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Introduction: This is a brand-new subclass for paladins.

Although knowledge deities exist, even

those that horde knowledge, none of the paladin oaths are really capable of serving a paladin of
such a deity. This is an attempt to create just that.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd bane, identify
5th augury, detect thoughts
Paladins who take the Oath of Enlightenment are few
9th nondetection, speak with dead
and far between. The gods of knowledge—including
13th arcane eye, divination
Oghma, Boccob, Gilean, Aureon, Ilsensine, and
17th commune, scrying
Thoth—value learning and understanding above all.
Some teach that knowledge is to be gathered and
shared in libraries and universities, or promote the
practical knowledge of craft and invention. Some When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
deities hoard knowledge and keep its secrets to following two Channel Divinity options.
themselves. And some promise their followers that Intuitive Combat. As a bonus action using your
they will gain tremendous power if they unlock the Channel Divinity, you present your holy symbol and
secrets of the multiverse. Followers of these gods often ask for guidance. For the next ten minutes, you can
study esoteric lore, collect old tomes, delve into the make a Wisdom (Insight) check on any creature
secret places of the earth, and learn all they can. Some contested against a Charisma (Deception) check of
gods of knowledge promote the practical knowledge theirs. You have advantage on this roll. If you win this
of craft and invention, including smith deities like contest, you gain +5 to your AC and saving throws
Gond, Reorx, Onatar, Moradin, Hephaestus, and against all actions made against you by that creature.
Goibhniu. Only one creature can be affected by this feature at a
Paladins who take this oath need not be intelligent time.
or wise, and they are often seen as being neither. They Tell No Lies. As an action, you use your Channel
are more akin to a security force chosen by their deity Divinity feature to compel the truth from your
to protect knowledge. To them, knowledge, science, enemies. All creatures you choose within 45ft must
technology, magic, and religion are intertwined and it make a Charisma saving throw; you know whether
is their sworn duty to protect those bookish each creature succeeds or fails on its saving throw. If
intellectuals who often cannot protect themselves. they fail this saving throw, they act as if under the
effects of a zone of truth spell, except that they cannot
speak any kind of lie, obfuscation, lie-by-omission, or
similar evasiveness. If they know the answer to a
Though each type of knowledge god has their own
question, they are compelled to willingly provide the
variants, all of them share these core beliefs.
Seek the Truth. Practical decisions can only be
In combat, you can use your interaction on each of
made when people have accurate knowledge; this is
your turns to ask a question of any creature affected
doubly true for you.
by this feature. They use a free action to provide you
Share the Truth. Unless your god hordes
with an answer. For example, you can ask, “Who are
knowledge, it is incumbent on you to speak the truth
you going to attack next?” and they not only tell you,
to all who will hear it, even if it will be difficult for
but must use their next turn to act in the manner they
them to hear.
said they would.
Be the Truth. Always be true to who you are, and
If you use this feature out of combat, it is seen as a
who you aren’t; never make false claims or live in
hostile spell and characters will respond accordingly.
denial of reality.
Protect the Truth. Your greatest duty is to protect
the truth, not just tomes and encyclopedias, but sages
and learned peoples everywhere. Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within
10 feet of you have truesight out to 5ft.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30
feet, and the truesight increases to 15ft.
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. If the
spell has the ritual tag, you can cast it as a ritual.
Beginning at 15th level, you are immune to all
memory, personality, knowledge, experience, etc.,
damaging or draining effects, such as those created by
the modify memory spell.
You also gain the following features:
 You can prepare four additional spells of any level
for which you have spell slots.
 You can accurately recall anything you have
experienced within the past decade (auto-
biographical memory only).
 You have advantage on any Nature, Medicine,
History, or Arcana check you make if you have
ever had a lore book on the particular subject in
your possession, which assumes you’ve read this

At 20th level, as an action, you can become an avatar

of pure comprehension. For 1 minute, you are filled
with all the learned knowledge of the ages. You are
connected to the beginning of all things and the end
of time immemorial. You gain the following benefits
while the font is active:
 You know all languages, no matter how esoteric or
 You have proficiency in all skills and tools. You
have expertise in all skills and tools with which you
were already proficient.
 You are under the effect of the detect thoughts, speak
with plants, speak with dead, and speak with animals
spells. These cannot be dispelled.
 You can communicate telepathically with any
creature you can see or that you notice. You don’t
need to share a language with the creature for it to
understand your telepathic utterances.
 You are under the effect of a foresight spell. This
cannot be dispelled, but it can be circumvented by
features or spells designed to counter divination
magic (or similar effects).
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.

v001 Initial release. Yay!

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