Chronogram of The Course: There Is Going To Be An Overview and Analysis of Important Aspects Through The Next Videos

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Sede Caribe

English Rhetoric II
Prof. Victor Hugo Acosta Cerdas
II Semester 2017

Chronogram of the Course

Date Activities
August 9 , This session is going to be dedicated for the reading and
2017 explanation of the program and chronogram. There is going to be
a warm up activity on vocabulary.

August 16th, There is going to be an overview and analysis of

important aspects through the next videos:
For next Class :
Students have to read (from the book Steps to Writing Well) :

Chapter 1-Pre-writing strategies.

August 23rd, The Professor is going to bring some activities to put into
practice the main aspects to consider from the Chapter 1 from
the book Steps to Writing Well.
The professor is going to bring additional activities in order to
make a quick overview on the paragraph writing in order to
apply those fundamentals to Essay’s writing process, too.

Students have to read(from the book Steps to Writing Well) :

Chapter 2- The Thesis Statement

August The Professor is going to bring some activities to put into

30th , 2017
practice the main aspects to consider from the Chapter 2 from
the book Steps to Writing Well.

Students have to read(from the book Steps to Writing Well) :

Chapter 10 : Argumentation
September The Professor is going to bring some activities to put into
6th, 2017
practice the main aspects to consider from the Chapter 10
from the book Steps to Writing Well.

Students have to read(from the book Steps to Writing Well) :

Chapter 18-Major Errors in Grammar
September The Professor is going to bring some activities to put into
13th, 2017
practice the main aspects to consider from the Chapter 18
from the book Steps to Writing Well.
Students have to read(from the book Steps to Writing
Well) :
Chapter 19-A Concise Guide to Punctuation
Chapter 20-A Concise Guide to Mechanics
September The Professor is still going to bring some more activities to
20th, 2017
put into practice the main aspects to consider from the
Chapter 19 and 20 from the book Steps to Writing Well.

Quiz #1 (5%) - This is going to include all the theory

and practice seen up to previous session
September The Professor is going to post and explain the correction symbols
27th, 2017 that he is going to use in order to evaluate essays. Besides that, he
is going to give a list of guidelines to consider for the essays that
he is going to ask for including the Evaluation Chart that he is
going to consider for the essays to be done in the class. This
information will be in the following blog:

This class is going to be dedicated to an APA style

workshop where there are going to be exercises
and analysis of different alternatives to cite sources
and format an academic document with this

October 4th, Quiz #2 (5%) - This is going to include all the theory
and practice seen up to previous session

This class the professor is going to ask students to write the essay
#1(20%). This is going to be written in a notebook exam that the
professor will provide and students have to bring the materials
which are necessary for them to support their essays. This essays
will work as drafts for next class’ analyses.

October The professor is going to bring a list of the main important

11th, 2017 mistakes seen in the essays done in order to analyze them
collectively in class.
For next class:
Students have to deliver the final version of the
Essay #1(20%) considering the obeservations and
corrections done by the professor.
October Students have to deliver the Essay #1(20%) Final
18th, 2017

Students are going to get started writing the Essay #

2 (20%) in the class. So, students have to bring
sources that help them support the piece of writing
they are going to write about.

The next class the professor is going to individually

help students with the essays # 2 drafts. Only half of
the group will come the next coming week.

October The students(Group A) that will attend this day to

25th, 2017
receive personalized feedback(on the essay #2) are
the following:
November The students(Group B) that will attend this day to
1st, 2017
receive personalized feedback(on the essay #2) are
the following:

The Professor is going to post the instruction for

the Final Essay(25%).
November Students have to deliver essay #2(20%) Final
8th, 2017

Students have to write essay #3(20%), and they have

to bring the materials which are necessary for them
to support the piece of writing that they are going
to do. The idea of this session is that students start
the essay in the class. If the student finishes it in
class he has two options:
A. To give to the professor at once or
B. To take it back home to check, reread it and give
to the professor the next class.
November Students have to deliver essay #3(20%) final version
15th, 2017
to the professor.

Quiz #3 (5%)- This Short test is going to include all

the theory and practice that has been done in class.
November Final Exam (In class Final Essay, 25%)- Students
22nd, 2017
have to write an essay based on the instructions
that the professor uploaded for them(through
the blog since a
month ago.
November Final Grades
29th 2017
December Extraordinary Test -This is going to be test that will
6th , 2017
combine two parts. The first part is going to ask
about the main theoretical and practical aspects of
the writing process, and the second part will be to
write an essay with the fundamentals that have
been analyzed and practiced throughout the course.

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