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6.10 Incogral Calculus, 30 Geometry & Vector Booster Gi) Taya, + byby + ee <0, the origin lies in the acute angle between the two planes and the equation of the bisector of the acute angle is at by beet) ax t by tee + dy \ere+e land the obtuse angle is axt by tee td) ax t by te, \eried erhee 3.27 Foot OF PERPENDICULAR OF A POWT W.R.T. A PLANE The foot of the perpendicular M of a point P(x, yy. 21) wet a plane ax + by + cz + d= 0 is given by (ax + yy + +d) @+P +A) Iwace oF & PowT A PANE The image Q of a point P(x, ax+by+ez+d=0is 4) wrt. a plane a 2(ar + by +e +d) a z Q= Uy Yn 2) @thte) where 8.29 .QuaTion OF THE PLANE CONTAMING A GVEN LINE AND PARALLEL TO A GEN LE The equation of the plane containing a given line be = and also parallel to another line be (Problems based on Fundamentals) ABC of 3D-Geometry 1. Find the distance between the points P(3, 4, 5) and QU-1, 2, -3) 2. Find the shortest distance of the point P(a, b,c) from 3. If the line passing through the points (5, 1, a) and 6.1) erses the ye plane at fo, 2 the value of a+b +2. 4, Show that the points PQ, 7, 10), Q-1, 6, 6) and C(-4, 9, 6) are the vertices of an isosceles right angled triangle, is Lom boom on, The equation of the plane containing L, = 0 is a=0 “ aly + bm, + en, =0 «iy a -x) +b -y) +e@ where Since L; = 0 is parallel to the plane (i), therefore the normal to the plane (j) is also normal to the line Ly = 0. «aii Eliminating a, b, ¢ from Eqs (D, (i) and (ii), we get ‘Thus, aly + bm, + em, =0 r= y-y 2-4 Loom on, boom om 3.30 Equation oF THE PLANE CONTANING TWO GIVEN LES ‘The equation of the plane containing two lines = ena and n, [=o ‘5, Find the locus of a point, the sum of distances from (1, 0, 0) and 1, 0, 0) is 10. 6, Find the ratio in which the plane x ~ 2y + 32 = 17 divides the line joining the points (-2, 4, 7) and G, -4, 8). 7. Find the co-ordinates of points which trisects the line joining the points P(-3, 2, 4) and Q(0, 4, 7). 8, If the centre of a tetrahedron OABC are (1, 2, where A = (a, 2, 3), B= (1, b, 9, C respectively, find the distance of P(a, b, c) from the origin, 9, Find the ratio in which the Tine joining the points P(-2, 3, 7) and Q(3, -5, 8) is divided by the veplane, 3D-Co-ordinate Geometry _ 6.1 10. ‘The vertices of a triangle are A(S, 4, 6), B(I,—1, 3) and C(4, 3, 2). The internal bisector of ZBAC meets BC in D. Find AD. Direction cosines and direction ratios 1 12, 19. 20. 21 2. 23. 25. IF ine is equally inclined with the axes, find its direction cosines Find the angle at which the vector (4i + 4] + K) is inclined to the axes. a line makes an angle «, B, y with the co-ordinate axes, find the value of @ Esinra Gi) Zeos2a, ‘A line OP makes with the x-axis and y-axis at an angle of 120°, 60, respectively. Find the angle made by the fine with the z-axis ‘A vector ris inclined to x-axis and to y-axis at 60°, If iel= 8, find the vector r. Find the projection of the line joining (1, 2, 3) and G1, 4, 2) on the line having direction ratios @.3,-6, ‘What isthe angle between the lines whose direction 313) 4/31 8) bac aletlee 2? Find the angle between any two diagonals of a cube. Find the angle between one diagonal of a cube and a diagonal of one face Aine makes angles aj fi, 7 with the four diagonal of a cube, find the value of @ Teo (ii) Esinta (ii) Eeos(209 1d the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are satisfy the equations ! + m+n = 0 and Pm =n =0, Find the direction cosines of the two lines which ‘are connected by the relation ! — Sm + 3n = 0 and, TP + Sm? — 3n? = 0. Find the angle between the lines which are connected by the relation 1 +m +n = 0 and 2m + 2in + Show that the straight lines whose direction cosines ‘are given by the equations al + bm + cn = 0 and P= 0 are uP + vm? + wr perpendicular if a(u +0) + Pu +w) +24) and paralel if © +24 Z 20 Ifa variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (I, m, n) and (I++ 61, m+ m,n + n), show that the small angle 69 between the two positions is aziven by (58)? = (51)? + (Bm)? + (Sn) Striaght Line 26, Find the equation of a line passing through (2, 3, 4) a3 _ytl 2-7 and parallel tothe line “53 = "4 = £57. 27, Find the equation ofa ine passing through (-3, and parallel to the vector 21 + 3) + 7k. xeb lyr? -4) 28, Find the point where the line rmeets the plane 2x - 2y = 29, Find the equation of the line through 3x — 4y + Sz = 10, 2x + 2y ~ 32 = 4 and parallel to x = 2y = 30. Prove that the lines 4x = 3y = ~z and 3x = y = ~4z are perpendicular. 31, If the lines x = az + by = +b, y = cz +d! are perpendicular, prove that aa ted =-1 32. Find the distance of the point (1, -2, 3) from the plane x - y + z= 5 measured parallel to the line * =2 = 2 2-37 <6 33, Find the foot of the perpendicular from the point z+ d and x= a'z x6 (1, 2,3) tothe line 4S = *5— = £7 and also find the length of the perpendicular. 34, Find the image of a point (1, 6. 3) in the line x Yolen 127 3 35. Find the equation of the line which can be drawn from the point (1, —1, 0) to intersect the 2_yad_ 3 lines "5 ees orthogonally 36, Find the equation of the line through (2, -3, 1) parallel to the plane 2x — y + z = 6 so as to meet J = 5? a right angle the tine 15? = 2 = 2 Shortest distance between two lines 37, Find the shortest distance between the lines + 3i+ 85+ 3k + AGi-j +k) and 3i- Tj) + 6k + uC 3+ 25+ 4k) 38, Find the shortest distance between the lines and, 39, Prove that the shortest distance between any two opposite edges of a tetrahedron formed by the planes ytraOx4220xty=0andxeyez=3 ais a2. 6.12 Incogral Calculus, 3D Geometry & Vector Booster 40. 4a. 45. 46. 49. 48, 50. 51 92. 53 54 55. 56. 97. 58, If 2d be the shortest distance between the y Tines 2 4 2 5 P Find the equation of the plane through the points PQ, 1, D, OG, 1, 2) and RO, 5, ~4), Show that the four points (1, 2, 3), 2, 1, 4) 3,1, 3) and (2, 2, 6) are coplanar. Find the intercepts of the plane 2x ~ 4y + 5 fon the co-ordinate axes, Find the equation of the plane passes through the points (3, 0, 0), (0, 4, 0) and (0, 0, 5). Find the equations of the plane through the points (0, 4, ~3), (6, ~4, 3) other than the plane through the origin, which cut off from the axes intercepts, whose ‘A plane meets the co-ordinate axes in A, B, C such, that the centroid of the triangle ABC is the point (& 41). Find the equation of the plane. ‘A variable plane cuts the co-ordinate axes in A, By C and is of constant distance 3p from the origin. Find the locus of the centroid of the triangle ABC. 20 the plane £ +2 + =1 ments he coondnate axes a the points, 8, C respectively. Find the azea of the AABC. AA variable plane cuts the co-ordinate axes in A, By C and is of constant distance p from the origin. Find the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC. If a variable plane forms a tetrahedron of constant volume 644° with the co-ordinate planes, find the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron Find the angle between the planes x 2y + 22 + 2014 = Oand 2x4 y+ 22+ 2015 =0, Prove that the planes 3x ~ 2y + 32 + 10 = 0 and 2x ~ By ~ dz +7 = 0 are perpendicular. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1, 2, 3) and the perpendicular to the planes 2x + 3y 44247 =0, 3x4 4y 45241020 . 3 and the plane 3x4 4y #245 Find the angle between the y+l_iz 7 > Prove that the line 0. yo4_ 2-5 3 is parallel to the plane 4x + 4y — 5z+2=0. Find the equation of a plane passing through (2,3, and parallel to x ~ 2y + 32 + 10 = 0. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (2, 3, ~4), (1, -1, 3) and parallel t© x-axis. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (1, 2, 3), (4 3, 1) and parallel to y-axis, » 59, 60. 6 2. 63, 64, 65, 66. 61, 68, 69, 70. 7 n, B 74. 75; 16. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points G, 4, 5), €2, 3, —1) and parallel to z-axis Find the equation of the plane passing through 1, 2, 3) and parallel to xy-plane Find the equation of a plane parallel to ye-plane and passes through the point 2, 3, 4) Find the equation of the plane passing through (3, 4, 5) and parallel to 2x plane Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (2, ~1, 0), @,—4, —5) and parallel tothe Tine De = 3y = 42 Find the equation of the plane passing through 2, 3, 4) and parallel to the lines x = 2y = 32 and 2x = Sy =z Find the equation of the plane passing through the ierscotion of the planes 2x + Sy ~ Sz 2x4 Ty — 82 = 7 and the point (1, 4, 3). Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (2, -1, 1) and the line 4x ~ 3y + ye 2-5. Find the equation of the plane passing through the intersection of the planes 2x + 3y + 102 = 8 2x—3y + Tz =2 and the perpendicular to 3x ~ 2y + 4z = 5. Find the equation of the plane passing through the line x+y +24 3=0,20-y+3241=0 and parallel to == 3 = = Find the length of the perpendicular from a point (1, 2, 3) to the plane Sx + 4y ~ 32—1 Find the equation of the line through (-1, 3, 2), perpendicular to the plane x + 2y + 2z = 3 and also find the co-ordinates of its foot. Find the distance of the point (1, 2, 3) from the plane x + y +z = I] measured parallel rel _y+2_2-7 ro 2 2 Find the locus of a point, the sum of the squares of whose distances from the planes x + y + z= 0, 2=0,x-2y +2 =0is9. Two system of the co-ordinate axes have the same origin. Ifa plane cuts them at distances a, b, © and , qr respectively from the origin. Prove that Lytytoty ty ep ee pg Fr Find the distance of the point (4, 1, 1) from the lines xtyte-4s0sx- 2-2-4. Find the distance between the planes x + 2y — 22 + 1 =O and 2x + 4y—42+5=0 Find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection 1_y-2_ 243 with the plane 2 3 ° 1 of the Tine © 2e-2y 3D-Co-ordinate Geometry _ 6.13 7. 78. 79. 80, 81 82, 83, Find the equation ofthe plane passing through (1, 2,0) x yl Which contains the line 243 = as 3 a 8 Prove that the lines x2 9-3 rs ‘equation of the plane where they lie. Find the equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes 4x ~ Sy ~ 4z = 4 and 2x + y + 2c = 8 al the point (1, 2, 3) Find the eqution of the plane bisecting the acute angle between the planes x + 2y + 2-3 = 0 and ar+4y+ 12+ 1=0. Find the image of the point (2, ~3, 4) with respect to the palne 4x + 2y ~ 4z +3 =0, 4 are coplanar and also find the Find the equation of the image of the x =2_ 243 line in the plane 3x ~ 3y + 102 - 26, Find the equation of the plane containning the (Mixed Problems) ‘The shortest distance of the point (a, b, c) from the eee ) We wowed OVP ee 2. The equation of the x-axis is roe x) @F=5565 Oa xv Lz x) @i-5-% @ isp If the direction cosines of a line are ( 1 (b) #2 33 on ‘The number of lines, through the origin makes equal angles with the axes, is wt w4 (b) 2 @o IL 1B 4, 1s, The foot of perpendicular from (a, b, ¢) on the z-axis @ @.0, 0) (©) ©. 6,0) ©) ©, 0, 0) @ 00,0), The angle between any two diagonals of a cube is (@) tan"! (202) (6) tan!) (©) cot 12) (@ cos[3} The angle between a diagonal of a unit cube and @ diagonal of a face is © aw(2) (a) cos 3 © cos'{ 4) @ cos'| 3 A Tine makes an angle a Band with the axes, the value of sina + sin" + sin?yis @t (2 @-1 @o. A line makes an angle a, B and 7with the axes, then the value of cos(2a) + cos(2B) + cos(27) is @l 2 1 @ 0. The shortest distance from the origin to the plane 2x + 3y + 6-21 =0is @2 1 ©3 @4 A plane meets the co-ordinate axes at A, B and C, respectively. If the centroid of the triangle is 2, 2, 2), the equation of the plane is @xtytres @) sty 4ze6 (xtyte=9 @xtyterd The locus of the first degree equation in x, y, 2 reprsents a (@) stline (b) plane (©) spher @ conicoid If the plane 2x ~ 3y + 6 ~ 11 = O makes an angle sin" (R) with xvaxis, then & is 8 2 oy Or 2 oF @1 The distance between the parallel lines 2x ~ 3y + 6: +5 =0 and 6x — 9y + 182 +21 =0is 1 3 @t OF 2 4 2 @ > ‘The equation of the plane passing through (1, 2, 3) and parallel to 2x + y + 2z + 10= 0 is 6.14 Incogral Calelus, 3D Geometry & Vector Booster 18, au 2. 23. (@) 2x +y+22-10=0 (b) 2x + y+ 2c ~12=0 © dr+y+2412=0 (@) 2x +y+2+10=0 ‘The angle between the planes 2x - y + 2 = 6 and xtyt2eeTis ot o nis ols oz @ The line x = 1, y = 28 (@) parallel to x-axis (b) parallel 10 y-axis (©) parallel to z-axis (@) none of these and 2 = 3 is (@) parallel to x-axis (b) parallel to y-axis (©) parallel to z-axis (@) none of these ‘The equation of a line passing through (2, 3, 4) and perpendicular to the plane 2x + 3y~ 2 = 5 is The line y is parallel to the plane > 4 (a) 3x¢4y45e=7 (b) e+ 3y+5e (x+y 2=0 @) 2x+3y 4225 The angle between the plane 3x + 6y ~ 2z +5 = 0 x-2_y+l_z and the Hine 752 =" * 1 - 2 © sin 5 ‘The co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the x-6_ytl_ 243 line SP = Ty = EG and the plane ty 2 @ Q,1,0) ®) (2, -6) ©6142 @ 6-1, The shortest distance between the lines *. yo2_z-3 yro2_ yo 4_z-8 3 ams a 3 1 1 @§ OE 1 © @ 5 24. 25, 26, 21, 28, 29, 30. 31 32. The plane passing through (3, 2, 0) and the Tine xo3_ yo rod a @x-y ()rtyeees (©xty-zs1 @) Ww-y+e=5 TF the projection of FO on OX, OF and OF are respectively 12, 3 and 4, the magnitude of PQ is (a) 169 13 @12 (a 148 The distance ofthe plane passing through (1,1, 1) and cular to the tine #1 ==" = 2-1 from perpendicular tothe fine $1 = 27h 2a the origin is 3 4 @3 oF 1 ot @ A variable plane at a distance of 1 unit from the origin cuts the co-ordinate axes at A, B and C. If the centroid D(x, y, 2) of AABC satisfies the rela- 1iiyt tion Lg Ly Lak, then bis @t ©) 3 © @4 -3 4-2 The lines “= 1 k are coplanar if k is 2 @4 @t @o The equation of the obtuse angle bisector between the planes 3x ~ 2y + 6 +8 =O and 2x—y + 22+ 3=0is (@Sr-y- 4223 (b) Set y— 425 (© art y-5: (@ Te + 3y-9: The plane x — 4 is rotated through an angle 90° about its line of intersection with the plane x+y +2<= 4 Then the new position of the plane (@) Se43y42r=4 — (b) Sr+y4de=20 (arty 452220 @) 4r45y4z2=20 The value of m for which the straight lines 3x ~ 2y 42432024 3y 44241 are parallel to the plane 2x y + mz = 2is ae &) 8 @-2 @- AA straight line is given by r= (1+ 97 + 317 (1k, where # in R, If this line lies in the plane xy cz=d,the value of (c+ d~5)is 3D-Co-ordinate Geometry 6.15 33 34, 35, 36. 37. 38. 39. ws ws 4 @2 xo2_ly-l_letl Let: Satoh and Ly 73 221 T 1 "cI and let mbe the plane which contains the line L and is parallel to 1. The distance of the plane 7 from the origin is iz 1 we oF 0% (@) none of these If the planes x = ey + be, y= ae + bx and ppass through the same line, the value of a’ + b? + <* 4+ 2ab + 2is @2 1 3 ws ‘The equation of the plane passing through (0, 2, 4) xt3_yol 2-2), and containing the line ; (a) x-2y + 4z-12=0 (b) Sx+y+92~38=0 (©) 1Or- 12y - 92 + 60 (@ Ix + Sy 0 ‘The two lines x= ay +b, 2= cy +dand x= aly +6, 2= ey +d’ will be perpendicular if and only if (a) aa’ + bb tec’ #10 (0) aa’ + bb’ + cc’ = 0 OWta) + b+ +(C+e) @ ad +e’ +1=0 1- Af the line 6 0. Then the value of (a + b + 1) z x42 lies in the plane xt3y- arth @2 1 3 @4 x Lzxo1 2-¥ 2-34, tte tines = 2 = ASL ASP ang stk * sre concureat, then @h=-,k=-6 bh (n= ink wr We If the four points P(2 - x, 2, 2), O(2, 2 = y, 2) R(2, 2, 2 =z) and S(1, 1, 1) are coplanar, then wetter @axtyeent i,t, ety: yaa OTT tT 40. ‘The equation of the right bisector plane of the Tine segment joining the points (2, 3, 4) and (6, 7, 8) is @xtytz=15 (x4 2y42=15 (© 3r4 242218 xe 2y4Se=15 41, ‘The shortest distance from the plane 12x-+ 4) to the sphere x° + y" + 2° + 4x ~ 2y ~ 6z = 155 is @ 39 ) 26 jit (d) 13 42, The intersection of the spheres x2 + y+ 24 7z— dy 22 IS andceyes 2 3ee tye dea Bis the same a8 the intersection of one of the sphere and the plane (a) w-y- 1 (b) x-2y-z51 @x-y-2%=1 0 @x-y-e= 43. The plane x + 2y cuts the sphere x” + y" + 7 =x+2-2=0 ina circle of radius @3 1 (2 @) v2 44, I the plane 2ax — Say + daz + 6 = 0 passes through the mid-point of the Tine joining the centres of the spheres x2 + 2 + 2 + Gx ~ By ~ 2c = 13 and ayia roars By 4 de = 8, then ais @-1 1 (©) -2 @2 45, The intersection of the spheres x? + y? + 2 + Tx — Qy-25 [Sand x + y+ 2 3+ By 4 de = Bis the same a8 the intersection of one of the sphere and the plane. Then (@2%-y-251 @x-2y-221 (x-y-2=1 (d) x-y- tever tl (Problems for JEE-Advanced) 1 Show that the straight lines whose direction cosines are given by the equation al + bm + en = 0 and ul? + ym? + wn? = 0 are perpendicular if au +) + ut w+ ut») =0 and parallel it 4 4 = 2. If P be any point on the plane Lx + my + nz =p and Q be a point on the line OP such that OP-00, find the locus of the point @ 3. A poim P moves on a plne £424 221A plane through P and perpendicular to OP meets the co-ordinate axes at A, B and C. If te plane through A, B and C and parallel to the planes x = 0, y intersect at Q, find the locus of Q. 44. A plane passes through a fixed point (a,b, ¢). Show that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular to it from the origin is the sphere a? + y? + 2 — ar — by -e=0, 6.16 Incogral Calelus, 3D Geometry & Vector Booster 14 16. ‘The plane x - y - z = 4 is rotated through an angle of 90° about the line of intersection with the plane x + y + 22 = 4, Find its equation in the new position, If the planes x ~ ey ~ bz =0,ey-y +az=0 and passing through a straight line, find the value of a? +b? +c? + abe. 1d the co-ordinates of those points on the -3 +2 “3° 6 ‘of 3 units from the point (1, ~2, 3). Find the distance of the point (1, 0, ~3) ftom the plane x - y ~ z = 9 measured parallel to the +2 6-2 2 3" 6 Find the equation ofthe plane passing through (1, 2,0) x+3_yo1_2 art the projection of the which are at a distance line which contains the line of Find the equation +1 on the plane x + 2y + Find the shortest distance between the lines 2x + y iby #22 2and x Find the distance of the point of intersection of the * x-1_ytl 1 agg Lab Ifthe lines x =ay+b,2=cy +d and x= ay +b, 2 = cy +d) are perpendicular such that aa, + 6b, 4+ k= 0, find the value of (2 + 4), Find the distance of the point(1, 2, 3) from the plane x + y + ¢ = 11 measured parallel prtl yo iz T7272 If a variable plane forms a tetrahedron of constant volume 644? with the co-ordinate planes, find the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron, 0 IF 24 te sont distance between he ies 2+ . 1, y=, prove that etek oé If the foot of the perpendicular from the origin to a plane is P(a, b, find the equation of the plane Find the equation of a plane which passes through te1_y-2 he point of intersection of tines "=! = the point of intersect aa £2 ade pene Oand £-£ distance from the point (0, 0, 0) 2 2. 23, 24, 25, lever (0 If the equation of the plane through the straight y42 x23 z line = = © and perpendicular to 2 3g amd ems x-ytzh2=Oisax+ by + ez 4+4=0, find the value of a +b + 642 Find the equation of the plane through (2, 3, 4) and also which is at the maximum distance from the origin. A sphere of radius r passes through the origin and reets the axes in A, B, C. Find the locus of the centroid of AABC lies on the sphere ‘A plane passes through a fixed point (f, g, h) and cuts the axes in A, B, C. Show that the locus of the conte ofthe sphere OABC: [A sphere of constant radius passes through the oigin and cus the axes in A, B, C, Find the locus Of the foot of the perpendicular from Q to the plane ABC. Find the equation of a sphere circumscribing the tetrahedron whose faces are x = 0, y = 0,.2=0 and S424 Eat Find the equation of a sphere for which the circle Paya te Ty 2042 =0 and 2 4 By 44: 8 isa great circle (Tougher Problems for JEE-Advanced) Show that the straight lines whose direction cosines are given by al + bm + 0 and fmn + gni + him = 0 are 0) pomtsrit! ee h Gi) parallel if Yap + ybg + Veh = 0. If the edges of a rectangular parallelopiped are 4, b and c, show that the angles between the four diagonals are given by cos ‘A variable plane passes through the fixed point (a, b, c) and meets the axes of reference in P,Q, R. Show that the locus of the point of intersection of the plane through P,Q, R parallel to the co-ordinate a,b,c planes is $4 %45=1 A variable plane makes intercepts on the co-ordinate axes, the sum of whose squares is constant and equal to K, Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin to the plane. Find the incentre of the tetrahedron formed by the planes x= 0,y=0,2=0andx+y+z=a If the image of the point (3, 5, 7) in the plane 2 +y + 2= 16 is (a, b,c) find the value of a? + Pacts 18,

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