SMP or Citadel, Template

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4 Safe Muster Point / CITADEL

Anti Piracy Plan 01-Nov-2018 Rev 0 Page 1 of 2

Action: File Retention – 1 year

Review / Vessel Safe Muster points or CITADEL (If Fitted). Company Security ID and the Management office must
be appraised on the availability of SMP or CITADEL prior every transit.

Vessel Name IMO No.

S.No. Description Check

1. Risk Assessment Carried out prior entering high risk area ☐

2. Safe Muster Point / Citadel prepared prior transit high risk area ☐

Record Number of doors lead to the space. ☐

No: - ______________________________.

4. Ensure doors are secured to avoid access. ☐

5. Does the space have Dedicated Piracy Alarm ☐

6. Is control of machinery possible from the Safe Muster Point / Citadel? ☐

Does the vessel have ability to immobilize M/E and/or Steering Gear? ☐
Note:- This should be done as soon as crew mustered within the Citadel.

Which compartment is designated as SMP / CITADEL? ☐

8. Name of designated Compartment: _______________________
Note:- It is recommended to have Steering flat or ECR to be designated.

9. How many entrances to the secure muster point? No. _______________ ☐

10. Are the entrances to the secure muster point / citadel strengthened? ☐

11. If 'YES' how? (hatches, internal doors, WT doors) How Many Steel barriers? ☐

Are means for external communication from the secure area (Satellite / VHF) in ☐
Test VHF in lock down position and successful in transmitting to person on deck.
Satellite telephone connection on backup power.
(The telephone instrument may be connected when transiting piracy areas).

How Many hours Back up power for communication equipment available ? ☐

No. of hours _____________________

Ho many days is Food and water available in secure muster point? ☐

No. Of Days _____________________
7.4 Safe Muster Point / CITADEL
Anti Piracy Plan 01-Nov-2018 Rev 0 Page 2 of 2

S.No. Description Check

How many days? Sleeping bags / blankets?

Note :-
Food Ration - Atleast 5 days Qty of rations required basis 10,000KJ per person.
Water – Quantity of water required basis 3 ltrs/person

How Many Sleeping bags and blankets available? ☐

No :- _______________________

Is there a Provision for toilet facility? ☐

Note :-
Chemical toilets must have at least 2x200lts drums as storage receptacles in
addition to accommodating crew.

What Means of ventilation available including means to secure from sabotage? ☐

Mention Type:- ___________________

18. Is the size of Safe Muster Point / Citadel sufficient for the full crew? ☐

Has training w.r.t. SMP/Citadel carried out prior transit? ☐

Note: - How much time taken to retreat to the safe Muster Point Point/Citadel?

Are Armed / Unarmed Security teams on board? ☐

Note: - Training/ guidance with the security teams carried out.

Any additional information ☐

21. Eg.: Store atleast 3 flash lights / spare batteries marked "For high risk area" use

SSO Sign Date

Master Sign Date

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