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by e.j.ward

The evening was going to be a disaster she thought. Already a drunken draggy boring
disaster. Because she would have to get drunk, quickly, quickly, the sweet slippery road
to annihilation.
"Here's to us."
To us? Oh God! "Do you always drink champagne?"
"With oysters."
"Oh. What do you drink with other things?"
"More champagne."
A waiter flapped her serviette like a seagull and it landed comfortably in her lap.
"Thankyou" she said kindly.
"You're looking very lovely" he filled her glass again.
"Thankyou" she repeated graciously.
"What have you been up to since I saw you last?"
Wrong question. "Well" she considered "You know how it is. What with one thing and
another. Not too much work coming in. But we keep buggering on don't we? Got to keep
going. How have you been?"
"I've just been round the world."
"Really? Whatever for?"
"I was looking for a man."
"Good Gracious! And did you find him?"
"Yes. He was in Australia."
"Who was he?"
"My father."
"Your FATHER!" (You're too old to have a father.)
The waiter filled her glass with a flourish.
"How did you lose him?"
"He left my mother when I was six months old."
(Oh God. What do you say to that?) "Was he surprised to see you?"
"Very. He turned out be a millionaire. Made it all himself."
"No kidding!"
(Like father like son. To him that hath shall be given. What was it like to have a father?)
He is looking at her.
"You've grown your hair haven't you? It suits you. You look a bit Pre-Raphaelite."
"Yes. Why were you looking for him?"
"I wanted to find out who he was. If he was still alive."
She saw a fragile little old man bent and bird-like silhouetted against the great Australian
Outback. The oysters tasted of seaweed.
"What was he like? (Sad, lonely, broken.)
"I liked him. He was pleased to see me. It seems my mother kept his letters from me."
More wine. Red this time.
"Here's to you. Lovely to see you again."
"Here's to your father."
"How long has it been? Three years? You haven't changed a bit."
A waiter actually dropped a plate! Discreetly of course, in a corner, but still - for The
Bermuda Restaurant! She giggled.
"What are you laughing at?" He was gazing at her - at any moment the hand on the knee -
"Why did he leave her?"
"Oh, got bored I suppose. He was a bit of a rover - like me. Shall we dance?"
What about my dinner she thought. Oh I expect it'll keep. I wonder if he knows he's a
meal ticket. He must I suppose. How sad! Here we go - crushed against the manly chest.
He was taller than she remembered. Surprising - most self-made men were short and
aggressive. He was gentle too, but holding her too tightly. What would it be like to have a
father? Suddenly he was looking at her:
"What are you thinking about?"
"Your fa - " she stopped. "I'm hungry."
He pressed himself against her, his mouth close to her ear: "Don't you like this?"
His breath tickled. Wrong question again she thought.
"Was he very old?" He had to be at least seventy.
He sighed and took her hand. "Come on, let's eat."
The Band-leader grinned at her and suddenly she began to feel better. It was a huge
steak too, and really he was a very kind man when he wasn't playing at boa-constrictors.
More wine - and then two minutes later she was drunk. A hand came across the table to
grasp hers.
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Oh yes! I think it's wonderful! It must have made you so happy!" She beamed at him.
"Have some more wine;"
"Yes. It's nice here" she pulled her chair in closer. His legs were warm under the table.
"What made you do it?"
"Well, I hadn't seen your face for so long - "
"No" she giggled. "I mean your father" her words seemed to come out backwards.
"Can't we forget about my father for a bit?"
"Yes." How would one open the conversation? "Father! Tis I your little Algernon!" How
awful if he hadn't liked him! Her knee was being squeezed, she snuggled closer.
"Did he like you too?"
"I think so. I think we both felt less lonely afterwards."
Oh yes yes. That she could understand. How warm, how comforting after all those years!
"Would you like something else? Coffee? Brandy?"
"Yes please" she stroked his hand: "I would like . . . I would like very much . . . "
"I would like to know everything . . . " her words were slipping about, but there was
something very important here: "I would like to know ALL about it" she said.
"OK let's go round the corner to my flat and I'll tell you. It's quite close. Berkeley Square."
"You know of course there's never never been a nightingale according to ornithological
records. Will he come back to England do you suppose?"
They were in a taxi. His arms were round her strong and comforting. Such a reunion.
After so long!
"I'm sure he'll come back" he was kissing her face gently. Then they were upstairs in his
bedroom - all oyster satin. Tears welled up in her eyes. Wonderful tears. Such a relief. She
clung to him.
"Hold me close." He held her.
"Have you come back truly?"
"Don't go away again."
"I won't."
"I promise" he said.
And one hand stroked her hair softly as the other switched off the light.

(copyright e.j.ward 2021)

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