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Hadith Twenty-Two

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AB , C+ D
+ 9>' '
+ -, /. ' , '+ 0+ +%1
+ 2 4
3 5, 6%7+ + ' 
'1+ 2 4
3 2 ' 7, '+ ' +85+ + 4
3 , 
3 + :
9 +$3;<2 + 2 4
3 , =
+ '>?. 4
+ @,'+ ' : ' '()'
« , L+ + » ' 'E F' 6G
+ 2 IH J3 -, ''
N5 O 

Abu ‘Abdullah Jabir bin ‘Abdullah al-Ansari reported that a man asked the
Messenger of Allah (r): “If I pray the prescribed (prayers), fast Ramadan, treat
the lawful as permissible and treat the forbidden as prohibited, but do nothing
more than that, shall I enter Paradise?” He (r) answered: “Yes.”

Narrator: Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah (t)

• Jabir (t) was one of the Ansaar of Madinah from the tribe of al-Khazraj. He witnessed the
second oath of allegiance at ‘Aqabah. His father died as shaheed in Uhud.

• He narrated 1,540 ahadith; a large number of them were recorded in the two Sahihs (Muslim
and Bukhari). He was also a chief source of knowledge due to his long life and his travels into
Greater Syria.

• He became blind at the end of his life and died in Madinah in 93 or 98 AH; some sources say he
was the last of the Companions to die there. Abaan ibn Uthmaan (t) led his funeral prayer.

Beneficial Lessons
• This hadith demonstrates the great concern the early generations had for seeking out the path
to goodness and to Jannah. A lot of their questions were about how to seek Janah and when
they were told of a good deed to do, they never asked if it was fardh (obligatory) or not. They
just did it hoping for whatever reward Allah (I) would give them.

• The main lesson of this hadith is that whoever performs what is obligated and avoids the
prohibitions will enter Jannah and there are a great many hadith to this effect. In fact to do the
obligatory and avoid the prohibited is the definition of taqwa.

• Whoever limits himself to the obligations and leaves off the recommended deeds is not to be
criticized because even in the acts that are obligatory there are sunnan involved.

• The importance of obligatory deeds over voluntary. The voluntary deeds are good but if
performing a Sunnah conflicts with the performing of an obligatory deed, then it is better for
one to do the obligatory because it is, by definition, obligatory.
- For example one who wishes to pray Sunnah before Dhuhr but finds that doing so would
cause him or her to delay their Dhuhr salah by a minute or so. In this case, they must wait for
Dhuhr to come in and pray it because it is the obligatory prayer. And if it is the routine of the
person that they pray sunnah before Dhuhr but could not do so this time, they may still be
rewarded as if they prayed the sunnah prayer anyway.

“If you want to get close do to Allah (I), do it with the fardh [obligatory actions.] Allah (I) loves
the fard, thats why they are…. Fard!”- Dr. Ali Shehata

• Why were zakaah and Hajj not mentioned?

They weren’t revealed yet.

Hadith Twenty-Three

%3 W2 C+ 3 3WX  :  

V H 3+ ' 'E :' 'E 3 ,
P + 
9 + Q%. L+ C, R 9+
#. $ S
9 . 'T D
U 9+5 .$' #,
[a3 bH 6 + [.c, R  dV +6N #+ , $+ +5 ` ^
P , Z+ ' ` 9 Y,Z+
V !3 , T
V ' +1", 3  [' \ ] ^
P , Z+
V !3 , T
'  [9+@,_V
O  .+(H $.35 ' +(H ;9L, 3 )' 3 N
+ e2 + fa g9+")' 3!h, @+ i
. 6 IX jH [+D , '
+ ' D
+ ' Fk 6G73 H ,%(H  + [ld+ 
9 %3 ", 6 + [k+m%, $3 FH E' !+ 6 

On the authority of Abu Malik al-Harith bin 'Asim al-Ash'ari who said: The
Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Purification is half of iman (faith). Saying 'Al-
Hamdulillah' (Praise belongs to Allah) fills the scales. Saying 'Subhanallah wa al-
Hamdulillah' (Exhalted be Allah above all they associate with Him and Praise
belongs to Allah) fills the space between the heavens and the earth. Prayer is a
light. Sadaqah (charity) is a proof. Sabr (patience) is radiance. The Qur'an is an
argument either for you or against you. Everybody goes out in the morning and
sells themselves, either setting themselves free or destroying themselves."

Narrator: Al-Harith ibn 'Asim al-Ash'ari

• Companion who came from Yemen. He later moved to Egypt and then on to Greater Syria where
he met his demise as a result of the plague in 18 AH. It has been narrated that he, Mu’aath and
Abu Ubaidah all died on the same day from pestilence. He narrated 27 ahadith.

Beneficial Lessons
• This hadith denotes the honor and greatness of wudhu by describing it to be “half of Imaan.”
Salah and iman can be interchangeable terms. Allah (I) calls prayer “iman” in places and
since we know salah is not completed without wudhu, it adds to the understanding that
wudhu is half of imaan.
• Some ahadith on the blessing in wudhu’.
o Prophet Muhammad (r) said Only a believer hold on to wudu
o Prophet Muhammad (r) said, whoever makes wudu and he perfects it, sins are being
removed with every water drip falls.
 Shows that the rest of the deen is important to you.
o Prophet Muhammad (r) said: “When the muslim or mu’min (amphasis that it is for every
one) wash their faces, every sin that they committed with their tongue or face will be
removed until the last drop of water.”
o We should not walk in the bathroom and leave the bathroom with water puddle. Don’t
waste the provision that Allah (I) has given us.
o Prophet Muhammad (r) said: “Whoever perfects their wudu and prays two rakah in
which his heart is totally connected to Allah (I), then Jannah is obligated upon him.”
o Doing wudu properly will make you ready to enter the Salah psychologically as well as
physically. Your wudhu is your psychological preparation for salah to perform it the best
o A tabi’ee got pale while making wudu and when asked, he replied: “Don’t you know who
I am going to pray in front of?” SubhanALLAH, this is so amazing. We must ponder over
this situation.
• The hadith denotes the greatness of al-Hamdulillah.
There is a difference of opinion on the meaning of “filling the scale.” The first is that the phrase
is metaphorical. The second is that it is literal, that is to say Allah (I) will give it actual weight on
the scale and only He (I) knows best.
• The honor of the two phrases– subhanAllah (which means “How perfect is Allah from all they
attribute to Him...”) and al-Hamdulillah.
o Moisten your tongue with the Remembrance of Allah (I). Allah (I) blesses us to be where
we are. When Allah gives us His blessings, it makes things easy on us but how often does
it occur to us to want to make Him happy when He makes us happy? Allah SWT loves
these phrases and that should be enough for us to start saying these regularly.
- You can intend trees in Jannah and that your sins forgiven when you recite/ask (you
don’t get it as a consequence unless you had intended it this is why ulema say learn the
intention like you learn the action).
• The hadith notes the honor of prayer and that it is light.
o And establish prayer so it keeps you away from sins and indecency.
o If you have light in the heart, it helps you distinguish the right and wrong
o Guard the middle prayer – opinion Asr and other opinon fajr. At asr we are getting out
of work and we are lazy, tired and most likely to be heedless about the prayer.
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said - Whoever neglects salatul Asr his actions will be zero
• The prayer is a light in this world (criterion) & the next.
• Sadaqah is evidence and proof of the Imaan of the one who performs it for wealth is beloved
and it is only Imaan that leads one to spend it for the sake of Allah.
o The Iman separated you from your money. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that money
will not go down because of sadaqah.
o RED Flag Moment—Prophet Muhammad (SAW) comes to Madinah first word come out
of his mouth is very important and they will remember that He said O people feed one
another, spread Salam (you should contribute to peace wherever you go), pray at night
when others are sleeping, do these things and you will enter jannah easily. [Husnul
o 10 intentions that can be made when you give sadaqah 5 good for duniya and 5 for
 Purifies your wealth
 Purifies your body
 Protects you and your family from disease
• Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saidTreat your sick with sadaqah
 It brings happiness to the needy
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked what is the most beloved deed to

Allah (SWT), to make your vorther or sister happy
 Bring blessing and increases in provision
• Protect you from harm.
 Shade on the Day of Judgment
• Your sadaqah will be shade over you
 Relieves you from the sin
 Very heavy on the scale
 It will help to cross the sirat
 Raise your degree in Jannah
• It protects from Hellfire (1/2 date, give gold women in Hell)
• As sadaqah is praised, stinginess is condemned.
• Ibn Rajab discusses that patience which is radiance:
{? b%J| q r) {  ! q rs ) [ d  j [ O t 
ej N"7 [ ue b!mv w? x;y [ ie 
AEC z j ] ” : o #$ E

• Diya’ – description of sun in Qur’an, light with heat = difficulty

o Sabr is hard and it’s not easy.
• Not to use the Quran as merchandise
o Quran is a testimony for you or against you.
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said the majority of the hypocrites in my community are the
reciter of the Quran
 Because they don’t practice what they recite
 Importance of doing this the ‘right way’
 You have to make the recitation only for the sake of Allah (SWT)
• A warning from neglecting the Qu’ran.
• Whoever obeys Allah SWT has sold himself to Allah SWT and released himself from His
punishment; and whoever disobeys Him has destroyed himself and weighed himself down with
sins that earn him punishment.
o Every one wakes up and selling something to someone.

Hadith Twenty-Four

, Q?. 
, -9 +"
9 +@) :' 'E 3 6' I 6\
9 QV$+ #,
+ @,%@+ + )   
 } #+

 ,'eh9  ~> &' #,
[,jH !9 m, ' ., !3 , ;+, ') 3 ;3@,!+ m+ #, 5+ ={?. + , <H X jH 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [ , 3 ''€Z+ ') A5+ 6%1
+ 53 , <H + , $+ 3 ;32 L+ + + , N
V e2 + '
+ + 2 €X  4
3 5, 6%7+
+@ [,<H N
3 j2 ' , ., N
3 <2 ;+, ') 3 Z3, N
+ j' #, 5+ ={?. ‚ +
, <H X jH 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [,<H , L9 ƒ2 H .3L9 W2 ;+, ') 3 ;3, L+ ƒ2 ' #, 5+ ={?. fa g9+ , <H X jH 
, -9 +"
9 +@

, Q%
+ ,h3 H ", Z+ #, ' , <H 6?. 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [,H<' %, e9 „2 ' , ., %3 e9 h, ;+, ') AL+ , 9 + …
+ , 3X† %3 e9 „2 ' +'+ . +6 + I. , =.$ ' , BH9W‡
, Z3 , <H 6?. 
, -9 +"
!U 79 + I‚ 3 + o
. 2 E' '(Z,' '
+ ,3'j , <H 6. + , <H N
+ ,?.+ , jH %+ J9 + , <H '6' =' , ' 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [,., L3 e' , ;+)' , L9 e2 + ,h3 H ", Z+ #, '+ , ., ˆ%8
3 ;+)'
!U 79 + I‚ 3 + o
. 2 E' %. G
+ )2 ' '
+ ,3'j , <H 6. + , <H N
+ ,?.+ , jH %+ J9 + , <H '6' =' , ' 
, -9 +"
9 +@ .AB' , C+ , <9 2 53 , )' D
+ 9>' -+ +/ +5 , <H , 59
, ., H'N
+ )' !U 79 + !U , L9 
+ , )9 ,53 'E , <H 6. + , <H N
+ ,?+ , jH %+ J9 + , <H '6' = , ' 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [AB' , C+ , <9 2 53 #, 59 D
+ 9>' ‰
+ (' + +5 , <H , 59
, <H H+
, ' + m9 +6?. 
, -9 +"
9 +@ [+%1
, "+ I' J9 -, H '>?' Š
H +‡
, ]9 ‰
3 (H , @+ +j' ={?. 
, !9 ,
9 659 D
+ 9>' ‰
+ (' + +5 3 ;+''N
, 5+ !U 79 + =IjH 4
3 , 'W
, ')'
.(3 N
+ e2 + ={?. 6#5+ , H @+ 
' )' D
+ 9>' %+ , „' !+ + + #, 5+ +
R !9 + 1
, +') A%+ , J+ !+ + + #, + )' +m6@?. , <H , ‹)+ H 6ŒH , <H ' + , 
9 7, H
.N5 O 

It was relayed on the authority of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari that the Prophet (SAW) said,
among the statements he related from his Lord, Magnified and Exalted be He, Who
"O My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Me and unlawful for you, so do
not commit oppression against one another. O My servants, all of you are liable to err
except those whom I guide on the right path, therefore seek guidance from Me so that
I should direct you to the right path. O My servants, all of you are hungry except for
those whom I feed, therefore seek food from Me so that I may feed you. O My
servants, all of you are naked except for those for whom I provide garments, therefore
seek clothing from Me so that I should clothe you. O My servants, you sin by night and
by day and I am there to pardon your sins, therefore seek forgiveness from Me so that
I should forgive your sins. O My servants, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you
do Me any good. O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst
you, and the whole human race of yours and that of the Jinn become as pious as the
most pious heart of any one amongst you, it will not add anything to My Kingdom. O
My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you, and the whole
human race of yours and that of the Jinn become as wicked as the most wicked heart
of anyone amongst you, it will not decrease anything from My Kingdom. O My
servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you, and the whole
human race of yours and that of the Jinn gather together on a plain of land and all ask
of Me, and if I were to give everyone of them what they asked, that will not in any way
decrease what I have anymore than a needle decreases what is in the ocean when it is
put into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon for you and then
recompense you for, so let him who finds good praise Allah, and let him who finds
other than that blame no one but himself."
Narrator: Abu Dharr al-Ghifaree
• One of the earliest converts came from a tribe known for highway robbery but he returned to
the Prophet (SAW) later with half of his tribe having accepted Islam.
o One of the important people in his tribe is sending his brother to find out about
Muhammad (SAW), so the brother comes to Muhammad (SAW) and finds Him teaching
the people about good manners and that’s what he told Abi Dharr.
o Abi Dharr went to makkah and that time Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was giving dawah
secretly. He finds Ali in makkah who was looking for the people whom wanted to
become Muslim. He took Abi Dharr to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) after 3 days of
misunderstanding and when he sees Prophet Muhammad (SAW) he said “assalamu
alikum ya rasulullah”. He then becomes Muslim just by looking at the Prophet (SAW). So
he went back to his tribe and his whole family became Muslim to. Then half the tribe
becomes Muslim and half agreed to become Muslim when Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
went to Madinah. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made dua’a for both tribes that came
with ghifaree that Allah (SWT) forgives Ghifaree.
• Well respected among the other Companions for his simplicity of living and his knowledge. He
was known to criticize the wealthy and was exiled to Rabadha where he died in 32 AH and ibn
Mas’ood prayed over him.
• Narrated ~ 280 ahadith.

Beneficial Lessons
- Sunnah is optional and fard is obligatory – it is only the defination in fiqh.
- From the seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) there are certain things that are fard and some
that are optional.
- Just because it is hadith doesn’t make it optional.
• Difference between hadith Qudsi and Qur’an?
o Hadith Qudsi is not recited as part of the Quran. Quran is matawatar and hadith qudsi is
not matawatar.
o Words of Allah (SWT)
• The great gentleness and mercy of Allah (SWT) towards us when He says, “O’ My servants”; also
reminder of why we were created – to serve and worship Allah, our Lord.
• Allah’s prohibiting thulm upon Himself even though He has the ability to do it.
o Allah (SWT) is capable of every thing.
• Definition of thulm: putting something in a place that it doesn’t belong.
• Ibn Taymiyyah – everything that Allah has forbidden is a type of thulm, whereas everything that
he has ordered is a form of justice (‘adl).
o If you are going to put yourself in a place where you should not be is a thulm.
• Narrations on the evil of oppression:
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said whoever took a span of land without having any
legitimate right for it, and then Allah (SWT) will wrap it within the 7th earth on the Day of
o You do injustice to any one, make it up in this duniya so you don’t have to pay with
taking the bad deeds of the other person or giving your good deed to the other person
o Have mercy upon others Allah (SWT) will have mercy upon you. If you want Allah (SWT)
to forgive you, then forgive other people.
o Look how Shafi’ee handled this situation. He heard some one back biting about him, so
he went and bought some fruits for the person and gave it to him and said “I heard you
were giving me some of your good deeds so I wanted to say thank you.”
• The importance of asking Allah SWT for guidance (fatihah)
o We don’t really own the guidance.
o Guidance can increase.
o We need more guidance.
o It is the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that he always asked for guidance so we
should ask for guidance.
• Why do we ask for guidance if we are already guided?
- Mankind is habituated to sin, thus the great importance of seeking forgiveness and its effect.
• The answer of al-Hasan al-Basri to those who asked him on a variety of issues and concerns.
o Make Istighfar: the more you make it, the more Allah (SWT) will continue to provide for
you, he will open up the sky and earth for you.
o We want to be like sahabah, every time they were taught something new, they wanted
to do.
• Points on Allah SWT’s self-sufficiency
o Allah (SWT) doesn’t need us. This is all created for us to gain reward
• That one must praise Allah if he finds good in his deeds, for it was Allah that made that deed
easy for him, guided him to it, aided him to perform it and then He will reward him for it In

o There will remain one man facing the (Hell) Fire and he will be the last person among the
people of Hell to enter Paradise. He will say, 'O my Lord! Please turn my face away from the
fire because its air has hurt me and its severe heat has burnt me.' So he will invoke Allah in
the way Allah will wish him to invoke, and then Allah will say to him, 'If I grant you that, will
you then ask for anything else?'

He will reply, 'No, by Your Power, (Honor) I will not ask You for anything else.' He will give
his Lord whatever promises and covenants Allah will demand.

So Allah will turn his face away from Hell (Fire). When he will face Paradise and will see it, he
will remain quiet for as long as Allah will wish him to remain quiet, then he will say, 'O my Lord!
Bring me near to the gate of Paradise.' Allah will say to him, 'Didn't you give your promises and
covenants that you would never ask for anything more than what you had been given? Woe on
you, O Adam's son! How treacherous you are!'

He will say, 'O my lord,' and will keep on invoking Allah till He says to him, 'If I give what you are
asking, will you then ask for anything else?'

He will reply, 'No, by Your (Honor) Power, I will not ask for anything else.'

Then he will give covenants and promises to Allah and then Allah will bring him near to the gate
of Paradise. When he stands at the gate of Paradise, Paradise will be opened and spread before
him, and he will see its splendor and pleasures whereupon he will remain quiet as long as Allah
will wish him to remain quiet, and then he will say, 'O my Lord! Admit me into Paradise.'

Allah will say, 'Didn't you give your covenants and promises that you would not ask for anything
more than what you had been given?' Allah will say, 'Woe on you, O Adam's son! How
treacherous you are!'

The man will say, 'O my Lord! Do not make me the most miserable of Your creation,' and he will
keep on invoking Allah till Allah will laugh because of his sayings, and when Allah will laugh
because of him.

Allah will say to him, 'Enter Paradise,' and when he will enter it, Allah will say to him, 'Wish for
anything.' So he will ask his Lord, and he will wish for a great number of things, for Allah Himself
will remind him to wish for certain things by saying, "(Wish for) so-and-so.'

When there is nothing more to wish for, Allah will say, 'This is for you, and its equal (is for you)
as well.'
Hadith Twenty-Five

 }6 'E   

V .3+ …
. +1' #, 59 A+ +H =' A8
+ @' 
 ~>' &' #,
:' 'E [,. 9 +5, ' . , 8
3 eH $ ' , EH 6!
+ ;+@++ [30, 
3 + +j' ' , 53 , 
3 @++ [,‹
+ 3 +j' ' , X +@3 [.P .$ . Œ! IH m' o
+ m+ >' : ' 3+ +@
FU ' , 9 , Z+ ‹IjH + FA E' !+ 
+ bU !+ , + 1
, Z+ ‹IjH + AFE' !+ 
+ bU %+ , ".<2 Z+ ‹IjH + .F'E!+ 
+ FU 1
+ , ".N
, Z+ ‹I<H $. =?. Ž', EH 6!6Z+ +5 ,<H '
P I' L+ + !, E' u
+ , ' + ')
3 Z++ , C+ +!3 7+ ' , Z92 @+'
V ' , 3 + +@ : H'E Fk E' !+ 
+ , jH !9 7+ ' f. 8
, $3 , )9 + Fk E' !+ 
+ %‚ <' , 53 #,
+ a , ++ Fk E' !+ 
+ 
U , %3 L, + 9$ %a 5, '+ Fk E' !+ 
.(%a , ' 3 ' ' 'j . 'T ') +L+ 
+ + '>?. D
+ 9†' <' )' Ža/, . 9 , '
+ ' 'j' 0‚ +%7+ , )' +L+ 
+ + , ' , ;3@,'+ ':' 'E Ža%, ' + , )9 3 ' H , <H @++
a 9 N
, 53 O3 ++

Abu Dharr reported that some of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (SAW)
said to him:

"O Messenger of Allah, the rich have taken away all the rewards. They observe the
prayer as we do, and they fast as we do, and they give sadaqah (charity) from their
wealth." Upon this he (saas) said: "Has not Allah made things for you to give away in
charity? Verily in every tasbih (Subhanallah) there is a sadaqah, every takbir (Allahu
Akbar) is a sadaqah, every tahmid (Alhamdulillah) is a sadaqah, every tahlil (La ilaaha
illallah) is a sadaqah, enjoining of good is a sadaqah, forbidding of evil is a sadaqah,
and having intimacy with your wife is a sadaqah. They (the Companions) said: "O
Messenger of Allah, is there a reward for him who satisfies his passion among us?" He
replied: "Tell me, if he were to devote it to something forbidden, would it not be a sin
on his part? Hence, if he were to devote it to something lawful, he shall have a

Beneficial Lessons

• The great interest of the Sahaba in good deeds and their sadness for what they could not
achieve of good deeds.
o They always competed with each other in doing good deeds.
• Encouragement to ‘Uluw al-Himah (Higher concerns)
o Himmah that we have. For ex. what kind of car, job, dress etc.
o Uluw al-Himmah—to be thinking of higher stages that will help us on the Day of
o The sahabas were worried about Ajr.
• Evidence here to support those who say that the wealthy and thankful is better than the poor
and patient.
o Best of the people are those who have knowledge and money who spend both in the
way of Allah (SWT)
• The mercy of Allah in making the doors of good many.
You can make to jannnah thorugh many ways. For example: fast, pray, obedience to
• Performing the halal with the intention of protecting yourself from the haraam turns many a
mundane act into an act of worship (Nawawi)
o A lot of people will enter Jannah through their akhlaq to their wives.

Hadith Twenty-Six

f3 H W2 Z+ 0‚ +@ IX jH Fk E' !+ 
+ 9 , '
+ i
. 6 #+ 59 +53 IX jH " :  

V H 3+ ' 'E :' 'E 
 b' %+ @,%+ m3 .$' #,
FH + 9 <'  + [kFE' !+ 
+ 3
+ +;5+ + , '
+ 3 ' f3 )' %, Z+ ' + , '
+ 3 ' IH 9 1
, ;+)' 9 ;96$ +- q I' 3 6% #3 , L9 Z3+ [kFE' !+ 
+ #. , +Œ2 #+ , $+ H !9 L, Z+ :u
3 , 6‘ 9 , )9
."Fk E' !+ 
+ ’. @,%. =W #.
+ “>R Š
H , 9 Z3+ [kFE' !+ 
+ 9b6 '?. + , ‘
9 , Z+ bU + W2 J3 ‹I<H $.+ [kFE' !+ 
+ FH "+Q =W
.N5 ‡" O 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said : "On every person's
joints or small bones, there is due a sadaqah (charity) every day the sun rises.
Doing justice between two people is a sadaqah; assisting a man to mount his
animal, or lifting up his belongings onto it is a sadaqah; a good word is a sadaqah;
every step you take towards prayer is a sadaqah; and removing harmful things from
pathways is a sadaqah."
(Bukhari & Muslim)

Beneficial Lessons
• Understanding the true meaning of thankfulness (saying Alhamdulillah)
o A lot of times we want to thank Allah (SWT) and we don’t know how to.
o Intention to thank Allah (SWT) in salah .
o Ibn Hajr said: “Thankfulness is avoiding sin, avoiding what is sinful is taqwa.”
o Sometimes we can do certain deeds but with multiple intention.
• 1. Perform the obligations and avoid the sin.
o One of the ways to prevent yourself from sin, is to think to yourself “how can I do this
while Allah (SWT) has done so much for me?”
o ARE we avoiding sin out of thankfulness to Allah (SWT)?
o Thankfulness is to be used of obedience to Allah (SWT)
o The recommended aspect of thankfulness is to do voluntary deeds and to avoid that
which is disliked.
• What are the small bones? Their significance?
o Small bones of the hands and feet. In one finger there are 3 bones.
o We can do a lot with our hands and feet. We are thanking Allah (SWT) for this blessing
that no other creature has.
o These bones are a small blessing in comparsion to the bigger ones that we are given i.e.
heart; if Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told us to be thankful for the small then how much
should you be thanking Allah SWT for the bigger blessings?
• The excellence of being equitable and just
o There is a great excellence in justice
o Allah (SWT) says – surah 49:9
o Establishing relation between two people. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: indeed the
people who are just/fair they will be on the pulpits of light on the Day of Judgment and
they are the people who used to be fair amongst their family and those who have the
control over.
o In the third ayah of Suratul Nisaa’:
Allah (SWT) says: “And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan-
girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you
shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (the captives and the slaves)
that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice.”

 , + 32 4 5! #  4! 6, ) *+ , $- .! / 70 # ۖ 


               ! " #  $% &!#  '

 ( ) *+ , $- .! / 10
 6) *+ ";, + <
 != ۚ ,  "8,9+ :
• The greatness of establishing peace between two people
o Hadith in Masnad Ahmad—Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said “should I not tell you that
which is better in status than fasting prayer, and sadaqah?” They said “what ya rasool
Allah”. He said: “Establishing peace between two people.”
o Opposite of establishing peace is nameemah (gossip) real understanding of nameemah
is to say something to divide two people.
o Abu Imamah said: “I will walk 2 miles to visit sick people and walk 3 miles to bring the
peace two people.”
o Scholars – “Whoever wants to have a status of worshiper should bring justice between
two people”
o [‘Abid is the one who is known for worship] Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Scholars
are like a ful moon and a ‘abid is like a star because ‘abid benifts himself only but
scholars benefit many.
• The import and reward of helping a fellow Muslim.
• The value of good speech.
• The importance and reward of walking to the masjid
o 3 actions through which Allah (SWT) erases all sins and raises the degree is perfecting
the wudu in the difficult situation [i.e. cold weather, when you are angry, in hot weather
with hot water], walking to Masjid. Also, waiting in the prayer area for the next prayer.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “if you take a step in the masjid, one step gives you
good deed and next step erases your sins” and another narration until you go back {even
when you go back home you will get the same reward}
• The importance of removing something harmful from the road and the great rewards associated
with it
o Iman is of 60 branches the lowest branch of the iman is to remove something harmful
from the road.
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Indeed I saw a man enjoying himself in jannah only
because he removed the tree that was causing harm to the people.”
o Lowering the gaze helps us look for the things to remove that might be harmful.
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “A person removed a branch from thr road so Allah
(SWT) forgave all his sin.
• These past 2 ahadith demonstrate the great Mercy of Allah in providing us with multiple and
various ways of doing good such that each person can do what suits their talents best.

The Duha Prayer

Fk E' !+ 
+ FU ' 9, Z+ IX jH + Fk E' !+ 
+ bU !+ 91
, Z+ IX jH + Fk E' !+ 
+ FU 1
+ ."N
, Z+ IX <H )' kFE' !+ 
+ , jH !9 7+ ' #, 59 +5'3 ‹IjH '
+ ”
3 ".
, 3@ ' 'E 3 6' + =+ + 9 , '
+ 3 = =
+ Q".6 #,
+1ˆ8 #, 59 +3 L3 j' %, @+ 9 +;L+ j2 + D
+ 9>' #, 59 •
3 \. G
, @3+ Fk E' !+ 
+ %. <' , 3 2 #,
+ a , ++ Fk E' +!
+ 
9 3%L, + 2.$ %a 5, '+ Fk E' !+ 
+ bU –
+ ".<2 Z+ IX Hj+

Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: "When you get up in the morning, charity is
due from every one of your joints. There is charity in every ascription of glory to Allah (saying
subhanallah), there is charity in every declaration of His Greatness (saying Allahu akbar)
there is charity in every utterance of praise of Him (saying Al hamdulillah) there is charity in
every declaration that He is the only true God (saying laa ilaha illallah)there is charity in
enjoining good and there is charity in forbidding evil. Two Rakah of Duha (Forenoon prayer) is
equal to all this (in reward)".

Another name for duha is ishraq. 10 to 15 min after sunrise and goes until there is no shadow when the
sun is on zenith. [15 min after fajr and 15 min before thuhr]
Three times in which salah is prohibited:
- Immediately at sunrise
- Immediately at sunset
- And at the time zenith
These times are forbidden but not forbidden for fard salah if you have to make up. Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) said: “the prayer of a repentant person is better when it’s hot.” Also, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
said: “if you wait after fajr till sunrise by praising and reading Quran and pray two rakah then he will get
the ajr (reward) for hajj and ‘umrah.
- Ibn Abbas said: “whenever bida’a is created a sunnah is disappeared.”
- Ibn Taymiyyah would sit in the masjid after salah for hours, and he would say that this is my
food for my salah.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Whoever says
( L f N m dN — { c — d C ˜ f5 %8@ { “† N$) 3 times will not be harmed.”
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “the chapter regarding duha mentions to pray 2 rakah and max
8 rakah’s.”
- Nobody guards duha except the repentant ones.

Narrated Abu Dharr: The Prophet (SAW) said, “Every morning there is upon the bones and joints of any
of you a charitable act. Every tasbeehah is a charity, every tahmeedah is a charity, every tahleelah is a
charity and every takbeerah is a charity. Ordering good is a charity, removing evil is a charity. To fulfill
that charity it is sufficient to pray two rak’ahs of duha.” (Muslim)
• In the two rakahs of Duha, all of the bodily parts are used (including the tongue) to suffice the
• The prayer of gratitude (shukr) is the prayer of the repentant.
• Don’t forget those who are close to you and deserve your love and care!

Hadith Twenty-Seven
+5 : 3 Œ2_V + [.’H ™
H #3 N
, 73 : ˆ%". )) :E   
 } #
 L˜ #$ i  #

(( i
3 6 9 , '
+ f+ 9 =W@+ 2  4
+ m, %. j' + [ D
+ N
V e2 + 9) š+ +7
N5 O .
H ,NZ+ 4
+ B )) :' '()' [`   
 ` 3+ 4
3 , Z+ :' 'E [ ` 
 ` !U "L+5 #$ F' 
+ $. + #

: 3 Œ2_ + [ o
3 2 ('  9 , '?. =2ƒ + [ u
3 e6 9 , '?. 46+ƒ2 +5 : ˆz [ D
+ "+2 E' 4
9 e2 ;+, )) : ' '()' [ , L+ + : 4
3 2 EH (( Ž Q%". #.
. (( š+ 3;)2 + i
3 6 š+ +;)2  2 ?+ [ . !, 6 9) +-6-%+ Z++ [ u
. e2 6 q š+ +7 +5

. #N7 -›$ 5 !  [ I"7 #$ !œ 05_ !N5 q O@ [ #N7 @!7
Al-Nawwas ibnu Sam'aan reported that the Prophet (saas) said: "Righteousness
is good character, and sin is that which wavers in your heart and which you
dislike people finding out about."

According to Waabisah ibnu Ma'bad who said: I came to the Messenger of Allah
(saas) and he said: "You have come to ask about righteousness?" " Yes," I
answered. He said: "Consult your heart. Righteousness is that about which the
soul feels tranquil and the heart feels tranquil, and sin is what creates
restlessness in the soul and moves to and fro in the breast, even though people
give you their (fatwa) legal opinion (in your favor) and continue to do so."
[A good hadith transmitted from the Musnads of the two Imams Ahmad bin
Hanbal and Al-Daarimi]

Narrator: An-Nawwas ibnu Sam'aan

• One of the Companions of ahl as-Suffah (poor Muslims who lived in the back of the Masjid);
lived one year in Madinah away from his family who were in Syria; to learn from the Prophet
(SAW) by listening to the questions that was being asked him and the answers to them.
• He narrated 17 ahadeeth.
• Waabisa was among the Companions who came to the Prophet (SAW) in the 9th year of Hijrah
and accepted Islam.
• He died in Greater Syria.

Beneficial Lessons
• Another encouragement to good manners is that it’s one of the essentials of righteousness.
o Another benefit of good manner
 Heaviest on the scales.
 Guaranteed the best house in Jannah
 First thing Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started teaching to people.
• He, who has a good heart, will feel wavering upon sin.
o Even if the people give you a fatwa.
o If you are getting a fatwa from someone and your heart doesn’t accept it, then there is
something wrong, it is not birr.
• There should be no wavering if good evidence is provided from a trusted scholar; this is not
• The miracle of the Prophet (SAW) knowing Wabisa’s question.
Hadith Twenty-Eight
+ + : E 
wLZ  F@ #$ c$%L ” s & #

: +2 (H )' [ H 3 L3  +, 59 4

, )' + >' + [ …
3 H(H  +, 59 4
, ' . + FA h+ +$ FA €
+5 `   
V H 
, <H , '
+ %65+Z 2 ?+ F9
+ =W + f. , 6N + [
V “+(2 ;+$. , <H 9H )) : ' 'E [ +
9 , ') ž
‚ Q-+ 53 FH €'
9 , 5+ +6'j' [
V '  +@
+ #+ Q @.!9 , ]' #+ @9!C9 6% dV e'™
H F9 63  9;6N
3 $ , <H , +L)' [ A–¡'j A);9J “+% +N
+ )' , <H , 59 Ÿ
, L9 @+ #, 5+ 3 6?.+ [  ‘
9 "++7 !a ",
(( F F
!$ =Ij =›) ¢ . 35P :
9 'Œ!+ 1
, 53 + , jH 6@?.+ [ †9 . 6$ + , '
” 1 #N7 @!7 : E †5%;  - - $ O 

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Najih al-Irbad bin Sariyah who said:

“The Messenger of Allah (saas) delivered an admonition that made our hearts
fearful and our eyes tearful. We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, it is as if this were
a farewell sermon, so advise us.’ He said, ‘I enjoin you to have Taqwa of Allah
and that you listen and obey, even if a slave is made a ruler over you. He among
you who lives long enough will see great controversy. So you must keep to my
Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the righteous rightly-guided successors, holding
on to them as if with your molar teeth. Beware of newly-introduced matters, for
every innovation (bid'ah) is an error.’

(Narrated by Abu Dawud & Al-Tirmidhi who said it is a good, authentic hadith.)

Narrator: al-'Irbad Ibn Saariyah

• Another member of ahl as-Suffah, and an early convert to Islam who used to say that he was the
4th man to accept Islam.
• He died in Hems, Greater Syria in 75 AH.
• He was among those who were mentioned in Surat At-Tawbah, Ayah 92:
+5 3!G
. @+ =' £\+ 7+ f. 5, 6! #+ 59 ¤
3 9eZ+ , 3 3 3
, '6 =+ Z+ 9 , '
+ , <H H 9 7, ' +5 !3 .' ' 4
+ 2 EH , 3 ' 9 1
, ;+9 š+ , Z+' +5 '>?. #+ @9†= '
+ '+
' H(e9 3@
“Nor (is there blame) on those who came to you to be provided with mounts, and
when you said: "I can find no mounts for you," they turned back, while their eyes
overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend (for

Beneficial Lessons
• From among the characteristics of the believers upon hearing admonition, is fear and weeping
from sins.
o Sign of the healthy heart—affected by admonishing and teary eyes
o Surahtul Anfaal, Ayah 2 – “The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned,
feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Quran) are recited unto them, they
(i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone);”
• The benefits of weeping from the fear of Allah:
• Some people in taraweeh prayer are out of control. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) cried in really
• Recitation meaningful which is the recitation that goes along with the emotions associated with
it. For ex. when person comes across the ayahs of hell-fire he strongly fears it.
1. Source of protection from Hell-fire
a. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that hell-fire will not take the person who cries
because of fear of Allah (SWT).
2. Means of achieving shade on Day of Judgment
a. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “…Amongst the 7 people who will get a shade is
the one who is alone and his eyes will shed tears because of fear of Allah (SWT),
loving Allah (SWT) or due to the blessings of Allah (SWT).”
3. It is among the characteristics of the Companions.
a. Umar (RA) had two black lines on his face because of crying.
b. Uthman (RA) – He would cry so much that his full beard would get so wet.
c. …
+ +;<9 2 3ZH #+ @9†='j 3H<@+ '+ Q’1
+ 2 #+ 59 ' \+ + +5+ 9 = %. j2 †9 9 , 3 $3HEH f+ ‘

, Z+ ' 35+  #+ @9†=9 9 2 @+ , ''
' H(9 ') , 3 , Q5 –
a ¡9j' + ۖ , 3 $3HEH 4
, N
+ (' )' !3 5+ '2 3 . , '
+ ' 'W)' IH ", E' #95
“Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of
Allah - Islamic Monotheism) to be affected by Allah's Reminder (this Quran), and
that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who
received the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e.
Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts
were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to
• How do we cry?
o The kids learn a new language, then we teach them vocabulary. So, learning the
Vocabulary of the Quran would help you understand what is said in the Qura’an.
o There are certain surahs you have memorized, memorized them by understanding the
 Sahaba would keep reciting the same ayah again and again until their meaning
affect them truly.
o Pray salah with full khushu’.
o Abu Bakr (RA) said: “if you can’t cry, make your self cry.”
• Sulayman Att-Tughani said: “Everything has a sign, and the sign of knowing that Allah (SWT) has
neglected you and ignored is that you stop crying.”
• Red Flag moment – farewell advice of the Prophet.
• The obligation of following the ruler unless he commands disobedience to Allah – an obligation
supported in the Quran, Sunnah and consensus.
o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Even if a ameer is a slave, you should still obey.”
 The only way the slave can become a khalifa is only by force. Because one of the
condition for one of the khalifa is to be free but Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
didn’t tell us to fight him.
o Reasons
 Going against them creates corruption and evil which is far in excess from that
which will come from our leader’s own sins
 Be patient and make dua’a for them.
 It gives us reward.
 Remember, Allah (SWT) gave them power over us.
• Whoever disobeys the leader dies the death of ignorance.
• Importance of following the Sunnah in times of Fitnah.
• Who is meant by the term “Rightly guided Caliphs”?
o There are two opinions:
 All the sahaba
 Some say that the four khulafaa’ are different from others because their
behavior was more close to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
• A note about the evil and misguidance of innovation.

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