38% of employees in Hungary

would keep remote work

● women
● employees between the age of 25 and 34
● mid to higher-educated employees

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 16

remote working due to
did you start working (more) remotely/ from home due to the
COVID-19 crisis?

2% of employees are not

allowed to do so by their

37% of employees' jobs are

yes (only) bound to the premises which
yes (partly)
no makes working remotely
impossible to work remotely
possible but employer does not impossible

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 17

employment situation changes due to
how did COVID-19 changed your employment situation?

four out of ten saw their employment situation change

women (14%)
employees aged between 25-34 (14%)
lower-educated employees (18%)
were more likely to become unemployed

continuing to work as normal

men (9%)
working longer hours than normal
working reduced hours / reduced salary employees younger than 24 (10%)
have been furloughed higher-educated employees (9%)
became unemployed
other more often started working longer hours than normal
not applicable

employer brand research 2021, report hungary | 18

the global workforce is optimistic about the job market.

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 19

Hungarian employees’ work arrangement preferences
in post-covid times.

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 20

additional benefits Hungarian employees seek now.

68% 51% financial assistance to support

of Hungarians
remote work (26%) or for childcare
feel their employer supports
and family obligations (25%)
them mentally and
emotionally during the
pandemic. 33% policies on work hours to help
work-life balance

23% regular surveys of employees

(wellbeing and perception of company)

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 21

globally, 46% state that their employer
incentivizes them to take the vaccine.

eastern europe 47%

southern europe 48% 34%
northwestern europe 48% in Hungary
north america 35%
latin america 71%
asia pacific 38%

Randstad Workmonitor research 2021, | 22

Randstad Employer
Brand Research

2021 results

| 23
top performing sectors
by awareness and attractiveness.

| 24

© randstad 2021 | employer brand research 2021, country report hungary. | 25
the most attractive employer
by category: special
finance: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
power and utilities: MVM Group
pharma-chemical: Sanofi
HORECA: Kempinski
retail: Ikea
FMCG: Coca-Cola
telecom: Magyar Telekom
transport & logistics: Wizz Air
IT: LogMeIn
services: Budapest Airport
business services: Sony
real estate: Market

the best known employer:

Tesco awards.
© randstad 2018 | employer brand research 2018, country report hungary. | 26
the most attractive

© randstad 2021 | employer brand research 2021, country report hungary. | 27
the most attractive employer
3rd place.

© randstad 2018 | employer brand research 2018, country report hungary. | 28
the most attractive employer
2nd place.

© randstad 2018 | employer brand research 2018, country report hungary. | 29
the most attractive employer
1st place.

© randstad 2018 | employer brand research 2018, country report hungary. | 30

to the winners.
© randstad 2021 | employer brand research 2021, country report hungary. | 31

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