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Level Descriptor for Pre-Intermediate (CEFR B1)

Speaking Use of English

I can I can correctly use:
 S.1 start, continue, and end conversations  E.1 connecting words expressing contrast, cause,
 S.2 express and respond to feelings and effect
 S.3 give or seek opinions, agree, and disagree  E.2 will and going to
 S.4 solve problems by saying what I think and asking  E.3 present perfect, including for, since, never,
what others think never, just
 S.5 find out and pass on information  E.4 past tenses: past simple, past continuous
 S.6 ask for and follow detailed directions  E.5 comparatives and superlatives
 S.7 manage unexpected things while travelling  E.6 comparisons with fewer and less
(needing a dentist or getting a bike repaired…)  E.7 used to
 S.8 make arrangements (booking flights, hotels,  E.8 adverbial phrases of time, place, and frequency
rental cars, restaurants…)
 E.9 modals: must, have to, might, may, will
 S.9 give a presentation and answer questions
 E.10 broad range of determiners (all the, most,
 S.10 interrupt, change topics, and restart a discussion
 S.11 invite, suggest, accept, and refuse
 E.11 expressions for past and future (two days ago, in
 S.12 describe past events in detail
the future, the day after tomorrow, in a year's
Listening  E.12 expression for preference: I'd rather/I prefer
I can  E.13 reported speech
 L.1 understand the main points of clear speech  E.14 passives
 L.2 understand everyday conversations  E.15 first and second conditional
 L.3 follow clearly spoken, straightforward short talks
 L.4 understand short messages and announcements

I can
 P.1 use correct word and sentence stress
 P.2 recognize and use the different pronunciations of
all consonants and consonant clusters (th, br…)
 P.3 accurately pronounce simple past regular verbs
 P.4 use and understand schwa in unstressed syllables
 P.5 correctly use vowel reduction in used to

I can
 W.1 write conclusions that make an argument
 W.2 write narratives
 W.3 write formal correspondences (accepting or,
refusing invitations, apologize, or thank…)
 W.4 write factual descriptions
 W.5 edit a short text
 W.6 write emails or texts, giving or asking for

I can
 R.1 predict content by the headline or previous text
 R.2 skim and scan timetables, reference lists,
brochures, and leaflets
 R.3 understand main ideas and supporting details
 R.4 fully understand short texts
 R.5 restate the main content of texts

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