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A six-cylinder, two-stroke marine diesel engine operates at a piston

speed of 1200 rpm. The 5 in. x 5.6 in. engine has an 18:1
compression ratio. If the air intake is at 14.8 psia and 82° F,

(A) the displacement volume, ft3;

(B) the clearance;
(C) the ideal air inlet volumetric flow rate, ft3/min; and
(D) the mass flow rate for a volumetric efficiency of 85%, lb/min.
p1 = 14.8 psia; t1 = 82° F
V1 13.2
5   5.6 
( A) compression ratio    7.5
(A) VD = ft  6  =0.3818 ft 3 V2 1.76
4  12   12 
k 1.4
V   13.2 
(B) rV = 1+ ; c =
= 0.0588 (B) p2  p1  1   15    252 psia
c rV -1 17 V
 2  1.76 
252 144  1.76

0.3188 ft 3 stroke 1200 rev min   pV
T2  2 2   1198 R
(C) V D = = R 53.3
n 1 rev intake stroke  q 352
= 458.16 = 458.2 ft 3 min T3  S  T2   1198  3256 R
cV 0.171

(D)  =
P 
14.8 lbf in2 144 in2 ft 2  
=0.07372 lb 3 RT3 53.3 3256 
= p3    685 psia
RT  53.34 ft-lbf lbm°R   542°R  ft V3 1.76 144 
 
  
k 1
m  V  V D   0.85 458.2 ft 3 min 0.07372 lb ft 3  28.71 lb/min
V   1 
(C ) T4  T3  3   3256    1454 R
 V4   7.5 
T   1454 
p4  p1  4   15    40.8 psia
2. A diesel engine (in the above EXAMPLE) delivers 200 bhp at a piston  T1   535 
speed of 1200 rpm. If the indicated power is 250 ihp find: (D) qR  cV T4  T1    0.1711454  535   157 Btu lb
wk  net 
(A) engine torque, ft-lbf; (E )  qS  qR  352  157  195 Btu lb
(B) brake mean effective pressure, psi; J
(C) indicated mean effective pressure, psi;
(D) mechanical efficiency, %; and (e) friction power, fhp. qS  qR 195
(g) t    55.4%
 qS 352
 1 1
or t  1  1  55.3%
 rV  7.5
k 1 0.4

2 TN
(A) BHP = 
33,000  M wk  60 0.5 195  60
(h) W k    138 hp;
2  T  1200  J  42.42  42.42
200 
33,000 1 hp = 42.42 Btu min
T= 875.35 in-lb = 875 ft-lbf
PLANc 4. At the beginning of compression an ideal Diesel cycle using air has a
(B) BHP 
33,000  n rev power stroke  pressure of 15 psia, a temperature of 75° F and a specific volume of
13.2 ft3/lb. For a compression ratio of 15 and a heat addition of 352

200 33,000  1 
 5      5.6 
 12   4   12  1200   6 
(A) sketch the p-v diagrams for the cycle and then calculate:
    (B) the temperatures and pressures at the end of compression, at
BMEP  12,862 lbf ft 2 = 89 lbf in2 the end of addition of heat and at the end of the expansion
(C) IHP = (C) the heat rejected, Btu/lb
33,000  n (D) the net work, Btu/lb
P = IMEP (E) the thermal efficiency, %

 250 ihp  33,000 ft-lbf hp-min 1 rev power stroke  (F) the horsepower developed by an ideal engine operating on the
 5 12 ft   4   5.6 12 ft  1200 rev min   6  cycle and using 0.5 pound per second of air

(G) the thermal efficiency of a cycle having the same initial conditions
IMEP = 16,078 lbf ft 2 = 112 lbf in2 and compression ratio, but with a constant pressure heat addition
BHP 200 89 psi of 500 Btu/lb.
(D) em = = = = 0.794 = 79%
IHP 250 112 psi 
(E) FHP = IHP - BHP = 250 - 200 = 50 fhp 

3. At the beginning of the compression stroke and ideal Otto cycle has
an air pressure of 15 psia, a temperature of 75° F and a specific 
volume of 13.2 ft3/lb. At the end of compression the specific volume is 
1.76 ft3/lb. The heat supplied to the cycle is 352 Btu/lb. Calculate the


A. the compression ratio 
B. the highest temperature and pressure of the cycle

C. the temperature and pressure at the end of expansion of the air
D. the heat rejected, Btu/lb 
E. the net work of the cycle, Btu/lb 
F. the thermal efficiency of the cycle, %

G. the horsepower developed by an ideal engine operating on this
cycle using 0.5 pound of air per second. 
 p1 = 15 psia; v4 = v1 = 13.2 ft3/lb
p1 = 15 psia; 3
v1 = 13.2 ft /lb t1 = 75° F; v1/v2 = 15.0
t1 = 75° F; v2 = 1.76 ft3/lb qS = 352 Btu/lb
qS = 352 Btu/lb
v1 13.2
(B) v2    0.88 ft 3 lb
rV 15.0 7. Determine the volumetric analysis of a mixture which consists of 56
1.4 percent nitrogen, 12 percent carbon dioxide and 32 percent oxygen as
v 
 15 15 
p2  p1  1   664.7 psia calculated on a mass basis.
 v2  
p2v2 664.7 144  0.88 
T2    1580 R
R 53.3
p3  p2  664.7 psia M1 M2 M3
 0.56;  0.12;  0.32
Mm Mm Mm
qS 352
T3  T2   1580   1580  1467  3047 R m1  28; m2  44; m3  32
cp 0.24
Mass Analysis Volumetric Analysis
RT3 53.3 3047 
v3    1.697 ft 3 lb V1 0.02000
p3 664.7 144  N2 , 0.56  28  0.02000   61.11% N2
k 1
Vm 0.03273
v   1.697 
  3047 0.44   1341  R
T4  T3  3   3047  V2 0.00273
v CO2 , 0.12  44  0.00273   8.34% CO2
 4  13.2  Vm 0.03273
T   1341  V3 0.01000
p4  p1  4   15    37.6 psia O2 , 0.32  32  0.01000   30.55% O2
 T1   535  Vm 0.03273
(C ) qR  cV T4  T1   0.171 1341  535   137.8 Btu lb   0.03273
wk  net 
(D)  qS  qR  352  137.8  214.2 Btu lb 8. Calculate the mass of moisture, in pounds, contained in 4000 ft3 of
q  qR 214.2 atmospheric air having a temperature of 90° F when the
(E ) t  S   60.9% barometric pressure is 30.12 in. Hg
qS 352

(F ) W k 

wk  M 
214.2 0.5  60
 151.5 hp
(A) if the air is saturated and
J  42.42  42.42 (B) if the relative humidity is 50 percent.
qS ' (C) What is the dew point of the atmosphere of part (B)?
(G) T3 '  T2   1580  2083  3663  R
cp (D) What is the specific humidity of the atmosphere of part (B),
RT3 ' 53.3 3663 R 
grains/lb dry air?
V3 '    2.04 ft 3 lb 
p3 ' 664.7 144 
k 1 0.4
PB = 30.12 in. Hg; t = 90° F
V '  2.04 
T4 '  T3 '  3   3663    1736 R (A) VS  Vg  467.7 ft 3 lb  Steam Tables at 90 F 
 V4 '   13.2 
qR '  cV T4 ' T1   0.171 1736  535   205.4 Btu lb MV   8.55 lb
qS ' qR ' 500  205.4 294.6
t     58.9% (B) pS  0.6988 psia  Steam Tables at 90 F 
qS ' 500 500
pV   pS   0.5 0.6988   0.3494 psia

5. The mixture of gases shown in Figure has a pressure of one MV 


144  0.3494  4000   4.26 lb
atmosphere. Using the volumetric analysis shown in the figure, RV Tm 85.8 550 
calculate the partial pressures of the individual constituents. (C ) dew po int  68.8 F  Steam Tables for 0.3494 psia
(D) PB  0.49130.12   14.79 psia

 V 
4354 pV

 4354 0.3494   105.3 grains lb dry air
pB  pV 14.79  0.3494

 9. Atmospheric air has a temperature (dry bulb) of 80° F and a wet bulb
1 atm = 14.696 psia temperature of 60° F when the barometric pressure is 14.696 psia.
V1 V2 V3 Determine:
=0.7; =0.1; =0.2
Vm Vm Vm
(A) the dew point, °F;
p1 = pm = 14.696   0.7  =10.287 psia (B) the relative humidity, %; and
(C) the specific humidity, grains/lb dry air.
p 2 = pm = 14.696   0.1 =1.470 psia 
p 3 = pm = 14.696   0.2  =2.939 psia PB = 14.696 psia; tD = 80° F; tW = 60° F
( A) P 'S  0.2563 psia (Steam Tables for 60 F )
6. For the mixture shown in Figure, constituent 1 is nitrogen constituent PB  tD  tW  14.696 80  60 
PV  P 'S   0.2563   0.1474 psia
2 is carbon dioxide and constituent 3 is oxygen. Calculate the analysis 2700 2700
(percentage) by mass of the mixture. dew po int  45 F (SteamTables)
(B)PS  0.5073 psia  Steam Tables for 80 F 
PV 0.1474
V1 V2 V3     100  29.1%
 0.7;  0.1;  0.2 PS 0.5073
Vm Vm Vm
(C ) wV 

 43540.1474   44.1 grains lb dry air
m1  28; m2  44; m3  32
PB  PV 14.696  0.1474
Volumetric Analysis Mass Analysis
M1 19.6 10. Calculate the enthalpy, Btu/lb dry air, for an atmosphere having a
N2 , 0.70  28  19.6   64.47% N2
Mm 30.4 temperature (dry bulb) of 80° F and a specific humidity of 42.1
M2 4.4 grains/lb dry air.
CO2 , 0.10  44  4.4   14.47% CO2
Mm 30.4
M3 6.4 
O2 , 0.20  32  6.4   21.06% O2  t = 80° F; wV = 42.1
Mm 30.4
  30.4 hg = 1096.4 Btu/lb (Steam Tables at 80° F)

hA = 0.24t + Vhg

= 0.24 80  +
 42.11096.4  = 25.8 Btu lb dry air
11. One hundred pounds of air per minute are to be heated from 60° F 13. Ten pounds of air at a dry bulb temperature of 50° F with a specific
and 55° F wet bulb temperatures to a final temperature of 110°F. humidity of 40 grains/lb dry air are mixed with 25 lb of air having a
There is no change of total moisture during the process. Determine temperature of 85° F and a specific humidity of 90 grains/lb dry air.
the heat required for the process, Btu/min: Calculate:

(A) by the analytical methods developed (A) the specific humidity of the mixture, grains/lb dry air;
(B) by use of the psychrometric chart. Barometric pressure is 29.92 in. (B) the dry bulb temperature, °F; and
Hg. (C) the enthalpy of the mixture, Btu/lb dry air.

PB = 29.92 in. Hg; tD1 = 60° F; tw1 = 55° F

tD2 = 110° F; V1 = V2; M = 100 lb air/min

pB  tD  tw  29.92 60  55  M4 = 10 lb; tD4 = 50° F; V4 = 40 grains/lb dry air

( A) pV  p 'S   0.4359   0.3805 in. Hg abs M2 = 25 lb; tD2 = 85° F; V2 = 90 grains/lb dry air
2700 2700

wV 1 
4354 pV

 4354  0.3805 
 56.1 grains dryair
pB  pV 29.92  0.3805 lb M4 V 4   M2 V 2  M4 V 4   M2 V 2 
(A) V 1  
hA  0.24tD  V hg  0.24tD  V 1061  0.45tD  M1 M4  M2

hA1  0.24tD1  V 1 1061  0.45tD1  10  40   25 90 

V 1   75.7 grains lb dryair
10  25
hA2  0.24tD2  V 2 1061  0.45tD2 
(B) Since the process is adiabatic, and no moisture is gained or lost, the
hA2  hA1   0.24  0.45v1   tD2  tD1  energy balance for the process is as follows:
 0.45 56.1  110  60  12.2 Btu lb dry air H A1  H A2  H A4
  0.24    
 7000  M1  hA1   M2  hA2   M4  hA4 
 
Q12  M  hA2  hA1   100 12.2   1220 Btu min By substitution and the elimination of the quantities M1 and w V 1, the energy
(B)From psychrometric chart , hA1  23.3; hA2  35.6 equation can be solved for t D1. Thus,
  M4  0.24  0.45V 4   tD1  tD 4   M2 0.24  0.45V 2  tD2  tD1 
Q12  M  hA2  hA1   100 35.6  23.3   1230 Btu min
 0.45  40  0.45  90
10  0.24 
7000 
tD1  50   25  0.24  7000  85  tD1 
  
12. One hundred pounds of air per minute at a temperature of 100° F tD1  75.1 F
with a relative humidity of 60 percent are cooled and dehumidified to a (c) hA1  0.24tD1  V 1 1061  0.45tD1 
final temperature of 50° F. Using the psychrometric chart, determine: 75.7 1061  0.45  75.1
 0.24 75.1   29.9 Btu lb dryair
(A) the heat abstracted by the process, Btu/min, and
(B) the moisture removed, lb/min
14. Using the psychrometric chart, determine (a) the enthalpy, Btu/lb of
 dry air, and (b) the specifc humidity, grains/lb dry air, for the mixture
 described in the above example.
 

 

From psychrometric chart:

hA1 = 51.7; V1 = 175.5

hAa = 47.4; Va = 175.5
hA2 = 20.2; V2 = 53.5

M’ = 100 lb air per min

 
M4 = 10 lb; tD4 = 50° F
( A) Q1a  M  hA1  hAa   100 51.7  47.4   430 Btu M2 = 25 lb; tD4 = 85° F
 
Qa2  M  hAa  hA2   100  47.4  20.2   2720 Btu
min M4tD 4  M2tD2 10 50   25 85
   tD1    75 F
Q12  Q1a  Q a2  430  2720  3150 Btu M4  M2 10  25

Connecting points 4 and 2 with a straight line crossing the
M V 1  V 2  75 F ordinate at point 1, the state point of the mixture,
(B) dehumidification 
7000 then from the chart:
100 175.5  53.5 (A) hA1  29.9 Btu lb dry air
  1.743 lb
7000 min
(B) V 1  75.7 grains lb dry air
15. The heat losses from a group of compartments have been
determined to be 420,000 Btu/hr. Air is furnished to the compartments QD2 = 240,000 Btu/hr; tDA = 83° F; tWA = 71° F
at a temperature of 100° F and leaves the spaces with a temperature tDC = tWC = 45° F; tD2 = 80° F;  = 40%; VD = 51
of 70° F and a relative humidity of 50 percent. Assuming the system to
use 100 percent outdoor air at a temperature of 20° F with 100 From psychrometric chart:
percent relative humidity, determine: V2 = 61 grains/lb dry air
VA = 95; VC = 44 grains/lb dry air
(A) the mass of air which must be circulated, lb/hr; hA2 = 28.9; hAD = 20; hAA = 34.9
(B) the capacity of the preheating coil, Btu/hr; hAC = 17.6 Btu/lb dry air
(C) the capacity of the reheating coil, Btu/hr; and
(D) the water vapor absorbed from the washer, lb/hr. •

 QD2 240,000
(A) M = = =27,000 lb hr
hA2 -hAD 28.9-20
 •
M  w V2 -w VD  27,000  61-51
(B) moisture absorbed= = =38.6 lb hr
7000 7000
VD - VC 51 - 44
(C) F = = = 0.1372 lb lb
VA - VC 95 - 44
• •
• 
(D) air through coil = MC = MD - F  MD 
 

MC = 27,000 -  27,000   0.1372  = 23,300 lb hr

M C  hAA  hAC  23,300  34.9  17.6 
(E) refrigeration    33.6 tons
60  200 12,000

QDE =420,000 Btu/hr; tDA = 20° F; A = 100%

tDE = 70° F; E = 50%; tDD = 100° F

From psychrometric chart:

hAD = 33.0; hAE = 25.4
hAC = hAB = 20.5; hAA = 7.2 Btu/lb dry air
VC = VE = VD = 55; VA = VB = 16 grains/lb dry air

QDE 420,000
( A) M    55,260 lb hr
hAD  hAE 33.0  25.4
 
(B) Q AB  M  hAB  hAA   55,260 20.5  7.2   735,000 Btu hr
 
(C ) QCD  M  hAD  hAC   55,260 33.0  20.5  690,750 Btu hr
 55,260 55  16 
(D) humidification  M wVC  wVB    308 lb hr

16. For an air-conditioning system such as that described in this article

and illustrated in FIGURE, the freshened air (state A) has dry and wet
bulb temperatures of 83° F and 71° F, respectively, the temperature
leaving the cooling coils (state C) is 45° F, the specific humidity after
remixing is 51 grains/lb dry air and the temperature and relative
humidity leaving the conditioned spaces (state 2) are 80° F and 40
percent, respectively. If the total sensible and latent heat gain from the
spaces is 240,000 Btu/hr, calculate:

(A) the mass of air that must be circulated, lb/hr;

(B) the amount of moisture that can be absorbed from the conditioned
spaces, lb/hr;
(C) the fraction of air that bypasses the cooling coil, lb/lb; (d) the air that
flows through the coil, lb/hr; and
(E) the capacity of the refrigerating plant required for this system, tons.


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