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Agent James enters chat

James: Hi! My name is James. How can I help?

Me: I've called 8 times and waited over a half hour each time just to set up voicemail. I initially had you guys
forward my number thinking i could use conditional call forwarding but apparently not. now i need all call
forwarding shut off and i need my voicemail number to be ********** so i can receive phone calls again

James: I apologize for the inconvenience.

James: I can imagine how upsetting this is. I would be very concerned as well.
James: I am going to do everything I can to resolve this.
James: Let me check that for you.
James: Sorry the number which have provided is incorrect. Can you please provide the right number?

Me: **********
James: Just to confirm, you want voicemail on the above number only?
James: In order to assist you further on this, I'd need to transfer your chat to our supervisor. Please stay
connected on the chat.
James has left the chat
You are being transferred, please hold...
Agent Mark enters chat
Me: i want my phone(**********) to ring when i get a call, then if i miss the call or decline it it forwards to
********** which is my voicemail. I used to be able to do this from my phone but apparently I cant set
conditional call forwarding anymore
Mark: Hey! My name is Mark. Please give me a moment to review your request.
Mark: Thanks for waiting
Mark: I have checked the details for you
Mark: Based on the steps we have followed, the best way to resolve this need to escalate to our network team
as our network team is better equipped to resolve this issue.
Mark: I'll arrange a call back from from our dedicated team to ensure the issue is resolved.
Me: whatever you gotta do, this is getting ridiculous
Mark: Please help me with your best number to reach you?
Me: you cant reach me, because you guys forwarded my number and wont unforward it.
Me: every call that comes in to my phone never rings my actual phone, it just goes straight to voicemail, which
would be perfect if my phone rang first and only forwarded missed or declined calls

Mark: Thanks for the info

Mark: Based on the steps we have followed, the best way to resolve this need to escalate to our network team
as our network team is better equipped to resolve this issue.
Mark: Is there any alternative number to reach you?
Me: no, you can turn off call forwarding on my line completely then call me on that number
Mark: I am sorry I have exhausted all options I have calling our team at 800 331 0500 or visiting ATT is the
only choice we have now
Me: its as simple as turning off call forwarding guy, you already set the voicemail number. as soon as you turn
off call forwarding we'll be good. this is fucking stupid.
Me: if you can turn on call forwarding you can certainly turn it off. you've limited my ability to do so.

Mark: Please refrain from profane language

Me: please do your job
Mark: As this is the professional chat.
Me: then act professional
Me: if any bit of ATT was professional it wouldnt take over 2 days to figure out call forwarding. Turn it off, set
my voicemail to **********, and i wont have to deal with you guys passing me off to the next guy that doesnt
know anything
Me: i could change the forwarding myself but every time i try it says unexpected response from network or
mmi code issue. I've done this before, you guys have done this before, i dont know why its so hard to be
Mark: .
Mark: I certainly understand your concern,
Mark: I am here to help you going to do everything it takes

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