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3. The internal diameter of a boiler generating tube is 4 in.

and the
1. The first stage of a 50% reaction groups receives steam with a wall thickness is 0.375 in. In operation the external surface film
coefficient is 26 Btu/hr·ft2·°F, the internal film coefficient is 1700
negligible approach velocity at a pressure of 300 psia with a
Btu/hr·ft2·°F and a 0.375 in. thickness scale having a conductivity
temperature of 520F. The available energy to the stage is 10 of 0.6 Btu/hr·ft2·°F is deposited on the inner surface of the tube.
Btu/lb, the fixed blade efficiency is 96%, the velocity coefficient for The metal conductivity is 26 Btu/hr·ft2·°F, the furnace gas
the moving row is 0.88, the reactive effectiveness is 90%, and the temperature is 2100° F and the temperature of the water is 500° F.
relative inlet and absolute exit velocities are 146 ft/s and 160 ft/s, Calculate:
respectively. Assume the stage efficiency is the same as the
combined blade efficiency and calculate the following: (A) the overall coefficient of heat transfer for the clean tube,
(B) the overall heat transfer coefficient including the effect of the
(A) The steam velocity leaving the fixed blades, ft/s
scale, Btu/hr·ft2·°F, and
(B) The relative exit velocity from the moving blades, ft/s
(C) the external tube surface temperature before and after the
(C) The stage work, Btu/lb
scale has formed.
(D) The combined blade efficiency, %
(E) The enthalpy of the steam entering the succeeding stage,
Btu/lb for complete velocity carryover 1.
P0 = 300 psia t o = 520°F (AE)st  10 Btu/lb 5.
en = 0.96 ; Cm = 0.88 ; eR = 0.90 6.
Vr1  146 ft/s V2 = 160 ft/s 7.
 AE st 10
(A)  AE n   AE R    5 Btu/lb
2 2
V1   2gc J en  AE n
  2  32.2  778    0.96  5  = 490 ft/s

 Vr2   Cm Vr2 
2 2

(B) = = eR  AE R 
2gc J 2gc J
r1=1.625 in.; r2 = 2.0 in.; r3 = 2.375 in
 Cm Vr1    2g c J  eR  AE R
Vr2  t gas = 2100° F; t water = 500° F

 0.88 146     2 32.2 778   0.90 5 

 h1= 1700; h2 = 26 Btu hrg ft 2 g°F
k tube = 26; k scale = 0.6 Btu hrg ftg°F
 492 ft/s
rt = r2 + = 2.0 + 0.1875 = 2.1875 in.
 wk  =
V 1
 
- V2 2 + Vr2 2 - Vr12  rS = r1 +
= 1.625 + 0.1875 = 1.8175 in.
J 2gc J 2

 490  - 160   +  492 - 146   = 8.69 Btu/lb
2 2 2 2

(A) For clean tube:

2  32.2  778  1 1 r r 1
  3 2 
 w k st 8.69 U  r2 
h1   kt  
 rt  h2
(D) ecb = = = 0.869 = 86.9%
J  A.E.st 10  r3   r3 
1 0.375 1
 w k st  v 2 2 
 2.0 
 
 2.1875  26
h 2 = ho  
J  A.E.st 2g c J 1700   2.375  12  26   2.375 
   
160   0.0007  0.0013  0.0385  0.0405

h2 = 1269.4 - 8.7 -  1260.2 Btu/lb

2  32.2  778  U
 24.69 Btu hr  ft 2  F  external area 
2. To illustrate the effect of tip leakage, it is assumed that 5 percent (C ) For tube and scale (R' = resistance/ft 2 area):
of the steam supplied to the stage of the above example, flows L 1
R'scale  R'1  
past the stage without performing useful work. Assume there are  rS   r1 
no other stage losses and calculate: k   h1  
 r3   r3 
A. the stage work, Btu/lb
0.375 1
B. the stage efficiency, %    0.0691
 1.8125   1.625 
C. the reheat due to leakage, Btu/lb 12  0.6   2.375  1700  2.375 
D. the actual enthalpy entering the succeeding stage for complete    
velocity carryover, Btu/lb R'total  0.0691  0.0013  0.0385  0.1089
1 1
U    9.18 Btu hr ft 2 F
 R 'total 0.1089
(D) For clean tube:
 R '2   0.0385 
h0  1269.4 Btu lb ;  A.E.st  10 Btu lb t     t1  t2     2100  500   1521 F
 R 'total   0.0405 
wk st
 8.69 Btu lb ; h2  1260 Btu lb tube surface temperature  2100  1521  579 F
wk st For tube with scale:
( A)  0.95 8.69   8.26 Btu lb  R '2   0.0385 
J t     t1  t2     2100  500   566 F
wk st R '
 total   0.1089 
(B) st    82.6%
J  A.E.st 10 t surface of tube = 2100  566  1534 F
(C ) leakage reheat  8.69  8.26  0.43 Btu lb
(D) hx  1260.2  0.43  1260.6 Btu lb
4. A steam condenser with a net heat transfer area of 23,500 ft 2 has 6. The following is an ultimate analysis of a typical naval fuel oil, ash
a design value of U of 486 Btu/hr·ft2·°F for a log mean temperature and moisture free:
difference of 32.4 and a design operating pressure of 2.5 in. Hg Carbon = 0.8663 lb
abs. The water consumption at rated capacity is not to exceed Hygrogen = 0.1127 lb
40,500 gpm with a temperature rise of 18.3°F. Measured Oxygen = 0.0019 lb
temperatures of fresh water at this flow rate during an acceptance
Nitrogen = 0.0028 lb
test were 71.5°F and 90°F at entrance and exit, respectively, and
the average condenser pressure was 2.45 in. Hg abs. Assuming Sulfur = 0.0163 lb
no subcooling of the condensate, calculate the overall heat 1.0000 lb
transfer coefficient established by the acceptance test, and Calculate the following for “complete” or “theoretical” combustion
compare this with the manufacturer’s design value given above. with air, in pounds per pound of fuel:

A. oxygen required from air

B. nitrogen required from air
C. air required
D. water formed from combustion
E. carbon dioxide formed
F. total mass of flue gases

Fuel constituents Pounds of O2 required from air
 pounds per pound per pound of fuel constituent

Twater (entering) = 71.5° F; tleaving = 90° F

C = 0.8663 0.8663(2.667) = 2.3104
Psteam = 2.45 in. Hg abs
water quantity = 40,500 gpm H = 0.1127 0.1127(8.000) = 0.9016
Anet = 23,500 ft2 O = 0.0019 reduces external O2 = -0.0019
m’ = (40,500)(8.34)(60) = 20.27 x 106 lb/hr N = 0.0028 inert = 0.0000
S = 0.0163 0.0163(1.00) = 0.0163
 lb O2 required from air = 3.2264

Q  20.27  106  1 90  71.5  375  10 6
Btu hr
36.5  18 A. oxygen required = 3.2264 lb/lb fuel
m   26.2 F
36.5 B. nitrogen from air = 3.2264 (0.768/0.232)
18 = 10.6805 lb N2/lb fuel

Q 375  106 C. air required = 3.2264 + 10.6805
U    609 Btu hr  ft 2  F
A m 23, 500 26.2 = 13.9069 lb air/lb fuel

Element + Oxygen = Combustion product

5. An exhaust gas regenerator (counter-flow heat exchanger) for a C 0.8663 + 2.3104 = 3.1767 lb CO2/lb fuel
marine gas turbine handles 1.8 kg kg/sec of air from its H 0.1127 + 0.9016 = 1.0143 lb H2O/lb fuel
compressor and heats it by means of 1.88 kg/sec of hot exhaust
O 0.0019 + --------- = ------------------------------
gas. Exhaust gas enters the regenerator at 593° C and leaves at
310° C. Compressed air enters the regenerator at 266° C. For this N 0.0028 + 0.0000 = 0.0028 lb N2/lb fuel
temperature range a constant pressure specific heat for the S 0.0163 + 0.0163 = 0.0326 lb SO2/lb fuel
exhaust gas may be estimated at 1090 J/kg·C. Assume no heat Σ = 4.2264 lb combustion products per lb fuel
transfer other than between the regenerator fluids. Calculate:
D. water from combustion = 1.0143 lb/lb fuel
A. the energy exchanged as heat by the two fluids, kJ/sec
E. carbon dioxide formed = 3.1767 lb/lb fuel
B. the air temperature leaving the generator, C
C. the log mean temperature difference for the exchanger, C F. total mass of flue gases = 4.2264 + 10.6805
= 14.9069 lb/lb fuel

t1 in = 266° C; t2 out = ?; Ma’ = 1.8 kg/sec 7. Calculate the following quantities in pounds per pound of fuel for
t3 in = 593° C; t4 out = 310° C; Ma’ = 1.88 kg/sec combustion with 50 percent excess air using the same fuel
 
analysis as in the example of the preceding article:
(A) Q  M g c pg  t  g  1.88 kg s  1090 J kg  C  283 C 
A. oxygen supplied from air
 579.92 kJ s B. nitrogen accompanying oxygen
   
(B) Q a  Q g ; M a c pa  t a  M g c pg  t g C. air supplied
D. water formed from combustion
 
E. carbon dioxide formed
M a c pa  t2  t1 a  M g c pg  t3  t4 g
F. total mass of flue gases

Q 579920
t2  t1   266   586.6 C

1.8 1005 
M a c pa 
  2  t4  t1    t3  t2 
(C)  m  1  Fuel constituents Pounds of O2 required from

ln 1 t  t1 
ln 4 per pound of fuel
2 t3  t2 

310  266   593  586.6   19.5 C
C = 0.8663 0.8663(2.667) = 2.3104
44 H = 0.1127 0.1127(8.000) = 0.9016
6.4 O = 0.0019 reduces external O2 = -0.0019
N = 0.0028
S = 0.0163 0.0163(1.00) = 0.0163
1.0000 3.2264
Mols of Constituent Mol wt. Mass per mol Percent
per mol of flue gas flue gas mass
A. oxygen supplied with 50% excess air = 1.5(3.2264)
= 4.8396 lb/lb fuel CO2 0.11  44 = 4.84 = 16.17%
CO 0.02  28 = 0.56 = 1.87 %
B. nitrogen from air = 4.8396(0.768/0.232) = 16.0207 lb/lb fuel 29.94
C. air supplied = 4.8396 + 16.0207 = 20.8603 lb/lb fuel 1.44
O2 0.045  32 = 1.44 = 4.81%
Element + Oxygen = Combustion product N2 0.825  28 = 22.40 = 77.15%
C 0.8663 + 2.3104 = 3.1767 lb CO2  = 29.94  =100.00%
H 0.1127 + 0.9016 = 1.0143 lb H2O
O 0.0019 + (Appears = 1.6132 lb O2 (Excess O2 = 0.5 x 3.2264) (A) mass of dry flue gas per lb of fuel:
with other CF 0.8700 lb gas
MG =   16.69
constituents) 12 12 12 12
CO2 
 0.1617  
 0.0187 
lb fuel
N 0.0028 + 0.0000 = 0.0028 lb N2/lb fuel
(B) mass of air actually supplied:
S 0.0163 + 0.0163 = 0.0326 lb SO2/lb fuel
 N2   0.7715 
Σ = 4.2264 lb combustion products per lb fuel  0.768   CF   0.768   0.8700 
MA        16.77
lb air
12 12 12 12
CO2 +
 0.1617  
 0.0187 
lb fuel
D. water formed = 1.0143 lb/lb fuel
(C) air required for ideal combustion of one pound of fuel:
E. carbon dioxide formed = 3.1767 lb/lb fuel carbon 0.8700(11.49) = 9.9963 lb of air for carbon
F. total mass of flue gases = 5.8396 + 16.0207 hydrogen 0.1200(34.48) = 4.1376 lb air for hydrogen
= 21.8603 lb flue gases/lb fuel sulfur 0.0020(4.31) = 0.0086 lb air for sulfur
14.1425 total air required, lb

8. An analysis of the flue gases of a combustion process, percent by Since the fuel contains 0.006 pound of oxygen, assume the hydrogen combines
volume, is as follows: with it and reduces the external oxygen required:
 lb O2   lb air  
4.1376       4.1376  0.006   4.31
CO2 = 10.0%; CO =2.0%; O2 = 8.0%; N2 = 80.0%  lb fuel   lb O2  
  4.1117 lb air for hydrogen
Then, ideal combustion of one pound of fuel requires
 14.1425  0.0259  14.1166 lb air/lb fuel
(D) % excess air:
16.77  14.12
 18.8%
Consti - Volume Mol wt. Percent mass 14.12
tuent fraction of constituent
mols CO2 lb lb CO2 4.40 The following data were observed during an oil-fired boiler test:
CO2 0.10  44 = 4.40 = 14.71 1. Duration of test 1 hr
mol gas mol mol gas 29.92
2. Steam delivered by boiler 200,000 lb
mols CO lb lb CO 0.56 3. Average steam temperature at
CO 0.02  28 = 0.56 = 1.87
mol gas mol mol gas 29.92 superheater outlet 760° F
mols O2 lb lb O2 2.56 4. Average steam pressure at
O2 0.08  32 = 2.56 = 8.56 superheater outlet 600 psia
mol gas mol mol gas 29.92
5. Feed water temperature 240° F
mols N2 lb lb N2 22.40
N2 0.80  28 = 22.40 = 74.86 6. Feed water pressure 700 psia
mol gas mol mol gas 29.92 7. Fuel fired (dry basis) 15,385 lb
lb gas 8. Flue gas temperature leaving
 = 29.92  =100.00 last heat transfer passage 450° F
mol gas
9. Dry bulb temperature of air
supplied for combustion 80° F
lb gas 10. Wet bulb temperature of air
Apparent molecular weight o f gas mixture = 29.92
mol gas supplied for combustion 70° F
1545 ft lbf 11. Barometric pressure at test
R for the mixture =  51.64 location 29.92 in. Hg
29.92 lb°R
12. Temperature of fuel supplied
to burners 80° F
A fuel oil has the following analysis on an ash-and-moisture-free 13. Ultimate analysis of fuel on an as-fired basis:
basis and yields, on burning, the following Orsat analysis: Carbon 0.8095 lb/lb fuel
Hydrogen 0.1143 lb/lb fuel
Fuel analysis, Nitrogen 0.0048 lb/lb fuel
Sulfur 0.0143 lb/lb fuel
lb/lb fuel Orsat Analysis
Oxygen 0.0095 lb/lb fuel
C = 0.8700 CO2 = 11.0 % Moisture 0.0476 lb/lb fuel
H = 0.1200 CO = 2.0 % Ash 0.0000 lb/lb fuel
N = 0.0020 O2 = 4.5 % 1.0000 lb fuel
S = 0.0020 N2 = 4.5 % 14. Volume analysis of flue gases in percent (Orsat):
O = 0.0060 CO2 = 11.34%
CO = 00.71%
O2 = 5.06%
N2 = 82.89%
A. the mass of dry flue gas, lb/lb fuel 100.00%
B. the mass of air actually supplied, lb/lb fuel 15. Higher heating value of fuel is 19,500 Btu/lb “dry” fuel.
C. the air required for ideal combustion, lb/lb fuel
D. the percent excess air supplied Calculate an energy balance for the tested boiler.

 
As-fired basis Dry basis
Carbon 0.8095 0.8500 lb/lb
Hydrogen 0.1143 0.1200 lb/lb
Nitrogen 0.0048 ÷ (1 – 0.0476) = 0.0050 lb/lb
Sulfur 0.0143 0.0150 lb/lb
Oxygen 0.0095 0.0100 lb/lb
Moisture 0.0476 1.000
Flue Gas Analysis: (17.1) A boiler consumes 16,800 pounds of feul/hr when producing
Percent Mol wt. Pounds per Percent 210,000 lb of steam per hour at 620 psia and 800 deg F from
volume dry 100 mols gas mass feed water at 650 psia and 800F from feed water at 650 psia
498.96 and 300F. The heating value of fuel is 18,500 Btu/lb and the
CO2 = 11.34  44 = 498.96 = 16.62
3001.68 furnace volume is 1250 ft3 . Calculate :
CO = 0.71  28 = 19.88 = 0.66
161.92 (A) The boiler Capacity (in mB/hr) Ans: 238.6 mB/hr
O2 = 5.06  32 = 161.92 = 5.40
3001.68 (B) The factor of evaporation Ans: 245,700 lb/hr
2320.92 (C) The equivalent evaporation Ans: 1.17
N2 = 82.89  28 = 2320.92 = 77.32
3001.68 (D) The furnace heat-release rate, Btu/hr.ft3
 = 3001.68  =100.00 Ans: 248,600 Btu/hr,ft3
(E) The boiler efficiency, % Ans: 76.8%
Energy balance:
(1) Energy absorbed by water and steam in boiler, Btu per pound of dry fuel: (17.2) A fuel oil has the following ultimate analysis ash and moisture
200, 000
Q1  MS  h2  h1   1385.1  209.9  * free:
15, 385
Carbon = 0.85 lb
= 13 1175.2   15, 277.6 Btu lb fuel (dry)
Hydrogen = 0.14 lb
* where h2 at 600 psia and 760 F = 1385.1 Btu lb
Oxygen = 0.00 lb
h3 at 700 psia and 240 F = 209.9 Btu/lb
Nitrogen = 0.01 lb
(2) Energy loss to dry flue gases, Btu per pound dry fuel:
Sulfur = 0.01 lb
Q2  MG c p t2  t1   17.65 0.24   450  80 
1.00 lb
 1567.32 Btu/lb dry fuel
For complete combustion with air, calculate the following in pounds
CF 0.8500
where MG   per pound of fuel:
12 12 12 12
CO2 +
 0.1662  
0.0066  (A) Oxygen required from air Ans: 3.32
= 17.65 lb dry gas/lb fuel (B) Nitrogen accompanying oxygen from air Ans: 10.98
c p  0.24 (average specific heat of flue gases) (C) Air required Ans: 14.30
t1  entering air temperature = 80 F (D) Water formed from combustion of hydrogen Ans: 1.176
t2  leaving flue gas temperature = 450 F (E) Carbon dioxide formed Ans: 3.23
(3) Energy loss due to moisture from burning hydrogen, Btu per pound (F) Total mass of flue gases Ans: 15.30
of dry fuel:
9H 9 12  (16.2) Air at 45F (DB) and 41F (WB) is heated and humidified to
Q3 
 h4  h3   100 1265.0  48.1 72F (DB) and 59F (WB). To what temperature should the air
= 1314.25 Btu/lb dry fuel be heated before humidification?
where H = percent hydrogen in 1 lb dry fuel Ans: 64F
h4 = 1265.0 (Table 3, Steam Tables at 1 psia and 450 F)
h3 = hf at 80 F = 48.1 Btu/lb (16.3) Air is to be conditioned from td = 39F and  = 80% to td =
(4) Energy loss to moisture accompanying one pound dry fuel: 74F and  = 70%.
MM 0.0476
Q4   h  h3   1  0.0476 1265.0  48.1
1  MM 4
(A) To what temperature should the air be heated before
humidifying F? Ans:102.5F
= 0.05 1216.9   60.85 Btu/lb dry fuel (B) How much moisture in grains is added during
In spite of calculating on the dry fuel basis, account must be taken of the moisture humidification ? Ans: 61 grains/lbda
accompanying the fuel as fired:
MM  mass of moisture in 1 lb of fuel as received = 0.0476 lb (15.1) It is desired to produce a mixture of helium and hydrogen
MM which will have a specific heat of 1.0 Btu/lb.F at constant
 0.05 lb of moisture/lb dry fuel
1  MM volume . What must be the volumetric percentage of helium?
(5) Energy loss to moisture in air supplied for combustion: Gas Cv
Q5  M A MW  h4  h5   17.77 0.0134  1265.0  1096.6  Helium 0.750
= 40.1 Btu/lb dry fuel Hydrogen 2.440
N2  0.7732 
CF    0.8500  Ans: 74.2%
0.768  0.768 
where MA  
12 12 12 12
CO2 
0.1662   28 0.0066  (15.2) A gaseous mixture has the following mass analysis:H2 ,
10%; CO2 , 5% ; N2 , 85%, Cp for common gases at room
= 17.77 lb air supplied/lb dry fuel
temperature : O2, 0.217; H2 3.42; N2, 0.247; CO, 0.243; CO2,
N2 , CO2 , CO = percents by mass in flue gases
0.205. Find the:
MW = 0.0134 lb moisture/lb dry air (from psychrometric chart at 80 F
dry bulb and 70 F wet bulb) (A) specific heat at constant pressure, Ans: 0.562 Btu/lb.F
h5  1096.6 Btu/lb (enthalpy of superheated steam at 80 F, read most
easily from Mollier Chart; partial pressure has relatively small (B) volumetric analysis, % H2 = 61.4%,CO2 =1.4%,N2 = 37.2%
effect on enthalpy at this temperature evidenced by practically
(C) Partial pressure of N2 is psia if the barometer is standard
horizontal 80 F line on chart)
and the mixture is at barometric pressure: Ans: 5.47 psia
(6) Energy loss to incomplete combustion, Btu per pound of dry fuel:
 CO 
 10,100 
Q6  CF  (15.3) A tank contains air at 50 psia. Air maybe assumed to consist
 CO2  CO  of 79.1 percent of N2 and 20.9% O2 by volume. Calculate:
0.71 (A) the partial pressure due to the oxygen, Ans:10.45 psia
= 0.85 10,100   505.84 Btu/lb dry fuel (B) the partial pressure due to the nitrogen, psia.
11.34  0.71
Ans: 39.55 psia
CO2 , CO = volume percentages from Orsat analysis of flue gases
CF  0.8500 lb carbon/lb dry fuel (15.4) A mass analysis of gases in a compartment shows the
10,100 = Btu loss/lb of carbon burned to CO rather than to CO2 following: O2 , 20 lb; N2 , 140 lb; CO2 , 15 lb; H2O, 4 lb. Find
(7) Energy loss to radiation and unaccounted-for losses: the volumetric analysis of the gases, %.
Q7  H.H.V .  (Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q5  Q6 ) . Ans. O2 = 10.10% ; N2 = 80.81 %; CO2 = 5.50 % ;
H2O = 3.59%
 19, 500  15, 277.6  1567.3  1314.3  60.8  40.1  505.8 
 19, 500  18, 765.9  734.1 Btu/lb dry fuel (15.6) Given, for atmospheric air: temperature, 82F; barometric
pressure, 29.92 in. Hg; partial pressure of water vapor ,
0.3632 psia. What is the dew point temperature?
. Ans. 70 F
(15.7) A room 14 ft x 16 ft x 10 ft contains atmospheric air at 72F. (12.5) In a 50% reaction stage, the carryover velocity from the
The partial pressure of the water vapor in air is 0.2140 psia. preceding stage is 55 m/s, the stage available energy is 50 kJ/kg, the
Barometer is standard. Calculate : fixed blade (nozzle) efficiency is 0.94 and the fixed blade velocity
(A) the mass of dry air in the room, lb; Ans: 164.7 lb coefficient is 0.90. Find the velocity of the steam leaving the fixed
(B) the mass of water vapor in the room Ans: 1.51 lb blades, m/s.
(C) the dew point temperature Ans: 55F Answer: 222.4 m/s
(15.13) For atmospheric air, given: dry bulb temperature, 85F ; wet (12.6) In the turbine stage with 30% reaction, the steam enters the
bulb temperature , 70F; barometer , standard. The air cooled at moving blades with relative velocity of 350 ft/s , the stage available
constant pressure to 50F. Using psychrometric chart, calculate: energy is 25 Btu/lb, the reactive effectiveness is 0.90 and the moving
(A) the water vapor condensed Ans: 32 grains blade velocity coefficient is 0.92. Find the relative velocity of the
(B) the heat rejected Ans: 13.7 Btu/lbda steam leaving the moving blades, ft/s.
Answer: 665 m/s
(14.1) A heat exchanger receives oil having specific heat of 0.45
Btu/lb and a temperature of 160F at the rate of 40,000 lb/hr. Fresh (12.7) Steam enters a 50% reaction stage in a low pressure turbine
with negligible carryover velocity at 12 psia and a moisture content of
water at an initial temperature of 160F at the rate of 40,000 lb/hr.
0.06. The steam leaves the fixed blades with a velocity of 670 ft/s.
Fresh water at an initial temperature of 60F flows through the
The relative velocities entering and leaving the moving blades are
apparatus at the rate of 120,000 lb/hr. Assume unlimited heat
230 ft/s and 670 ft/s respectively. The steam at exit from the moving
transfer area and calculate :
blades has an absolute velocity of 230 ft/s and a pressure of 9.0 psia.
Assume the combined blade efficiency and the stage efficiency are
(A) the common temperature which the fluids will reach under
equal and find the
parallel flow, F. Ans: 73F (A) stage work Ans: 15.8 Btu/lb
(B) the heat transferred by the heat exchanger (B) the available energy to the stage Ans: 19.2 Btu/lb
Ans:1,560,000 Btu/hr (C) the combined blade efficiency Ans: 82.3%

(12.8) The rotative speed of a high pressure turbine at full power is

(14.3) Calculate the heat transfer area required by a parallel flow oil 6000 rpm. The first stage is of the simple impulse configuration, and
cooler which removes 1,524,000 Btu/hr from the oil while cooling it
the nozzles receive steam at 900 pisa and 900F with negligible
from 160F at inlet to 75F at discharge, when the cooling water velocity. The pitch diameter of the first stage buckets is 30 inches
temperatures are 60F and 72.7F, respectively. U for the heater is and the nozzle angle is 17 degrees. Find these conditions
52 Btu/hr-ft2.F. (A) Blade speed Ans: 785 ft/s
Ans: 1132 ft2 (B) The ideal blade speed-steam speed ratio Ans: 0.478
(C) The corresponding absolute (“sprouting”)
(13.1) Calculate the rate of heat flow, in Btu/hr, through a 10-in wall Velocity of the steam leaving the nozzles Ans: 1642 ft/s
of solid concrete which is 20 ft long by 8 ft high. The thermal (D) The enthalpy drop across the nozzles assuming an
conductivity of concrete is 0.10 Btu/hr.ft.F, the external surface isentropic process. Ans: 53.8 Btu/lb
temperature is 5F and the internal surface temperature is 45F.
Ans: 7680 Btu/hr (E) The entropy and enthalpy of the steam leaving the nozzles
and its estimated pressure and temperature from the
(13.2) For the wall of the previous problem , the outside film Mollier Chart. Ans: S = 1.6257 Btu/lb
coefficient is 6.0 and the inside is 1.5 Btu/hr.ft 2.F, the outside air Ans: h = 1398.1 Btu/lb
temperature is - 3F and the inside air temperature is 77F. Calculate Ans: P = 620 psia
(A) the overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/hr.ft 2.F Ans: T = 790F
Ans: 0.60 Btu/hr.ft2
(B) the rate of heat flow through the wall (8.15) A split-shaft gas turbine has its power unit receiving 140 lb/s
Ans: 7680 Btu/hr combustion products at 45 psia and 1600 R. Exhaust temperature
and pressure for the power turbine are 1245R and 0.20 in Hg
(12.1) In a simple impulse stage, the blade speed is 150 m/s and the gauge. Barometric pressure is 29 in. Hg absolute, while the ambient
nozzle angle is 18 degrees. The velocity of the steam leaving the temperature is 59F. Using air tables determine:
nozzle is 320 m/s. The bucket entrance and exit angles are both 33 (A) isentropic turbine outlet temperature, R Ans: 1194R
degrees. The bucket velocity coefficient is 0.89. Find the: (B) the isentropic turbine work, Btu/lb Ans: 106 Btu/lb
(C) the actual turbine work, Btu/lb Ans: 92.9 Btu/lb
(A) relative velocity of entering the buckets; Ans: 184 m/s (D) the isentropic turbine efficiency, % Ans: 87.7%
(B) relative velocity of leaving the buckets Ans: 163.8 m/s (E) the turbine internal power, hp Ans: 18,400 hp
(C) total change of velocity relative to and in the direction of motion
of the buckets; Ans: 291.7 m/s
(D) the bucket work, kJ/kg Ans: 43.75 kJ/kg (8.16) A split-shaft gas turbine has its power turbine supplied with
(E) the absolute exit velocity Ans: 90.1 m/s 150 lb/sec of gas at 50 psia and 1100 F and exhausts the gas from
the power turbine at 16 psia and 800F, respectively. The power
(12.2) Steam enters the buckets of a simple impulse wheel at an turbine exhaust is led through a counter-flow regenerator where the
absolute velocity of 1200 ft/s and leaves with an absolute velocity of gas temperature is lowered another 40F. The compressor pressure
245 ft/s. The relative entering velocity is 640 ft/s, and the relative exit ratio is 12, and the inlet conditions are 14.6 psia and 60F.
velocity if 540 ft/s. Determine:
Compressor discharge temperature is 740F. Using air tables
(A) available energy to the buckets Ans: 22,360 ft-lbf/lb
(B) the bucket loss , ft-lb/lb Ans: 1830 ft-lb/lb
(A) The power turbine efficiency % Ans: 74.5%
(C) the unused kinetic energy in the leaving jet Ans: 930 ft-lb/ft
(B) The compressed air temperature leaving the
(D) the bucket work Ans: 19,600 ft-lb/lb and 25.2 Btu/lb
regenerator, F Ans: 780F
(E) the diagram efficiency Ans: 87.7%
(C) the regenerator effectiveness, Btu/lb Ans: 66.7%
(F) Power developed by the bucket s if steam is supplied at the
rate of 5000 lb/hr Ans: 49.5 hp
(8.17) A Brayton cycle aircraft gas turbine engine has an axial flow
(12.3) Steam enters the nozzles of a simple stage with negligible
compressor which provides a pressure ratio of 10 to 1. Material
velocity of 190 psia and 500 F. The velocity of the steam leaving the
design conditions limit the temperature of the working substance
nozzles is 1175 ft/s, and the stage pressure is 140 psia. The steam
leaves the bucket s with an absolute velocity of 300 ft/s and an entering the turbine to 2200F. The engine is designed to handle 90
enthalpy of 1245.5 Btu/lb. Assume the stage efficiency is equal to the lb of air /sec at static conditions and 120 lb/sec at a flight speed of
nozzle-bucket efficiency and that there is negligible velocity carryover 400 knots when sea level ambient pressure and temperature are 15
to the next stage. Find : psia and 530R, respectively. Estimate:

(A) the available energy to the stage, Btu/lb Ans: 29.8 Btu/lb (A) the sea level static thrust, lbf Ans: 7300 lbf
(B) the nozzle efficiency Ans: 92.5% (B) the thrust , lbf Ans: 7559 lbf
(C) the nozzle reheat Ans: 2.2 Btu/lb (C) the propulsive efficiency, % for a flight speed of 400 knots
(C) the blade reheat Ans: 3.2 Btu/lb at sea level . (1 knot = 1.69 ft/s) Ans: 40%
(D) the exit reheat Ans: 1.8 Btu/lb
(E) the enthalpy of steam entering the next stage Ans: 1247.3 Btu/lb
(F) the stage work Ans: 1247.3 Btu/lb
(G) the diagram efficiency of the buckets Ans: 82%
(H) the nozzle-bucket efficiency. Ans: 75.8%
(E) h2 '= h1 - KE = 1234.4 - 148.5 = 1085.9 Btu/lb
(8.17) A Brayton cycle aircraft gas turbine engine has an axial flow
hg - h2 ' 1174.4  1085.9
compressor which provides a pressure ratio of 12 to 1. Material m2 ' =   9.58%
design conditions limit the temperature of the working substance hfg 924.2
entering the turbine to 2000F. The engine is designed to handle 90 2 '= g  m2 'fg  8.518  0.0958(8.501)  7.704 ft 3 /lb
lb of air /sec at static conditions and 120 lb/sec at a flight speed of
500 knots when sea level ambient pressure and temperature are 15 '
4 M2 4(60.1)(7.704)
psia and 530R, respectively. Estimate: dexit   144 
(A) the sea level static thrust, lbf Ans: 6635 lbf V  60    2727 
(B) the thrust , lbf Ans: 6045 lbf dexit = 0.720 in.
(C) the propulsive efficiency, % Ans: 51%
(D) cycle thermal efficiency , % for a flight speed of 500 knots
at sea level . (1 knot = 1.69 ft/s) Ans: 55.8%
When equipped for after burning, nozzle inlet temperature is limited rexit
to 2500R. Assuming all stated performance parameters remain
constant, estimate:
(E)the thrust, lbf and Ans: 9180 lbf
(F) the thermal efficiency, % Ans: 44.5%   r - r
(f) tan   = exit t
2 L
A converging-diverging nozzle receives steam at a pressure of 380 r r 0.362 - 0.25
L  exit t = = 1.05 in.
psia with temperature of 480F and expands it to a pressure of 50   0.1051
psia. Assuming the velocity coefficient of 0.98 for the tan  
supersaturated throat condition and an overall nozzle efficiency of
92 percent, calculate the following:
11-1 Air enters an ideal converging-diverging at a pressure of 73.5
psia with temperature of 1400F and negligible approach velocity/.
A. The actual throat velocity , ft/s Ans: 1582 ft/s
For isentropic expansion to an exit pressure of 14.7 psia, calculate:
B. The mass rate of flow for a throat diameter of 0.50 in
Ans: 60.1 lb/min
C. The actual kinetic energy available at the nozzle exit (A) The temperature of the air leaving the nozzle F
Ans: 148.5 Btu/lb Ans: 714F
D. The actual nozzle exit velocity, ft/sec (B) The kinetic energy of the air leaving the nozzle, Btu/lb
Ans: 2727 ft/sec Ans: 164.6 Btu/lb
E. The required nozzle exit diameter, inches and (C) The velocity of the air leaving the nozzle.
Ans: 0.720 in. Ans: 2870 ft/s
F. The length of the divergent section of the nozzle, in inches, for
an included angle of 12 degrees between nozzle sides. 11-2 The pressure of the air entering the ideal convergent nozzle is
Ans: 1.05 in. 73.5 psia, the temperature is 1400F and the velocity of approach is
 negligible. The nozzle discharges against a pressure of 14.7 psia.
What is the nozzle exit velocity when expansion in the nozzle exit is
From: Steam table: At P = 380 psia and temperature of 480F. isentropic, ft./sec?
h1 = 1234.4 Btu/lb
S1 = 1.5220 Btu/lb.R Answer: 1930 ft/sec
Pt = Pc = 0.55P1 = 0.55(380) = 209 psia
11-3 Air enters a convergent-divergent nozzle having stagnation
sg - s t 1.5427 - 1.5220 conditions of 65C and 285 kPa. The Mach number of the throat is
st(ideal) = s1 ; m = = = 2.08%
sfg 0.9941 0.77. For isentropic expansion through the nozzle, calculate:

ht(ideal)  hg  mhfg  1199.9   0.0208  840.3  = 1182.4 Btu/lb (A) The throat pressure, kPa Ans: 192.5 kPa
(B) The throat temperature, K Ans: 302.2 K
(A) Vt = Cn Videal  223.38Cn h1  htideal (C) The throat velocity m/s Ans: 268.3 m/s
= 223.8  0.98  1234.4  1182.4 = 1582 ft/s 11-6 Air enters a diffuser of a jet engine with a velocity of 1800 ft/s
relative to the aircraft. The intake pressure is 1.05 psia and intake
cn 
2 temperature is - 70F. Assuming isentropic compression in the
(B) enozzle ' =  (0.98)2  0.96
diffuser, calculate:
h1 - ht actual = en'  h1 - hideal   0.9604(1234.4  1182.4) (A) The sonic velocity at the inlet condition Ans: 968 ft/s
(B) The inlet mach number Ans: 1.86
= 49.9Btu/lb
(C) Stagnation temperature Ans: 659.8R
hactual = h1 - 49.9 = 1234.4 - 49.9 = 1184.5 Btu/lb (D) The stagnation pressure Ans: 6.61 psia
hg - htactual 1199.9-1184.5
mtactual = = =1.83% 5-4 Steam leaves the boiler at 600 psia and 750F at the rate of
hfg 840.3 75,000 lb/hr through the main steam line, which has a cross sectional
area of 0.322 ft2. Find the velocity of the steam in the lin, ft/s
actual = g  mtfg  2.194  0.0183  2.176 
Answer: 73.3 ft/s
= 2.154 ft 3 / lb 5-5 Steams leaves the boiler at 6550 kPa absolute and 510 C at the
0.1964 2 rate of 45,400 kg/hr through the main steam line, which has cross
At = ft sectional area of 0.030 m2. Determine the velocity of the steam in the
line ., m/sec. The specific volume of the steam is 0.0525 m3/kg.
A V 0.1964(1582)  60  Answer: 22.1 m/sec
m' = t t = = 60.1 lb/min
t (144)(2.154)
5-6 An air compressor takes in 50 ft3/ min of air at 14.7 psia and
60F. The air is discharged at 100 psia and 260F. Find:
sg  s2ideal 1.6589  1.5220
(C) s2ideal  s1; m2    10.97% (A) Mass flow rate Ans: 3.82 lb/min
sfg 1.2476 (B) Volume flow rate at the discharge Ans: 10.18 ft3/min
h2ideal = hg - m2hfg = 1174.4 - 0.1097(92.4) = 1073.0 Btu/lb 5-7 Steam enters the first stage nozzles of a large turbine with
KEactual = h1- h2' = en (h1  h2 ' ) = 0.92(1234.4-1073) = 148.5 Btu/lb negligible velocity at a pressure of 540 psia and a temperature of
800F. The pressure at the nozzle exit is 220 psia. If the process is
(D) Vactual = V2 '= 223.8 h1 - h2' isentropic ; find:
(A) The final enthalpy Ans: 1302 Btu/lbs
ft (B) The kinetic energy at exit Ans: 1081 Btu/lb
= 223.8 148.5 = 2727
2 (C) The velocity at the exit Ans: 2327 ft/s
A mass of 1.0 kg is moving at a velocity of 5 m/s. Determine the
m'5 =
1000 1164.3   (104,000)  218.9   (100,000)  48.1   5000  68.1
kinetic enegy on a unit mass basis: 1178.7 - 218.9 
A. In SI Unit, J/kg m'5 = 19,566 lb/hr
B. In Engineer’s unit, ft-lb
Inserting this result into the mass balance equation gives:
V2 m’4 = m’1 + m’3 + m’5 – m’2
(A) KE =
2gc m’4 = 100,000 + 5000 + 19,566 – 1000
1  1 N.s2  2 m2
=    5  2 = 12.5 J/kg m’4 = 123,566 lb/hr
2  kg.m  s
 J   1.0 kg   778 ft-lbf  A Rankine regenerative steam cycle employs two stages of steam
(B) KE =  12.5  
kg   2.205 lb   1055 J 
extraction for feed water heating. Boiler pressure and temperature
 are 1200 psia and 1050 F respectively. Saturated steam at
ft-lb f condenser pressure has a temperature of 79 F.
= 4.182
Calculate the following :
(A) The optimum extraction pressures to the nearest pound per
Steam has a value of internal energy u = 1171.9 Btu/lb at a square inch.
temperature of 500F and pressure of 150 psia. Determine the (B) The mass of steam removed from the turbine at each
values of the above in their SI equivalences. extraction point, pounds per pound of throttled steam
(C) Pump work (Btu/lb)
(D) The heat supplied to the cycle, Btu/lb
Solution: (E) The heat rejected by the cycle, Btu/lb
Internal Energy (SI) (F) The turbine work, Btu/lb throttled steam
(G) The net cycle work, Btu/lb throttle steam
 2.326 kJ/kg  3 (H) The thermal efficiency of the cycle, %
u = 1171.9 Btu/lb   = 2.726 x 10 kJ/kg
 1.0 Btu/lb 
Pressure (SI)
 101.325 kPa  3
P = 150 psi   = 1.034x10 kPa
 14.7 psia 
The Universal Gas Constant:
ft-lbf J
R = 1545  8314
lbmol R kgmol .K

Dearating feed water heater similar to the fig shown operates at 30

psia shell pressure with the following flow rates and properties:

No ITEM Flow Rate Temp. Enthalpy

(lb/hr) (F)
1 Condensate (liquid) 100,000 80.00 49.10
2 Vent (Vapor) 1,000 250.34 1164.3
3 Drains (liquid) 5,000 100.00 68.1
4 Feed ( liquid) ? 250.34 218.9
5 Exhaust Steam ? 280.00 1178.7

Determine the exhaust steam flow rate required to operate the heater
under these conditions. What quantity of boiler feed will be available
from the heater (lb/hr) ?

  m'h in   m'h out  Energy Balance

m'1h1 + m'3h3 + m'5h5 = m'2h2 + m'4h4
  m' in   m' out  Mass Balance
m'1 + m'3 + m'5 = m'2 + m'4
Since m’4 is a function of m’5, a direct solution is achieved by solving
the mass balance equation explicitly for m’4 and then substituting that
the mass balance equation explicitly for m’5 as the only unknown, its
magnitude may be determined:

m’4 = m’1 + m’3 + m’5 – m’2

m'1h1 + m'3h3 + m'5h5 = m'2h2 + (m'1+m'3 +m'5 - m'2 )h4

m'5  h5 - h4  = m'2h2 + (m'1+m'3 - m'2 )h4  m'1h1  m'3h3
m'2h2  (m'1+m'3 - m'2 )h4  m'1h1  m'3h3
m5 
h5 - h4 
In a PWR nuclear plant, the primary loop coolant water, pressurized 
to 2000 psia, enters the reactor at 500F and leaves at 600F. It 
then enters the steam generator (boiler) section at the same
temperature where energy in the form of heat is transferred to the 
secondary loop. The secondary loop operates on simple Rankine 
cycle without regenerative feed heating or any external heat supply. 
Steam leaves the boiler at 420 psia with a moisture content of 1 %
and enters the turbine at the same conditions. The condenser 
pressure is 2 psia. The pressure of the water leaving the feed pump 
and entering the steam generatot is 500 psia. The flow rate in the 
steam plant (secondary ) side is 500,000 lb/hr. Assuming no losses
other than the pressure drop in the steam generator given above, 
find: 

(A) The required heat exchange rate in the steam generator,
Btu/hr, 
(B) The primary coolant flow rate necessary to satisfy the heat 
transfer rate of part (A) 
(C) The heat supplied , Btu/lb
(D) The heat rejected, Btu/lb 
(E) The thermal efficiency, % 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 

 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 

  
A large turbine receives steam at the throttle at 560 psia and 800F 
at the rate of 100 lb/sec. The pressure after the throttle is 500 psia. 
At the exhaust flange the absolute pressure is 1.5 in of mercury, the
steam velocity is 1000 ft/sec and the moisture content is 10% . Find: 

A. The availability energy to the turbine, Btu/lb 
B. The throttling loss, Btu/lb
C. The leaving loss, Btu/lb 
D. The enthalpy at the exhaust point, Btu/lb 
E. The internal turbine work, Btu/lb 
F. The internal engine efficiency
G. Other internal losses not 
accounted for by (b) and (c) above, Btu/lb 
H. The internal power developed, hp 
 
 
 
 
 
 
A Rankine regenerative steam cycle employs two stages of steam A 60-kW auxiliary generator operates with dry saturated steam at
extraction for feed water heating. Boiler pressure and temperature 200 psi. It has three nozzles; one is always open, and the other two
are 1200 psia and 1050F, respectively. Saturated steam at are fitted with manually operated nozzle control valves. With both
condenser pressure has a temperature of 79F. Sketch the cycle on nozzle control valves closed, the capacity of the machine is 30 kW.
T-S coordinates and calculate: Speed control is obtained by use of a throttle valve actuated by the
mechanical governor. At quarter load, the pressure in the steam
chest is 115 psia when both hand valves are closed. At the same
load with both hand valves open, the chest pressure becomes 62
psia referred to an exhaust pressure of 2.4 psia, find for this load

 A. The throttling loss which must be accepted for control purposes

B. The additional and unnecessary throttling loss if both hand nozzle

valves are inadvertently opened.

A. The optimum extraction pressure to the neared pound per

square inch
B. The mass of steam removed from the turbine at each
extraction point, pounds of throttle steam
C. Pump work, Btu/lb
D. The heat supplied to the cycle, Btu/lb
E. The heat rejected by the cycle , Btu/lb throttle steam
F. The turbine work, Btu/lb throttle steam
G. The net cycle work, Btu/lb throttle steam
H. The thermal efficiency on the cycle, %

Turbine A receives steam at the throttle at 850 psia and 940F and
exhausts to the condenser at 0.70 psia; the throttle steam flow is
164,000 lb/hr. Turbine B receives steam at 620 psia and 900F,
exhausting at 1.0 psia, and the throttle steam flow is 187,000 lb/hr.
Under the stated conditions, both turbines deliver 30,000 shaft
horsepower with mechanical efficiency of 96%. Find:

A. The water rate, the heat rate , the shaft engine efficiency and the
internal engine efficiency for the turbine A
B. The same quantities for turbine B

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