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I. Title: Interactive Multimedia - Based Remedial Reading Instruction in Primary


II. Introduction

The educational systems in the world academic cycle 0f 2020, in its various levels, as
well, suffered an untimely irruption with respect to the face-to-face modality; therefore, students
and teachers were forced to relearn new ways of accessing, transmitting knowledge and
interacting in Technology such as the use of the internet Even the most stultified voices and
positions with respect to new technologies had to submit to the new-networked work
environments. The adoption and integration of ICTs is of utmost importance to access
knowledge and keep up with modern developments. There is availability of global resources
such as digital libraries where professors, students, and professionals can access and share
research and course materials anytime and anywhere 24 hours a day, seven days a week New
educational approaches are possible in the process of teaching and learning through the
adoption and integration of ICTs, which provide higher order skills such as solving complex real
world problems, improving the perception and understanding of the learning process. The
adoption and integration of ICTs into the teaching and learning environment offers more
opportunities for teachers and students to work better in a globalized digital age.

One of the most salient trends in Education as teaching and learning process for more
than a decade has been the rising importance of integrating technology into the classroom and
its effects on the performance of students in reading. Reading is the mother of all study skills. It
is one of the most valuable skills a person can acquire. Reading is a complex process. Thus, it
cannot be taught in isolation. Reading as a field of teaching is considered one of the important
areas of teaching if not actually the most important ever. It is said to be one of the most
necessary academic skills. Besides, it is a major pillar upon which the teaching/learning process
is built. Reading plays a central role in the teaching/learning success at all educational stages.
Having any difficulty in this skill will result in variety of consequences on all subjects of study,
since reading includes a variety of sub-skills. Oz emir (2019) stressed that reading is
fundamental in getting knowledge as all the lessons and learning activities are mostly based on
the power of comprehensive reading; indeed, it is really necessary to read comprehensively. In
addition, reading comprehensively really affects a learner’s education and his life as a whole.
Learning in any lesson depends on understanding of the learning instrument of that lesson;
thus, a learner who cannot read comprehensively finds it difficult for him/her to be successful in
his or her lessons.

In Aguilar Integrated School, based on the previous year’s result of the Philippine
Inventory Test(Phil-IRI), it shows that out of forty (40) students there are ten (10) students who
can read at their grade level and thirty (30) students are categorized under frustration level in
their reading ability and in the recent Teacher Made Rubrics in reading in the new normal
setting, the results also show frustration level in most of the students in their grade level, the
students found out reading is the most difficult skills to master. They could not understand the
content of the English texts well. For example, after reading a text, they did not manage to tell
what the text was all about. Furthermore, they could not answer the questions related to the text
correctly. The condition influences other students’ English skill. This difficulty was caused by
some problems. The problems arose from some factors. They were, teacher-centered, relying
materials from book and most teachers use textbooks and printed materials to teach students,
those materials are often delivered in a monotonous way where the students get bored, lack of
opportunities for the students to involve actively in the teaching and learning process because
of limited time, students’ low motivation, the students’ passiveness during the English teaching
and learning process, and lacked of vocabulary mastery in understanding texts. All of these
factors contributed to the low level of the students’ reading skills. Consequently, the
conventional teaching techniques used nowadays could not help students with various abilities
to accomplish the teaching goals. Considering the facts above, the teacher need to search
effective ways to improve the teaching and learning process of reading in English at Aguilar
Integrated School. One of the methods which is appropriate to be applied in the teaching and
learning process in the new normal setting is interactive multimedia. PowerPoint Presentation
as Interactive Multimedia enhances the process of teaching and learning in reading, which
belonged to macro skills that is considered difficult to accomplish. The application was used by
the teachers considering the factors contributing to difficulties in reading. This helped the
teachers by providing some materials especially for reading. Moreover, it also can attract the
students to enjoy the class and they were very interested with the use of technology in the
process of teaching and learning.

Based on the premises above and due to the problems in the teaching and learning
process of reading in English and other subjects at Aguilar Integrated School specifically in the
primary grades, the proponent sought to find a solution in order to facilitate students in learning
reading. In this Innovative Work plan, the proponent focused on making reading activities and
remedial activities more interesting and enjoyable by integrating interactive multimedia- based
in the reading instruction of the primary grades.

III. Rationale

In the recent years, educational researchers have found innovative instruction

through the employment of technology-based instruction as effective. Since ICT-based
instruction is based on the learning theory of Constructivism among others, it can increase
the learning achievement of pupils in early reading. Analyzing what the K12 Program can do
to uplift the quality of education, the promotion and the retention of students would probably
be something in focus. Students learn in different ways. There are late bloomers who need
special program of instruction in developing their skills especially in early reading.
One rational program that may be implemented therefore is the use of the
technological devices that can be utilized in order to employ innovative instruction in
remedial reading using the ICT specifically interactive multimedia based instruction. The
multi-media equipment will be utilized as the means to promote multi-sensory learning in
early reading.

IV. Objectives

 To employ technology-based instruction in remedial reading instruction

 To provide complete multi-sensory learning materials in reading.
 To enhance communication skills of students in English.
V. Strategies
1. Pre-Implementation Stage

In this phase, the proponent started gathering the data which served as reference point

in conducting the work plan. The results of the Phil IRI, teacher made rubrics in reading and

other assessment such as oral and written works were analyzed on how Grades 1 to 3 students

were performing. The proponent identified the respondents and these are the Grades 1 to 3

students who gathered low scores/ frustration level in the reading assessment in the first

quarter Subsequently, the proponent prepared the intervention to address the low performance

of primary grades in reading. The intervention used was Interactive Multimedia - Based

Remedial Reading Instruction specifically using the power point presentation. Moreover, the

proponent prepared series of teacher made reading activities validated by the school

head/principal and master teachers to ensure that the learning competencies are properly

distributed. On the other hand, prior to the start of the implementation of the work plan, the

proponent secured permit from the school principal and oriented the respondents’ parents about

the purpose of the work plan.

2. Implementation Stage

On this phase, the proponent started using the Interactive Multimedia - Based Remedial

Reading Instruction on the second quarter of S.Y 2020-2021. The strategy lasted/ended for 8

weeks, wherein students used the power point presentation as their interactive multimedia

reading instruction with series of reading activities. During the implementation of the

intervention, students were provided with varied activities such as four skills of phonemic

awareness (rhyming sounds, blending sounds and etc.) and digital worksheets to perform every

after the use of interactive multimedia reading instruction. This is to measure how the students
are performing after the teaching-learning process. They were also exposed to videos,

animations and interactive reading games to ensure that the contents of the readings skills are

clearly achieved. The remedial reading strategy was conducted every other day of their

modular and online class. The activities for visual learning strategies are pictures, PowerPoint

presentations with pictures and clip arts.

Post Implementation Plan

After 8 weeks of intervention using the visual learning

strategies, a post test was administered to the 30 identified

respondents on October 15, 2019. The validated 50- item teacher

made test was administered to the respondents to gauge the

effectiveness of the intervention used. The level of performance

before and after the intervention was recorded, analyzed and

interpreted using means. Furthermore, the significant difference

in the academic performance of the Grade Ten students was

computed using t-test. Subsequently, the researcher prepared and

submitted the final draft of the action research study for

approval of the adviser.

3. Post Implementation Stage

VI. Time Frame:

Activities June March

Planning Stage
Post Implementation



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