Trim Optimizer: User Guide

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Trim Optimizer

User Guide

Program version: 2.0

Manual version: 2.0

Date: 29-06-2012

Copyright : A. P. Møller - Mærsk, Copenhagen

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Table of Contents

1 Why trim is important....................................................................................... 3

2 Using Trim Optimizer....................................................................................... 4
2.1 Main Window..................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Present Condition.............................................................................................. 4
2.3 Reading the Grid................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Influence of adding or removing weight............................................................... 5
3 Quick Reference................................................................................................ 6

Date Version Description Author

13-07-2009 1.0 First version prepared for version 1.0 software JTO
01-06-2010 1.2 2nd version, for version 1.2 software JCS
29-06-2012 2.0 Update to new version of Trim Optimizer JCS

Contact information

In case of problems, questions or comments please contact:

Jens Christian Skov Uffe Degn

+45 33634485 +45 33635451


1 Why trim is important

For many years it has been a common understanding that the trim of a ship influences the
propulsion resistance and therefore also the fuel consumption.
Many theories and experiences exist from stern down to head down being the most fuel efficient
In order to obtain more precise knowledge about the fuel consumption in relation to the trim of the

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vessels, a series of model tests have been carried out. The operational results of these tests are
new power models for a great number of container vessels and a few tankers.
The general lesson learned from the model tests is that trim actually has an influence on the power
needed for the propulsion of the vessel. For some vessels this influence is greater that for others
and the optimum trim patterns vary from vessel to vessel. Therefore it is necessary to provide a
tool that is capable of calculating the power needed at any speed/draft/trim combination within
the normal operational range of the vessel. The Trim Optimizer program is such a tool.
The basis for the Trim Optimizer software is a power model that is specific for a given vessel. By
using the values in the power model it is possible to predict the power needed to move the vessel
forward at a given speed, draft and trim. Vessels with identical hull and propeller configurations
share the same power model.
The figures given by the power models focus specifically on the power needed for propulsion at a
number of trim/draft/speed combinations. No operational constraints are taken into consideration
which means that the minimum power requirement calculated may be at a condition that is not
realistic. Therefore the Trim Optimizer should be considered as a guidance tool that may assist the
vessel crew and operations ashore in planning the best possible loading condition.
It is also important to note that the model tests are carried out only for flat sea with no waves or
swell and the resistance due to steering is not taken into account.

2 Using Trim Optimizer

Trim Optimizer is distributed together with VPOA and ECO Voyage, and is available via shortcuts in
the Start menu or directly from VPOA or ECO Voyage.

2.1 Main Window

The main window consists of 2 parts, on top the condition, and the bottom the trim data.

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2.2 Present Condition

The top part of the window contains
information on the vessels draft, trim
and speed.
By adjusting the parameters the Trim Optimizer will present the new possibilities for optimizing the
Negative trim is defined as bow-down.

The line drawing gives you a visual indication of your

vessels position in the water.
Note that trim is slightly exaggerated for illustration

In addition the daft, trim and speed, the user has the option to add/remove weight to/from the
vessel, to see what influence this has on the power required for the voyage.
You fill in the parameters for your present condition, and then review the result in the grid below.
2.3 Reading the Grid
The grid is based on draft and trim, with the draft on the vertical axis and trim on the horizontal
Present condition is indicated with a in the grid, based on the input filled in the present
The blue field indicates the currently selected cell. This can be used in connection with the “Zoom

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In” button, to get a more detailed view of a certain area of the trim data.
Green colours indicate possible savings and red colours indicate an increased consumption.
The value in the cell indicates the potential savings at a given condition compared to present
The two sliders allow you to adjust trim or draft by dragging them.
2.4 Influence of adding or removing weight
Using the “Graph” window as shown below, you get a visualization of the changes adding or
removing weight will cause.

The blue line indicates present displacement, with the centre being current trim.
The turquoise line indicates the potential saving if you remove the specified weight from the vessel
and the purple line the savings if you add the specified weight.
In the example above, you can see the following:
- Removing weight will cause an increase in consumption, compared to present
displacement for trims between +3.00 m and -1.00 m, if de-ballasting allows you to increase
the negative (bow-down) trim to more than -1.00 m (the lines are crossing at this point, you
will start to save more fuel compared to present condition
- Adding ballast/weight on the other hand, will save fuel (the purple line is below the blue
line) for most of the area, unless the bow-down trim is more than -1.00 m (the lines cross at
this point)
Using the graph you, allows you to get an easy overview of where the focus should lie, should you
try to de-ballast or could it be beneficial to add ballast/weight.

3 Quick Reference

- When the program is started it will try to locate a power model in MSPS
- Fill in the values for your vessels current draft and trim in the corresponding text boxes,
and select the desired speed.
o Draft and Trim will be rounded to nearest 0.1m.

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o Speed is normally available in .25 knot steps.

- The present condition will be highlighted in the table with a .
- Potential savings will be shown in the fields as a percentage of power compared to present
o Positive values indicate that this condition will require additional power – higher fuel
o Negative values indicate a potential saving by trimming the vessel to this condition –
lower fuel consumption.
- The “Zoom in” button allows you to get a higher detail of a selected area.
o Use the mouse to select a condition (selected condition is indicated by a dark blue
o Click on “Zoom in” to get the high resolution.
o Click on “Zoom out” to return to the normal view.
o It is not possible to edit present condition while in zoomed mode.

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