Ut 1 Class 11 2021-22

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Q.1 Define (i) light year (ii) parsec (1)

Q.2 Compare the gravitational force and electromagnetic force on the basis of their range and
strength. (1)

Q.3 Write the dimension of following

(i) Pressure (ii) Universal Gravitational Constant (1)

Q.4 Calculate number of significant figures in the following

(i) 0.00574 (ii0 57.400 (1)

Q.5 The length of a rod as measured in an experiment was found to be 2.48m and 2.46m and 2.49 m
and 2.50 m and 2.48 m. Find the average length, absolute error and percentage error. Express the
result with error limit. (2)

Q.6 When the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million km from the earth . Its angular diameter
is measured to be 10 30 of arc. Calculate diameter of Jupiter. (2)

Q.7 The frequency of vibration of a string depends on (i) tension in the string (T) (ii) mass per unit
length of the string () (iii) vibrating length of the string (l) . Establish dimensionally the relation for
frequency. (2)

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