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Zeren Chen 14098

Assessment Task 1
Establish team performance plan

Detailed performance plan

Budget is setting up the e-commerce venture is $30000

As we could see from the case study, Apparel Brands has a decline in their market share due to the
economic problem. Therefore, they need to plan for the future by having an e-commerce venture to
create the opportunities for the company to make the profit and get new groups of customers.

• Value proposition
By introducing this new e-commerce, the company will create the website which customers can choose
any clothes by category, color, size, gender, etc. according to their needs. The special is, this innovative
website, will allow customer to insert their own photo or choosing the one we have prepared for
customers, then when they-choose the clothes they want it will show how it look on you.

• Target market

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Our target market will be both gender, male and female, age between 18-50 years old with have education

from high school to post graduate. Also, the target market will have an easy lifestyle with technology

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• Necessary information for setting up venture
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We will need to search for the Australian consumer laws to know about the consumer right and business
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rights in order to aligned on all laws and regulations. Also, we could do some research to see what
customers wants and how we could serve that and fill in the gap in the market.

• Benefit from other expertise 

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We could consult some of an IT company who specialized in design the interactive webpage to help install
and run the web. Also, we could network with the bank for the online transaction that customers will need
to make over an internet.
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• Step for setting up e-commerce

1. Research
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2. Analyzing research
3. Creating marketing plan
4. Design website with interactive features
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5. Consult with relevant stakeholders such as, bank, government sector, etc.
6. Promote

The benefits for Apparel Brand

This could benefits the brands by having more customers which could be from the new group of
customers. This will help increase the brand awareness as well as customers recognition and finally
increase the profit for the company from this new channel.

• The cost
Cost will be mainly on the web developing because we need to make and create the website outstanding
to attract the customers and need to make sure that there will be less to least problem for customers to
use the website.

Team performance plan

Team Goal and Objectives is, All team members need to do the brainstorming and help conduct the

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market research to know what customers really want in the market and help each other complete for the
next stages.

The strategies to ensure each team member has input in planning process
• Shared leadership
• Shared responsibility
• Commitment to team goals
• Effective communication

The strategies to gaining consensus among team

• Ensuring Participation
A consensus decision depends on hearing everyone’s opinion. In a team situation, that doesn't always
happen naturally: assertive people can tend to get the most attention. Less assertive team members can
often feel intimidated and don’t always speak up, particularly when their ideas are very different from the
popular view.

• Voting for Consensus

Voting is a popular method for making decisions, and it’s a good approach to use where opinions are

strongly divided between two or three options.

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• Establishing Group Priorities

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A similar situation is where you need to prioritize a set of options, where everyone has different views,
and there’s no objective framework that people can use for decisions.

Team policy and procedures
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Policies and procedures are developed to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work are
as following;

1. Start by Talking: Make sure that we have clear, accurate examples that we can cite when you provide
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feedback. If we don’t, your arguments won’t stand up, and we’ll risk leaving the individual feeling
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2. Ensure Adequate Resources: This might include providing training, equipment, access to mentors and
coaches, and suchlike.
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3. Communicate Roles, Responsibilities, and Objectives: Make sure that we have an up-to-date job
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description for each team member, and be as detailed as possible about every responsibility that they
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4. Re-Engage People

5. Help People Take Control: We can also break up any large tasks or projects into smaller goals or steps.
A huge project or goal will make people feel overwhelmed, and, instead of being accountable for their
work, they’re far more likely to shun their responsibilities.

Performance Plan
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Communicate to the customers-
Description Conduct a research Creating a website
target market
- Develop the research
-IT specialist -Knowing the right target market
- Consider what type of
consultation -Budget
Dependencies questions, etc.
-Stock update on -Marketing plan
- The medium of
products -Marketing campaign
research distribution

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- After completing website and
Timeline - 2 weeks - 4-6 weeks
trail phase
- Marketing team - Stock control team - Marketing team
Responsibility - External survey - IT team - Sales team
specialist - Web developer - Customers relation team
- Physical resources - Physical resources - Physical resources
Resources - Financial resources - Financial resources - Financial resources
- Human resources - Human resources - Human resources
Review dates 26 APR 16 30 May 16 15 June 16
- Research is collected for
at least 200 customers
- Regularly communicate to the
- More than 80% of
- The stock details customers
research sampling are
need to be updated - Using various channel of
fully complete the
before planning the communication such as, social
Measurement: site media, magazine, etc.
- Analyze the research
KPI; Outcome - Web is design for - Receive feedback and enquiries
and get the knowledge
user’s friendly of customers at least 70%
and understanding of

- Secure and less - More than 80% of customers
what customers wants

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errors aware of this innovative e-
and how we could

enhance their

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shopping experience.

Notes from team meeting/s
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From team meeting, we have a meeting with several team members from many departments such as,
marketing, sales, warehouse, IT, etc. We need to include those team members in a meeting because we
need to get their ideas towards the plan objectives. In addition, they can comment and feedback the ideas
from each other to get the best ideas and solution for the company.
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Each department and team member degree on the plan as stated in the table above. The schedule and
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timelines in details will email to all team members to make sure they keep on track. Also, the follow up
meeting will arranged every 2 weeks to get the feedback and the progress of the plan or the plan or the
problems that we need to fixed before going to the next steps.
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Third-party reports from each team member

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Did the candidate propose and agree on strategies for ensuring participation of team members? Y
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Describe how:

In a meeting he agrees on the strategies and proposed some ideas which he think it will help improve the
Did the candidate help develop policy and procedures to ensure team members take Y
responsibilities for own work?
Describe how:
Yes, he developed some policies and procedures which help benefits the rest of the team to implement and
run the plan and achieve the better performance.
Did the candidate work with group to determine common understanding of organizational Y
requirements and team goals?
Describe how:
Yes, he always ensured the group work and consider team work is essential.

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Did the candidate work with group to determine and agree on specific duties to support team Y
members with assigned responsibilities?
List the candidate’s support duties:
- Email follow up with ail team members
- Submit the report showing the progress and any difficulties including ideas for solution
Did the candidate demonstrate knowledge of group behavior and how to gain consensus and Y
work within groups to enhance team effectiveness?
Describe how the candidate demonstrated this knowledge in their interactions with the team:
He always ask all team members for participation and input and ensure brainstorming at all meetings. Also,
he will coordinate between each department to make sure we have go for the right direction.
Team member/observer’s name: Signature and date:

Mary Ann Mary A 12 APR 16

Candidate’s name: Signature and date:

Tom Browns Tom B 12 Apr 16

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