Dhesive Onitor Ystem: Copar Corporation

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Adhesive M onitor System

The COPAR Model AMS Adhesive Monitor System verifies glue patterns applied to cartons, by
elect r onically cont r olled glue ext r uder s on flexo folder -gluer s. The syst em uses infr ar ed
cameras for single or dual pattern recognition. COPAR custom camera brackets allow easy
changeover for “top-down” or “bottom-up” glue pattern monitoring.
The AMS-2 control unit consists of a logic board
and four display boards. The logic board has all
the digital and analog electronics required for
super ior adhesive monit or ing. It also has it s
own fus ed power s upply, t hr ee fus ed r elay
cir cuit s for machine st op, feed int er r upt and
alar m cont r ol funct ions and all necessar y I/O
connect or s for syst em oper at ion. The fr ont
panel display boar ds use LED indicat or s and
s egment dis plays for ent er ing and viewing
beads /minimum r equir ement , glue pat t er n
dimensions and camer a select ion. They also
allow Next Order Select /Enable/Initiate, Speed/
Rate display, Reject Count/Reset and System

Aft er des ir ed glue pat t er n dimens ions ar e

entered and corresponding camera(s) selected,
analog circuitry samples and stores data from
t he fir st glue pat t er n scanned by a camer a
immediat ely aft er t he syst em is ar med. The
stored data is used as a standard to compare
each subsequently scanned glue pattern applied during a production run. Any carton with a
glue pat t er n failing t o meet t he st andar d and/or minimum bead r equir ement will be count ed
and marked for removal, while an alarm sounds to alert operators. When a preset number of
consecutive cartons are counted, feed interrupt and machine stop are activated.

Use of t he COPAR model AM S-2 Adhesive M onit or Syst em ensur es 1 0 0 % inspect ion of
adhesive applicat ion on even t he highest speed flexo folder -gluer s. Any var iat ion fr om a
pattern standard-length, position, absence, relative quantity, skips or bead requirement will
be det ect ed. Det ect ion of impr oper adhes ive applicat ion will r educe was t e, cust omer
complaints and network cost.

COPAR Corporation
Copar is a U.S.. Manufacturer and Service Provider for over 50 years
www.Copar.com 5744 West 77th Street Burbank, Illinois 60459 U.S.A. Telephone (708) 496-1859 Fax (708) 496-0079 Email: Info@Copar.com
Copar ’s AM S-2 Feat ur es
Var ious oper at ional funct ions can be set , Standard can be
enabled or disabled via the logic board switch changed during production run
array to allow supervisory control over some
AMS-2 functions. If conditions change during a production run, the standard
can be reestablished without having to stop the machine
Enable or disable editing of acceptable minimum bead or interrupt the feed. The Arm/Disarm push-button on the
front panel allows system disarming and rearming any time.
selection at the front panel.
Logic board connection allows remote location Arm/Disarm
Set bead display to be viewed in real time or latched mode. push-button wiring.
Enable or disable reject count reset push-button on the
front panel.
Enable or disable feed interrupt before a machine stop.
Set system for single or dual camera operation.
Set limits on the recognition area of the bead pattern at
camera 1 and camera 2. Counter displays number of “bad” cartons

A 3-digit Reject Count display shows the number of rejected

or “bad” cartons detected. The counter lets operators know
how many marked cartons to look for per occurrence. Count
reset push-button is provided on the front panel.
Pattern application

Patterns A and B each can be applied simultaneously to

both cameras 1 and 2. Trim dimension is applied in full
at both ends of the pattern. Minimum glue pattern length is
0.5 inches (12.7 mm). Patterns with two to six glue beads Sequenced machine
recognized as valid. Outer bead and inner bead distance not control to minimize waste
to exceed 1.5 inches (38 mm). Acceptable bead spacing from
0.0625 inches (1.587 mm) to 0.375 inches (9.525 mm). The consecutive reject counter allows a preset number
Pattern applied with glue extruders only. of consecutive “bad” cartons to be produced before the feed
interrupt relay activates. The stop delay counter allows
a preset distance of belt travel before the machine stop relay
activates. The sequenced machine control ensures all
cartons will clear the print station before the machine stops.
This feature prevents cartons from sticking to the printing plates
Evaluates pattern and increasing the amount of waste.
placement independent of glue control

Start and Stop glue pattern dimensions are relative to the

leading edge of the carton. The AMS-2 measures both
dimensions independently of any existing electronic control.
It immediately determines errors caused by a malfunction in System Diagnostics
the electronic gluing system or by scrap in the glue applicator.
Logic board has multiple LED indicators and Test Points for
visual system checks and to help facilitate troubleshooting.
An override switch is provided to disable relay activation and
inhibit output control.

Automatic order change (AOC) capability

Logic board connection allows remote location AOC COPAR Corporation

push-button wiring. www.Copar.com

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