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SAP Quality Management Manual

Table of contents
1 Material...............................................................................................................2
1.1 Creating material with workflow ............................................................................................. 2
1.2 Creating material without workflow ........................................................................................ 4
1.3 Changing material – QM view (MM02) ................................................................................ 5
1.4 Displaying material – QM view (MM03) ............................................................................... 5
1.5 Technical documents for the material (usually retail parts) ................................................... 5
1.6 View: Basic data 1.................................................................................................................. 7
2 Inspection plan ..................................................................................................8
2.1 Creating an inspection plan – transaction QP01.................................................................... 8
2.2 Changing the inspection plan................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Displaying the inspection plan ............................................................................................. 10
2.4 Printing the inspection plan (TRANSACTION QP05) .......................................................... 10
2.5 EMP entry in the purchasing info records ............................................................................ 10
2.6 Inspection plan view............................................................................................................. 11
2.7 Control indicators ................................................................................................................. 12
2.8 Header detail........................................................................................................................ 13
3 Quality notifications ........................................................................................14
3.1 Creating a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM01" ................................................... 14
3.2 Changing a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM02".................................................. 17
3.3 Displaying a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM03" ................................................ 19
3.4 Sending a Q notification via e-mail ...................................................................................... 20
3.5 Copying a Q notification from the model.............................................................................. 20
4 Inspection lot processing ...............................................................................21
4.1 EMP report in the material master ....................................................................................... 21
4.2 Entering results – selection of characteristics...................................................................... 22
4.3 Entering faults and activating a Q notification...................................................................... 24
4.4 Making a usage decision...................................................................................................... 25
5 Goods receipt inspection procedure .............................................................26
5.1 Processing inspection lots.................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Work list................................................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Results recording ................................................................................................................. 27
5.4 Making a usage decision...................................................................................................... 29
5.5 Changing a quality notification (QM02)................................................................................ 30
6 0km parts procedure .......................................................................................33
6.1 0km part posting................................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Creating a purchase order ................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Purchase order with item 30 and usage decision 5 – costs at the expense of PM ............. 36
6.4 Problem messages for returns order ................................................................................... 37
6.5 Creating a Q info record (QI01) ........................................................................................... 38
6.6 Creating a quality notification ............................................................................................... 39
6.7 Creating a delivery ............................................................................................................... 40
6.8 Creating a delivery note ....................................................................................................... 40
6.9 Changing the delivery .......................................................................................................... 40
6.10 Quality notification with screen or file attachment................................................................ 42

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1 Material

1.1 Creating material with workflow

Favourites – Office - Workflow
1. Double-click on "Workflow"

Screen: Business workplace of...

2. Double-click on the material number
3. The material master is displayed
4. In the Basic data 1, check the KC and the AGS.
5. Switch the screen to "Create material"
Screen: Create quality management
6. Tick QM procurement
7. Enter a control key
8. If available, enter AGS for target QM system
9. Click on the button
10.Click on the button or press F5
11.Enter inspection type "01" and "0101"
12.Tick "Active” inspection type" for both fields.
13.For field "01" also tick "Preferred inspection type"
14.Confirm with .
15.Save with .
16. Exit the work item here

Screen: Work item

17.On the window that appears, please click on the top button "Exit step processing".
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Screen: Release status

18. Double-click on the top line (release status from Nx to Fx)
Screen: Basic data 1
19.The release level is changed here as follows:
• from Nx to Fx Î Only the letter is changed, not the number.
• E.g.: N1 becomes F1 / N3 becomes F3
• If Fx is already entered in the status, nothing is changed.
20.Save the change with .
Screen: Work item
21.Now click on the "Exit step processing" button again.

22.Use to go back.

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1.2 Creating material without workflow

Create QM view (MM01) /
Screen: Create material, general: Access
1. Enter and confirm the part number (material type and industry are copied over automatically)
2. Select the view (QM view)
3. Confirm with Return or
Screen: Create material: Quality management M Halb
4. Flag QM procurement
5. Select QM control key (subject to inspection/suitable for inspection)
6. Click on the "Inspection data" button
Screen: QM inspection data
7. Click on the "New entry" button
8. Select GR inspection (01) and EMP inspection (0101)
9. Flag the "Active" box for both and the "Preferred inspection type" for "01"
10.Confirm with Return or
Screen: Create material: Quality management M Halb
11.Save with

End Create material in QM view.

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1.3 Changing material – QM view (MM02)

Screen: Change material, general: Access
1. Enter the part number
2. Select the view (QM view)
3. Confirm with Return or
Screen: Change material: Quality management M Halb
4. Make changes.
5. Save with

1.4 Displaying material – QM view (MM03)

1. Enter the part number
2. Select the view (QM view)
3. Confirm with Return or
Screen: Display material, general: Access
4. Display the views
5. Use to go back.

1.5 Technical documents for the material (usually retail parts)

Open the material in the material master:

Click on "Services for object" and then double-click on "Standard material".

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Click on the envelope with the clip and the list of attachments appears - if available. Then simply
double-click on the desired document.

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1.6 View: Basic data 1

Displays the current revision status.

Displays who created the material.

Displays the material release status.

KC indicates how a material is inspected

(QA), whether it requires serial numbering,
whether it is relevant for safety.

Indicates the AGS level. Essential for purchase order.

The vendor and material must correspond or the
vendor must have a higher value.

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2 Inspection plan

2.1 Creating an inspection plan – transaction QP01

Quality planning – create inspection plan

Screen: Create inspection plan: Access
1. Enter the part number
2. Enter the plant
3. Press the "F5" key or click on the „copy model“ button.
Screen: Select model plan type

4. Inspection plan is ticked, please confirm with

Screen: Create with model
5. Enter "KCx model" or "EMP MODEL" for the material. (EMP model only for ZEP purchase orders)
6. If the plant is not entered, please enter it
7. Click on the "Continue" button
Screen: Create inspection plan: Header detail
8. For GR plans enter "5", for EMP plans enter "51"
9. Enter "4" for the status plan.
10.Confirm with .
Screen: Create inspection plan: Transaction overview
11.Flag line 010.
12.Click on the "Inspection characteristics" button
Screen: Create inspection plan: Dynamise
13.Save with

All data is copied from the model.

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2.2 Changing the inspection plan

Screen: Change inspection plan: Access
1. Enter the part number
2. Enter the plant
3. Confirm with Return or
Screen: Change inspection plan: Transaction overview
4. Flag line 010.

5. Click on the button.

Screen: Change inspection plan: Characteristics overview
6. Flag the characteristic to be changed here ( ) or create a new characteristic for EMP and confirm
with Return.
7. Do not change the control indicators manually, because these are defined by the default key. The
following default keys are also to be used:
zq01 = 1 characteristic in the plan is a required characteristic
zq02 = another required characteristic
zq03 = 1 characteristic in the plan is an optional characteristic
zq06 = another optional characteristic – only used for EMP info.
zq04 and zq05 are not used.
8. Click on the long text button (directly next to the short text field in the line)

9. For EMP entry in the text field, follow the menu "Include – Text – Standard", enter qs-emp as the text name
and enter a checkmark next to "Explode immediately".
10. Once the text is entered, go back with the green arrow.
11. Save the plan with

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2.3 Displaying the inspection plan

Quality planning – display inspection plan
1. Enter the part number
2. Enter the plant
3. Confirm with
Screen: Display inspection plan: Transaction overview
4. Flag line 010

5. Click on the button

Screen: Display inspection plan: Characteristics overview
6. Now click on the individual characteristics here
7. Click on the button
8. To finish, click on the button.

2.4 Printing the inspection plan (TRANSACTION QP05)

1. Entry of TRANSACTION QP05 in the transaction field.

Screen: Print list plan
2. Enter the part number
3. Enter the plant
4. If available, enter the plan group
5. Confirm with or F8
6. The plan is displayed
7. To print the plan, click on the "Printer" button and confirm again in the next screen.

2.5 EMP entry in the purchasing info records

1. Enter the vendor number
2. Enter the part number
3. Enter the purchasing organisation
4. Enter the plant
Screen: Change info records: General data
5. For EMP data enter the release indicator (A-C) (A=release; B=free + cond.; C=not released)
6. Enter the EMP number
7. Enter the EMP date (DD.MM.YY)
8. Enter the inspector
9. Save with .

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2.6 Inspection plan view

Start screen view

Indicates the current view.

Screen: Transaction overview

Screen: Characteristics overview

Displays the characteristics to be checked.
Characteristic 10 is always vendor-independent1.
Characteristics 20 onwards are always vendor-dependent2.
In order to change something in a characteristic, please always flag it.

Operation key Control key for entering Description of the transaction


Indicates that a
long text has
been defined.

Specifies the MK10: describes how a characteristic is checked.

characteristic MK 20: specifies what has to be checked by this
number. vendor.

The inspection requirement or

inspection suitability is controlled by the
default key.

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2.7 Control indicators

Specifies that a Specifies that

sampling inspections are
procedure is carried out according
assigned to the to characteristics.

Decision is made
here between
whether inspection
Specifies the of a characteristic is
classified entry required or optional.
in the results

Indicates that the

inspection scope is Indicates that no
unrestricted. documentation is
required for the results.

Indicates that the

inspection instruction
is printed.

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2.8 Header detail

Usage 5 shows that this plan is only

valid in the GR inspection.
The status indicates that the plan is
generally approved in the GR

Usage 51 shows that

this plan is only valid in
the EMP inspection.

The status indicates

that the plan is
generally approved in
the GR inspection.

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3 Quality notifications

3.1 Creating a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM01"

Caution with usage decision 5:
From now on, the parts in the GR area with usage 5 (rework at/by the vendor at the expense of PM)
that are returned to the vendors must be entered in the "without rejection" class. In the GR notification
in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field.
Also for the 0km quality notification in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field.

1. Enter the transaction or select it from the favourites with a double-click

2. Enter "0k" for the notification type (please only create 0km notifications; GR notifications are
created and activated via the results recording)

3. Confirm with Return

4. A new window appears in which the material number, plant, vendor and purchasing
organisation have to be entered.

5. Confirm with Return

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6. The Q notification is created, now please fill in the fields. Enter the rejected quantity in the
relevant class field

7. Select the fault(s) under defect type. You can enter a text to give more detail about the fault.
Either a short text in the text line or click on for a longer text. An additional text window
opens here, in which you can enter a longer text

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8. Make the usage decision. You can enter a text to give more detail about the usage decision.
Either a short text in the text line or click on for a longer text. An additional text window
opens here, in which you can enter a longer text
9. Then click on the "Additional data 1" tab (see above).

10. Enter the order number under "Purchasing document". Caution: 0km parts are returned to the
vendors with returns orders (ZEK –EK-Purchase order). The ZEK order is created first so that
the order number can be entered here. After the order number comes the item number =10.
11. Enter your SAP user in the "Inspector-Partner" field
12. Enter the QA person in charge in the "Person in charge-Partner" field
13. Then please enter the purchasing group at the bottom of the screen.

14. Click on the button once.

15. A notification appears, asking whether the data in the notification is to be adopted. Confirm
this with YES.
16. Flag the box at the front of the line and click on the " " button
17. The notification is saved

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3.2 Changing a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM02"

Screen: Change quality notification: Access

Notification: data is copied from the

results recording
Additional Data 1:
information about the notification, material
and purchase order

Add new fault

Details about the item

To the next fault

1. Call up the Change quality notification TRANSACTION via the path in the favourites or enter MM02
2. The notification number of the notification activated most recently appears. Otherwise, search for
the notification with .
3. Confirm with
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Screen: Change quality notification: GR notification of faults

4. Under "Reference objekt" enter the checking time and the number of parts to be inspected in the 4
classes. Caution: for GR notification of faults, the number of classes is already entered.
5. Under "Subject - Description" any text that does not directly influence the fault (e.g. dates, cost
estimates, serial numbers) can be entered.
6. Under Item, the faults copied from the results recording are already entered.
7. Use to move to the next fault
8. In order to be able to make an individual decision for the individual faults, click in the "Cause code"
field, open QM notif. and confirm the respective decision with a double-click.

9. Click on the button once

Screen: Select working papers
10.Tick the notification of faults here . Select the printer.

11.Click on the button to see the Q notification again.

Screen: Print preview
12.You can see the notification of faults (but cannot change anything on this screen). Click on to
go back again
13.Click on the button once to print out the notification of faults.

Partner tab:
You do not need to enter anything else on the Partner tab. The data is copied over from the results
recording. (Only for notifications that have been activated via the results recording)
If you want to see the vendor's data, flag the line and click on the symbol. The address, control,
etc. are displayed.
You have to open the "Problem description" tab to display the drawing for the material. This is not
currently active in the "Partner" tab. Open the material master by double-clicking on the material
number. The view selection opens, select and confirm the basic data here. Click on the
button. Flag the text in the open table and click on the Document data tab. Flag
this line here and click on the (display document) button. Either open the line that appears with a
double-click or select and click on the symbol. The drawing is opened in Acrobat Reader.

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Screen: Change quality notification: Partner

14.Please enter your name in the "Partner" column. If the name of the person in charge is also
required, please enter this too.
15.Use to go back.
16.The Q notification is closed. Please use the button that appears on the notification number again to
go back into the notification.

17.Then click on again and continue as described in point 13 onwards.

3.3 Displaying a quality notification – TRANSACTION "QM03"

1. Call up the transaction
2. Enter the notification number and confirm with Return
3. If you do not have the notification number, please click on the button.
4. A search window opens in which you can enter the material number and/or the vendor.

5. Confirm with Return.

6. The notification is displayed. If there are several notifications, a list of all suitable notifications

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3.4 Sending a Q notification via e-mail

1.) Create the notification of faults as previously.
2.) The "Notification of faults via mail" document type has been added to the printer selection

3.) Flag lines with "Notification of faults via mail" and click on "Print/Fax".
4.) Shortly after exiting the notification of faults, you will receive the following e-mail with the
notification of faults as a PDF file.

5.) You can send the notification of faults from here.

3.5 Copying a Q notification from the model

You now also have the option to copy a notification according to the model. If you have the same
material, same purchase order and same vendors, look for the respective notification type using
and enter the notification number from which you wish to copy:

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Enter the number from which you wish to copy here.

Confirm this to copy the data automatically. You only need to enter the changes.

4 Inspection lot processing

Inspection lots subject to inspection are displayed in yellow = the material view is inspection
requirement, the first characteristic of the inspection plan is a REQUIRED CHARACTERISTIC. These
inspection lots must be released manually in SAP. "01 = goods receipt to purchase order" is used here
as the inspection type.
Inspection-suitable inspection lots are displayed in blue = the material view is suitable for
inspection, the first characteristic of the inspection plan is an OPTIONAL CHARACTERISTIC. These
inspection lots remain in the work list for a defined period and are then, if they have not been
processed manually, released by a SAP job and can be stored as unrestricted-use stock. "01 = goods
receipt to purchase order" is used here as the inspection type.
EMP inspection lots are listed as subject to inspection, regardless of whether the material is
shown in the Q view as subject to inspection or suitable for inspection. Each material in the Q view has
inspection type 0101, which is used for the EMP purchase order. If an EMP purchase order is created
with number range 16......, the material is automatically posted during the goods receipt in the work list
and remains there until it is processed and released manually.

4.1 EMP report in the material master

In general, this functions in the same way as attaching documents to a Q notification.
1. Call up the material to be changed using transaction MM02
2. Enter the material number
3. Confirm with Return

4. Click on this icon

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5. Flag the "Material" line

6. Click on "Create attachment"

7. Double-click to select the document/photo or other object to be attached
8. The double-click stores the attachment
9. Save the material with

4.2 Entering results – selection of characteristics

Flag the respective line and click on the magnifying glass.

Distribute the inspection results to the classes

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Caution with usage decision 5:

From now on, the parts in the GR area with usage 5 (rework at/by the vendor at the expense of PM)
that are returned to the vendors, must be entered in the "without rejection" class.
In the GR notification in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field
Also for the 0km quality notification in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field.

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4.3 Entering faults and activating a Q notification

If you establish one or several fields, you can activate the quality notification directly via the results

Once the inspection lot is completed, the usage decision is made directly via the inspection lot number
and the inspection lot stock is then updated.

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4.4 Making a usage decision

Enter the usage decision under VE code and then go to the Inspection lot stock tab. Post the stock

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5 Goods receipt inspection procedure

Caution: The new system is structured in the same way as Windows Explorer. There
are no more icons in the form known.
These areas can be opened by clicking on the arrows . The icons that previously appeared as
menus now appear in the favourites.

5.1 Processing inspection lots

Open Quality Management
1. Open quality Inspection

by clicking on the arrow in front of qualityManagement.

2. Double-click on "QE51 results recording work list"

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5.2 Work list

ScSreen: Work list - results recording

3. Click on the button once

5.3 Results recording

Screen: Work list - results recording
4. If you use QE51N -> The screen has changed – now open this using the arrow in front of the
inspection lot number. Then use the mouse to click on 0010 goods receipt (the mouse arrow
becomes a hand symbol). The inspection lot appears on the right-hand side. If you do not go via
the goods receipt, but instead go directly to characteristic 010, the screen in which you can
distribute immediately the inspected results to the classes appears on the right (see 2nd
screen). .


Class entry

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Screen: Enter results: Characteristics overview

5. Click on the icon (icon lies in the area of the tabs), to enter the inspector and date
6. Flag the lines and click on the icon (only if you used 010 goods receipt)
7. The classes in which the inspected parts are entered appear.
8. Use the icon to close the characteristic
9. Confirm the proposed decision "Accept/reject" with Return
10.Use the arrow to move to the next characteristic (if available) (vendor-specific characteristic)
11.If faults are to be entered, click on the "Defect" button
12.Select the summary report in the "Report type" window that appears.
14.Select the code group (every plant has its own) and the fault in the fault window that appears.
15.Click on the "Adopt" button
16.Flag the line containing the fault
17.Click on the button to activate the notification
18.Enter the inspector and person in charge
19.Confirm twice
20.Go back using the green arrow
21.Once you have processed all of the characteristics, click on the icon to save
Screen: Work list - results recording
22.Now double-click directly on the inspection lot number

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5.4 Making a usage decision

Screen: Enter usage decision

1. The Characteristic tab is shown. Assign the usage decision by opening the field with and
selecting the relevant usage decision
2. If there is stock for the inspection lot, click on the tab – Caution: Change tab, the previous button
no longer exists
3. Enter and save the quantity to be updated.
4. Click on the "Inspection lost stock" tab and update the stocks.
5. Please do not make a scrap posting from the inspection lot. Post the parts to "Unrestricted" and
Frau Burkhardt/K-Punkt will then post them to scrap on the cost centre.
6. Save with

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5.5 Changing a quality notification (QM02)

Screen: Change quality notification: Access
18.Call up the Change quality notification TRANSACTION via the path in the favourites

Notification: Data is copied from

the results recording.
Additional Data 1: Information
about the notification, material
and purchase order

Add new fault

Details about the item
To the next fault

19.The notification number of the notification activated most recently appears. Otherwise, search for
the notification with .
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20.Confirm with
Screen: Change quality notification: GR notification of faults
21.Under "Reference object" enter the checking time and the number of parts to be inspected in the 4
classes. Caution: for GR notification of faults, the number of classes is already entered.
22.Under "Subject - Description" any text that does not directly influence the fault (e.g. dates, cost
estimates, serial numbers) can be entered.
23.Under Item, the faults copied from the results recording are already entered.
24.Use to move to the next fault
25.In order to be able to make an individual decision for the individual faults, click in the "Cause code"
field, open QM notif. and confirm the respective decision with a double-click.

26.Click on the button once

Screen: Select working papers
27.Tick the notification of faults here . Select the printer.
28.Click on the button to see the Q notification again.
Screen: Print preview
29.You can see the notification of faults (but cannot change anything on this screen). Click on to
go back again
30.Click on the button once to print out the notification of faults.

Additional Data 1 tab:

You do not need to enter anything else on the Partner tab. The data is copied over from the results
recording. (Only for notifications that have been activated via the results recording)
If you want to see the vendor's data, flag the line and click on the symbol. The address, control,
etc. are displayed.
You have to open the "Notification" tab to display the drawing for the material. This is not currently
active in the "A D 1" tab. Open the material master by double-clicking on the material number. The
view selection opens, select and confirm the basic data here. Click on the button.
Flag the text in the open table and click on the Document data tab. Flag this line here and click on the
(display document) button. Either open the line that appears with a double-click or select and click
on the symbol. The drawing is opened in Acrobat Reader.

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Screen: Change quality notification: Partner

31.Please enter your name in the "Partner" column. If the name of the person in charge is also
required, please enter this too.
32.Use to go back.
33.The Q notification is closed. Please use the button that appears on the notification number again to
go back into the notification.

34.Then click on again and continue as described in point 13 onwards.

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6 0km parts procedure

This posting is carried out in Aich by K-Punkt.

6.1 0km part posting

Material - transfer posting
Screen: Enter transfer posting: Access
1. Enter the material document number for a delivery note (for material documents)
2. Enter "311" as the movement type (K-Punkt does this in Aichtal)
3. Enter the plant
4. Enter the storage location
5. Confirm with Return
Screen: Enter transfer posting: New item
6. Enter "0km" as the receiving storage location
7. Enter the material number
8. Enter the quantity
9. Click on Save

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6.2 Creating a purchase order

Use TRANSACTION ME21N to go to "Create purchase order"
(the material must be available in check stock.)
Screen: Create purchase order
1. Select document type ZEK
Caution: If a 0km part is to be sent to a vendor other than the one
who supplied the part, a Q INFO RECORD has to be created. Please
talk to the buyer responsible for the material to determine the vendor
to which the part is to be sent for rework. The Q INFO RECORD can
then be created for the material/vendors/revision status combination.
Or ask the buyer responsible to do this quickly.

2. Enter the vendor

3. Enter the purchasing organisation
4. Enter the material and confirm with Return
5. Enter the purchasing group – to enter the purchasing group, please double-click on the material
number. The Display material screen in the "Purchasing" material master opens. In this screen,
the purchasing group is visible under "General data". Use to go back to the purchase order.
6. Maintain Incoterms in the header data in the "Delivery/invoice" tab.
1) EXW = restricted
2) CPT = unrestricted

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7. Change or enter shipping conditions in the "Customer data" tab.

AB = pickup
ZU = supply
S1 = dispatch
KS = customer dispatch
DE = DPD (30 kg and below)

Screen: Create purchase order: New items

8. Enter the quantity to be sent back in item 10 (caution: the system might propose a quantity.
Please always check and overwrite the quantity as necessary)
9. Also check the delivery date in item 10. Today's date should be entered, as item 10 is the return
10. Select "check stock” as the storage location
11. Tick R in item 10 (R stands for returns order) – scroll to the right until "R" appears

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12. In the "Item" area, set the stock type in item 10 to "unrestricted".
(The delivery cannot otherwise be posted)

Here you can change the item

Here you can change the stock type
as necessary

13. CAUTION: If you have made a mistake and accidentally left the stock type as "X quality
inspection" and then saved, you have to cancel the order and create a new one. It is not possible
to use "Change". The stock quantity cannot be posted after a change.

14. In the "Item" area in the tab, look to see whether the "Shipping" tab exists. If not, the vendor
master must be maintained here. The creditor requires a customer number.
15. Enter the material number in item 20
16. Do not tick "R" in item 20 (this item is for the return from the vendor)
17. Select " warehouse" as the storage location in item 20 if it is not proposed automatically.
18. Enter the quantity here too (that is expected to be returned) (caution: the system might propose a
quantity. Please always check and overwrite the quantity as necessary)
19. In the item area on the "Delivery" tab, leave the stock type as the proposed value.
20. Close the purchase order with save .
The 0km notification is created normally, the new order number is used here.
Caution: for the "pickup" shipping type, please print out the Q notification twice with the pick
note and the goods for shipping.

6.3 Purchase order with item 30 and usage decision 5 – costs at the expense
of PM
For usage 5 – item 30 must be created in future for the vendor at the expense of PM.
1. There must be no material number entered
2. Copy the material text from item 20 and insert it in item 30
3. Enter the purchase order quantity
4. Remove the date from item 20 under Delivery date
5. Enter a net price of €0.1
6. Enter account assignment category "F" (for order)

7. G/L account 400007 (it depends of the plant!!!)must be entered in the Account assignment tab
for the item details
8. For order "D10590" (for plant 1000)
9. Enter "QA" as the recipient
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Caution - change:
Returns orders can no longer be posted in advance. This is performed by shipping. So there is no
posting with movement type 122 back to the vendor.

6.4 Problem messages for returns order

For reasons of quality, only purchase orders until 31.12.2004 are released
The release in the Q info record is no longer current. Therefore, please call the buyer and solve the
problem with him.
Or use transaction QI02 to change the release in the Q info record.
The net price must be greater than 0
Go to the menu line here and select "Environment – Show info record – Purchasing data 1". The net
price is shown in this screen at the bottom of the "Conditions" tab. Go back with F3 or and enter
this price in the "NET PRICE" field.

There is no QM info record available for the material

The Q info record must be created here. Call the buyer to ask them to do this. OR: look it up in the
manual and attempt to do it yourself.
The QA system of the vendor/manufacturer is not satisfactory
The AGS material here does not match that of the vendor. TQT must be informed of this and make a
The QM procurement key is not specified
You must maintain this in the material master
The vendor is not maintained as the customer
Please mail the vendor number to Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting must first create the
vendor as a customer.

Possibility for return delivery with credit memo

If you return a material to a vendor, without expecting another delivery in its place, this can also be
performed with the returns order. Item 10 is simply created -> NO ITEM 20.
However, if you want to return several items with a credit memo for this vendor, this can be performed
within a returns order. All items are then created in the same way as item 10 -> with a storage location
0km and the return indicator set.

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6.5 Creating a Q info record (QI01)

1. Enter the material number

2. Enter the revision status, if available
3. Enter the vendor
4. Enter the plant

5. Confirm with Return

6. Enter a date under Release for the validity end of this Q info record (please first agree it with
7. Complete the transaction with save. Now create the purchase order.

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6.6 Creating a quality notification

Caution with usage decision 5:

From now on, the parts in the GR area with usage 5 (rework at/by the vendor at the expense of PM)
that are returned to the vendors, must be entered in the "without rejection" class. In the GR notification
in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field
Also for the 0km quality notification in the "Return delivery at the expense of PM" field.

Quality assurance – create a Q notification

Screen: Create notification: Access
1. Here you select 0k for the notification type with (0km notification of faults).
Confirm this with .
2. A small window appears, in which the "Material number", the "Plant" and the "Vendor" have to
be entered. Confirm the entry with . (A "WARNING" window might appear with a note that the
material is maintained with a revision status. Please confirm this with .)
Screen: Create Q notification: 0km notification of faults
3. PARTNER tab: under "Purchasing document" enter the order number of the returns order (26....
number range) behind item number 10
4. Problem description tab: enter the material number and the revision status. (If this data has not
already been adopted)
5. The data is adopted when these entries are made.
6. A "Should the data be adopted?" window appears. Confirm this.
7. Under "User data", enter the "Inspection time" and the rejected "Quantity" in the relevant box
8. Under "Information", you can enter any text, as is the normal procedure, that does not refer
directly to the fault.
9. Under "Item", you can select the fault from the fault code, by clicking once on . Use the mouse
to click on the respective fault group (mouse becomes a hand symbol) and on the fault number
directly. For each further fault, click on the icon on the right to define the next fault.
10. If necessary, a text can also be entered for the fault directly in the text line beneath the fault field.
11. In the Cause code field, go to and select the corresponding usage decision for QM notif.
individual decisions.
12. Click on the Partner tab and enter the inspector and person in charge

13. Click on the button once.

14. A notification appears, asking whether the data in the notification is to be copied over. Confirm this
with YES.
15. Flag the box at the front of the line and click on the " " button
16. Notification is saved

Caution: for the "pickup" shipping type, please print out the Q notification twice with the
purchase order, the pick note and the goods for shipping.

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6.7 Creating a delivery

(Still performed temporarily by shipping)
Transaction VL10D
1. Enter the order number in the "Purchase order" tab
2. Confirm with F8
3. Flag
4. Click on the "Background" button
5. Click on the "Log" icon
6. Flag the lines that appear by clicking on them at any point
7. Click on the "Show documents" button
8. The delivery number appears


Because all of the creditors were created in "DE" via a collective change, the shipping condition must
be changed for pickups and supply IN THE DELIVERY!!!
To do so, proceed as follows:
As soon as you have the delivery number (after point 6.6 Create delivery), you are taken directly to the
delivery (transport request VL02N)
1. Click on "Go to – Header – Transport" in the menu line
2. The shipping condition is at the bottom right of the "Transport" tab. Overwrite this with "PI" or
3. Adopt the change with "Save".
4. The delivery can then be packaged and posted.

6.8 Creating a delivery note

Transaction VL02N
1. Enter the delivery number
2. Confirm with Return
3. Click on "Subsequent function – Create transport request" in the menu line
4. Confirm with Return
5. Press Return again
6. Go into the delivery number again
7. Click on "Edit – Package" in the menu line
8. Enter "open" for the packaging
9. Flag the "Packaging" and "Material" lines
10. Click on the "Package" icon
11. Save
12. Click on the "Post goods issue" button (this posting results in a credit of the 0km warehouse stock.)
Caution: within the PM group, it is not necessary to acknowledge the delivery notes upon pickup.

6.9 Changing the delivery

If the quantity or shipping type is not correct and requires changing, please proceed as follows:
1. Call up transport request "VL02N"
2. Enter the delivery number
3. Confirm with Return
4. Set the quantity in the "Picking quantity" column to 0
5. Confirm with Return
6. Then enter the correct quantity in the "Delivery quantity" column
7. Click on "Subsequent function – Create transport request" in the menu line
8. Confirm the window that appears (Do you want to leave the dialogue?) with Yes
9. Confirm the new screen again with Return
10. The changes have been adopted. The delivery can now be completed by packaging the
material and posting the goods issue (from point 6.7.6)
Shipping conditions:
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11. Call up transport request "VL02N"

12. Enter the delivery number
13. Confirm with Return
14. Click on "Go to – Header – Transport" in the menu line
15. In the centre of the screen in the shipping condition – change it.
16. The changes have been adopted. The delivery can now be completed by packaging the
material and posting the goods issue (from point 6.7.6)

These points only apply if the goods issue has not yet been posted for the material. If it already has
been posted, it must be cancelled.
Please proceed as follows:
1. Call up transport request "VL02N"
2. Enter the delivery number
3. Click on the "Package" icon
4. The lines already "packaged" appear
5. Flag these
6. Click on the dustbin on the right of the screen.
7. Save the data
8. Start the delivery again

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6.10 Quality notification with screen or file attachment

Create or change the notification as usual (if it has already been activated in the results recording).
Proceed as follows to attach a screen or file:

1. Click on the icon (services for the object)

2. A small standard toolbar appears

3. Click on the Create attachment icon here
4. The file directory appears. Here you can select the required file or attachment as usual

5. Double-click on the attachment to add it to the Q notification. The "The document was created"
message appears in the status line.
6. To display the attachment, save the Q notification and access the notification again via the display

mode. Click on the services for the object icon again.

7. And now click on the icon.
8. A window opens displaying the attachment.

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