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T LDR: Extreme Summarization of Scientific Documents

Isabel Cachola† Kyle Lo† Arman Cohan† Daniel S. Weld†‡

Allen Institute for AI

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

Abstract Abstract While many approaches to make neural networks

more fathomable have been proposed, they are restricted to in-
terrogating the network with input data. [...] In this work, we
We introduce TLDR generation, a new form propose neural persistence, a complexity measure for neural net-
of extreme summarization, for scientific pa- work architectures based on topological data analysis on weighted
pers. TLDR generation involves high source stratified graphs. [...]
compression and requires expert background Intro [...] In this work, we present the following contribu-
tions: We introduce neural persistence, a novel measure for char-
knowledge and understanding of complex acterizing the structural complexity of neural networks that can
domain-specific language. To facilitate study be efficiently computed. [...]
on this task, we introduce S CI T LDR, a new Conclusion [...] However, this did not yield an early stop-
multi-target dataset of 5.4K TLDRs over 3.2K ping measure because it was never triggered, thereby suggesting
papers. S CI T LDR contains both author-written that neural persistence captures salient information that would
otherwise be hidden among all the weights of a network [...]
and expert-derived TLDRs, where the latter
are collected using a novel annotation pro- TLDR We develop a new topological complexity measure
for deep neural networks and demonstrate that it captures their
tocol that produces high-quality summaries salient properties.
while minimizing annotation burden. We pro-
pose C ATTS, a simple yet effective learn-
Figure 1: An example TLDR of a scientific paper. A
ing strategy for generating TLDRs that ex-
TLDR is typically composed of salient information (in-
ploits titles as an auxiliary training signal.
dicated by colored spans) found in the abstract, intro,
C ATTS improves upon strong baselines un-
and conclusion sections of a paper.
der both automated metrics and human evalua-
tions. Data and code are publicly available at
generation seeks to produce an extreme (single sen-
tence) summary (Narayan et al., 2018) given the
1 Introduction
entire paper. Further, TLDR generation is a chal-
We introduce TLDR1 generation for scientific pa- lenging natural language generation task. Writing
pers. An alternative to abstracts, TLDRs focus on a TLDR of a scientific paper requires expert back-
the key aspects of the paper, such as its main con- ground knowledge and understanding of complex
tributions, eschewing nonessential background or domain-specific language to identify the salient as-
methodological details. Given the increasing pace pects of the paper, while maintaining faithfulness to
of publication (Van Noorden, 2014) and resulting the source and correctness1 of the written summary.
difficulty in keeping up with the literature, TLDRs An example TLDR is provided in Figure 1.
can enable readers to quickly discern a paper’s key To facilitate the study of TLDR generation, we
points and decide whether it’s worth reading. The introduce S CI T LDR, a new dataset of 5,411 TLDRs
goal of existing work in summarization of scientific of computer science papers. S CI T LDR is built from
documents is to generate abstracts or provide com- a combination of TLDRs written by authors of sub-
plimentary summaries to abstracts. (Collins et al., missions on OpenReview2 and TLDRs derived by a
2017; Cohan et al., 2018; Chandrasekaran et al., novel annotation protocol that asks domain experts
2019; Yasunaga et al., 2019). In contrast, TLDR to rewrite peer review comments for that submis-
sion. Having multiple gold summaries per paper is
TLDR is an acronym that stands for “too long; didn’t read,”
which is often used in online informal discussion (e.g., Twitter especially important for evaluation when there is
or Reddit) about scientific papers. For visual clarity, we omit
the semi-colon.

Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, pages 4766–4777
November 16 - 20, 2020. 2020
c Association for Computational Linguistics
variability in human-written gold summaries (Zech- Peer review The paper proposes variance regularizing ad-
versarial learning (VRAL), a new method for training GANs.
ner, 1996; Harman and Over, 2004). The motivation is to ensure that the gradient for the genera-
In addition to establishing strong extractive tor does not vanish. [...] The discriminator itself is trained
through two additional meta-discriminators Are the meta-dis-
and abstractive summarization baselines using criminators really necessary? Have you tried matching moments
Transformer-based (Vaswani et al., 2017) mod- or using other methods [...]
els, we present C ATTS (Controlled Abstraction for Derived TLDR The paper proposes variance regularizing
adversarial learning for training gans to ensure that the gradient
TLDRs with Title Scaffolding), a simple yet effec- for the generator does not vanish.
tive learning strategy for TLDR generation. C ATTS
incorporates ideas from scaffold tasks for multitask Figure 2: Example of a reviewer comment rewritten as
learning (Swayamdipta et al., 2018a; Cohan et al., a TLDR (best viewed in color). A peer review comment
2019) and control codes in conditional language often begins with a summary of the paper which anno-
generation (Keskar et al., 2019) to address the prob- tators use to compose a TLDR. Annotators are trained
lem of data scarcity in the highly-specialized sci- to preserve the original reviewer’s wording when pos-
entific domain. In particular, C ATTS exploits titles sible (indicated by colored spans), and to avoid using
any excess details or criticism.
as an auxiliary, naturally-occurring training sig-
nal by training the model to generate both titles
and TLDRs indicated by control codes. We show summarization datasets that assume only one gold
that C ATTS applied to BART (Lewis et al., 2020), summary for a given document.
a state-of-the-art summarization model, results in
As evidenced by earlier work in summarization
performance improvement in both automated met-
evaluation (Cohan and Goharian, 2016), variabil-
rics and human evaluation.
ity in human-written summaries (Zechner, 1996;
Our contributions are summarized below:
Harman and Over, 2004) can negatively impact the
1. We introduce TLDR generation, a new form
reliability of automated summarization metrics like
of extreme summarization, for scientific papers.
Rouge (Lin, 2004).4 Considering only one gold
With extensive analysis of properties of TLDRs, we
TLDR for each paper as a basis of automated eval-
provide insight into the types of information and
uation might result in inaccurate system quality
amount of variability in human-written TLDRs.
assessment because content that might appear in a
2. We release S CI T LDR, a new multi-target 1
TLDR can have large variability. In addition, hav-
dataset of 5,411 TLDRs over 3,229 scientific papers.
ing multiple gold summaries for each document en-
S CI T LDR contains both author-written and expert-
ables performing more in-depth analysis and thor-
derived TLDRs, where the latter are collected us-
ough evaluation (Nenkova and Passonneau, 2004).
ing a novel annotation protocol that produces high-
To address this, S CI T LDR contains TLDRs writ-
quality summaries while avoiding the burden of
ten from the perspective of the author (“TLDR-
reading the full paper.
Auth”) and TLDRs written from the perspective of
3. We establish strong baselines on S CI T LDR and
the peer reviewer(“TLDR-PR”). We describe these
improve them with C ATTS, a simple yet effective
two types of TLDRs in the following paragraphs.
learning strategy for generating TLDRs that uses
titles as an auxiliary training signal.
Collecting TLDR-Auth pairs Scholar-written
4. We perform extensive analysis and human eval-
TLDR s of scientific papers are available on vari-
uation of system-generated TLDRs, focusing on
ous online platforms. On, a pub-
informativeness and factual correctness.
licly available scientific reviewing platform, au-
2 Dataset construction thors submit TLDRs of their papers that summarize
the main content for both reviewers and other in-
Overview We introduce S CI T LDR, a new multi- terested scholars. Scholars also share TLDRs social
target dataset of 5,411 TLDRs over 3,229 scientific media platforms, such as Twitter and Reddit.
papers in the computer science domain.3 The train- We use the OpenReview API5 to collect pairs of
ing set contains 1,992 papers, each with a single papers and author-written TLDRs, along with the
gold TLDR. The dev and test sets contain 619 and
618 papers each, with 1,452 and 1,967 TLDRs, re- 4
While Rouge is capable of handling multiple targets for
spectively. This is unlike the majority of existing a given document, most summarization datasets are single
target. See Table 1.
3 5
See Appendix Table 9 for full venue breakdown.

Number of Avg. words Avg. words Compression % novel
Dataset Multi-target
documents in document in summary ratio words
Non-scientific documents
DUC (Over, 2003) 624 441 11 40.1 30.0 yes
NYTimes (Sandhaus, 2008) 655K 549 40 13.7 20.1 no
DailyMail (Hermann et al., 2015) 220K 653 55 11.9 17.0 no
CNN (Hermann et al., 2015) 93K 760 46 16.5 16.8 no
XSUM (Narayan et al., 2018) 226K 431 23 18.7 35.8 no
Newsroom (Grusky et al.) 1.32M 659 27 24.4 26.0 no
BigPatent (Sharma et al., 2019) 1.34M 3.6K 117 30.5 13.6 no
Scientific documents
CLPubSum (Collins et al., 2017) 10.3K 8.2K 226 36.5 7.7 no
PubMed (Cohan et al., 2018) 133K 3K 203 14.9 10.5 no
ArXiv (Cohan et al., 2018) 215K 4.9K 220 22.5 8.3 no
SciSummNet† (Yasunaga et al., 2019) 1.0K 4.7K 150 31.2 7.4 no
TalkSumm‡ (Lev et al., 2019) 1.7K 4.8K 965 5.0 16.5 no
S CI T LDR (ours) 3.2K 5K 21 238.1 15.2 yes

Table 1: Comparison of S CI T LDR to existing summarization datasets. (i) S CI T LDR provides multiple summary tar-
gets unlike other recent summarization datasets. (ii) S CI T LDR requires both extreme compression and abstraction,
as evidenced by the compression ratio and novelty (% of summary words not in the source document), especially
when compared with other scientific summarization datasets.

SciScummNet data was later included in the CL-SciSumm shared task and dataset (Jaidka et al., 2018; Chandrasekaran et al.,
2019), which has an additional 40 manually annotated documents and its statistics are similar to SciSummNet.

Unlike the other summarization datasets presented here, TalkSumm is an automatically-constructed dataset for training; the
TalkSumm-supervised model in Lev et al. (2019) was evaluated using CL-SciSumm (Jaidka et al., 2018).

full-text PDFs6 of those papers. We use the S2ORC shown the first 128 words of a sampled7 peer re-
pipeline (Lo et al., 2020) to convert PDFs to struc- view comment. They were instructed to keep their
tured, machine-readable full text. We then split TLDRs between 15-25 words (similar to the length
the papers randomly into the previously-mentioned of an author written TLDR) and to skip reviews that
train, dev, and test sets; each paper at this point has do not contain a summary or if they did not under-
an associated author-written gold TLDR. stand the content. They were also instructed to use
the original language in the review, when possible.
Rewriting peer reviews into TLDR-PR pairs We manually assessed every written summary, dis-
Scaling up data collection in a specialized scien- carding TLDRs that did not adhere to the guidelines,
tific domain is costly and challenging. To sidestep and allowed 20/28 students who performed well
this problem, we use a novel annotation protocol to continue work beyond the first hour. Students
that exploits natural summaries in peer review com- were compensated at the local median hourly wage
ments. Assuming the typical peer reviewer has of $20 USD per hour. Refer to Appendix §F for
carefully scrutinized the source paper and provided full annotation instructions. Figure 2 contains an
a faithful summary in their comment (often in the example of a peer review and its corresponding
first paragraph), domain experts can rewrite these TLDR -PR. We discuss differences between TLDR -
comments into TLDRs. PR and TLDR-Auth throughout Section 3.
For this task, we recruit 28 undergraduate com-
3 Dataset analysis
puter science students from the University of Wash-
ington with self-reported experience in reading sci- 3.1 Compression and abstractiveness
entific papers. Each recruited student received one Table 1 compares S CI T LDR with other summariza-
hour of one-on-one writing training and then was tion datasets in both scientific and non-scientific
asked to work independently. Annotators were only domains. We observe that S CI T LDR has short sum-
maries, like XSUM and NewsRoom, with long
A small fraction of those papers (< 5%) did not have an
available PDF file, so we could not parse their full body text. Multiple peer review comments can be available for each
This are still included the dataset as it is possible to generate a paper on OpenReview. We focused on ensuring that each
TLDR from an abstract alone. paper in dev and test had at least one TLDR-PR.

source documents, like BigPatent and the other % of TLDRs
Category Example phrase
scientific-domain datasets. This results in a much AUTH / PR
higher compression ratio compared with existing [A]rea, field reinforcement learning,
datasets. Summarization in higher compression 85.6 / 90.8
or topic of study dependency parsing
settings is challenging as it requires capturing [P]roblem or mode collapse,
29.0 / 32.9
more precisely the salient aspects of the document motivation catastrophic forgetting
(Grusky et al.). Mode of method, dataset,
68.4 / 76.3
Following Narayan et al. (2018); Grusky et al., [C]ontribution proof, theorem
graph convolution
we measure abstractiveness (or novelty) by percent- [D]etails or
operations with dynam- 43.4 / 57.9
age of words in the summary that do not appear in description
ically computed graphs
the source document. We observe that S CI T LDR improved performance
is more abstractive compared with other scientific [R]esults or on ImageNet,
29.0 / 17.1
domain datasets but less abstractive compared with findings simple defenses work on
non-scientific domain datasets. We also observe MNIST but not CIFAR
that S CI T LDR is smaller in comparison to automat- novel, state-of-the-art,
[V]alue or
ically collected datasets, such as XSUM and ArXiv, simple yet effective, 23.7 / 7.9
easily applicable
but is larger in comparison to other manually col-
lected datasets, such as SciSummNet.
Table 2: Example categories (or nuggets) of informa-
3.2 Information content tion a TLDR might contain. Proportion of TLDRs con-
taining each nugget estimated on 76 randomly sampled
We analyze the information content of TLDRs using gold papers (each with its TLDR-Auth and a sampled
an approach motivated by the nugget-based sum- TLDR -PR). Percentages do not sum to one because each
marization evaluation framework of Nenkova and TLDR can contain multiple nuggets.
Passonneau (2004). In a similar manner, we asked
two computer science researchers to read through a
collection of TLDRs to both define a comprehensive 3.3 Variability in TLDRs
set of categories of types of information present in
To explore variability in our human-written sum-
TLDR s, which we refer to as nuggets.8 We also
maries, we examine differences between TLDRs
label each TLDR with all represented nuggets. Ta-
written by authors (TLDR-Auth) and TLDRs derived
ble 2 presents this categorization, along with ex-
from the perspective of a peer reviewer (TLDR-PR).
ample phrases and nugget occurrence frequencies
of S CI T LDR. For simplicity, we use the category
codes defined in the table (with brackets) to refer- Lexical variation First, we note that TLDR-Auth
ence specific categories. are on average 18.9 words long, while TLDR-PR are
Most TLDRs contain between two to four slightly longer on average at 22.9 words. Despite
nuggets (never all six), and will provide some indi- similarities in length, the 1-, 2-, and 3-gram mean
cation of their subject area (A) and the paper’s con- Jaccard indices between TLDR-Auth and TLDR-PR
tributions (C). In fact, they are the most frequently are 15.0%, 2.5%, and 0.7%, respectively, indicating
co-occurring nuggets, appearing in 63% of TLDR- extremely little lexical overlap between the two
Auth and 71% of TLDR-PR. TLDR-Auth tend to sources of TLDRs. We can also observe through
include results or scientific/theoretical findings (R) qualitative examples in Figure 3 how TLDR-Auth
and often signal the value of their work (V) by de- and TLDR-PR can differ greatly, even when they
scribing their contributions as novel or their results contain the same information content.
as strong or state-of-the-art. In contrast, TLDR-
PR focus more on articulating problems the paper Abstractiveness TLDR-PR is more abstractive
addresses (P). Interestingly, TLDR-PR place less with a novelty score of 20.2% compared with TLDR-
emphasis on R and V in favor of further method- Auth with a novelty score of 9.6%, where novelty is
ological details in the paper D. More details about computed as the percentage of words in the TLDR
nuggets in Appendix §A. not in the source paper. This is not unexpected
because TLDR-PR are derived from peer review
While we adopt the term ‘nugget” for convenience, we
recognize that that they traditionally correspond to factoids, comments which themselves have already gone
while here they correspond to discourse roles Teufel (1999). through one stage of abstraction.

TLDR-Auth The authors propose a framework to learn a arXiv

good policy through imitation learning from a noisy demonstra- Paper - Title pairs <|TITLE|>
tion set via meta-training a demonstration suitability assessor.
TLDR-PR Contributes a maml based algorithm for imita- Append codes Shuffled
to source BART
tion learning which automatically determines if provided demon- SciTLDR Data
strations are ”suitable”.
Paper - TLDR pairs <|TLDR|>
TLDR-Auth The authors evaluate the effectiveness of hav-
ing auxiliary discriminative tasks performed on top of statistics
of the posterior distribution learned by variational autoencoders Figure 4: Training regimen for C ATTS.
to enforce speaker dependency.
TLDR-PR Propose an autoencoder model to learn a rep-
resentation for speaker verification using short-duration analysis
windows. S CI T LDR with a title generation dataset, then ap-
pending each source with control codes h|TLDR|i
Figure 3: Two example TLDR-Auth and TLDR-PR pairs and h|TITLE|i, respectively. This allows the pa-
with colored spans corresponding to nuggets in Table 3 rameters of the model to learn to generate both
– A, P, C, D. On top, we see TLDRs can have substan-
TLDRs and titles. This process is visualized in Frig-
tial lexical variation despite covering similar informa-
tion content. On bottom, we naturally see even more
ure 4. At generation time, the appropriate control
variation when the information content differs. code is appended to the source. Additionally, up-
sampling particular tasks can be viewed as applying
task-specific weights, similar to weighting losses
4 C ATTS in multitask learning setups.

We introduce C ATTS (Controlled Abstraction for 5 Experiments

TLDRs with Title Scaffolding), a simple yet effec-
tive method for learning to generate TLDRs. Our 5.1 Baselines
approach addresses two main challenges: (1) the
We establish baselines for TLDR generation on
limited size of the training data and (2) the need for
S CI T LDR using state-of-the-art extractive and ab-
domain knowledge in order to write high-quality
stractive summarization models.
gold TLDRs. To address these challenges, we pro-
pose using titles of scientific
1 papers as additional Extractive methods We consider both unsuper-
generation targets. As titles often contain key infor- vised and supervised extractive methods. For our
mation about a paper, we hypothesize that training unsupervised baseline, we use PACSUM (Zheng
a model to generate titles will allow it to learn how and Lapata, 2019), an extension of TextRank (Mi-
to locate salient information in the paper that will halcea and Tarau, 2004) that uses BERT (Devlin
be also useful for generating TLDRs. In addition, all et al., 2019) as a sentence encoder. For our su-
papers have a title, and thus we have an abundant pervised baselines, we use B ERT S UM E XT (Liu
supply of paper-title pairs for training. and Lapata, 2019), which uses BERT as a sen-
Incorporating auxiliary scaffold tasks via multi- tence encoder augmented with inter-sentence Trans-
task learning has been studied before for improving former layers to capture interactions, and Match-
span-labeling and text classification (Swayamdipta Sum (Zhong et al., 2020), which uses a BERT
et al., 2018b; Cohan et al., 2019). Similar to mul- Siamese network to score whole summaries.
titask learning, training on heterogenous data an-
notated with control codes has been shown to im- Abstractive methods Since TLDRs often contain
prove controlled generation in autoregressive lan- information spread across multiple sentences, we
guage models (Keskar et al., 2019; ElSahar et al., expect abstractive summarization methods to pro-
2020; Sudhakar et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020). In duce strong results for this task. We focus on
fact, it has been shown effective for generating BART (Lewis et al., 2020), a Transformer-based
biomedical abstracts (Sybrandt and Safro, 2020). denoising autoencoder for pretraining sequence-
We demonstrate that control codes can be used to-sequence models. We use BART-large, which
to effectively incorporate scaffold tasks (e.g. title achieves state-of-the-art results in summarization
generation) for denoising autoencoders like BART on XSUM. We additionally use BART-large fine-
(Lewis et al., 2020). tuned on XSUM, hypothesizing that the task of ex-
In order to use title generation as a scaffold treme summarization of news articles might trans-
task for TLDR generation, we propose shuffling fer to TLDR generation on S CI T LDR.

Oracle We define a sentence-level extractive ora- Extractive Methods For PACSUM, B ERT-
cle: Given a paper and its multiple gold TLDRs, it S UM E XT and MatchSum we use original code re-
selects the single sentence in the document with the leased by the authors. The first two use BERT-base
highest Rouge overlap for each gold TLDR. Then it and the last one uses RoBERTa-base (Liu et al.,
returns the single sentence that yields the maximum 2019). For MatchSum in AIC input space, fol-
Rouge across all gold TLDRs. This sets an upper- lowing the authors, we use B ERT S UM E XT to first
bound on the performance of the sentence-level extract 7 highly scoring sentences as the input to
extractive methods under our multi-target evalua- MatchSum.10 Sentence segmentation is performed
tion (Section 5.4). Our full text oracle achieves using ScispaCy (Neumann et al., 2019), and mod-
54.5 Rouge-1, 30.6 Rouge-2, and 45.0 Rouge-L on els select a single sentence as their predictions. We
the test set. use the default hyperparameters for PACSUM.

5.2 Input space Abstractive Methods We experiment with

The input space is the context provided to the BART-large and BART-large finetuned on XSUM,
model when generating TLDRs. using the Fairseq (Ott et al., 2019) implementation
and the released XSUM weights. We apply the
Abstract-only Since the vast majority of scien- C ATTS training method to these two models, using
tific papers do not have open-access full text (Lo an additional 20K paper-title pairs from arXiv for
et al., 2020), it is worth considering the setting in title generation.11 We up-sample TLDR instances to
which we generate TLDRs for papers given only match the size of the title scaffold data.12 For sim-
their abstracts as input. The average length of an plicity, we refer to these as BART, BARTXSUM ,
abstract is 159 words and resulting compression C ATTS and C ATTSXSUM , respectively. For all mod-
ratio is 7.6. els, we use a learning rate of 3e-5, update frequency
AIC Previous studies have found that the most of 1, and max tokens per batch of 102413 chosen
salient information in a paper for writing a sum- through manual tuning. We tune decoder for all
mary is often found in the abstract, introduction, models via grid search over five length penalties
and conclusion (AIC) sections (Sharma et al., between 0.2 and 1.0 and 7 beam sizes 2 to 8.
2019). An important consequence of this is the
5.4 Evaluation
ability to substantially reduce computational costs9
(Schwartz et al., 2019) by supplying only these sec- Automated evaluation Following recent work
tions as context. The average combined length of on extreme summarization (Narayan et al., 2018;
these contexts is 993 words and resulting compres- Lewis et al., 2020), we use Rouge-1, Rouge-2, and
sion ratio is 47.3, which is still higher than other Rouge-L (Lin, 2004) as our automated metrics. As
datasets surveyed in Table 1. discussed in Section 2, we have multiple target
Comparing oracle results in Table 3, we see that summaries available per paper. To exploit this dur-
increasing the input space from abstract-only to ing evaluation, we calculate the Rouge score of
AIC improves Rouge-1 by +4.7. Yet, this is only the system-generated TLDR with respect to each
2.1 Rouge-1 lower than the full text oracle perfor- of the gold TLDRs for the corresponding paper (in-
mance, despite requiring five times more text. cluding its TLDR-Auth and all of its TLDRs-PR)
individually. We take the maximum Rouge score
5.3 Training and implementation details over these gold TLDRs as the final Rouge score for
All experiments use Titan V or V100 GPUs. We that paper. An alternative approach to aggregating
experiment on abstract-only and AIC input spaces. scores would be to take the mean, but due to the
Best hyperparameters for the models are selected 10
In abstract-only setting, MatchSum takes the full context.
based on dev set Rouge-1. Supervised models 11
Includes all papers on arXiv with at least one of the follow-
like B ERT S UM E XT and BART are trained on ing tags CS .CL, CS .CV, CS .LG, CS .AI, CS .NE, and STAT.ML
and have identified introduction and conclusion sections by
S CI T LDR and the best model checkpoint chosen S2ORC (Lo et al., 2020).
using dev set loss. See Appendix§D for additional 12
While this up-sampling may indicate that C ATTS is train-
parameter tuning details of all models. ing on more TLDRs than BART, we allow BART training up
to 20 epochs and it quickly overfits within a few epochs.
9 13
Especially for methods that rely on O(n2 ) inter-sentence Fairseq reports an “average batch size” of 36, which is a
comparisons or wrappers around Transformer-based methods consequence of adaptive batching of examples based on the
to long contexts. update frequency and max tokens per batch.

Abstract-only AIC
Method R1 R2 RL R1 R2 RL
Oracle 47.7 24.7 38.5 52.4 29.0 42.9
PACSUM (Zheng and Lapata, 2019) 19.3 4.0 15.1 28.7 9.8 21.9
B ERT S UM E XT (Liu and Lapata, 2019) 38.5 16.6 30.5 36.2 14.7 28.5
MatchSum (Zhong et al., 2020) 42.7 20.0 34.0 38.6 16.4 30.1
BART (Lewis et al., 2020) 43.3 20.8 35.0 42.9 20.8 35.1
BARTXSUM (Lewis et al., 2020) 42.5 21.1 34.9 43.7 21.4 36.0
C ATTS (Ours) 43.8 20.9 35.5 †
44.9 †
22.6 †
44.3 21.3 35.9 44.6 21.7 36.5

Table 3: Test set max Rouge scores of extractive and abstractive baselines and C ATTS. We use † to indicate C ATTS
variants that significantly (p<0.05) outperform their corresponding BART baseline.

variability in TLDRs shown in Section 3.3, we argue MRR

Avg. # Avg. #
the maximum operation is more appropriate – That nuggets words
is, matching any of the gold TLDRs is rewarded.14 TLDR -Auth (Gold) 0.53 2.5 20.5
TLDR -PR (Gold) 0.60 2.4 18.7
BARTXSUM 0.42 2.2 19.4
Human evaluation While our multi-target set- C ATTSXSUM 0.54 2.6 20.8
ting allows us to mitigate some of the limitations
of Rouge (Conroy et al., 2011; Cohan and Gohar- Table 4: Human evaluation on informativeness of gold
ian, 2016), we acknowledge that relying only on and system-generated TLDRs. Higher MRR corre-
automated metrics is insufficient for evaluating the sponds to variants that, on average, rank higher than
quality of the models. In addition to automated others by length-normalized number of nuggets.
metrics, we also have human experts in computer
science assess system-generated TLDRs under two with 1 - false or misleading, 2 - partially accurate
criteria – informativeness and correctness. or 3 - mostly correct, regardless of comprehensive-
For informativeness, we perform the nugget- ness. We compare the mean correctness (across
based analysis for information content over system- papers) for each system variant. We received re-
generated TLDRs for the same 76 gold papers from sponses from 29 unique authors with annotations
Section 3.2. We use the presence (or lack) of differ- covering 64 arXiv papers.
ent nuggets in predicted and gold TLDRs to quantify
differences in information content. Specifically, we 6 Results
score each gold and system-generated TLDR by the
number of unique nuggets divided by the number 6.1 Quantitative results
of tokens. This length normalization handles cases We present our main results in Table 3.
where systems returning the source document are
trivially more informative. For each paper, we rank Extractive results We establish baseline re-
the predicted and gold TLDRs. Then, we compute sults for extractive methods on our new dataset
overall metrics for each gold or system variant by S CI T LDR. We observe that MatchSum has the
aggregating their ranks across papers using mean highest extractive performance, followed by B ERT-
reciprocal rank (MRR). S UM E XT. We observe that increasing input space
Evaluating correctness requires careful reading from abstract-only to AIC greatly improves PAC-
and understanding the source paper. To minimize SUM15 performance but decreases performance of
this burden and have reliable evaluation, we ask both B ERT S UM E XT and MatchSum. We suspect
the original authors of papers to assess the correct- that increasing the input space makes it more diffi-
ness of our system-generated TLDRs. We manually cult for these models to learn optimal parameters in-
email (first or second) authors of arXiv papers and cluding new position embeddings in low-resource
ask them to score each system-generated TLDR training. Compared to the extractive oracle scores,
we see there is plenty of room for improvement.
For completeness we provide mean Rouge scores in Ap-
pendix Table 10 to supplement our main max Rouge results in PACSUM using the full text yields a Rouge-1 of 12.7,
Table 3. significantly worse than abstract-only.

Abstract-only AIC correct. Both models average a rating of 2.5 (scor-
% novel Avg. # % novel Avg. # ing between partially accurate and mostly correct).
words words words words
BART 2.9% 20.9 1.3% 20.4 6.3 Analysis
BARTXSUM 3.7% 18.4 1.1% 18.9 How abstractive are the generations? From
C ATTS 5.5% 19.1 5.3% 18.4
C ATTSXSUM 5.8% 19.7 4.5% 19.7
Table 5, we observe: (1) BART variants are less
abstractive than C ATTS variants. (2) Initial training
Table 5: Lexical features of system-generated TLDRs. on XSUM might influence models to be slightly
less abstractive. (3) BART variants are more ab-
Method R1 R2 RL stractive in the abstract-only setting than the longer
BART 44.9 +1.6 22.6 +1.8 37.1 +2.1 AIC settings, while C ATTS seems to have the same
BARTXSUM 44.8 +1.1 21.8 +0.4 36.4 +0.4 level of abstractiveness regardless of input space.
C ATTS 44.9 +0.0 21.9 -0.7 36.6 -0.7
C ATTSXSUM 45.7 +1.1 23.0 +1.7 37.1 +1.2 How long are the generations? From Table 5,
we see the systems all generate TLDRs of similar
Table 6: Oracle input space experiments. are dif- length to the average length reported in Table 1.
ferences between oracle result and model’s best perfor-
mance (across abstract-only and AIC) from Table 3. How important is using the full text? To ana-
lyze whether one can improve abstractive model
Abstractive results Abstractive methods are not performance by improving the input space selec-
limited to choosing exact sentences. For a given tion (compared to just using AIC), we define an or-
abstractive baseline BART or BARTXSUM , our acle input space. That is, for each TLDR, we select
C ATTS learning strategy results in improvements sentences from the full text that maximize Rouge-
in both abstract-only and AIC settings. Comparing 1 with the gold TLDRs-Auth17 and select the top
C ATTS variants with their corresponding BART sentences to match the length of AIC. Repeating
baselines, we observe that in the abstract-only set- the experiments in Section 5 with this input source,
ting, C ATTS and C ATTSXSUM achieve +0.5 and we observe some performance improvement across
+1.8 Rouge-1, respectively. In the AIC setting, models (Table 6).
C ATTS and C ATTSXSUM achieve +2.0 and +0.9 Qualitative example Table 7 contains system
Rouge-1, respectively. We use the two-sided paired generations on the same paper (alongside the gold
t-test against a null hypothesis of no difference to TLDRs). Curiously, despite both achieving the same
assess these differences. To address the issue of Rouge-1, the generated TLDRs are quite different.
multiple hypothesis testing over Rouge scores, we BARTXSUM focuses on the methodological con-
perform a Holm-Bonferroni (Holm, 1979)16 correc- tribution while C ATTSXSUM focuses on a scien-
tion for determining significant p-values in Table 3. tific finding. The “two hidden layer” detail by
BARTXSUM is from the paper introduction and
6.2 Human evaluation
the “defining the appropriate sampling distribu-
We perform our human evaluation on BARTXSUM tions” from C ATTSXSUM is from the conclusion.18
and C ATTSXSUM using the AIC input space on 51
sampled papers. In this setting, we have both cho- 7 Related work
sen the strongest baseline and controlled for XSUM
pretraining. From Table 4, we see that C ATTSXSUM Transformers for summarization Transformer-
is more informative than BARTXSUM and is com- based models have achieved strong results in ex-
parable to gold TLDR-Auth, though still less infor- tractive and abstractive summarization. PACSUM
mative than TLDR-PR. (Zheng and Lapata, 2019) combines BERT sen-
In addition to informativeness, we also evaluate tence representation with unsupervised text rank-
content accuracy of generated tldrs as explained in ing; MatchSum (Zhong et al., 2020) uses a Siamese
Section 5.4. We report no difference in correctness BERT model to score the entire summary instead
between BARTXSUM and C ATTSXSUM . We ob- of a single extraction; and Liu and Lapata (2019)
serve 42 ties, 10 cases where BARTXSUM is more 17
Only TLDRs-Auth is exists for all papers. TLDR s-PR are
correct, and 12 cases where C ATTSXSUM is more only in dev and test.
See original paper:
Using the P. ADJUST library in R (R Core Team, 2018)

TLDR -Auth We propose a method for the construction of studied in the setting of extreme summarization
arbitrarily deep infinite-width networks, based on which we (i.e. short target summaries, high compression,
derive a novel weight initialisation scheme for finite-width
networks and demonstrate its competitive performance.
high abstraction), and S CI T LDR is the first dataset
TLDR -PR Proposes a weight initialization approach to to facilitate such research.
enable infinitely deep and infinite-width networks with experi-
mental results on small datasets. 8 Conclusion
BARTXSUM We propose a principled approach to weight
initialisation that allows the construction of infinite-width net- We introduce TLDR generation for scientific pa-
works with more than two hidden layers. pers, and release S CI T LDR, a multi-target dataset
C ATTSXSUM We study the initialisation requirements of of TLDR-paper pairs. We also present C ATTS, a
infinite-width networks and show that the main challenge simple yet effective learning strategy for improving
for constructing them is defining the appropriate sampling
TLDR generation that exploits auxiliary training sig-
distributions for the weights.
nal from paper titles. We show that our approach
Table 7: Examples of system generations. BARTXSUM improves over strong modeling baselines.
and C ATTSXSUM both achieve Rouge-1 of 40.7 on this Existing methods for scientific document sum-
paper. Colored spans indicate text overlap. marization often make use of properties unique to
those papers, like sections, citation contexts or sci-
entific discourse roles. Future work can examine
show that BERT is effective for both extractive and
how best to incorporate these properties to improve
abstractive summarization. Zhang et al. (2019); Bi
TLDR generation models. Additionally, while our
et al. (2020) introduce new pretraining objectives
experiments are limited to abstract-only and AIC
that improve generation. Sequence-to-sequence
input spaces, we provide the full text of the source
models (Raffel et al., 2020; Lewis et al., 2020; Bao
papers to support research into using longer input
et al., 2020) have state-of-the-art performance on
contexts. Furthermore, the multiple target sum-
XSUM (Narayan et al., 2018), a dataset for extreme
maries in S CI T LDR reflect diverse perspectives and
summarization dataset of news articles. S CI T LDR
can be used to support summarization research into
is a new form of extreme summarization focused
training and evaluation techniques previously un-
on scientific papers.
available with existing datasets. Finally, the idea
Scientific document summarization Most of a TLDR can differ between academic disciplines,
work in summarization of scientific papers have and we leave such exploration open for future work.
focused on longer summaries (i.e. 150-200 words).
Existing datasets include CSPubSum for extractive Acknowledgments
summarization (Collins et al., 2017), ArXiv and
We thank the Semantic Scholar Research team and
PubMed for abstract generation (Cohan et al.,
John Bohannon and Oleg Vasilyev from Primer for
2018), and SciSummNet (Yasunaga et al., 2019)
helpful feedback and discussions. This work was
and CL-SciSumm (Jaidka et al., 2018; Chan-
supported in part by NSF Convergence Accelera-
drasekaran et al., 2019) datasets, which incorporate
tor award 1936940, NSF RAPID award 2040196,
citation contexts into human-written summaries.
ONR grant N00014-18-1-2193, and the University
TalkSumm (Lev et al., 2019) uses recordings of
of Washington WRF/Cable Professorship.
conference talks to create a distantly-supervised
training set for the CL-SciSumm task.
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