3.RT - Full TEST - MAINS - 31-03-2020

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DATE: 31.03.2020
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 300

Instructions to the Candidates

1. This Test Booklet consists of 75 questions.

Use Blue/Black ball Point Pen only for writing particulars and bubbling of OMR.

2. For each correct answer 4 Marks will awarded and for each wrong answer 1 Mark will
be deducted.

3. Attempt all questions.

4. In case you have not darkened any bubble you will be awarded 0 mark for that question.

5. Use of calculator/logarithmic table is not permitted.


Subjects No of Questions Type of Questions

Mathematics 25(20+5) 20 Objective Type - Multiple Choice Questions

Physics 25(20+5)

5 Questions with answer as numerical value, with

Chemistry 25(20+5) equal weightage to Mathematics, Physics &


Don’t write / mark your answers in this question booklet.

If you mark the answers in question booklet, you will not be allowed to continue the exam.



FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-2


1. Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. The number of different ordered pairs (Y, Z) that can be formed such that Y 
X, Z  X and Y  Z is empty, is
(A) 52 (B) 35 (C) 25 (D) 53

2. The value of ‘a’ for which exactly one root of the equation eax2 – e2ax + ea – 1 = 0 lies between 1 and 2
are given by

(A) n
5  17   a  n  5  17  (B) 0 < a < 100
4 4
5 10
(C) n  a  n (D) none of these
4 3

3. If x1, x2, x3, ......, xn are A.P., whose common difference is , then the value of
sin  [sec x1 sec x2 + sec x2 sec x3 + ....... + sec xn – 1 sec xn] is equal to
sinn sin  n  1  sin  n  1 
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
cos x1 cos xn cos x1 cos x n cos x1 cos x n

4. The equation sin4x – (k + 2) sin2x – (k + 3) = 0 possesses a solution if

(A) k > –3 (B) k < –2 (C) –3  k  –2 (D) k is any positive integer

5. The number of real solutions of tan1 x  x  1  sin1 x 2  x  1  is
(A) zero (B) one (C) two (D) infinite

6. In a ABC, a = 5, b = 7 and sin A = , how many such triangles are possible
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) infinite

7. If Z  1 and is real, then the point represented by the complex number z lies
z 1
(A) either on the real axis or on a circle passing through the origin
(B) on a circle with centre at the origin
(C) either on the real axis or on a circle not passing through the origin
(D) on the imaginary axis

8. (p  q)  [(r  p)  (r  q)] is
(A) a tautology (B) a contradiction (C) neither ‘A’ nor ‘B’ (D) none of these

9. The number of ways in which 30 marks can be allotted to 8 questions if each question carries at least
2 marks is
(A) 115280 (B) 117280 (C) 116280 (D) none of these

 1 3r 7r 15r 
  1
10. The sum of the series  n Cr  r  2r  3r  4r      to m terms  is
r 0  2 2 2 2 
1 1 1
1 1  mn 1 m
(A) m 2 (B) n 2 (C) n 2 (D) none of these
2 1 2 1 2 1

11. If vertices of a variable  are (3, 4), (5 sin , –5 cos ) and (5 cos , 5 sin ), then locus of the
orthocenter of this  is
2 2 2 2
(A) (x + y – 1) + (x – y – 7) = 100 (B) (x + y – 7) + (x + y – 1) = 100
2 2
(C) (x + y – 7) + (x – y + 1) = 100 (D) (x + y – 7) + (x – y – 1)2 = 100

12. The radical centre of three circles on the three sides of a triangle as diameter is
(A) the centroid (B) the incentre (C) the orthocentre (D) the circumcentre

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-3
13. If the point (a, –1) is exterior to both the parabolas y = |x|, then
(A) a  (0, 2) (B) a  (–1, 1) (C) a  (–2, 0) (D) none of these

14. If the focal distance of an end of the minor axis of an ellipse, whose axes are along the co-ordinate
axes, is k and the distance between the foci is 2h, then its equation is
x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
(A) 2  2 1 (B) 2  2 1 (C) 2  2 1 (D) 2  2  1
k h k 2
k h k 2
k k h 2
k h

x2 y2
15. The locus of the middle points of the chords of hyperbola  = 1 which passes through (1, 2) is a
9 4
hyperbola with the centre
 1 1  1 1 
(A) (1, 1) (B)  ,  (C)  1,  (D)  ,1
2 2  2 2 

16. Let f be a real valued function with domain R satisfying f(x + k) = 1 + [2 – 5 f(x) + 10 {f(x)}2 – 10 {f(x)}3
+ 5 {f(x)}4 – {f(x)}5]1/5 for all real x and some positive constant k, then the period of the function f(x) is
(A) k (B) 2k (C) non–periodic (D) none of these

n n 1 n 2
1  r  2   r  3   r      n  1
1 1 1
17. The value of lim is
n n4
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
24 12 6

18. If the function y = f(x) is defined as x = 2t – |t|, y = t2 + t |t|, t  R, then f(x) is

(A) continuous as well as differentiable in the interval [–1, 1]
(B) continuous but not differentiable in the interval [–1, 1]
(C) differentiable but not continuous in the interval [–1, 1]
(D) none of these

ex ex dy
19. If y = e x  xe  e x , then
is equal to
ex 1  ex  1  e

  e  x  x  elog x  1
xx xe e 1
(A) e x  x e  e x   log x   x e  e x  log x  e x 
x   x log x 
x 1  x
 x 1  e

  e  x  x  elog x  1
xe ex ee ex xx xe e 1
(B) e  x  e   log x   x  e  log x  e 
 x   x log x 
ex  1  ex  1  e

  e  x  x  elog x  1
xx e 1
(C) e x  e x   log x   x e  e x  log x  e x  e

x   x log x 
(D) none of these

 xeax , x0
20. If f(x) =  where a is a positive constant, then f(x) is increasing in the interval
 x  ax  x , x0
2 3

 2  2 a  a 
(A)  ,   (B)  ,  (C)  ,   (D) none of these
 a   a 3  3 


1 1 1 1 1
21. If     , where a, b, c d  R and  is a cube root of unity, then
a b c  d 
 a2  a  1 is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D)

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-4

1 1 2
22. If ,  be the roots of x2 – a(x – 1) + b = 0, then the value of   is
 2  a   2  b a  b
4 1
(A) (B) (C) 0 (D) none of these
ab ab

23. If a rectangular hyperbola (x – 1)(y – 2) = 4 cuts a circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 at points (3, 4), (5,
3), (0, –2) and (–1, 0), then the value of (g + f) is equal to
(A) –8 (B) –3 (C) 8 (D) none of these

24. If f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, (a, b, c, d are rational numbers) and roots of f(x) = 0 are eccentricities of a
parabola and a rectangular hyperbola then a + b + c + d equals
(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) data inadequate
2  c
25. If the normal to the rectangular hyperbola xy = c at the point  ct,  meets the curve again at
 t
 c
 ct, t  , then
 
(A) t3.t = 1 (B) t3.t = –1 (C) t.t = 1 (D) t.t = –1

26. Figure shows two conducting thin concentric
shells of radii r and 3r. The outer shell
carries charges Q and inner shell is neutral.
The amount of charge which flows from
inner shell to the earth after the key K is
closed, is equal to

(A) q / 3 (B) q / 3 (C) 3q (D) –3q

27. A parabolic pulse given by equation y (in cm) = 0.3 – 0.1(x – 5t)2 (y > 0) x in meter and t in second
travelling in a uniform string. The pulse passes through a boundary beyond which its velocity
becomes 2.5 m/s. What will be the amplitude of pulse in this medium after transmission?(in mm)
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 2

28. One train is approaching an observer at rest another train is receding from him with the same velocity
4 m/s. Both trains blow whistles of same frequency of 243 Hz. The beat frequency in Hz as heard by
the observer is (speed of sound in air = 320 m/s)
(A) 10 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 1

29. A container of large uniform cross –sectional area, A

resting on a horizontal surface, holds two immiscible,
non- viscous and incompressible liquids of densities
d and 2d each of height (H/2) as shown in fig.
The height h at which the hole should be punched
so that the liquid travels the maximum distance x
initially.(h is height of hole from the horizontal

2 3 3
(A) H (B) H (C) H (D) None of these
5 8 7

30. Eight mercury drops (each of radius ‘r’) merge to form a bigger drop. The surface energy of the bigger
drop. If T is the surface tension is
(A) 8r 2 T (B) 16r 2 T (C) 28 / 3 r 2 T (D) 25 / 3 r 2 T

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-5

31. A uniform prismatic bar of length L, cross section area A

and young’s modulus Y is acted upon by the forces as
shown in figure. The elongation in the rod is
(A) (B) (C) (D)

32. In a young double slit experiment, D equals the distance of screen and ‘d’ is the separation between
the slit. The distance of the nearest point to the central maximum where the intensity is same as that
due to a single slit, is equal to.
D D D 2D
(A) (B) (C) (D)
d 2d 3d d

33. A mirror of length L moves horizontally as

shown in the figure with a velocity v. The L V
mirror is illuminated by a point source of light
‘P’ placed on the ground. The rate at which
the length of the light spot on the P
ground increases is :

(A) v (B) zero (C) 2v (D) 3v

 4
34. Consider the situation shown in the figure. Water  m  is filled in a beaker
 3 
upto a height of 10 cm. A plane mirror is fixed at a height of 5 cm from the
surface of water. Distance of image from the mirror after reflection from it of an
object O at the bottom of the beaker is
(A) 15 cm (B) 12.5 cm (C) 7.5 cm (D) 10 cm

35. The collector plate in an experiment on photoelectric effect is kept vertically above the emitter plate.
Light source is put on and a saturation photocurrent is recorded. An electric field is switched on which
has a vertically downward direction
(A) The photocurrent will increase (B) The kinetic energy of the electron will increase
(C) The stopping potential will decrease (D) The threshold wavelength will increase

36. The energy ratio of two K  photons obtained in X – ray from two metal targets of atomic numbers
Z1 and Z2 is
Z1 Z 
 Z  1
 Z1  1
(A) (B)  1  (C)  1  (D)
Z2  Z2   Z2  1   Z2  1

37. Fig shows a cone of radius R and height H

with perfectly reflecting lateral surface, is
placed in the path of a light beam of
intensity I. Find the force exerted on this

2IR 4 IR 4 2IR2

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

c R 2  H2  
c R 2  H2  c

38. A solid sphere of mass m is lying at rest on a rough horizontal

surface. The coefficient of friction between ground and sphere is .
The maximum value of F, so that sphere will not slip, is equal to
(A) 7 mg/5 (B) 4 mg/7
(C) 5 mg/7 (D) 7  mg/2

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-6

39. Inside a spherical shell of radius R a ball of the same

mass but of radii R/4 is released from the shown
position . find the distance traveled by the centre of
the shell on the horizontal smooth floor when the
comes to the lowest point of the shell.
(A) 3R/8 (B) 2R/5
(C) 3R/4 (D) 5R/8

40. Suppose the amplitade of modulated wave equal to the signal amplitude. Then modulatation is
(A) 10% (B) 25% (C) 50% (D) 100%

41. Two positive charges q1 and q2 are moving with velocities v1 and v2 when
they are at points A and B, respectively, as shown in figure. The magnetic
force experienced by charge q1 due to the other charge q2 is

42. An ideal gas with pressure P, volume V and temperature T is expanded isothermally to a volume 2V
and a final pressure PI. The same gas is expanded adiabatically to a volume 2V, the final pressure is
PA. In terms of the ratio of the two specific heats for the gas y, the ratio PI/PA is:
(A) 2–1 (B) 21 –  (C) 2 (D) 2

43. The angular velocity and the amplitude of a simple pendulum are  and A respectively. At a
displacement x from the mean position if its kinetic energy is T and potential energy is U, then the
ratio of T to U is:
x 2 2 x2 A 2  x 2 2 A2  x2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
( A 2  x 2 2 ) (A 2  x 2 ) ( x 2  x 2 2 ) x2
44. Figure show a hemispherical shell. The direction of gravitational field
intensity at point P will be along:
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d

45. Ice at 0°C is added to 200 gm of water initially at 70°C in a vacuum flask. When 50 gm of ice has
been added and has all melted, the temperature of flask and contents is 40°C. When a further 80 gm
of ice is added and has all melted, the temperature of whole becomes 10°C. Neglecting heat lost to
surroundings the latent heat of fusion of ice is
(A) 80 cal/gm C (B) 90 cal/gm (C) 70 cal/gm (D) 540 cal/gm

Integer Type
46. An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm from a
convex lens of focal length 10 cm. On the other side
of the lens, a convex mirror is placed at its focus such
that the image formed by the combination coincides
with the object itself. The focal length of the convex
mirror is
(A) 20 cm (B) 10 cm
(C) 15 cm (D) 30 cm

47. A homogeneous disc with a radius (1/6 m) and mass 12 kg rotates around an axis passing through
its centre and perpendicular to the plane. The angular velocity of the rotation of the disc as a function
of time is given by the formula  = 2 + 7t. The tangential force applied to the rim of the disc is?
(A) 1 N (B) 7 N (C) 10 N (D) None of these

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-7

48. A constant current I flows through a metal rod of length L and

mass m that slides on frictionless rails as shown in figure. If the
initial speed of the rod is v0 and a magnetic field B acts vertically
up, find the total distance moved by the rod before coming to a
stop. [Mass = 1 kg; v0 = 2 m/s; B = 1 Tesla; Current = 1 A;
Length = 1 m]

(A) 4 M (B) 8m (C) 6 m (D) 2 m

49. Two parallel, long wires carry currents i1 and i2 with i1  i2 . When the currents are in the same
direction, the magnetic field at a point midway between the wires is 10 T. If the direction of i2 is
reversed, the field becomes 30 T. The ration i1 / i2 is
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

50. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas undergoes the process A  B in

the given P–V diagram. The specific heat of the gas for the above
process is ; then x is?
(A) 0 (B) 6
(C) 7 (D) None

51. The ratio of (E2 - E1) to (E4 – E3) for the hydrogen atom is approximately equal to
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 17 (D) 12

52. The IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4 and IP5 of an element are 7.1, 14.3, 34.5, 46.8, 162.2 eV respectively. The
element is likely to be:
(A) Na (B) Si (C) F (D) Ca

53. An aqueous solution of 6.3g oxalic acid dihydrate is made up to 250 mL. The volume of 0.1 N NaOH
required to completely neutralise 10 mL of this solution is
(A) 40 mL (B) 20 mL (C) 10 mL (D) 4 mL

54. If 50 mol of A 2 B 3 react completely with 200 mol of C 2 in a closed vessel according to the equation
2A 2 B3 g   5C 2 g   3C 3 B2 g   CA 4 g 
Composition of the mixture of gases after reaction (moles).
C2 C 3 B2 CA 4
(A) 100 50 50
(B) 75 75 25
(C) 25 75 25
(D) 10 25 100

55. The correct order of increasing s -character (in percentage) in the hybrid orbitals of following
molecules/ions is:
(I) CO32 (II) XeF4 (III) I3 (IV) NCl3 (V) BeCl2

56. The ratio between the rms velocity of O2 at 800 k and that of H 2 at 50 k is
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0.25

57. Which of the following molecules has non zero dipole moment ?
(A) CH2Cl2 (B) XeF2 (C) I3 (D) XeF4

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-8

58. 1 litre of N 2 and litres of O 2 at the same temperature and pressure were mixed. What is the
relationship between the masses of two gases in the mixture?
(A) M N = 3M O (B) M N = 8M O (C) M N = M O (D) M N = 16M O
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
59. Which of the following structure of ClF3 is most stable?

(A) Cl (B) Cl


All the three are of equivalent

(C) Cl (D)


60. Dipole moment of is 1.5D. The dipole moment of is:

(A) 1.5D (B) 2.25D (C) 1D (D) 3D

61. In a flask of volume ‘V’ litres, 0.2 moles of oxygen, 0.4 moles of N 2 , 0.1 mole of NH 3 and 0.3 moles
of He are enclosed at 27°C . If the total pressure exerted by these non-reacting gases is one
atmosphere, the partial pressure exerted by N 2 is
(A) 1 atm (B) 0.1 atm (C) 0.2 atm (D) 0.4 atm

62. In which of the following pairs, the hybridization of central atoms is same, but shape is not the same?
2 2
(A) SO 3 ,CO 3 (B) SO 3 ,NH3 (C) PCl 5 ,POCl 3 (D) XeF2 ,ICl 3

63. If ‘V’ is molar volume of gas and gas obeys vanderWaal’s equation, the intercept of the plot PV Vs P
at high pressure is
(A) RT (B) RT (C) a  (D) nRT

64. In which one of the following reactions, Kp is less than Kc ?

(A) 2SO3  g  
 2SO2  g   O2  g
 (B) N2  g   3H2  g  
 2NH3  g

(C) PCl5  g 

 PCl3  g   Cl2  g 
 (D) H2  g  I2  g  
 2HI  g 

65. What is the relation between the following pairs of molecules?

Me Et
Cl H Cl H
H Me H Me
Et Me
(A) enantiomers (B) Diastereomers (C) identical (D) position isomers

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.
(RT-23)_(2 YEAR)_2020-MPC-9

66. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behaviour is
that graphite
(A) is an allotropic form of diamond
(B) has molecules of variable molecular masses like polymers
(C) has carbon atoms arranged in large plates of rings of strongly bound carbon atoms with weak
interplate bonds
(D) is a non-crystalline substance

67. CH3COCl Br2 - H2O H3O+
A B C (major)

(A) (B) © (D) None


68. A sample of 2-chlorobutane has [] = 11.55. The specific rotation of (+)-2-chlorobutane is 23.1.
Which is correct option?
(A)The dextro form is 65% (B)The laevo form is 25%
(C)Enantiomeric excess is 50% of (+)2-chlorobutane
(D)both (B) and (C)

69. 1-Bromo-1-phenylethane is the major product obtained by reaction of Bromine with

(A) styrene (B) ethyl benzene (C) t-butyl benzene (D) phenylethyne

70. The number of OH– ions involved in the balanced equation Cr(OH)3 + IO3  CrO 24  I is
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 5
Integer Type
71. For the redox reaction Zn + Cu2 (0.1M) 
 Zn2 (1M)  Cu
Taking place in a cell, Eocell is 1.1 volt Emf for the cell will be : (given 2.303 RT/nF = 0.0591)
(A) 1.80V (B) 1.07V (C) 0.82V (D) 2.14V

72. Bromine has two naturally occurring isotopes, one is Br-79 (mass = 78.9183 u) with abundance of
50.54%. If the average atomic mass of bromine is 79.904, the mass of other isotope will be
(A) 80.91 (B) 78 (C) 79.91 (D) 80

73. The edge length of a face centered cubic cell of an ionic substance is 508 pm. If the radius of the
cation is 110 pm, the radius of the anion is
(A) 288 pm (B) 398 pm (C) 618 pm (D) 144 pm

74. The number of aldol reaction (s) that occurs in the given transformation is

CH3 CHO  4HCHO  

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

75. Which nitrogen atom in LSD is most basic?

1 3
H N C N(et)2
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) All are equally basic

FIITJEE (Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004
FIITJEE Limited. 22–97, Plot No.1, (Opp. Patel Kunta) Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. 500 072. Ph : 040–64601123
FIITJEE Limited. Plot No. 39A, (Opp. Sashi Hospital), Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, 5000036. Ph: 040–64569509.

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