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Nuclear Physics B268 (1986) 621-653

© North-Holland Publishing Company



CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Theoretische Physik, ETH, Ziirich, Switzerland

Received 2 October 1985

New interactions with a scale A larger than the Fermi scale G~ 1/2 will manifest themselves
at energies below A through small deviations from the standard model, which can be described
by an effective lagrangian containing non-renormalizable SU(3) x SU(2) x U(I) invariant operators.
We construct the first two terms of this lagrangian in an expansion in powers of 1/A and study
systematically possible effects of new interactions such as anomalous magnetic moments, deviations
from universality in weak interactions and rare processes. Among the flavour conserving processes
the universality of the charged current weak interactions yields the strongest bound on the new
interaction scale, A > 5 TeV, whereas flavour non-conserving processes imply the bound A >
3000 TeV. We derive conditions for natural flavour conservation. Although it cannot be excluded
that all flavour changing operators are dynamically suppressed, this appears difficult to understand
without a symmetry for which the standard electroweak theory seems to provide no hint. We
emphasize the importance of searching for rare decays of D-mesons.

1. Introduction

The standard model [1] of strong and electroweak interactions has been very
successful phenomenologically; even the interesting "new events" from high-energy
p~ collisions at C E R N are now likely to be explained by conventional background
Nevertheless, the model does not have the trademark of a really fundamental
theory: many arbitrary parameters and no prediction of the number of particles are
only two o f the unsatisfactory aspects. Consequently there could be further particles
and interactions as one probes higher energies. These might come only at the Planck
scale ( - 1 0 ~ g G e v ) , and then remain unobservable, or at an intermediate mass
scale A.
If we assume that the standard model indeed describes physics well in the energy
range up to the W-mass, but, in view of the above, take it to be an effective low-energy
theory in which heavy fields have been integrated out, then it is compelling to
describe the phenomena up to energies of order A by an effective lagrangian
technique, where fields are considered as classical. [This is done for the low-energy
interactions of (light) pions [3] where f,~ corresponds to A.] Such a procedure is
622 W.. Buchmiiller, D. Wrier/Effective lagrangian analysis

quite general and independent of the new interactions at scale A; all one must do
is to impose SU(3)x SU(2)xU(1) invafiance (and possibly further conservation
laws, such as baryon number conservation, etc.). It contains, however, the assumption
that no additional fields are present, such as coloured scalars with masses O(mw)
(which could, of course, be included in a further analysis).
In this spirit, the total lagrangian valid up to energies of order mw can be written
as an expansion in ( l / A ) :

,~eff-- ,~0 -J-! ,~1 "l-1 ,~2 -]- ' ' " (1.1)
where ~o is the standard lagrangian of dimension four [SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) gauge
fields, the usual fermion fields and one Higgs doublet], ~ is of dimension five, etc.
All ~i are SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) invariant. This follows from requiring that SU(2) x
U(1) breaking is indeed a phenomenon connected to the Fermi scale and not to A,
i.e., that for energies E > G F 1/2 the complete lagrangian is SU(2) x U(1) symmetric.
Such an approach has been used [4] to classify baryon and lepton number violating
operators and to study the effects of four-fermion contact interactions [5]. Extensive
lists of operators in ~72 have been given by Burges and Schnitzer, and Leung, Love
and Rao [6]. In this paper we pursue this approach further, with particular emphasis
on bounds on A and on the problem of flavour-changing neutral interactions in ~2.
Similar questions have previously been investigated in the context of horizontal
interactions [7, 8], extended technicolour theories [9] and composite models [10].
In the following section we define our conventions and ~o; in sect. 3 we develop
~ : and ~2 (imposing lepton and baryon number conservation). Then we consider
deviations from the standard model in sect. 4; sect. 5 gives the bounds on A and
in sect. 6 we discuss the conditions needed to ensure flavour conservation. Finally
we present our conclusions in sect. 7. The proof of two results of sect. 6 is given in
the appendix.

2. The fields and the standard iagrangian -To

In order to introduce the notation and to establish the necessary equations of
motion we begin with ~o in (1.1), The fields are (a, i, p are colour, weak isospin
and flavour* indices respectively):
Matter fields:
left-handed lepton doublets: /~,
right-handed charged leptons: ep,
left-handed quark doublets: q~;,
fight -hande d q uarks: u n~ , d p~ ,
Higgs boson doublet: q,i, ~i = e o ~ , .
* We will also use the terms family or generation.
W. Buchmiiller, D . W y l e r / E f f e c t i v e l a g r a n g i a n a n a l y s i s 623

Gauge fields:

gluons: G A, A=I ...8,

GAy =
O~,GA~ - O~G~,
+ g,fascG~,B G~C , (2.1)
W bosons: W~, I=1 "" " 3 ,
wlv =
O~,W,,-O,,W~,I + g e u r W~J W~K
B boson:
B.~, = O~,B~- O~B~,. (2.3)
As mentioned above, we assume that all physics up to energies of order mw is
described by these fields. The effective lagrangian we are going to construct will
only contain them. Clearly, theories with new interactions, in particular models with
composite quarks and leptons will have new particles. Here, the view is that all
experimental evidence is against such particles and that they are likely to be too
heavy to appear as physical particles in low energy processes. The standard SU(3) x
SU(2) x U(1) lagrangian is:
~0 = l l'~-A I'~.Al~v l uLrl W I p . ~ I_D l~V
- - ~ ,~,.,~~ v ,~..s r v p,v vv 4 z.,,p, vz,r

+ iZDl+ ieDe + iqDq + iaDu + idDd

+ (Fege¢ + ruqu~ + FaFtd¢ + h.c.), (2.4)
D j, = 10~,-"~gs~A
1 A
G~A - ~g~r
• 1 I
W~,I - lg
• t
YB~, (2.5)
is the covariant derivative; AA acts on colour indices, r* on SU(2) indices, and Y
is assigned as follows: Y ( g ) = _1, Y ( e ) = - 1 , Y(q)=~, Y(u)=2, Y ( d ) = - I , Y(tp)=
½. The terms with AA or r * are of course only there if the respective fields are colour
triplets or SU(2) doublets. I n (2.4) we have suppressed the flavour indices of the
fields. The Yukawa couplings Fe, etc., are matrices in flavour space; the kinetic
terms are proportional to the unit matrix in flavour space.
Since we are going to treat all of these fields as classical, we will make use of the
(classical) equations o f motion. Variation with respect to the fields gives:
~: it?Ig + Fee¢ = 0, (2.6)
E: ij~e+ F*e~o*~a= O, (2.7)
(1: iDq + Fuu~ + F a d ¢ = 0, (2.8)
fi: it?iu + r*u¢*q = o , (2.9)

d: i D d + F*a¢*q=O, (2.10)
624 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

~ *: o % - r : e e - Y u C t e u - r * ~ d q : o , (2.11)
G~: (D~G ,,~ ) A +gs(~ty~hAq+~y~'AAu+dT~AAd)=O, (2.12)
Wt~: ( D v W ~ ) ' + g(i~0tL3~'r'~o + ~y~'r'~+ 4y~%'q) = 0 , (2.13)
B,: o ~ B ~ " + g ' ( - 1 Z y " E - ~ y " e + ~ l y " q + 2 ~ y " u - ~ d y ~ d ) = O . (2.14)

In (2.6)-(2.14), we have suppressed all indices; the covariant derivatives of the field
strengths in (2.12) and (2.13) read explicitly:
(D~G~)A = o~GA + g~fAaCG~B G C~x, (2.15)
" J K
( D ~ W ~ ) ' = O~WI~A+ getjrW~ W~x. (2.16)
From these equations various useful relations can be obtained. Consider for
instance (2.6):
iDl + Fee~o = O .
Hermitian conjugation and multiplication with Yo from the right yields
- iZ/~ + F~*~te = 0, (2.17)

where/9~, indicates that the derivative acts on Z and that in the covariant derivative
iA A, etc., are to be replaced by --i(AA) t = --iA A since we work in an hermitian basis.
Multiplying (2.6) by Z and (2.17) by l, and subtracting, gives
O~y~ [ = i( F ~ o - F~*~t~6a). (2.18)

Relations of this kind will prove useful later in the following section. We close by
noting that the vacuum expectation value of ¢ is:
v = (¢) = 174 GeV. (2.19)

3. Construction of ~t',w
Considering now ~en in (1.1) we come first to *~t- It cannot be constructed with
fermions only or scalars only, because of dimensional reasons and because scalars
are doublets. A possible operator with scalars and fermions has two fermions and
two scalars. If the scalars are ~0 and ~o*, then the two fermions must have total
hypercharge zero, which is only possible if we take a multiplet and its charge
conjugate. But then the fermion-antifermion operator cannot be a Lorentz scalar.
If the scalars are two ~o's, then they must combine to an SU(2) triplet, since the
singlet product of two equal doublets vanishes, and also the two fermions must
both be SU(2) doublets. The resulting operator may be written as a Majorana mass
term for a gauge singlet "composite fermion" formed from a ~o and a lepton
doublet t ~ [4]:

*~1 = Eij~Ri~OJEkl~ ~ I + C.C.. (3.1)

w. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 625

Z~ violates lepton number, giving rise to a Majorana mass for the neutrino of order
GFIA-~. With m M_<~ ~ 5 eV, A would be of the order of 1013 GeV, and hence uninterest-
ing here since we want to test A's in a much lower range. Dimension-five operators
consisting of only fermions and gauge bosons, gauge bosons only, etc., cannot be
constructed. Addition of new fields such as right-handed neutrinos, changes of
course this result.
Imposing baryon and lepton number conservation, we next turn to ~2- Most of
the operators of Z~2 have already been given in ref. [6]; however, constant use of
the classical equations of motion restricts the number of independent forms consider-
ably and thus allows a simpler classification.
To see this, consider (1.1):

~eo~ = ~e0+~-~ ~ 2 + . • •.

The equations of motion, derived from varying ~en with respect to the fields, are
given by (2.6)-(2.14) where the zero on the right-hand side is replaced by terms of
the order of 1 / A 2. This implies that in ~2, all the terms of the form D/, etc., can
be replaced by Fee¢, etc., up to order 1 / A 4. Also in other cases terms with derivatives
can often be eliminated.
We thus set
~2 = Y. aiOi (3.2)

and derive the operators O~ of dimension six which are S U ( 3 ) x S U ( 2 ) x U ( 1 )

invariant. As in ref. [6], we divide them according to the fields they contain. The
hermitian conjugate operators are understood to be included.


In order to obtain gauge invariant operators, we must construct them out of the
field strengths and their duals; one needs two or three of them to form a gauge
singlet. In the case of two, two (covariant) derivatives are needed to realize a
dimension-six operator. Using partial integration* and the equations of motion all
the derivative terms can be eliminated. Then we get:
(3 ~- J¢A B C ~r2"a~r""axGc~
J I.t 1"s u (3.3)
O r ,,5.A~r : ~ GC~', ' (3.4)

O w ~ E I J K W•t.,l
~ . .W
. .v J~ WAr " , (3.5)
O~V = EIJK •r,1
W I . ~ . . $'Y
. . Ja
v WAr~. (3.6)

Terms such as t,i4 A B D , ~r:.A~

J I~ "~. Jnr x r,.c~,
~'.-IA vanish.

* For gauge invariant quantities, one can perform partial integration on the factors also for the covariant
626 IV.. B u c h m i i l l e r , D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


These are obviously four-fermion operators. Denoting by L the left-handed, and

by R the fight-handed fields, the operators which satisfy fermion number conserva-
tion are of the form LLLL, R R R R , LRRL, LRLR. The order of the fields is irrelevant
because of the Fierz transformations. We will choose the order we find most
(i) L L L L operators are of the form (/S%,L)(/Sy~'L), where the parentheses stand
for contracting spinor indices; additional group indices depend on the fields. We
easily find
(3)_ ½(Z%,r,g)(Zy~¢,g)
gg -- (3.7)
= ½(0%,q)(OY"q) O(S,,)
qq = ½((t%,AAq)(C1y~,AAq) (3.8)
Oqb" 1 -
=~(q%,r I -
q)(qy /,c 1
r q), (8,3)
qq _½((Iy,
-- AArlq)(FtT~,AArlq) (3.9)
o(1)_ C%,e)( ~," q) (3)_
/q - - (Zy.Cg)(#y'%-'q) (3.10)
AA and r ~ are the SU(3) and SU(2) matrices, appropriate contractions are under-
stood. In all these operators, we have suppressed generation (flavour) indices; in
principle there is an operator for any "combination of four flavours. All operators
not listed violate lepton or baryon nunlber; they have been considered previously
[4]. These remarks also apply to the following operators.
(ii) R R R R operators are also of the form (R%,R)(Ry~'R). We have:
Oee = ½(~y,,e)(~y~'e), (3.11)
uu = ½(~%.,U)(fiy~,U), ¢O(8)=½(~yu~AAu)(~yt~AAu)
vuu , (3.12)
O~d~= ½ ( d y J ) ( d y ~ d ) , O~dS)d=½(d%,AAd)(dy~AAd), (3.13)
0,,, = ( ~.%,e)( a y " u ) , (3.14)
O,d = ( ~y,,e)( d y ' d ) , (3.15)
o~.~ = ( a % , u ) ( & ' d ) , ,.,"(8)=.d (a%,aA")(&'aAd) . (3.16)
(iii) L R R L operators. In principle, we could imagine two Lorentz structures,
(EcS,,,R)(Ro'~'L) and ( L R ) ( R L ) . A Fiertz transformation, however, transforms the
first term into the second and hence the tensor terms will be dropped.
Oee = (Ze)(~g), (3.17)
or. = C u ) ( a e ) . (3.18)
oe,, = ( gd)( de) , (3.19)
Oqe = (qe)(~q) , (3.20)
qu = ( FlU)(aq) , ~(s)
~ q u = ( ciA Au)( aA aq) (3.21)
~ " qd ~
(~d)(dq) ~ •"~(~)- - (~A Ad)(dA aq) (3.22)
0~ = ( & )( dq) . (3.23)
W. Buchraiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 627

(iv) Finally, we come to the L R L R terms. With conserved baryon and lepton
number, we can write only
qq (qu)(qd) (3.24)
qq ( qA Au)( F1AAd) , (3.25)
0~. = C e )( czu ) . (3.26)


Here, there are either six bosons (three ~0's and three ¢*'s) or four bosons and
two derivatives, which must act on group invariants. There are only two operators
O~ = ~(~o+~o)3 , (3.27)
0 ~ = ½0~,(~ot~o) O~'(~*q~). (3.28)


A dimension-six operator requires two fermions and three other powers of momen-
tum. Since all vectors have hypercharge zero, and all fermion fields have different
hypercharge, the fermions are always a field and its conjugate, which requires a %,
matrix. The gauge fields can come via covariant derivatives or as field strengths; we
can either have three covariant derivatives (on fermions) or one field strength and
one covariant derivative.
Operators with three covariant derivatives acting on fermions or one covariant
derivative acting on the field strength can be transformed by means of the equations
of motion into operators discussed in subsects. 3.2 and 3.7. Operators with dual
field strengths can also be omitted because for fermions of definite chirality, one
has the identity
F %,DA/,~=~:(~F y~D,-~F cr~,~D)0±,
ys~b=~= ~b±. (3.29)
The remaining operators of dimension six containing fermions and vectors read
Oew = i Z r Z y ~ D ~ g W z~'~ , Oe8 = i Z % , D J B ~'~ , (3.30)
0e8 = i~y~D~ e B ~'~ , (3.31 )
Oq~ = i(tA A % , D ~ q G A~'~ , (3.32)
Oqw = i(7~'Zy~D~qW z~'~ , Oqs = i(l%,D~qB ~'~ , (3.33)
OuG = i~A ay~D~uGA~'~, (3.34)
OuB = i ~ % , D ~ u B ~ , (3.35)
OaG = idA A % , D ~ d G A ~ , (3.36)
Oa8 = i d y ~ D ~ d B ~'~ • (3.37)
628 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


In these operators, the vectors arise either through their field strengths or through
covariant derivatives. As to the scalars, ~p and ~p* must come in equal numbers to
ensure SU(2) x U(1) invariance. With one tp and one ~0', we can combine two field
strengths, one field strength and two (covariant) derivatives, or four covariant
In the case of four covariant derivatives, partial integrations always allow us to
write the corresponding operator as (D2tp)t(D2~o) which, by (2.11), can be replaced
by terms without derivatives. If there are two covariant derivatives and two scalar
fields, there is one on ~0 and the other on ¢*; otherwise one can use again the
equations of motion.
In the case of two ¢ ' s and two ¢*'s, one can have two covariant derivatives which
act on two different fields. They can either act on ¢ and ~o*, or on two ¢'s. In the
latter case, however, the only operator is (,~*D~'¢)(,p*D~,~o). Using the relation

a~ (~p*~p)= (D~,~*)tp + tp*D~,~ (3.38)

one obtains after partial integration

= -(~p*D"~)(D.cp*q~) + (~o*~o)(D~Ao*D"~p)

+ (~*~)(,~*D2~). (3.39)
Applying the equations of motion to the last term in (3.39), we see that operators
with both derivatives acting on ~0's need not be considered.
We then obtain:

0 , ~ = ~ 1[ *tpj,.,~,,,_,
hI,"~A f-2Ap.v
, O r e = (¢*~o)GA~G A~'~ , (3.40)
O,pw =~(,p
t t , p ) w , t, ~ _Wl~,,, , O,~i, = (¢*¢) ~ ' ~ W t~'~, (3.41)

or. = ½(C,)&,~B~, O ~ = (tp*~)/~,~B ~'~, (3.42)

5" I " I p.u
O w . = ( ~ * C ~ ) W ~ . B ~'" , OCva = (~p ~" ~) W~,~B , (3.43)
0(3)=( ,D~,cp)(D,, , ) (3.44)


In this case we must have two fermions and three bosons, or two fermions, two
bosons and a derivaiive which must act on a gauge invariant quantity. Two derivatives
are not possible. Since a derivative must act on a gauge invariant quantity, and no
field is a singlet, it must be of the form a~(¢l~p2)a~'(tpatP4) or 02(tpffp2)q~3~P4 where
the products ~PffP2, ~03q~4are gauge singlets and ~Pi any of the fields of interest. But
then, any such operator has dimension seven.
W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 629

The operators with one derivative which we can form must contain a %, to be a
Lorentz scalar. We can then form terms such as a,,(~o*~p)(Z%,/); however, by partial
integration and eq. (2.18), we see that it does not give rise to a new term. Terms
with two ~p's are impossible, because they would imply both fermions to be a lepton
doublet, from which no Lorentz vector with vanishing lepton number can be formed.
We are thus left with three operators containing no derivatives:

Oe~ = (,p*,p)(ge~o), (3.45)

0.,~ = ( , / ~ ) ( , ~ u ~ ) , (3.46)

o ~ = (~*~)(,Ta~), (3.47)


Finally we consider combinations of all three kinds of fields. Clearly, there are
two fermions and one or two scalars. If there are two scalars, we must have one
covariant derivative and one %,. From the hypercharge assignments the only possibil-
ity to have two ~0's (and not one ~p and one ~o*) is tp~ptiy~,d, where the covariant
derivative must act on one ~o. For other fermion pairs we have one ~0 and one ~0*,
where the covariant derivative acts on ~o or ~o*; if it acted on the fermions, it could
be elminated by the equation of motion. This then gives the operators:

o r e = i( ~o, D.~o )( iv~y) (3.48)

(3) = i( ~p, D~, z, ~o)( ~y~,rt E) (3.49)

Or, = i(~o t D~,tp)(ey~e) , (3.50)

O r,pq
e = i( ~o* D,,~o )( Cly~,q ) (3.51)

~pq i(~p,D~,r1~p)(Cly~rlq), (3.52)

Or, ' = i( ~o*D,,~o )( a y " u ) , (3.53)

0 ~ = i( ~o*D,,~o )( d y " d ) , (3.54)

0~ = i( ~o*eD,,~o )( a y " d ) . (3.55)

We note that, if tp is replaced by its vacuum expectation value, the neutral gauge
boson contributing in D~, is just the Z-boson of the standard model, i.e., gW3 - g'B.
We now come to the operators with one scalar. There are either two covariant
derivatives or one field strength. The two covariant derivatives can act (i) both on
the scalar, (ii) one on the scalar and one on a fermion, (iii) both on the fermions.
We discuss these cases in turn.
(i) The two possibilities are D~,D,~og~'"~O2 and D~,D,~p(blo'~,,4,2, where i/q and
~b2 are the fermion fields allowed by S U ( 2 ) x U(1) invariance. The first one need
630 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

not be considered because of the equations of motion, the second is equivalent to

the operator ~ t r ~ 2 ~ p F , where F,,~ stands for any of the field strengths.
(ii) The two possibilities are now D ~ D ~ ' O 2 and D,~(b:,"~D~ (plus terms
where D~, acts on ~). Using the equations of motion, the second is equivalent to
the first and a term without vectors (subsect. 3.6.).
(iii) The two derivatives can act both on 02, on ~ , or one on ~ and the other
on ~ . If they both act on 02, the relation

D D = D~,D~g ~ - iD,,D~tr ~ (3.56)

shows that the corresponding operator is, by the equation of motion, equivalent to
an operator with a field strength. If the D~,'s act on ~ and ~b2, the general form
~Dz(bl( ag ~ + btrZ~)D,~,2 reduces by means of partial integration to operators
already discussed.
We then get:

0 o . = ( ZD~e ) D~'~ , 0 ~ . = ( D~Ze ) D " ~ , (3.57)

0 o , = ( ~tD, u ) D " ~ , Oc~ = ( D,~tu ) D " ~ , (3.58)

Ood = ( ~ID~,d ) D~ ~ , Ood = ( D~ftd ) D~'~ , (3.59)

Oew = ( Z t r ~ ' ~ z ' e ) ~ W ~ , Oes = ( Z t r ~ e ) ~ B ~ , (3.60)

OuG = ( ~tr~'A Au)¢GA~, , (3.61)

O,w = (@'"%"u)ffW~, Oua = (@-~'~u)ffB~,~, (3.62)

Oac = (t]o-~'~AAd)~pGA~, (3.63)

Oaw = ( ~ t t r " ~ r l d ) ¢ W ~ , Oaw = ((ttr~d)¢B~,~. (3.64)

This concludes the list of all operators in ~2. There are 80 independent operators.
These terms are also generated radiatively in the standard model, but there they are
of course expected to be small.

4. Deviations from the standard model

The standard model predicts a number of relations between masses and coupling
constants such as the connection between the Weinberg angle and the W and Z
masses, or the Higgs couplings and the fermion masses. Such relations exist at tree
level and are modified in a well-defined and testable way by radiative corrections.
In this section we will discuss modifications of these relations due to non-perturbative
effects which are described by the operators listed in the previous section. The new
relations are obtained by supplementing -~o with ~2, where ~p is replaced by its
W. Buchraiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 631

vacuum expectation value. Obviously they depend on t h e - a priori arbitrary-

coefficients ai of the operators. We label the coefficients by the same indices as t h e

4.1. T H E M A S S E S OF W AND Z

In order to obtain the masses of the W and Z bosons, one has to compute the
complete quadratic part of the gauge boson lagrangian. From eqs. (2.4) and (3.41)-
(3.44) one obtains the result

.~ w,z _-
c.¢(2) _ 4
I 1-2a~w--~ W.vt WI~.~_~ 1-2a.n--~ B.~B ~ - aws-~ W
_ ~3_ ! ~

+_~v2(1 + ot~)~_~]
v2 (g2 W~ W '~"+ g'EB~,B~"- 2gg' W~B")
--1-(3) A (gW~ -g'B~,)(gW 3~"-g'B~') . (4.1)

Contrary to the standard model, the lagrangian (4.1) contains a "mass mixing"
between the vector fields W 3 and B,, as well as a "current mixing" between the
field strengths W3~ and B,,~. For arbitrary coefficients ai, one cannot diagonalize
both non-diagonal terms simultaneously by means of an orthogonal transformation.
One possibility is to diagonalize the "mass mixing" term and to use for the resulting
mass eigenstates the propagator formalism [ 11]. Here we diagonalize directly [ 12]
up to terms of order (v/A)4:
i) 2
W 3 = sin 0°(1 + OtAA _._~)At _I_[ COS OO( l + a zz_~2 ) _ sin OwaAz ] Z~ (4.2a)

B~ = cos 0°(1
, + ctAa--~)A~.-[sinO°(l+azz~2)+cos O°waAz]Z~,, (4.2b)

o 0
aAA = sin 2 0 ° a . w + cos 20wa.B --2 sin 0 ° cos Ow awB, (4.2c)
azz = cos 2 0 ° a . w + sin 2 Owa.B
o + 2 sin Owo cos OwawB,
o (4.2d)
aAZ = 2[sin 0 ° COS O.(a.~-- a.w) + (cos 2 Ow--
o sin 2 0 ° ) a w a ] . (4.2e)
0 ° denotes the tree-level standard model weak angle:

COS 0 o
w -_ ( g 2 + g i g
2)l/2" (4.3)

The physical vector fields W~,, A~, and Z~, are described by the lagrangian
~(W2)±,A,Z 1 +
=-~W~,,W 2 +W-I,L - 41~A, , ~AI.Lu -~-~,~---
-~'"+mwW~, !7 7 / ~ v . .-i ~1, _, _, z
2 7~ , ~
7g, , (4.4)
632 ¢
W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

where the physical masses are given by

mw=m ° l + ( a ~ w + ~ ai ~O) ) ,

(mOw)2 = ½g21)2, (4.5a)

" _1.. / ~ ...L 1 ~ ( i ) ..1- 1 ~ ( 3 ) ' t
m z=m 1-~,~zz-~,.,¢ -~u¢ i ,

(mO)2 = ½(g2+ g,2) 1)2. (4.5b)

As expected, both the W and the Z masses receix,e corrections 0(1)2/A2).

In order to relate the ratio of the W and Z masses to the measured weak angle
we first have to discuss the corrections to the Fermi constant and to neutral current
couplings which is the subject of the following'two subsections. Let us note that
also the relation between the gauge couplings g, g' and the electromagnetic charge
e is modified. From eq. (4.2)one obtains

e = g s i n 0 ° l+aAA~-i :) • (4.6)


The couplings of the massive vector bosons to quarks and leptons are described
by the lagrangian

~.l = 4 g ( J C W + ~ ' + J c t W - ~ ' ) + ~ N

J~,Z (4.7)
COS 0w
where j c and jN are the charged and neutral currents. Both of them are affected
by the operators of subsect. 3.7. One easily obtains from (3.48)-(3.55) and (4.2):
J ~ = 17(/:L) Pg'yp.eL"~- 1"](UL) tlL')/gdg q- ~(UR)HR'Yp.dR , (4.8a)
l) 2
17(VL) = 1 + (C~¢w+ 2aCe)(3)__A
2' (4.8b)

rl(Ug) = 1 + ( a . w + 2aCq)(3)__A2 ' (4.8C)

r/(uR) = - a * * ~-i ; (4.8d)

J ~ - E(/,'L) ~L'yu,b'L + e ( e L ) e L % t e L + e(ea)~Ry~eR
+ e(UL)fiL%,UL+ e(dL)dLy.dL+ e(uR)aR%,Ur~+ e(dR)dRy.dR, (4.9a)
W. Buchmiiller, D. Wrier/Effective lagrangian analysis 633


E(FL ) | 1 ~(I)-- (3)3 i)2

= ~+ ~(azz - ~,,e -i- a , e j ~-~, (4.9b)

e(eL)= 1 ~ -- tl)±^(3) 2Xazz_2yOIAZ)_~, (4.9C)

e (eR) = X -- ½(C%o-- 2 X a z z -- 2 y a A z ) - - ~ , (4.9d)

E (/,/L)
= ~I - ~ 2x + ~1 ( a z z - _ (1)_~_
U~q a ~( 3q) - ~ 4X ~ t z z - ~ y4 ~ A z ) - ~x , (4.9e)

e(dL ) = - ~1+ ~x
I - ~I ( a z z "1- Ol O
~q )-r"
. Ot (3)
~q - - ~2X O L z z - ~yaAZ ) - - ~ , (4.9f)

e ( U R ) = _ 2 X - ~(a~, 4
+ ~Xazz + ~4 y a A z ) - - ~ , (4.9g)

~ ( d ~ ) = ~1x - ~l ( ~ - ~2 x , ~ - ]y~z) ~-~, (4.9h)

x = sin 2 0°w, y = sin 0 ° cos 0 ° . (4.9i)

The most important deviations from the standard model are the appearance o f
right-handed charged currents and the absence o f quark-lepton universality in
charged and neutral currents. Furthermore, we note that the coefficients a~ are
matrices in generation space which in general will contain arbitrary flavour mixing.


In the s t a n d a r d model the Fermi constant, measured in/~-decay, reads at tree level

1 g2
G ° = 4,f2 ( m ° ) 2" (4.10)

The non-perturbative corrections described by ~2 m o d i f y the W-lepton couplings,

the W-mass and also directly the four-fermion operator for tz-decay. From eqs.
(3.7), (4.5a) and (4.8b), one easily finds

GF = G 1 _ [ . [k' l~. (o3t ~) . . t _ Ar ~" t(t3t ~) o ~ ' ~ - ~, O)-4a,pw) (4.11)

where, for simplicity, we have assumed different elements o f the same matrix
appearing in (4A1) to be equal.
634 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


A particularly convenient quantity to determine the weak angle is the ratio [13]
0 .z'NC __ O. ~NC
R = trvc c _ tr~Cc , (4.12)

where ~ ) N c and ~ c c denote the neutrino (antineutrino) nucleon cross sections

for an isoscalar target. In terms of charged and neutral current couplings defined
. ~ c = 2m 2 ~L¢'~'L[ r/~(UL)aL%,dL + 7/~(UR)tiR%,dR] + C . C . , (4.13a)

ZCqNC__2 cos 20wmz°2 ~L¢'UL[e~(UL)aL%,UL+ e~(dL)dL%,dL

+ e~(UR)~RT,UR+ e~(dR)dR%,dR], (4.13b)

one has

( m2w ~2 Ev(UL)2.jI_ Ev(dL)2 __ 6v(UR)2 __ oeu(dR)2 (4.14)

R = \cos ~-~m~z] ~7,(UL)2 - nu(UR)2

The weak angle is determined from

R = ½(1 - 2 sin 2 0 LE) (4.15)

through a measurement of R. We denote this angle by 0 LE as it is defined in terms

of low-energy neutral current processes.
The couplings r / a n d e in the lagrangians (4.13) follow from eqs. (4.8), (4.9)and
the neutrino-quark four-fermion operators (3.10), (3.18) and (3.19). Neglecting the
scalar contribution (3.23), one easily finds up tO O(v4/A4):
m(U0='7(~L)'7(UL)+ 20t (3)
eq -a2,
- (4.16a)

n~(UR) = 7/(VL)~/(UR), (4.16b)

e~(UL) = 2e(VL)e(UL) + (a(e~)+ _(3)x (4.16C)

e~(dL) = 2e(VL) e ( d L ) --t-- ,I,ueq
_(1) -- tteq
_ (3)'~
] ~-'~, (4.16d)

e v ( u R) = 2 e (VL) e (UR) + ½ae,-A7 5 , (4.16e)

i) 2
e~(dR) = 2e(VL)e (dR) +½aed ~-'i- (4.16t")
W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis 635

Inserting the expressions (4.16) into (4.14) we obtain from (4.5) and (4.15) up to
sin 2 0w
LE = s i n 20 ° + ~ ,
(1) (3) (3).31. a~))(1 --2X)--~X(Otcq+Ot~q
2 (1) (3) (1) +2oLeq
ot~o~--2aeq (3).31. ae~)
a = [(a~e + a.e + a~,q
311 , (1) _(3) (1)
~Xta.q--~.q--a.d--2aeq--2aeq(3)+ aea) + yaAz] _A2,
_ (4.17)

which deviates again from the standard model angle by terms linear in 1/A 2.


A quantity, which is very sensitive to deviations from the standard model, is the

P - m ~ c o s 2 0 LE"

In the standard model one has p = 1 up to radiative corrections which decrease p

by about 2% [14]. The effect of the non-perturbative corrections on p can be obtained
from eqs. (4.5) and (4.17) which yield
v2 8
p = 1 + 2 [ x ( a . w - or.B) ~ !_ (3)1 (4.19)
-zyawB - ~ , ~ j - ~ c ° s 2 0 o .

It is well known that in the standard model/9 = 1 is guaranteed by the "custodial"

SU(2)' symmetry [15] under which O=(~0, if), with ffi= e o ~ . , transforms as a
doublet. The part of ~o containing scalars and W-vector bosons is invariant under
SU(2)', whereas the inequality of up and down Yukawa coupling matrices violates
SU(2)'. Therefore, one-loop radiative corrections involving fermion loops lead to a
deviation from p = 1. The v2/A 2 correction in eq. (4.19) depends on coefficients
which violate the SU(2)' symmetry, such as a(.3), C-(~)~ q , a ~(3)
q , etc. For g ' = 0 , (4.19)
does not depend on the SU(2)' invariant coefficients a ~ ), a , w and a~,a. As expected
the custodial SU(2)' symmetry controls deviations from p = 1 also for the non-
perturbative effects described by Le2. We emphasize that contrary to the standard
model already the part of Le2 with scalars and vectors only contains a term which
violates SU(2)', a~3), and thus leads to a deviation from p = 1.


The couplings of the neutral Higgs boson H ° to quarks and leptons is also modified
by the operators of subsect. 3.6. From

*~e. = r . g ~ +1_~ ot..( ¢ t ~ )( ge~p) ,31,c.c. (4.20)

636 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


~o= v + H ° ' (4.21)

one obtains

,~e~=Me~LeR+geH~LeRHO+ "'" , (4.22)



g~H = Fe+3 ~ a~.. (4.23b)

As a consequence of the dimension-six operators, masses and Higgs couplings are

no longer proportional. The modified relations for quarks and leptons read
1 v2
g,H =-v M~+ 2 ~--~ot~,, (4.24a1

g,H = ~ M u + 2 vz (4.24b)

gaH=l Ma+2 V2 (4.24c)

"0 ~ Old~ "

We emphasize agai n that F~ and a~,, i = e, u, d, are matrices in generation space.

Therefore the Higgs couplings are only flavour diagonal if in the change from weak
eigenstates to mass eigenstates F~ and a~, are diagonalized simultaneously. We will
come back to this point in more detail in sect. 6. Furthermore we notice that the
Higgs couplings will in general be CP nonconserving i f ire and ae~ have different


The deviations from the standard model also modify the self-interactions of the
scalar particles. Although Higgs-Higgs scattering is unlikely to be studied experi-
mentally in the foreseeable future, the ~4 coupling manifests itself indirectly through
radiative corrections.
Including (3.27) the scalar potential reads

v = m~,*,p + ½x(,t,',k)2 + 3-~ ~,(,p*,p)'. (4.25)

W. Buchm~ller,D. Wyler/ Effectivelagrangiananalysis 637

The coefficienta~, has to be positive in order for V to be bounded from below and
to have a local minimum satisfyingv/A ,~ I. The minimization yields for the vacuum
expectation value
nl 2 : m 2 [ m4 ~
v2=---A \l+a~A-~+OkA~}]" (4.26)

For the mass and the quartic coupling of the Higgs scalar one finds up to terms
linear in l/A2:

m 2 = 4AO 2 + 8 a ~ , ~2, (4.27)

AH = A+ 10a¢ ~--i . (4.28)

Eqs. (4.5) and (4.28) yield for the mass ratio of the Higgs boson and the W.vector

m ~ - 8 A [l+(2a~-a~l)-4Ot~w)v~A2] (4.29)


In the subsects. 4.1 to 4.7, we have considered the effect of dimension-six operators
on mass relations and coupling constants which are already present in the standard
model. The operators listed in sect. 3 contain, of course, also many new interactions.
Of particular interest are the magnetic moment type interactions of subsect. 3.7.
Replacing ¢ by its vacuum expectation value one obtains for the magnetic couplings
of gauge bosons to fermions:

- ~u A -- ~ u A A
*°~M = gs A 2 [OtuGUL 0" A U R + OldGdLO" A dR]G~.,

+ e~-i [(auB + Olu,W)UL~IzVUR~-(lOfdB -- ~dw)dLO'~"dR

- p.u
+(OteB--Otew)eLO" eR](A,,~-2tan OwO~Z~)
g I)
+2 m
cos 0 ° A ~ [a"WaL°'~'~Us-- a'twdg°'~'~da

-- ~teW~.LO'~ueR](~tzZv -- ig COS 0 0 W + W ; )

+ 2.,/2 g - ~ [ aaWaL~r"~dR+ a*. w agO'"~dL

+ Ot,W~LCr~'~eR](D~,-- ig COS OwZ~,)W~+ + c.c.,
638 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


D~, = O, - ieA~, , A~,~ = O~,A~ - O~A, . (4.30)

The lagrangian (4.30) contains the familiar magnetic moment couplings to the
photon which give rise to anomalous magnetic moments for leptons and quarks.
All couplings will i n general be flavour non-diagonal which leads to transitions such
as/z--, ey, c ~ u G , etc. The operators in subsect. 3.4, which are not of magnetic type,
can also contribute to these processes. They contain, however, one more derivative,
and the corresponding amplitudes are therefore suppressed with respect to the
magnetic amplitudes by m f / v ~ gF, where f denotes the heaviest fermion in the
process. The lagrangian (4.30) contains also couplings between two fermions and
two gauge bosons which can contribute for instance to the decay Z ~ W-e÷ve [16].
We note that no operator exists for the decay Z ~ e+e-y.
In this section we have not considered all deviations from the standard model.
We have not discussed, for instance, deviations from the V-A structure in g-decay.
Furthermore we notice that the presence of right-handed neutrinos would lead to
operators simulating right-handed currents.

5. Bounds on the new interaction scale A

The operators discussed in the previous sections lead to deviations from standard
model predictions for masses and couplings, and also to new effects, especially with
respect to flavour changing processes. In this section we study the bounds on A
which can be obtained from the present agreement between experiment and the
standard electroweak theory.
In general quantities such as the effective neutral current lagrangian or the /9
parameter depend on a number of different operator coefficients whose relative sizes
and signs are unknown. Here we do not attempt a complete analysis, which would
have to combine the experimental constraints on all coefficients. However, in order
to compare bounds obtained from different quantities in a consistent manner, we
proceed as follows. For a measured quantity the deviation from the standard model
prediction has the generic form

A=Ao(l+~c~a,-~2), (sA)

where ai are the coefficients of the various operators contributing to A. We will set
lY~i c~a~l = 1 and thereby convert bounds on ( A - A o ) / A o into bounds on A. If the
bound is obtained from a combination of measured quantities whose non-perturba-
tive corrections are not known to be correlated we will assume them to be additive.
The coefficients of operators causing new effects are chosen to be 1.
w. Buchraiiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis 639

(a) V - A structure of the leptonic charged current. The operator Oee (3.17)
contributes t o / z - d e c a y through
Z#.. =~-~ ~RVeLP~,L/ZR+h.c.. (5.2)

The recent analysis of Mursula and Scheck yields for a possible scalar contribution
the bound [17]
< 0.076 (5.3)
and therefore
A > 630 GeV. (5.4)
A similar b o u n d follows for a tensor contribution to the charged weak current.
(b) Quark-lepton universality. A stringent test of the universality of the charged
current weak interactions of quarks and leptons is the equality of the Fermi constants
G(~~') and G~m determined in/z-decay and B-decay or, equivalently, the unitarity
of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. The experimental determinations [18] Vud =
0.973 + 0.001, Vu~= 0.231 + 0.003, V,b < 0.0067 yield
v ~ + V~s+ Vub-
2 1 = +0.003. (5.5)
A deviation from" universality (cf. subsect. 4.2) which changes each KM matrix
element by v2/A 2 leads, together with (5.5), to the bound
A > 4.9 TeV. (5.6)
We emphasize that in models of "nearby compositeness", where quarks and
leptons are supposed to have a different internal structure at a scale below 1 TeV,
a special dynamical mechanism will be necessary to guarantee that all contact
interactions of quarks and leptons as well as their couplings to (composite)W-bosons
will be compatible with the universality constraint (5.5).
An alternative deviation from Cabibbo universality is possible if there are new
very heavy fermions which mix with the usual ones but are too heavy to be produced
in an experiment [19]. In such models one obtains bounds on the mixing angles of
light and heavy fermions of about 0.1 (in ref. [19] this was 0nly considered for
neutrinos but of course it also holds for other particles). If the deviation from
Cabibbo universality is due to a mixing with heavy fermions rather than additional
contact interactions, the observed states are not orthogonal.
(c) p-parameter. The p-parameter (4.18) involves the three observables mw, mz
and cos 0w. LE Assuming a v2/A 2 correction for each of them, we obtain from
8 p / p < 2 % [14] (cf. ref. [67]).
A > 2.8 TeV, (5.7)
640 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

(d) Neutron dipole moment. If the new interactions are not CP conserving the
operator O~0 (3.40) contributes to the strong C P violating 0 parameter [20] ( g ~ a ~ =
60 = 32"rr 2 - - (5.8)
A 2"

From 0 < 10 -9 [20] one obtains the stringent bound

A > 105 TeV. (5.9)
All our bounds from weak interaction parameters are summarized in table 1.

5.2. M A G N E T I C T R A N S I T I O N S

The magnetic couplings between fermion pairs and gauge bosons arise from
operators (of. subsect. 3.7) whose fermion-scalar part is similar to the Yukawa
couplings of ~o, The same is true for the operators of subsect. 3.6. The operator
Oe. (3.45), for instance, contributes to the electron mass:
8me=--~. (5.10)

Demanding 8me < me yields the bound

A > 100 TeV. (5.11)
One may argue that this bound is artificial because the coefficient ae,, as well as
the coefficients of the magnetic transition operators, should be of the order of the
Yukawa coupling ge. In the following we will therefore always quote a bound for
A, corresponding to a = 1, and also for A', which is obtained with a = (mt + m2)/v,
where m~,2 are the masses of the two fermions.
From eq. (4.30) one obtains for the anomalous magnetic moments of electron
and muon
6act,=4 A2 . (5.12)

Bounds from weak interaction parameters (subsect. 5.1)

A [TeV] exp. bound

S/(V-A),/z-decay 0.65 <0.076 [17]

F _ ~t,)/r-:.~t,)
~F /~F 5.0 <0.003 [18]
~p 2.0 <0.02 D4]
d., strong CPV 105 0 < 10-9 [20]

References are in square brackets.

W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis 641

F o r the f l a v o u r c h a n g i n g transitions/~--> ey, 7-> f r y (eT) o n e has (cf. ref. [21])

A \B-~i'~iT)/ \m~,/ (5,13)

A n i n t e r e s t i n g b o u n d o n the c o l o u r m a g n e t i c t r a n s i t i o n c-~ u G can be o b t a i n e d b y

a s s u m i n g t h a t the c o r r e s p o n d i n g b r a n c h i n g ratio is s m a l l e r t h a n the C a b i b b o
f o r b i d d e n t r a n s i t i o n c-~ d d u :

A \SBR(c-~dau)/ \me/ v (5.14)


BR(c--> d d u ) ~- ]1Vcel2 . (5.15)

T h e b o u n d s f o l l o w i n g f r o m eqs. (5.12)-(5.15) are c o l l e c t e d in t a b l e 2. W e note that

A ~ 8a -1/2 , A ~ BR(f,-> fiT, G ) -~/4 , (5.16)

i.e., the a n o m a l o u s m a g n e t i c m o m e n t s are p r o p o r t i o n a l to an a m p l i t u d e w h e r e a s

the b r a n c h i n g ratios scale like the s q u a r e o f an a m p l i t u d e . As can be seen in t a b l e
2, the c u r r e n t e x p e r i m e n t a l b o u n d s for h e a v y flavours i m p o s e a l r e a d y stringent
c o n s t r a i n t s o n their flavour c h a n g i n g c o u p l i n g s .


O b v i o u s l y the f o u r - f e r m i o n o p e r a t o r s in subsect. 3.2 can c o n t r i b u t e to rare

processes. T h e y have a l r e a d y b e e n s t u d i e d in detail e s p e c i a l l y b y C a h n a n d
H a r a r i [8] a n d D i m o p o u l o s a n d Ellis [9].
O f p a r t i c u l a r interest for c o m p o s i t e m o d e l s is the p r o c e s s K ° - > e-/z + b e c a u s e it
c o n s e r v e s b a r y o n a n d l e p t o n n u m b e r as well as g e n e r a t i o n n u m b e r . The o p e r a t o r s

Bounds on A from magnetic transitions (subsect. 5.2)

Process A [Tee] A'[TeV] exp. bound

8ae 40 0.1 < 2 x 10 - 1 ° [22]

Sa~ 50 1.5 < 3 x 10-s [22]
p, ~ eT 104 250 BR < 1.9 x 10-1° [23]
r ~/'7 60 6 BR < 5.5 x 10-4 [23]
~"~ el' 60 6 BR < 6.4 x 10-4 [23]
c ~ uG 60 5 BR < 0.03

A' = A ((m I + m2)/v)1/2; a s = 0 . 2 ; m c = 1.2 Gee; references are in s q u a r e

642 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

Oeq (3.10), Oed (3.19), O,q (3.20) and O~d (3.15) can contribute. For a pure V-A
transition one has

r(I,:O_,e-ix+) ( v~ )2 (363GeV)4 (5.17)

F(K+~Ix+~t,)= A 2 ~ m O ¢ = " _ . .

Similar bounds are obtained for other operators. Note, however, that the linear
combination Oeq + Oed ~ (~LY~'ixL)(g%,d) is not bounded since (K°lg%,dl0) = 0. The
same operators which contribute to K ° ~ e-ix + also affect the process K+-~ 7r+e-ix +.
For a pure V-A transition, one obtains

F(K+~'°Ix+v~,) - A-Ssin0£ = GeV 4 (5.18)

The conversion ~ N - ~ e N can occur via Oeq (3.10), Oe, (3.18), Oea (3.19), O~q
(3.20), O,, (3.14) and O~a (3.15). To obtain a coherence effect only the hadronic
vector part will contribute sizeably; in the non-relativistic limit also only the leptonic
vector part is important. For a pure V-A transition,

1 (5.19)
~ , n - ~ n = "-~ eLyt'IxL( UL%,UL+ dL %,de) .

We obtain from the calculation of Cahn and Harari [8]

F ( / z N ~ e N ) _ 27 x24 ( A ) 4
r ( ~ N - , uN) l+3g~, '

where gA = --1.25 is the axial nucleon form factor.

The purely lepton process tx ~ 3e receives contributions from the operators Oee
(3.7), Oee (3.17) and Oe~ (3.13). For a pure V-A transition one has

F(Ix --}et,~) .
(A: (174ov)'
. . . " (5.21)

Finally we consider the mass differences in the K ° - I( °, D o - I) ° and Bs - Bs system.

The operators which can contribute are Oqq (3.8,9), Oq, (3.21), Oqa (3.22), O,,
(3.12) and Ond (3.13). The simplest case is vOq~1"~)
q since it contains the same operators
a s those arising in the standard model (from the box diagram [24]).
In order to obtain bounds on A from the kaon and D-mesons systems we use
the experimental value of mKL-mKs a n d the experimental bound on Imp,o - rnDol
[25], and require the effects from the vqqt3
~'1) operators to be less than these numbers.
The matrix elements are evaluated in the vacuum insertion approximation; we take
fK = 0.12 GeV, f o = 0.10 GeV (higher values f o r fD raise the bound). One has:

AmKD , 1 f~,,D (5.22)

inK.D 3 A2"
W. Buchmiiller, 19. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 643

In the case o f the Bs m e s o n system we c o m p a r e against the theoretical value in

the s t a n d a r d model. Using approximate values for the K M angles [26], we obtain
sin 4 0c( mt ~2 aEM (5.23)
--i~< \ 3 7 G e V / 4'rrt~ TM
(In the case o f the Bs m e s o n this should give the right order o f magnitude, since
mt~" mb.) All the b o u n d s on A, for pure V - A four-fermion operators [eqs. (5.17)-
(5.22)] are summarized in table 3.
A slightly better constraint follows for the operators Oqa (3.22) because they have
a different Lorentz structure,

d-- ,~LdR,~RdLq_" . . (5.24)
This o p e r a t o r has been studied in the context o f left-right symmetric models and
has been s h o w n to yield an extra factor o f - 7 . 5 in the v a c u u m a p p r o x i m a t i o n [27].
This then gives a b o u n d on A o f
A > 3200 T e V , (5.25)
Similar factors can be calculated for other operators in the same way as in ref. [27].
We have listed them in table 4.
It is instructive to c o m p a r e the b o u n d s obtained in this section with b o u n d s
obtained f r o m scattering processes. From an analysis o f B h a b h a scattering, Eichten,
Lane and Peskin have obtained b o u n d s on A for (#e)(~e) operators with different
helicity structure [5]
~210 GeV (LL, R R models)
A > t 4 2 0 GeV ( W, AA models), (5.26)

where, for consistency, we have rescaled the b o u n d s o f Eichten et al. by 1/4x/~.

Deep inelastic/z-scattering can probe the o p e r a t o r
.~eq = -'~ 12y~eq%,q + c.c. (5.27)

Bounds on A for ( V - A ) 2 ~ur-~rmion operators (see text)

Process A [TeV] exp. bound

K ° ~ e-p. + 9 (65) BR < 3 x 10 -6 [23]

K+ ~ or+e-p`+ 20 BR < 5 X 10 - 9 [23]
p`N---,.eN 250 < 1.6× 10-tt [28]
F(P`N~ vN)
p` ~ 3e 150 BR < 2.4 x 10 -12 [29]
AM(Ko_ ~o) 1000 < 3.5 x 10-12 MeV [23]
AM(D° - IT)°) 150 < 3.3 x 10-t° MeV [25]
AM(Bs - Bs) 2000 < standard model

The number in brackets corresponds to BR(K °--',e-p` +) < 10-9; references are in square brackets.
644 W. Buchraiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis
Values of R,2 =(K°l(~Otd)(~O2d)lf~°)/(K°l(~V"(1- 5,s)d)
x (~5,,(1 - 5,s)d)l~°) in the v a c u u m i n s e r t i o n a p p r o x i m a t i o n

Operators Rt2

O t=1±75, ' 02~l±'Ys -6.3

O t = 1 - Ys, 0 2 = 1 + ~5 7.6
O I = 5,~,(1 - Ys), 0 2 = y " ( 1 + Ys) -5.8
O~ = X AS,~,(1 - Vs), 0 2 = AA5,"(I - 5,s)
Ot = AA( 1 ± 5,s), 0 2 = AA( 1 ± 5's) --6.7
Ot = AA( 1 - Ys), 0 2 = AA( 1 + "Y5) $
Ot = A AS,~,(1 -- YS), 0 2 = AAy~(q + YS) --26.7

W e use m~/(md+ ms) 2 -- 10.

through the r e a c t i o n / ~ - N -->e-X. A planned experiment of the New Muon Collabor-

ation is expected to reach a lower bound on A of 640 GeV [30] (or to find an effect).
The accelerators of the next decade can improve the present bounds almost by
a factor of 4 [31 ]. These bounds are interesting and complementary to those discussed
in this section. Our results show, however, that the most stringent bounds on A
com~ from low-energy precision experiments, in particular the test of quark-lepton
universality of the charged weak current.

6. Flavour conservation

In the previous section we have derived a number of strong lower bounds on the
new interaction scale A from rare processes such as K L 0 ~ e - tz +, /z-*ey, K 0 _ R o
mixing, etc. In the standard model such processes are allowed in the quark sector,
although suppressed by the G I M mechanism [32]; in the lepton sector they do not
appear due to the masslessness of the neutrinos.
The observed strong suppression of neutral tlavour changing processes can be
understood in two ways. Either the scale of new interactions is very large, A >
104 TeV, or the flavour changes in the renormalizable part *Toand the non-renormaliz-
able part Z#2 of the lagrangian are "aligned", i.e., simultaneously diagonalizable in
the transformation from weak to mass eigenstates.
In this section we discuss the conditions for flavour conservation and the resulting
constraints on new interaction scales. Flavour violation can occur in the two-fermion
operators of subsects. 3.4, 3.6 and 3.7, and in the four-fermion operators of subsect.
3.2. We consider them in turn.
Before we do so let us repeat the connection between the (physical) mass eigen-
states and the eigenstates of the weak interactions. The complete mass term of the
W. Buchrniiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis 645

lagrangian reads
~M = MeeLea+ MutiLUa + M a d L d a + c.c.. (6.1)
The mass matrices are diagonalized by the bi-unitary transformations
(m e

¢ e
m, m,)' (6.2a)

u? u ( mu

VL M u V R =
mcmt)' (6.2b)

vdt~A izd
L lVld r R ~
(mdmsmb)' (6.2c)

and thus the relations between weak eigenstates and mass eigenstates (denoted by
a tilde) read
eL = V[eL, eR = V~$a, etc. (6.3)
This means that in all operators considered previously we must replace the fields
e, u, d by ~, t~, tt in order to obtain the interactions between the physical particles.
We note that under the transformations (6.2) the product of a mass matrix and its
hermitian conjugate transforms with a single unitary matrix, e.g.,
MEMO--> rv¢*
L ~A,r
V £ e l VA,rtv~
l e V L ,

M*~Me--> V a¢*M ~*M e V a . (6.4)

In the standard model it is always possible to choose a basis for the weak eigenstates
such that VL--
~ _ Va~ = VLu= V~ = V d-- 1. Then the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix is
given by VKM= VdL.


Many of the relations discussed in the following between the coefficients ot~ in
~2 and the Yukawa couplings Fe.o,u in ~o are identical for leptons, u-quarks and
d-quarks. We will always give the explicit formulae for d-quarks and comment on
occasional differences for u-quarks and leptons.
There are two couplings which change chirality, the interaction with the Higgs
scalar H ° and the magnetic coupling to gauge fields (cf. subsects. 4.6 and 4.8;
F2 A W~,.,
G~,., t B~):

•~'d,p ----MddLdR + gdH d L d a H ° + c.c., (6.5)

•~'dF = OtdF4 dLO" dRF~,~ + c.c.,

- I.,,' (6.6)
646 W. BuchmiiUer, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis


gdH = Fd+3 ~-5 aa¢. (6.8)

Flavour conservation requires that the matrices Fd, ad¢.and OtdFare simultaneously
diagonalized by the bi-unitary transformation (6.2c). This means that these matrices
are normal, i.e., satisfy all relations of the kind [33]:
[ r ~ a L , r:*~] = O, * FdFd]
[ad¢ad¢, * = 0, (6.9a)
[Fda*av, FdF*d] = O, [adFa*aV, FdF*a] = 0 , etc. (6.9b)
The simplest solution to eqs. (6.9) is that the matrices ad¢ and adF are proportional
to the Yukawa coupling matrix,
• ad¢ 0C/'d, adFOC/'d, (6.10)
which appears sensible from the point of view of composite models. We notice that,
for a KM matrix different from the unit matrix, there exists no weak eigenstate basis
with t~i oc I for all matrices ai of u- and d-quarks.
The two fermion operators of subsect. 3.4 conserve chirality. For d-quarks one has
~¢PqF= 2 ~ dL%,D~ dE F~'v + C.C., (6.11)

-- //.v

~i:---- A 2 dR%,D~dRF +c.c. (6.12)

Flavour conservation requires that vR

• ,d, adFrR
, ,,a is diagonal which is equivalent to
the commutator condition:
rat's] = 0. (6.13)
The simplest solutions of (6.13) are

a'dFOCFoF~ (6.14a)
t~vOC 1 . (6.14b)
Because o f i h e SU(2) invariance the a~v have to satisfy (6.13) and the same equation
where Fd is replaced by Fu. As we show in the appendix, this implies for a non-trivial
KM matrixi
OtqFOC 1 . (6.15)
We thus find a connection between the flavour and the Lorentz structure of the
bilinear fermion couplings. Whereas the helicity changing vertices must have a
non-trivial flavour dependence, the preferred structure of the helicity conserving
vertices is the unit matrix.
W. Buehmiiller, D. Wrier / Effective lagrangian analysis 647


Our investigation of the four-fermion operators will be based on the hypothesis

that they originate from the exchange of intermediate states with masses of order
A and with all possible internal and Lorentz quantum numbers. Favour conservation
is a constraint only on the sum of all these contributions. In the spirit of "natural
flavour conservation" [34] we will assume, however, that the contribution of each
intermediate state conserves flavour separately. This implies that the exchanged
particles carry definiteflavour, which may be zero or non-zero. By this we mean that
the couplings of the heavy states to the light fermion mass eigenstates respect a
U(1) 3 family symmetry generated by the charges Qv, P = 1',..., 3, which are 1 for
the fermions of the pth family and zero for all others. The U(1) 3 transformations
are an approximate symmetry of ~0 which is broken by the off-diagonal elements
of the KM matrix.
The effective lagrangian for the coupling of the heavy scalar (S) tensor (T) and
vector (VL, VR) particles to the light quarks and leptons reads
~ X - -- [3sqL
P - q R v S + f l x qP L-q tr /.~uRvT~, ~

.~ P--q p.
flvLqL ~ LpVLg. "[-[3vR~Rqy~'RvVR~, + c . c . , (6.16)

where L and R stand generically for left- and fight-handed fields and p, q = 1 , . . . , 3
are generation indices; the SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) quantum numbers of S, T, VL, VR
are dictated by L and R. Obviously, the exchange of the heavy particles yields the
four-fermion operators of sect. 3. The operator t.,ee
"(~) of (3.7), for instance, arises
from the exchange of an isoscalar vector boson VL~,coupled to lepton doublets:
1 _O)r~(l) 2L (flvLZT~')2 (6.17)
A 2 ugg v g g 2M

which yields

A -~ MVL,
~(1) pr -- p r
el ~ - flVLq[3VLs • (6.18)

The conditions for the matrices fix, X = S, T, VL, VR, which guarantee the absence
of rare processes, depend on the quantum numbers of the exchanged particles X.
For X fields with zero U(1) charges, i.e., Q v ( X ) = B ( X ) = L ( X ) = 0, the interactions
in the effective lagrangian (6.16) are analogous to those discussed in subsect. 6.1,
i.e., the Higgs couplings and the chirality changing and conserving couplings to
field strengths. Thus the conditions for flavour conservation for f i x are identical
with eqs. (6.9) and (6.13), if X carries no global U(1) charges. As in subsect. 6.1,
chirality changing couplings have to mix different flavours whereas for chirality
conserving couplings fix oc I is the simplest solution*. In composite models of quarks
* Similar conclusions have bee'n reached independently by Mizrachi and Pe¢cei [35].
648 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wrier/Effective lagrangian analysis

and leptons*, however, one expects heavy states with non-zero baryon and lepton
number, and possibly also non-zero generation number. If such particles are
exchanged the requirement of flavour conservation in the sense of generation number
conservation for the couplings /3x is not sufficient in order to prevent unwanted
rare decays.
The classic example, which illustrates this, is the decay K °-, e-/~ + shown in the
fig. 1. The exchanged particles have the (QI, Q2, 3B, L) charges
XI ~ (1, - 1 , O, 0),
x2-(0,0, 1,-1),
Y - ( l , 1, 1, 1). (6.19)
The exchange of X~.2 and Y causes a "flip" of the U(1) charges for the fermions
at each vertex. Clearly, to prevent the process K ° o e - ~ +, it is not enough to require
the conservation of Q~.2, B and L, but one has to demand that X~,2 and Y couple
only to a single fermion pair in the mass eigenstate basis. Then the X~ exchange,
for instance, can only lead to (~d)(dg) or ( ~ ) ( ~ 3 ) , but not to (~d)(~g).
Contrary to X~.2, Y has non-zero fermion number F = 3 B + L. Couplings of F = - 2
fields are described by the effective lagrangian
pq 7"c _[. pq ~ c
~g = ys~LpLqSL 7sgRpRqSR
_~ ~,pq ~-c ~ l J . v I ~_ pq --c p.~"
rT~-~,, T
"-'q,L,,~ 3'TgRvtr RqTR~+7~pq Rvy
--C I~
LqV,,+c.c.. (6.20)
. We observe that because each of the states in (6.19) couples only to one pair of
fermions it is convenient to arrange them in a row of length 3 x 3+3 = 12, and to

/ X l ~.

a) b)

d ~ , = e- d ~- I "~ It"
~ , ~ it- ~ ¢ I ~. e-

c) d)
Fig. 1. Contact i0teraction (a) for the decay K°L-, e-~. + a n d the corresponding contributions of heavy
intermediate states [(b) - (d)]. The generation-, baryon- and lepton-numbers of Xt, X2 and Y are given
in eq. (6.19).

* For a recent review see, e.g., ref. [36].

W. BuchmiiUer, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis 649

view the couplings of X1.2 and Y as entries in a 12 x 12 matrix. This can be done
for each exchanged spin separately. Thus the three families of d-quarks and charged
leptons are viewed as a U(12) multiplet:
D[,R = (alL.R;, eL,Rp), a = 1 . . . 12. (6.21)
The unitary transformations (6.12) induce the unitary U(12) transformations

D ~cX VL'R (6.22)

VL'R= 0 VL, R '

which act on DL,R as

D[,R-> ( II d P'//
"L.Rp a • p'
UL.ap', VL, Rp eL,Rp') • (6.23)
X and Y fields with flip-couplings are characterized by two indices a and b,
which denote the fermion pair to Which they couple in the mass eigenstate basis.
Thus we have fields X~, yab and coupling matrices/3x~,, "YYab. The matrices/3x and
yy satisfy the conditions:
D't" a D a
VL (~[~S,Tb) VR OC Eb, (6.24a)
o, ~ ) V~RoC E~
VL.R(/~L.Rb (6.24b)
("yyL,Rab) VLDR VDR OC Fab, Y = S, T, (6.24c)
(~'v.b) VRD VLD OCF.b, (6.24d)
( E g) ~ ---- S da S bc , (F~bY d - 8o8b.
~ ~ (6.24e)
Given the connection between weak eigenstates and mass eigenstates, eqs. (6.24)
determine all allowed flip-couplings. We notice that Eg and Fo~ label the U(12)
generators. If there exist mass degenerate X and Y fields for each generator we
have a globally U(12) invariant interaction.
At present there exists no experimental information, such as a bound on the
branching ratio for D°~e-/z +, which would constrain flip-transitions involving
u-quarks. If they follow the pattern of the d-quarks it is natural to extend (6.21) to
a left-handed SU(2) doublet QL and two right-handed SU(2) singlets,

QL= ( U L ) , UR, DR, (6.25)

a m a
UL, R -- (UL, Rp, PL.Rp) , (6.26)
which would require right-handed neutrinos. Then the couplings of X and Y fields
would have to satisfy also eqs. (6.24) with VL, DR replaced by VL,UR- For couplings
i n v o l v i n g Q L this would lead to two conditions which are clearly incompatible for
a non-trivial KM matrix (cf. the appendix). On the contrary, there is only one
condition for the couplings of UR and DR, which can always be satisfied.
650 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis

Let us summarize the main results of this section. The requirement of natural
flavour conservation imposes constraints on the couplings of fermion pairs to the
Higgs scalar, to gauge fields and to heavy fields with masses of order A.
The couplings to fields with zero baryon-, lepton- and generation-number depends
on the Lorentz structure. Chirality changing interactions should be proportional to
Yukawa couplings, chirality conserving interactions proportional to the unit matrix.
New dynamics at the scale A is likely to be associated with heavy fields carrying
non-zero baryon-, lepton- and generation-number. Such fields can couple only to
a single fermion pair in the mass eigenstate basis. This is in sharp contrast to the
scalar and vector fields of the standard model which couple to fermion pairs whenever
this is allowed by SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) invariance. The requirements for the coup-
lings of heavy fields with non-zero U(1) charges can be naturally fulfilled if the
underlying theory has a U(12) invariance.
Composite models, where a Pati-Salam SU(4) symmetry is extended to SU(12),
have been considered in the literature [37, 38], especially in connection with the
suppression of rare processes [39]. These models, however, shift the problem of
understanding the replication of generations to the preon level, which is contrary
to the motivation for quark-lepton substructure.
Of particular theoretical interest 'are bounds on rare decay modes of D mesons.
They can shed light on the question whether the U(12) invariance, which is suggested
by the suppression of rare K decays, is compatible with the weak isospin symmetry
of the standard model.

7. Summary and conclusions

Using an effective lagrangian technique we have studied systematically deviations
from the standard model which could be the low-energy manifestations of SU(3) x
SU(2) x U(1) invariant new interactions with scales A in the TeV range. The effective
lagrangian contains 1 dimension-five operator, which violates lepton number, and
80 baryon- and lepton-number conserving dimension-six operators.
The present agreement between experiment and the standard electroweak theory
can be used to obtain lower bounds on A from various operators, whose presence
would affect the V-A Structure of the charged weak current, quark-lepton univer-
sality, the p-parameter, anomalous magnetic moments, rare processes, etc. There is
a hierarchy of bounds depending on the quantities under consideration. The best
bound from flavour conserving processes results from quark-lepton universality,
A > 5 TeV. The experimental limits for branching ratios of rare decays yield lower
bounds on A of almost 10 4 TeV, and from the upper limit on the 0 parameter of
strong C P violation one even obtains the bound A > 105 TeV.
Obviously, one can only hope for new interactions at TeV energies, if all the
possible flavour changing processes are strongly suppressed. Such processes arise
from flavour changing interactions of fermions with the Higgs scalar, gauge bosons
W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler/ Effective lagrangian analysis 651

or heavy fields with masses of order A, whose exchange will lead to effective
four-fermion interactions at energies below A. In sect. 6 we have given sufficient
conditions for the couplings of fermion pairs, which guarantee the absence of
unobserved rare decay modes. Of particular interest is the unobserved decay mode
K°-> e-/~ + which conserves baryon-, lepton- and generation-number. The absence
of this decay appears to require either the absence of heavy intermediate states with
baryon- and lepton-number (which is very unlikely in composite models), or a U(12)
extension of the Pati-Salam SU(4) symmetry. There is, however, no trace of such
a symmetry in the standard model lagrangian (i.e., the dimension-four part of the
complete effective lagrangian).
If flavour conservation is extended to include u-quarks (implying also the absence
of D°-->e-/~+), then, because of the incompatibility of conditions (6.24) for left-
handed d- and u-quarks, heavy states with non-vanishing lepton-, baryon- or gener-
ation-number cannot couple to left-handed quarks. As in composite models such
couplings appear unavoidable, strong suppression of K°L-->e-/~+ and D°->e-g +
seems to be incompatible with a substructure of left-handed quarks and leptons.
Furthermore, because heavy states with zero baryon and lepton number, but non-zero
generation number cannot simultaneously couple to quarks and leptons, preons
carrying generation number must be different for quarks and leptons.
Maybe the main point of our analysis is that it demonstrates explicitly how
remarkable the standard electroweak theory is. Given the standard model field
content, the most general renormalizable lagrangian gives a satisfactory description
of all experimental results. Giving up renormalizability and allowing dimension-six
operators with scales A in the TeV range destroys this success completely. This may
indicate that there are no new interactions at TeV energies, and that the puzzles of
the standard model, such as the replication of generations, the smallness of Yukawa
couplings, etc., will find their explanation only at much higher energies.
Obviously, our analysis cannot exclude new interactions in the TeV range. It is
conceivable that flavour-changing processes are suppressed for symmetry reasons.
The most promising window to new physics are rare processes, and especially limits
on rare decay modes of D-mesons would provide valuable constraints on all attempts
to find a solution of the flavour puzzle.

During the course of this work we have benefitted from discussions with A.J.
Buras, R.N. Cahn, C.A. Heusch, J. Kambor, J.H. Kiihn, J. Missimer, H.P. Nilles,
R.D. Peccei, F. Scheck and C. Schmid.

Note added

After this paper was completed we became aware of a preprint ot" Bigi, K6pp
and Zerwas [40] where also bounds for the mass scales of various flavour changing
operators are given.
652 W. Buchmiiller, D. Wyler / Effective lagrangian analysis

Here we prove two results of sect. 6. Let us first consider the chirality conserving
coupling aq of (qq) pairs to vector bosons [cf. eqs. (6,13)-(6.15)]. Fiavour conserva-
tion requires that aq is diagonalized by V~ and vd:
VU* "'" = a ~
L OtqVL (
vd* ~.d=aD
L Otq~L (

From (A.1) one easily obtains

VKMa~ = otDVKM, (A.2)
where VKM= V~* VdLis the Kobayashi-Maskawamatrix. This implies for the matrix
elements of a~.2 for all p and q(p, q . . . . 1 • • • 3):
q D q
VKM)p[(a~ )q -- (aD)pp] = 0. (A.3)
If all matrix elements of VKM are non-zero, one obtains
alD= aD0c 1, (A.4)

or, equivalently, [cf. eq. (6.15)]:

aqOC 1 . (A.5)
Similarly one can show that "flip" transitions are not allowed for the left-handed
quark doublets. Let [3v be a chirality conserving coupling of (clq) pairs with
AB = AL = O, AQi ~ O. Flavour conservation requires [cf. (6.24b)]
V ULt [kJ..SVq]rL
t3 p'~ | / u OC J[~q,
I~p (A.6a)

VLdt (flvq)
p d p'
VLOC Eq, , (A.6b)
where E p is the 3 x 3 matrix defined in (6.24e). Eqs. (A.6) imply
VLu't (flv,~)(flvq)
p p t
V~oc E~(E~)*, (A.7a)
VLdt (flVq)(flvq)
p p T
V~oc E~',(E~',)*. (A.Tb)
p p t r r q
Eqs. (A.7) are in contradiction with eqs. (A.1) and (A.5). We thus conclude
flvP=O, i.e., "generation flip" couplings of left-handed quark doublets are
incompatible with flavour conservation.

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