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Read and practice the specified syllabus from the prescribed

text book/reference books of your school. You are advised to refer to class
8th & 9th textbooks also.

For further queries contact our helpline : 92462 74447.

An exclusive institution for IIT - JEE, AIEEE & BITSAT training

101 & 102, 1st Floor, Pancom Business Centre, Ameerpet X Roads Hyderabad - 500 073. Ph: 9246274447

The learning program conducted by PAGE is the well structured Three-tier course.
We maintain very high testing standards and expect our students to be highly motivated and responsive throughout the
training period.

The training programme has three modules

Progress – In this module, tests are designed for every unit specified in foundation course syllabus These tests will test all
the different questions solved in the respective units and is an exercise to help the student gain confidence in that unit - and
more importantly to gain insight on how to solve problems in that topic in the shortest possible time.

Proficiency – In this module, a proficiency test is conducted for every five units to serve as a reminder to revise and revisit
units. There is the tendency to forget what was learned in the first unit as you approach the fourth unit. These tests have
proved to be highly effective in helping students not to forget what they had learned a month or two earlier. And the second
objective of these tests is to help student master each of these topics by extensive and periodic practice.

Prowess – In this module, Full length Comprehensive Tests start from April. Tests are analysed in depth, most often
question by question, with focus on how to select questions in a smart manner and the techniques that need to be
employed to solve these questions in the shortest possible time. By the time our students appear various admission tests,
they would have taken 8 full-length tests.

Total Number of Tests are 13

Progress Tests : 9

Proficiency Tests : 3

Prowess Test : 1
SAMAT - 01 Test Type : Progress
MATHEMATICS Applications of principles of Divisibility / Polynomials O Linear, Quadratic and cubic
polynomials O Identities used in factorization O Remainder theorem O Factor theorem
O Ratio and composition of ratios O Proportion and continued proportion O Some
properties of ratio and proportion O Linear equation in one and two variables O Graph of
linear equation in one and two variables O Solving a system of Linear Equations in two
variables Graphically O Algebraic methods of solving simultaneous linear equations in
two variables O Elimination method O Method of cross multiplication O G C D and L C
M of two Polynomials O Quadratic Polynomial and quadratic equation O Relation
between roots and coefficients of quadratic equation O Formation of a quadratic equation
O Nature of roots O Rational expression Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
of rational expressions O Word problems ( Application of equations)
PHYSICS Measurement in Science and Technology
O Unit O Measurement of Physical quantity O Fundamental Units O Derived Units
O Important features of a standard unit O International system of units
O Astronomical Unit O Light year O Angstrom O Micron · Weights and measures

O Geocentric and Heliocentric Theory · Kepler’s laws of Planetary motion O Universal
law of Gravitation O Gravitational constant (G) O Acceleration due to gravity (g) O Relation
between G and g O Factors influencing value of g O Force, mass, weight and its units
O Hooks Law

CHEMISTRY : Atomic Structure

O Electrons, protons and neutrons O First Atomic model and watermelon model proposed
byJ J Thomson O Rutherford’s planetary model of atom O Phenomenon of Black body
radiation using Max Planck’s “Quantum Theory of radiation”  O Bohr’s atomic model of
atom O Angular Momentum of electron proposed by Sommerfield O Azimuthal Quantum
number, Magnetic Quantum number, spin quantum number O Shapes of s-orbital,
p- orbital and d orbital O Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule and Pauli’s exclusion principle·
Physical quantities of atom - Atomic size, Ionization Energy, electronic configuration and
electron affinity.

SAMAT - 02 Test Type : Progress

O Primary, secondary and raw data O Variable O Frequency and frequency distribution
O Grouped data O Class interval O Class boundaries or upper limit and lower limit O Class
size O Range O Cumulative frequency O Histogram O Frequency Polygon O Ogive O Mean
O Median O Mode O Emperical relation between mean, median and mode

O Order of a matrix O Rectangular matrix O Row matrix O Column matrix O Square matrix
O Null matrix or Zero matrix O Identity matrix O Transpose of a matrix O Equality of Matrices
O Symmetric matrix O Skew-Symmetric matrix O Diagonal matrix O Scalar matrix OAddition
and multiplication of matrices O Determinant of a matrix O Inverse matrix.
PHYSICS Kinematics
O Distance and Displacement O Differences between distance and displacement O Speed
and Velocity O Scalar quantities and vector quantities O Angular displacement and
angular velocity O Acceleration – angular acceleration, centripetal acceleration and
retardation O Uniform speed and uniform acceleration O Equations of motion O Freely
falling body O Time of ascent and time of descent O Graphs and their uses O Slope of the
CHEMISTRY Chemical Bonding
O Electrovalent bond & Covalent bond O covalent and electrovalent compounds O Single,
double and triple covalent bonds O Sigma and Pi bonds O Co-ordinate covalent bond and
polar covalent bond O Hybridization concept introduction

SAMAT - 03 Test Type : Progress

MATHEMATICS Progressions
OArithmetic Progressions O The nth term of an AP
O Sum of n terms in an AP O Geometric Progressions O Geometric mean ,
sum of n terms of a GP O Harmonic Progression
Mathematical Induction
OBalanced and Unbalanced Forces OResultant force OClassification of Forces OInertia
O Newton’s first, second and third law of motion O Momentum and Impulse O Law of
conservation of momentum OFrictional force OFactors affecting friction and Coefficient of
friction OStatic friction and limiting friction ODynamic or kinetic friction ORolling friction
OPressure and Thrust ODensity and relative density OBuoyancy of the liquid OArchimedes
Principle and law of floatation.
CHEMISTRY Periodic Classification of Elements
OLaw of Triads by Dobereiner and Law of Octaves by Newlands OLimitations of Law of triads
and Law of Octaves OMendeleev’s periodic law OMoseley’s periodic law OModern periodic
table l Groups and Periods in the periodic table l Advantages of Periodic table l Properties
of atoms - atomic radius - Ionization energy - Electronegativity - Electropositive character
- Electron affinity
Variation of properties of atoms in groups and periods

SAMAT - 04 Test Type : Proficiency

PHYSICS Refer syllabus of PROGRESS TEST 01, 02 & 03
CHEMISTRY (This is a revision test.Revise all the topics)

SAMAT - 05 Test Type : Progress

ORational and irrational numbers OIntegers, fractions, Whole numbers and natural numbers
OAssociative law in addition, identity element and additive inverse OClosure law, Commutative
law and Associative law in multiplication OMultiplicative identity and multiplicative inverse
OProperties of inequality -Law of Trichotomy -Transitive property -Monotone property of
addition - Monotone property of multiplication O Laws of Indices and surds O Limits and
theorem on limits
PHYSICS Work and Energy
OEnergy and work OConditions that lead to work OProblems in work OMechanical energy
OKinetic energy ORelation between kinetic energy and momentum OPotential energy and its
units OPower OTransformation of energy OLaw of conservation of energy
OTranslatory, oscillatory and rotatory motions OSimple pendulum OAngular displacement
and angular velocity O Time period O Circular motion O Angular momentum O Centripetal
acceleration and centripetal force O Inertial and Non inertial frame of reference O Pseudo
force, centripetal and centrifugal force OCentrifuge and principle of centrifuge OBanking of
roads OSatellites - Artificial and natural satellites
CHEMISTRY Metals and non Metals
OComparative study of metals and non metals OPhysical and chemical properties of metals
O Enrichment or concentration of Ore O Extraction of metal from the concentrated ore
ORefining of impure metals -Liquation -Distillation -Electrolytic refining -Poling -Van Arkel
method OAlloys – their properties and uses OCorrosion and rusting OStudy of semi metals
and metalloids OPhysical and chemical properties of Non metals OPreparation of H and its
uses O Physical and Chemical properties of Ammonia O Uses of ammonia O Allotropy O
Properties of Sulphur, Sulphur di oxide and dilute sulphuric acid and its uses.
Chemistry of light metals Alkali & Alkaline Earth matals
OOxides and halides OReaction of these elements with water, oxygen, halogens OExtraction
of Magnesium O Electrolysis.

SAMAT - 06 Test Type : Progress

OProperties of triangle OSimilar Polygons OBasic Proportionality theorem and its converse
OVertical angle bisector theorem OSimilarity theorems OPythagorean theorem and its converse
O Appolonius theorem O Rhombus, Quadrilateral, Parallelogram and rectangle O Circles
O Alternate segment theorem and its converse O Tangents – Direct common tangent and
Transverse common tangent.
PHYSICS Wave Motion and Sound
OSimple pendulum OOscillation OTime period OLength of a pendulum OTime period of a
Simple pendulum ORestoring Force OSecond’s pendulum OPeriodic motion OSHM OWave
OPulse OMechanical wave OTransverse wave OLongitudinal wave OSound waves OWave
length OTime period of a wave OFrequency of a wave OVelocity of a wave OAudible range
O Supersonic velocities O Echo O Speed of sound O Reverberation O Sonar O Natural ,
damped and Forced vibrations ONatural frequency and resonance ONodes and antinodes
OProgressive wave and stationary wave.

OSolute and solvent OSolubility and factors effecting solubility OSaturated,unsaturated
and supersaturated solution OPolar and non polar compounds O Techniques to express
concentration of solution OMolarity and mole fraction.

SAMAT - 07 Test Type : Progress

MATHEMATICS Analytical Geometry
O Quadrant and nature of co-ordinates O Slope of line O Equations of the straight line
ODistance between two points of a line OMidpoint of the segment joining two points OCo
ordinates of point dividing the line segment internally and externally OCentroid of a triangle
OArea of triangle, right angled triangle and equilateral triangle.

PHYSICS Light - Reflection and Refraction of light

OCorpuscular theory of light OHuygen’s wave theory of light OWavefront ORefractive index
OInterference ODiffraction OVisual Photometry OLaser OLuminous and non luminous
body OTransparent, Translucent and Opaque body OLaws of reflection OLaws of refraction
OSnell’s law OPrinciple of Reversibility OCritical angle ODispersion of white light.

CHEMISTRY Acids Bases and Salts

ONon metallic and metallic oxides OReaction of acids with metals, bases and carbonates
O Arrhenius theory O Strong acids and weak acids O Strong bases and Weak bases
SAMAT - 08 Test Type : Proficiency
MATHEMATICS Refer syllabus of PROGRESS TEST 05, 06 & 07
CHEMISTRY This is a revision test. Revise all the topics

SAMAT - 09 Test Type : Progress

MATHEMATICS Trigonometry
OMeasurement of angles in sexagesimal system and Centesimal system ORelation between
degrees and radians O Trigonometrical ratios O Relations between trigonometrical ratios
O Trigonometrical ratios from 0 to 90 degrees OTrigonometric ratios of complementary angles
OAngles of elevation and Angles of depression.

PHYSICS Magnetism
OMagnetic and non magnetic substances OEwing’s molecular theory OInverse Square law
O Magnetic Permeability O Intensity of magnetic field induction O Relative permeability
O Magnetic moment O Intensity of magnetization and its units O Magnetic susceptibility
O Dia, para and Ferromagnetic substances

CHEMISTRY Chemistry of Carbon Compounds

OAllotrophic forms of carbon ODiamond OCarbon monoxide, carbondioxide and solid CO
(dry ice) OC60 buckminster fullerene OCatenation and Isomerism OMain sources of carbon
compounds ONaming of organic compounds OSaturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
OFunctional group OAlcohols and ethanol OFermentation OTests for alcohol functional
group OUses of Ethanol OAldehydes and Ketones OMetanal and physical properties of
Methanal OOxidation of methanal and its uses OPreparation of propanone and properties of
propanone OChemical reactions of propanone and its uses OPreparation of ethanoic acid,
its properties and uses OPolymers OVulcanization OProperties of vulcanized rubber and
its uses OProperties of neoprene and its uses OProperties of Polyester, nylon and its uses

SAMAT - 10 Test Type : Progress

O Roster form O Set builder form O Finite and Infinite sets O Null sets, Equal sets and
Equivalent sets OSubset, Proper subset, Power set O Union, Intersection and
difference of sets ODisjoint sets, Universal set and Complement of a set OIdempotent laws,
Associative laws, Commutative laws, Identity lawsDistributive laws, Complement laws and
De Morgan Laws O Dual laws, Laws of set inclusion ( Reflexive, Anti symmetry and
Transitive)Number System OTypes of numbers ONumber patterns OWord problems.

PHYSICS Current Electricity

O Static and current electricity O Electric potential and emf  O Ammeter and voltmeter
O Cells connected in series and in parallel O Resistance and Conductance O Ohm’s law
O Ohmic or non Ohmic conductors O Resistance of a conductor O Specific resistance
O Conductivity O Effective resistance in series combination and in parallel combination
OElectric power OJoule’s law OFaraday’s first law OFaraday’s second lawOMaxwell’s Cork
Screw rule OAmpere’s right hand rule OFleming’s left hand rule OPrinciple of electric motor
O Faraday’s law of electromagnetic Induction  O Lenz’s law O Principle of transformer
O Solenoid OElectromagnetic induction OA Dynamo, AC Dynamo and DC Dynamo.
CHEMISTRY Cabohydrates and Proteins
O Sugars and non sugars OAldoses and Ketoses OTollen’s reagent and Benedict’s solutionO
Bagasse ODefecation OCarbonation OSulphitation OCentrifuges OMolasses OAlcohol
and Ethyl alcohol OAmino acids OFibrous and Globular proteinsOils & Fats OUses of Oils
and fats OHydrogenation ODetergents O Fatty acids – its nature and source.

SAMAT - 11 Test Type : Progress

OOrdered Pairs OTypes of relations OProperties of Relations - Reflexive relation - Symmetric
relation - Transitive relation - Anti symmetric relation - Equivalence relation
* Types of functions
- One – One function - Onto function - Constant function - Identity function - Into function
- One to One onto function or Bijection - Inverse function - Real function - Composite function
- Equal functions - Graphs of functions - Zeros of the function
PHYSICS Modern Physics
O Thompson’s atomic model O Lenard’s atomic model O Bohr’s atomic model O Atomic
number, Atomic mass and Mass Defect ORadioactivity OAlpha, beta and gama particles
OArtificial Transmutation OProjectiles OArtificial radioactivity ORadioisotope ONuclear
reactor O Principle of hydrogen bomb Electromagnetic spectrum O Thermal radiations
O Ultraviolet radiations O Electromagnetic radiations O Microwaves and radio waves
X rays and Gamma rays.
CHEMISTRY Chemistry & Industry
OCement manufacture and its uses OManufacture of glass and its uses OCeramic products
OSimple pottery OEarthenware OSlurry OPlastics OResin ONatural and synthetic resins
OPolymerisation OAdhesives ONatural and synthetic adhesives OFibres ONatural and
man made fibres OCold creams, nail polish , face powder ODyes and dyestuffs ODrug.

SAMAT - 12 Test Type : Proficiency

MATHEMATICS Refer syllabus of PROGRESS Test 09, 10 & 11
PHYSICS This is a revision test. Revise all the topics


MATHEMATICS Refer syllabus of all PROGRESS Tests.

PHYSICS These tests are based on complete syllabus. Revise all the topics.


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